



10-27-2013, 01:07 AM

She sat there with Atlas on her back to the side but close enough to Jupiter. So as other joined she would not miss the silent signal between her and Jupiter. A slight nod to her Sol was the only indication she gave. She turned her eyes to the male the Sol had pointed out. Brows furrowed down with concern. Silently to go to her paws and padded over to him.I'm Symphony, the new Healer, and this is Atlas my companion. Whats your name? She would voice once she settled down near him. She would approach him with just normal conversation. She would not demand or pry into his condition till he was ready to tell her. But she would quicky be there to let him know she could help him.

She would listen to the on goings of the meeting. Eyes narrowed at the mention of war. But they would not be joining it in no way. But would that not make them look weak? If this Glaciem or Amenti attack them next would the other packs help defend them when they did not do it for them in their time of need no? Song;s worrying comments had her eyes snap right to her. Adoptive mother?! Did she had adoptive siblings too? To replace her, howl and anthem?! Lips twitched, just barely able to hold back a snarl. But this was not the time. The black brute she had meet before came to the group and her heart sank.

Eyes fixated on the dark brute before her Sol's voice pulled them away. She looked up at Jupiter calmly. Internally she squirmed at being called out infront of the others, for not being able to even voice her reasoning. Her eyes flashed like a burning fire. But Symphony had never been one to step up for herself, she voice her opinions or feelings. She simply looked away and bowed her head down. But Atlas already knew how his friend was. They had spoken of her travels to the packs."Dear Sol, celestrail beauty, Symphony only had good intentions for the pack. She had wish to speak with you in private on the matters on what she has learn and gather for you. She did not know these risks. Can you truely blame a wolf, new to Alacritis for not knowing past historys with packs and wolves?" Alas said after flying to stand in the middle of the group. His golden feathers fluffed out nervously. He did not like being in the center of so many wolves. Symphony stared at Atlas with concern and almost horror. What would the Sol do or say now? And the others? No doubt though she would fight to protect her friend. There was this odd bond between the two, like two pieces finally put together. They belonged together.



10-27-2013, 01:57 AM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2013, 02:05 AM by Deteste.)

A minute moment of silence would follow the man's words and the weight of what was spoken would cause the air among the mangroves to grow dense. The patter of his heart would thunder within his chest as the tension rose, Song's heart broken words piercing the silence like broken glass and Jupiter's terse display of restraint piercing the man's otherwise stoic affect increasingly poisoned by anger as the time fleeted by. Yet he was quick to consider the few opinions that had brewed regarding the war, addressing them with a final statement, punctuated by honesty and an authoritative tone. Ludicael is not a pack of fighters. Ludicael would be ill prepared to rush into war at this time. It is Jupiter whom has protected this realm. Glance upon her now, bloodied and bruised in the aftermath of another personal sacrifice to preserve this pack. It is romantic to volunteer yourself for war but it is not wise and violence is not beautiful. There are many young among you. I urge you all to preserve the life here. He hoped that his words would quell any interests in the war and the passion that had decorated his tongue would only amplify the truth of what he had spoken.

Silence fell again and the passion that had arisen with his speech now slid from the man's jaws and down his throat like a powerful, poisonous drink. For he followed Jupiter's sharp gaze towards the woman he held in his convictions and the anger that blossomed within him would spread like a fever through his body. It was not common for Deteste to feel such utter dislike for another being. He was in any other case a collected and understanding man but he could not forgive this woman's trespasses against Medusa and, to some extent, Jupiter for the sol was a martyr in the man's eyes. And to be a vice of the black, scarred man was a dangerous position indeed. He would stand as the unknowing iscariot's companion would flutter among them, his muscles tensing and propelling him a league forward as he spoke in defense of Symphony.

No, the man would speak, eyes trained with scrutinizing wrath as they settled upon the bird. but you can blame a wolf for insubordination, the word would echo a short distance, amplified by his conviction, but you can blame a wolf for arrogance, and above all you can blame this woman for dishonesty. He would pause, letting the words sear themselves into the thin air about the crowd before speaking his final words. I have seen your ill placed judgements for Medusa, for the Sol, in your expressions and in your actions. In a place that was not your own and you would disregard well-intended advice for the sake of your own, fabricated convictions. And after it all you would not have the decency to speak the truth of it to the Sol. Jupiter may do with you what she will, but I assure you, you will not again be a threat to Medusa. Nor will you again be a traitor to Ludicael. For I will see to it myself if necessary. His breath would leave him heavily after the speech, his cold eyes trained now upon the woman he intended to damn.

Jupiter I


7 Years
10-27-2013, 08:22 PM

As always, Deteste's logic was sound. Looking around at the band of wolves gathered, she knew that they were by no means ready for a battle. Putting training on her list of things to do for the pack, she tucked the comments made away for thought, nodding to the black male in wake of his words. However romantic and heroic, she did not wish for pain to befall her pack due to being unprepared. The woman glanced at Haku, examining his deteriorated state once more, reminding herself to discuss it with him later.

The woman's compaion spoke up but the bird's flattery fell upon deaf ears as she was too focused on the issue to hear anything but. Obsidian lips pursed with an edge of exasperation but before she could speak, Deteste interjected. Earth-tipped audits angled backwards slightly at his unusually harsh words and as soon as his final syllable fell from his lips, she quickly intervened.

"Deteste," she said quietly, loud enough for him to hear though it lacked the projecting volume that the rest of her words had boomed with. He was seething with anger and she wished to cool his temper and to possibly disarm him. Eyes swept briefly about and Jupiter suddenly wished for Medusa once more but pushed the longing away. "That is enough." Her words were firm but gentle, and she took a deep breath, releasing it in a low sigh.

"I appreciate your good intentions, but your actions are unfortunately inexcusable. I will discuss it with you afterwards." The authority had returned to lightly touch her voice, making it clear that the decision in the matter was final. Glancing back at the rest of the congregation, she nodded to them. "I'll be seeking out many of you soon for sufficient training in battle, or in self-defense, at the very least. With tension prevalent around us, we cannot be left here like sitting ducks no matter how much we desire peace." A pause. "Those that currently hold the rank of Orbita need to inform me of what specialty they wish to hold so I may better decide who all needs to be prioritized for training. Otherwise, unless you have anything more to say, you are dismissed. "


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



10-27-2013, 10:20 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2013, 10:22 PM by Song.)

Her ears would fall back as more words were exchanged in regards to Symphony. She would feel the wrenching of her heart as Deteste's words reached her, it seemed not even good intentions would sedate him. Gaze would be averted as she leaned into Cherokee for comfort. What would happen to her sister? What would Jupiter's verdict be? She worried about future events, would Symphony be able to continue her work with Novel? Would she even be welcome in their midst? Oh why hadn't she thought about her actions?
Her bicolored gaze would find Jupiter, worry, concern, curiosity mixed in her expression. She could not help but her thoughts to wander to what would happen to her sister. Disappointment would fall to Symphony, but it changed to empathy. If only she had thought to talk to Jupiter. Maybe it was Song's fault, she should have been more adamant encouraging the girl to talk to Jupiter. Her tail would wag encouragingly, she could only hope forgiveness would be the outcome. She was so incredibly unsure of the outcome she could not feel completely confident in the safety of her sister. Her innocent Sister Symphony was cause of Deteste's such harsh words.
A glance of uncertainty would be passed on the darkly colored male for a moment. She was devastated that he could only see her from such a light. A sigh would leave her lips as her eyes were brought back to Jupiter's face. She had nothing left to say, for in the end this would be Jupiter's decision, and Song's opinion was too biased to be taken into consideration. She would smile at her Sol, trusting in her final verdict, and would move to leave as the rest of the pack would.
She would stop close to Novella, she would wait while she gained her rank. Delicate muzzle would reassure the pups gently before departure.




5 Years
10-28-2013, 09:58 AM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2013, 12:56 PM by Novella.)

At the accusations put forward about her sister, Novella wasn't sure what to do. Clearly, only just accepted into the pack she ought to say nothing, let Symphony explain herself and Song apparently was coming to her aid anyway. With every opportunity that Song offered however, every little defence put forwards for Symphony was torn down by the black male apparently called Deteste. At last however, much to Novella's pleasure, Jupiter finally put an end to the male's little speeches. She doubted with all that was said that this would be the end of the situation, but hopefully at least it wouldn't have to be done quite so publicly. Surely a private meeting would have been far more suitable than this? The worry of a potential war was bad enough without needing to worry about Symphony as well.

Novella had no training experience really. Novel and Dutiron had simply allowed them to enjoy their time growing up and as such they had been rather hidden from such harsh realities. Never had she considered learning to fight beyond those playful tussles with her siblings or learnt any healing techniques. She was completely useless, and with that in mind she wasn't really sure where her talents lay at all. It simply hadn't ever seemed important to work that stuff out.

As Jupiter addressed those with the rank of Orbita, it wasn't until Song moved past her to wait that Novella got the inkling that the title could possibly apply to her. The Sol had simply welcomed her to the pack and beyond what Song had explained a while ago, Novella knew nothing about the hierarchy of Ludicael. Slowly she made her way forwards again. "Is that me?" She questioned. She certainly hadn't informed Jupiter of her speciality and as she thought about it, she thought it more and more likely that she was indeed an Orbita at the moment. "I don't know what my speciality is." She admitted a little sheepishly. "Do I have to know now?" She'd been so focused on deciding whether or not she ought to join the pack, she hadn't thought at all about what she could do when she did.


11-05-2013, 09:18 PM

The Alphess spoke a few more words, and then dismissed the pack. How interesting, a major situation with a member of this pack, caused by the psychotic masked Queen of Amenti, made even worse by Deteste verbally attacking the healer who seemed to be related to Song, the icy temptress' cream coated friend. Aurora looked over at Magnus, and decided to give the Sol the news at a later date. That way she could handle the more important situation, and then hear what the alabaster princess wished to tell her. Approaching the celestial furred superior, she dipped her deceptively delicate cranium respectfully before letting her soft vocals fall into the air. "Thank you Sol, for honoring me with a promotion. When you get the chance, I would like to speak to you in private." She told the violet eyed woman, her ethereal tones weaving through the air to meet the Alphess' auds. With that, she padded off, her broad paws striking the cool terra without a sound, feminine hips swaying to send her long banner sweeping across her tall heels, twin raven's feathers swirling through the air in an erratic ballet. She faded into the shadows, headed off to check the borders quickly before heading home to relax. Once she was gone from view, all that would remain was her scent, lavender and ginger aromas.

.:Aurora--Disappeared without a trace:.

Talk like this

Magnus 1


11-07-2013, 02:14 PM

The pack was dismissed by Jupiter, he was almost glad about that He did not want to sit and discuss war. He wanted to spend time with Aurora, to learn every single detail of her life. He looked back to her just as she spoke to Jupiter then padded off. He sighed, he woudn't follow, he was exhausted, and he slept near her anyway, so he would see her when she returned, she wasn't heading to where they slept. All that the male wanted to do was lie down and sleep. But he couldn't exactly curl up and sleep in front of the everyone.
He looked to Song who was leaning into a black male with a few pups around her feet, which she nuzzled affectionately. He needed to get back to his bed to sleep, he was too tired. He nodded curtly to Jupiter and padded off home to get to sleep.





11-08-2013, 02:35 AM

Words of war and training mad no effect on the pale girl. Sure she heard it but there was no concern for it as of yet. Her mind was more focused on the fact of Detest verbally lashing out at her, Song mentioning a "mother", and no one else coming to her aid. Song should have remembered that she had never been one to be dominate, to stand up for herself. In situations like these she tended to close herself off and just sit there. Her body seemed to recoil in on itself, wanting comfort yet non was given. She had hoped that Song would have at least come she her side, or even asked her about what was going on. But no, she was just going to stand by and not even look at her. Did Song actually believe that she was a traitor?! It seemed she had already given up on her family before Symphony she her siblings have even came here and found a new family. She had hurt and pissed at feeling that she had been somehow replaced, but more importantly that her siblings had been replaced. Honestly she would have cared less if it only effected her, but if her other siblings were involved it was another story.

Her eyes flitted over to Detest, liquid fire blazing as he made accusations at her. A traitor?! She had done no such things. This male knew nothing. And he had honestly thought a healer would just walk away from someone fighting then he was dense. It would have mattered not who was fighting, every nerve and cell in her being prevented her from doing such a thing. She would have nearly snarled at him if she had the courage. Instead she turned her eyes away to look the the shadows. She had never felt alone before till now. How she wished Howl was here with her. He would have never allowed anyone to talk to her in such a way, or would have atleast calmly asked her what was going on. He would have been there to give moral support. But now she had no one. She was so disappointed in Song. She did not except Novella to understand what was going on or even how to react. She was her older sister, had to be strong for her. With a stifling sigh she straightened her back and turned to look back at the Sol.

Atlas...enough. She said softly right before Jupiter finally cut Detest off. Atlas silently lifted in the air to come and land on her shoulder, preening the fur around her left ear and neck comforting. As Jupiter closed the meeting to an end she stood up. Once all had left she slowly made her way to her Sol. Head bowed down, tail dragging behind her. Jupiter i did not know the past you had with Amenti, Medusa, or even Detest. So when Detest said he knew you i could not leave Medusa to fight and knowing she would come out with at least bites, i stayed. The heart of a healer would not let me leave, it is not in my nature to walk away knowing there is someone i can help. She paused for a moment trying to figure out to word everything for Jupiter to understand her actions.Back home we had a pact among Healers. Borders meant nothing to us. If we sought help or more knowledge we would seek each other out. We held no knowledge from each other. When sickness came and my supplies were low, the other healers offered some of theirs. Such a bond like that can help one's pack greatly in times of need. So i had hopes i could bring such a thing here to Alacritis. I went to Amenti then Tortuga to learn what their pack was like and the possibility of forming that alliances. Canttina would have agreed but only would her healer treat females. I thought it might be more wise to have a neutral alliance with a pack like her's than an enemy. As the saying goes, Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. If Medusa had not arrived maybe things would have gone smoother. But two wolves that antagonize each makes a bad situation. As for Tortuga they have a new Alpha, who seems fair and has sought alliances with others to keep peace. He has no Healer at the time and i was wondering if i could help them till they found one. I never fully said Ludiceal would make an alliances but that i would bring you this information for you to gather and make a decision. I did not want you bias on packs till we knew more about them. I am sorry. She said softly, eyes remaining averted. All the while Atlas tried to look small between her shoulder blades.



11-08-2013, 02:50 AM

He sat and listened with a detached disinterest, though every bit of knowledge offered up he listened he did not speak his mind nor his opinion. He had sworn fealty to Jupiter and he was here to uphold it though this pack meant little to him. It was only when Jupiter requested that the unranked members choose a specialty did he turn a look to the celestial creature he had come to care for. What should he do? He would be content to spend some time ironing the kinks out of his healing abilities he supposed but should war come to their door he had no qualms with meeting it head on. So with that thought the massive male would stand, paying no mind to the other healer who was pleading her case about what she had done. Useless... He didn't even cast her a sideways glance as he took a few steps forward and waited for a lull in conversation before speaking himself. "Ma'lady Jupiter... Though I would like for nothing more then to be by your side protecting you at all times, if you would allow it I would like to try a paw at being a healer. I was quite knowledgeable as a younger wolf and would like to see what else I can learn if you would let me..." His tone was bland, lacklustre but respectful none the less. Some might think he was sucking up to her but it was what he honestly wanted. If she had a position for him to fill at her side simply as an escort or a bodyguard he was do it in an instant. If not he would be content with healing and keeping a watchful eye on the Sol from a distance.

ooc;; boom, crappy post is crappy but figured he should say something somewhere.
