
Night Terrors


10-17-2013, 08:54 PM

The moonlight filtered in through the tall pines, the pale wash glowing outside her den, casting an aura against the sand. The pale figure of the woman cast a gentle shadow from the moon-light. Her figure twitched, small whimpers escaping her muzzle as she dreamed. The pups growing inside her squirmed in her belly, taking her dream back, and back??

She could feel him against her, his russet color mingling with her own. The touch was electric, charged with emotion, charged with passion. His breath on her skin, on her fur as his maw planted gentle kisses along her body was breath-taking, and she could hear herself whine, in pleasure, in ecstasy. Her heat was strong, desire making it hard for her to stand still, hard for her to wait, as she stood quivering, anticipating the feelings to come. Her head would turn, her jaws nipping at the scruff of his neck as she wound herself around him, losing herself in his loving croons, the words that he whispered so sensually. Her name fell from his lips like silk, the plea so evident in his voice. He didn't have to beg, there underneath the light of the full moon, she surrendered herself to her instinct, to him. He took her, and their voices sang to the moon-light.
She had awoken, the next morning, the nest that they had made empty, his scent fading. She had waited, that day, hoping for his return though knowing somewhere in the pit of her stomach that he was gone. Reven wasn't coming back to her.

Heart-broken she wandered, not particularly caring about herself, until she felt he stirring of life in her belly, Reven's children, Reven's life. Taking all the herbs she could, and eating as well as she could on her own, she prepared for the pups, ready to give them a life, a life they would enjoy. A life that they could prosper in. When her labor came, she took it alone and her heart shattered as she pushed the still-born pups into the world. She had failed, as a lover and as a mother. Her jaws gently opened in a whine, as she carried her pups, the remains of the birth still visible on her body to a nearby stream and began to dig the grave for them. She placed them oh, so gently, and scraped the earth back over them sending them back to the source of life. At the same time she buried any desire, any belief of love. She buried her soul.

A flash and her dream changed, the scent of her king clung to her fur, as he spoke to her, as she surrendered herself so effortlessly to him, the night missing the romantic allure that she had so happily experienced. She had allowed herself to become nothing short of a whore, a creature controlled by the impulses that her body had so desperately craved, the things that she had needed from her king that night. Again, she was cursed, and grew pregnant, and she could see her pups being ripped apart, torn into and bloody from faceless wolves, faceless beasts.


The howl erupted from her jaws she leapt to her paws, her dream fading as she looked around herself wildly, her chest heaving. Sobs wracked her small frame, as she turned, looking at the pregnancy that had taken over her body, her pups were safe, for now. Sobs fled her jaws and she sank to the ground, her body quivering in fear. Her heart pounded in her chest. She couldn?t lose this litter, she wouldn?t survive it, she couldn?t do this alone. What had she gotten herself into?




6 Years
10-17-2013, 09:23 PM

Night over Glaciem saw the Valhallan heir asleep. Her head lay heavy on the ground, paws splayed to either side. Exhausted. Lately she had felt a general lack of energy. Perhaps it was just the prolonged misuse of muscle.

A pitched howl had her head jumping up, amber eyes struggling to focus. As soon as she was able to focus she was on her feet, the sound had been... someone in need. Valhallan through and through she could not deny a wolf in need, not even here in the cold, cold north.

She didn't care who saw her, who might pursue her, she ran in the direction of the sound without looking back. What she came face to face with was a tawny wolf with yellow eyes. She had seen her before, on the battlefield. She had tended to the crumpled Isardis. It was like a far off memory and the wolf who stood before her looked like she had just been through hell and back.

"Are you- are you okay?" She had to stop herself to wonder if this wolf would even speak with her. She was old enough to know who Azalea was and what her rank was here in Glaciem. Azalea lowered her head some, leveling it to make her top line a straight shot. The female was pregnant, bloated with the little rats that grew within her. Isardis had been here too. She rolled her eyes mentally losing a bit of the concern she had held for the woman. Hell, she was distressed too, who really wanted to carry the pasty male's brood in their belly?



10-17-2013, 10:12 PM

The fear that erupted from her dreams, had her in a spin of sorts. She didn't know what to do, what to say. She could barely breathe. She hardly registered when another spoke, her golden eyes flickering to the oddly colored woman that was now Glaciem's prisoner. She was hyperventilating, and she knew it was dangerous. It wouldn't take much in the lack of oxygen for her to lose consciousness in this state. Hissing breathes left her, as her claws dug into the ground. Her heart hammering in her chest.

"I-i-I ca-can't b-bre-at-he."

She ground out, her words broken by her ragged breaths. She looked helplessly at the prisoner before her and tried to control her breathing, though she couldn't get a handle on it. She was panicking, the tears raining from her eyes. Pain fresh in her heart, as fresh as it had been when she awoke alone and the day she buried her children.




6 Years
10-18-2013, 10:23 AM

The wolf didn't look at her like she was a prisoner, in fact, she seemed hardly able to truly focus on Azalea. Her eyes were wide, tear stains running fresh on her face. The she-wolf breathed in and out, in and out. Fast and shallow.

"I-i-I ca-can't b-bre-at-he." The broken words made Azalea's tail rise, her fur sitting a bit on end. "I-I'm not a healer, I don't know what to do!" She looked around desperately for some help. This wolf before her, she was a healer right? Couldn't she help herself? "Damn it!" She pulled herself together, fixing her gaze on the gold eyes before her.

What helped with panic attacks or whatever this was? She needed something to calm her down but didn't know enough about herbs to know what was best. Her mind went to lavender, it was a simple herb but not overly powerful. "You're a healer, right? Do you have any lavender or maybe you have something stronger?" Hopefully the wolf had something on hand that could help her relax, hell after this Azalea might need some for herself too.


10-18-2013, 11:19 PM

She was trying to control her breathing, trying to still the panic. Trying, to calm down. Her claws dug into the earth, flailing nearly helplessly, as the odd colored woman spoke. 'I'm not a healer. I don't know what to do.' Looking into the woman's amber eyes, she turned her head sharply looking at her den. Mentally trying to communicate with her to send her in there, but then she wouldn't know what herbs to get. Dammit.

'You're a healer right? Do you have any lavender or maybe you have something stronger?' The hyperventilations were causing her stomach to cramp and she knew she had to calm down for the sake of her unborn children, she didn't need this panic attack to miscarry them. Looking back at the wolf, she forced her jaws apart, trying to focus on words that she could issue between ragged breaths.

"I-in th-there. Lav-lav-laven-der. F-far Ri" She paused, gasping again, "R-right." She finished her sentence, her eyes looking helplessly at the other wolf. Tears staining the ground beneath her, as she waited, hoping the she-wolf understood and could fetch what she needed. Pain threaded in her body, her children needed, her to calm down, she had too for their sake, or they wouldn't live long enough for the terrible premonition nightmare to come true, or have a chance to be fasle.




6 Years
10-19-2013, 06:25 PM

The wolf motioned to her den and Azalea wondered how much longer she had before her body flipped the switch and she crumpled to the ground from the lack of oxygen. "I-in th-there. Lav-lav-laven-der. F-far Ri-" Her words were broken but still they were enough for her to understand. Azalea rushed forward, brushing by the female and into the den, tail now high over her back.

She could smell the herbs, some familiar and many more foreign. The scent of lavender was distinctive enough and she picked it out easily. She grabbed all she could find. Backing out of the den she closed the space between them. "Sit, before you pass out." That made sense right? So she wouldn't fall... well.. not all the way. "Uh... here." She pushed a heap of lavender at her and saved a stalk for herself.

Licking up the piece she saved, she chewed it slowly letting the juices absorb. She watched the wolf before her closely, waiting for her to eat hers and more importantly for her to calm down some. "I'm Azalea Adravendi."



10-21-2013, 09:05 AM

Though the circumstances that the wolf before her, ended up in the pack lands at all weren't the best, at the moment she was a god send. The other woman pushed past her, and moved quickly into the den, returning with the familiar tangy smell of lavender. Sitting when the other woman spoke to her, she gratefully took the stalks of lavender when Azalea dropped them, and began chewing into them at once. The relaxing effects of the herb took effect quickly, and she felt her breathing slow, and heartbeat slow.

A shaky breath left her, and slowly her world spun back into focus. Gasps leaving her and her tears slowing. Finally after moments passed, her breathing slowed, nearly normal, and she took in another stalk, for good measure before speaking to the pretty wolf in front of her.

"T-Thank you." She murmured, her voice low. "It's nice to meet you Azalea, my name is Eris." A slight warm smile danced on her tear stained maw, and she felt her body relax into the dirt, the pains in her chest subsided and a long breath left her. That attack, the fit of panic had been close, too close.

"A-Are you okay?" She asked, in her panic she hadn't missed the other dame take a stalk of lavender for herself, was something a matter with her?




6 Years
10-21-2013, 08:18 PM

"T-Thank you." The healer woman seemed to be calming, the lavender working much better than she had expected it to. Azalea felt better too, though if it were the lavender or the fact that the she-wolf before her was no longer hyperventilating, she couldn't be sure. Either way it seemed to be over now.

"It's nice to meet you Azalea, my name is Eris." It was sad to say that that was probably the nicest thing anyone here had said to her thus far. Healers always seemed to be nicer though, they were more prone to pay the field. While alliegance would always be to their pack, they were of a mind to help anyone in need and that made them more approachable in Azalea's opinion. She smiled lightly.

She glanced around quickly, still not sure if she might be hunted down. It wasn't exactly like she was trying to hide though. "A-Are you okay?" She smiled again, this time rather bleakly. "Considering I traded my freedom for a guy I hardly know, then got knocked up by the world's biggest dick. Yeah I'd say I'm okay." Her tone had escalated, not looking at Eris as she ranted. However, on her ending sentence she caught herself and her tone was once again calm and collected.

Oh yeah, Azalea was great.


10-25-2013, 10:21 PM

In retrospect she knew little about the recent trade that had occurred for the man that Argent had won in the first challenge that Isardis had issued for the grey dame, Liberty. She knew little about the woman before her, as she tried to stay out of the political and bureaucratic nonsense that sometimes befell pack life. It mattered very little to her either way, as wolves were wolves, as long as they didn't harm her pack, she didn't care about how they got here. Until they offended her or proved themselves not to be worth it, they were given her respect and care, automatically.

The words of the pretty dame cut to Eris's heart, and all of her empathetic self went out to her. It was one thing to trade yourself for another, but then to be taken at your heat, and it didn't sound like she was all that happy about it, so Eris could only guess that she might not have been the most willing participant in Isardis's claim. The poor thing. A prickle of fury went out against her king, annoyance, in his endeavors.

"Azalea..." She began, her voice light, nearly a breath as it left her. She didn't even know what to say. What did you say to one who had given up nearly everything? "I'm going to venture a guess and say you weren't the most willing participant..?" She didn't know how to ask that, had he forced her into it? She nearly shuddered at the thought. Breeding was one thing, but forced breeding?




6 Years
11-03-2013, 10:36 PM

"Azalea..." The raw emotion put into her name, Azalea knew that the woman before her was honestly sorry for what she had been through. She met the other's gaze evenly, a show of the strength that seemed to fragile here. She was not a wolf of this bitter north, she came from a softer place where life was easier.

"I'm going to venture a guess and say you weren't the most willing participant..?" She wasn't sure how to feel about Eris dancing around the question. "I just turned two. I don't want to be a mother, I never have. Pregnancy, birthing, nursing... I find it all absolutely revolting." She was silent for a long while, but it was evident she wasn't done talking. "There's someone that could have changed my mind about that but instead I was defiled by Isardis and now I don't know if the one I care about will even look me in the eye again. Mentally I may not have wanted what I got but physically?" She shook her head.



11-05-2013, 01:31 AM

She knew what had happened to Azalea, she didn't even have to ask. She need not even guess at it. Isardis always got what he want, so what if the young wolf wasn't willing, Isardis didn't back down. A hissing sigh left her jaws, her eyes brimming with sympathy. She knew Azalea was young, but the girl was barely two and fixing to be a mother?! Jesus Christ, Isardis had over-stepped it this time. She had to do something for her...

"I'm sure if this male felt the way you did, nothing will taint his love..." She murmured softly, "Azalea, what Isardis did to you was a crime, if you didn't want it mentally, it was a crime. Your heat is a powerful thing, not even the most experienced with it, can fight it's pull sometimes." She intended her words to be the honest truth, but hoped they could provide the younger she-wolf with a small bit of comfort.

"You are strong Azalea , and I fear in what's to come you may find yourself having to be stronger." A slight smile flickered at her jaws, as her sad golden eyes fell on the wolf. What could the healer offer her to make her life here easier? It's not like she could simply just help her escape, they'd never make it out in one piece and she wouldn't lead the dame to her death.

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6 Years
11-05-2013, 08:38 AM

"I'm sure if this male felt the way you did, nothing will taint his love..." Her heart fluttered weakly at the thought. Sarak could be very quick to react at times, would he believe her when she said that she had not wanted it? Or rather not that she had not wanted it but had not enjoyed it? And who was she to lie when she knew how much her body had enjoyed the tortures of Isardis.

"Azalea, what Isardis did to you was a crime, if you didn't want it mentally, it was a crime. Your heat is a powerful thing, not even the most experienced with it, can fight it's pull sometimes." Eris spoke what weighed most heavily on her mind, saying that it was rape. Rape. What a nasty word. As nasty as the thought of being pregnant and eventually having to wreck her body nursing pups that would never appreciate what she had given them. She didn't want to see herself a victim though and that made her so bitterly angry at the fact that mentally she hadn't wanting Isardis to breed her.

"You are strong Azalea , and I fear in what's to come you may find yourself having to be stronger." Again Azalea was silent as the she-wolf spoke. She listened fully but found no good words to say in return. Her mind was too full of thoughts to pull any single one to the forefront of her mind. She sighed softly. "What I need is the strength to rip out Isradis' throat before he gets a lot of innocent wolves killed. And over what? His ego?" She was thoughtful in her words, not caring what Eris thought though figuring she might agree at least some. Perhaps she didn't see the value in having the snow lord dead but Azalea saw it clearly. No Isardis, no threat. It was not only Valhallan wolves that would pay the price of Isardis but Glaciem wolves too.


11-06-2013, 01:09 PM

The young wolf was quiet, and Eris only hoped that Azalea was taking her words to heart. Inwardly she was fuming at her king, what he had done was despicable. She had always thought him prideful, and arrogant, but not this repulsive. Isardis was a jerk-ass. His name alone almost brought bile to the top of her throat. casting a glance at her own swollen stomach, she wondered what kind of life her children would leave with that pallid brute as their father. Her golden eyes wandered back to the uniquely coloured dame.

The words Azalea spoke chilled her blood. Isardis wasn't completely evil, but he was arrogant and that was what other packs saw. They saw the ramifications of his pride, not some of this redeeming qualities. Though that saddened Eris, she couldn't help but feel that perhaps Azalea was right, would Alacritis be peaceful as long as the pallid ghost lived? She didn't particularly want her children to grow without a father figure, and so far in life, the male that had sired them would be it. It wasn't like she had another option.

"Sometimes I hope that bloodshed is never the answer..." She murmured lightly, her tone light. "Problems of being a healer, I suppose." She said with a half smile.




6 Years
11-06-2013, 04:49 PM

"Sometimes I hope that bloodshed is never the answer..." Eris seemed tense, a bit on edge by the words that came from the young female before her. "Problems of being a healer, I suppose." Azalea shrugged. "I don't know about that. Isardis has rather archaic ways of being diplomatic." She signed.

The more she thought about it, though, she was reminded of the fight for Liberty. Chryanthe had gone for the king's crown jewels and that was what he truly deserved, to live without the ability to procreate.

Azalea shook it from her mind, thinking better of discussing this further with the tawny colored she-wolf. "How long?" Her question came with a notion toward her stomach. Swollen and heavy, she must be getting close.



11-07-2013, 12:52 AM

Isardis did have an interesting way to rule. His approach towards it wasn't traditional, and it definitely didn't appear to be a ruling style that Alacritis had seen before. "Isardis is... definitely unique in his ruling style." She broke off as a slight smile flickered on her jaws, "Arrogant jerk-ass." She laughed quietly. Her golden eyes glittered lightly in amusement, and she hoped Azalea could find a light bit of humor in her words. While she didn't particularly want to discuss politics with then younger wolf, especially where others could over-hear, and begin to question her loyalties. That wouldn't do good for anyone else, or her.

The question the other woman directed, confused her for a moment. Was she asking about Eris's time or, her own. Assuming the woman was asking about her own time, she cast a light glance at her swollen stomach. "No more than two weeks, I suppose" She spoke as she turned her gaze back to Azalea. "I can't decide my feelings on this litter." She spoke softly, her tail coming to wrap itself around her.




6 Years
11-07-2013, 12:16 PM

"Isardis is... definitely unique in his ruling style." There was a smile to accompany her words and she murmured something after that. Azalea couldn't mirror her humor, she found few things funny about the pale king. Perhaps she was a bitter about things but it couldn't be helped. She turned her head away from Eris with a soft huff.

Azalea eventually looked back, changing the subject to the litter so close to chewing through Eris' abdomen. "No more than two weeks, I suppose." She nodded lightly, her nose twitching, the only sign of her disgust. "I can't decide my feelings on this litter." Her brow spots seemed to jump as she fixed her gaze on Eris. "Well I doubt you objected to it and its a little late to do anything now. So, deal with it." Yes, she was bitter.

Azalea was a wolf who constantly dug her own grave. She made friends and enemies and burned bridges like she was born doing it. Eris had no reason to talk to Azalea, they couldn't really be friends anyway. It was like Vixe, they could never be real friends. Glaciem and Valhalla wasn't a good mix.



11-08-2013, 11:46 PM

?Such pleasantries you speak, my little beauties,? his approach would be no less than unsuspecting as the snowed monster would weave from the pines situated down-wind from the bickering duo, chuckling with a watered-down sense of psychosis as he appeared so blissfully pleased with their ill-speak of him. He hadn?t expected it from Eris, but he wasn?t particular surprised; the russet healer seemed somewhat disturbed as of late. And the firecracker, the little prisoner? Ruby gaze rested upon her with sickening satisfaction. He was unsure if she would expect to be harmed again, but as long as she had no intention of doing so to him then there would be no issue. ?Ah, how the tolls of nature can mess with a mans mind,? but he would pause, hovering eerily a few meters from the pair, loitering splendidly beneath the structures of a bristling pine, ?And a womans might I say; this little princess couldn?t even work up the defiance to say no to her fertilisation; her body was so crazed for spawn? do forgive me for reminding you of your animalistic qualities, Valhallan,? The suggestion was almost directed to Eris, however his gaze remained pinned delightfully to Azalea, swaying within his pleasures. Wasn?t it nice to learn the truth of what Eris thought of him too, yes? He would have to remember to watch her from now on, especially if she wasn?t feeling the motherly pull of instinct towards the treasures that squirmed her swollen womb.

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11-11-2013, 01:18 PM

She had quite enjoyed the company she had with Azalea, even if the dame was a bit fiery with her tongue. The arrival of the pallid king, caused her to lift her head a bit of defiance glittering in her golden eyes. How much had he heard? Perhaps that he was a jerk-ass? She wouldn't apologize for that. Pushing herself to her paws, she daringly moved forward, in an attempt to put herself between the younger she-wolf and her king. He had done enough damage to Azalea, and it wasn't in a healers nature to risk, someone under her care even if she was a prisoner. Her golden eyes didn't waver from the pallid brute. Yes, her feelings about him had been disturbed as of late.

"Such a presence you grace us with, Isarids.." She spoke lightly, her voice brisk, evidently sarcastic. "Come to do more damage or inquire about your future children?" Her voice grew slightly cooler, her hardened gaze daringly looking up at him. Perhaps it was the hormones of her pregnancy, that made her so daring, so willing to risk herself, for her values. She had hoped to move herself completely between the Valhallan prisoner, her tail hanging lightly behind her, a challenging smirk on her jaws. Do something... She mentally willed, her protection over the prisoner evident.

ooc; i just had to use the angry table. eris has apparently lost it. :o




6 Years
11-11-2013, 09:30 PM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2013, 09:32 PM by Azalea.)

?Such pleasantries you speak, my little beauties,? The words were enough to send a chill running up her spine, from the base of her tail to the tips of her ears. ?Ah, how the tolls of nature can mess with a mans mind,? Her eyes had fallen upon him, the pale lord who sickened her stomach so. Her ears tipped, not entirely sure what he was babbling about. ?And a womans might I say; this little princess couldn?t even work up the defiance to say no to her fertilisation; her body was so crazed for spawn? do forgive me for reminding you of your animalistic qualities, Valhallan,? She shot him a glare and smiled pleasantly, recovering her good graces quickly. "Ah, it appears you didn't hear quite enough, Isardis. Had you happened upon us sooner then you would know that I have not lied about my body's desires. Mind and body do not always agree."

Azalea looked to Eris and was surprised to find their gazes meet. The plump tawny woman stood, moving to intercept the direct line that was between Isardis and herself. She tensed lightly, standing as well. She looked on at the two. "Such a presence you grace us with, Isarids.." Her eyes narrowed, moving from the she-wolf to the pink eyed devil before her. "Come to do more damage or inquire about your future children?" There was an open challenge in Eris' tone and stance and Azalea took a few quick steps towards her with wide eyes. "Eris," Her tone held slight warning, bidding her to think better of her words. Azalea didn't wish to see the friendly healer get hurt.

Her eyes locked on Isardis, biting her tongue to keep from asking what exactly the pale king wanted. She didn't need him to remind her that he owned the place, which he surely would if she asked any such questions. "Come to take me back?" She asked, putting her attention elsewhere. She smiled a bit, a bitterness in the action, "Or perhaps you come to offer your hunting skills? Your damned little life suckers have me craving deer."