
I never fell so hard in love

Magnus 1


10-17-2013, 06:06 AM

Magnus had been exploring the east, he had been told that this was okay as long as he didn't disappear for a long time. He had found this place, some springs. They were cleary hot. That was good, he could do with some heat. He wadded into the spring, the heat taking away bitter cold. He sighed, his body relaxing at the heat. He closed his eyes and sat down, the waters coming up to his neck. This was lovely, the heat was warming him to the bone, getting rid of the winter chill. He let his mind wander, and again, it wandered to Aurora. He had truly fallen for her, but how could he say it without sounding like a total moron? He started to play it over in his head "Aurora, this is hard for me to say this, but I am madly and deeply in love with you." God no it sounded so stupid. Ugh what would he do? He did love her, she turn him to jelly, even that sounded stupid. He sighed and adjusted him position. He open a dancing blue eyes to look around. The undergrowth concealed everything beyond it. He wasn't worried about getting lost. He would just follow his scent home. Speaking of home, he loved Ludicael. The mangrove, the kindness that the pack shared for each other. He sighed and closed his eyes. This rest was well deserved, it had been a busy time since he had joined. His muscles ached, the spring was taking away the strain, that had built up in them. He didn't sleep, he just let his mind wonder, again and again it came back to her.


10-18-2013, 10:12 PM

Once again the willowy she wolf was drawn to the Hot Springs, their soothing, steamy warmth. This time, she came upon Magnus, the male who she found she had feelings of affection towards. Corvusi walked at her side, her pace slowing a touch when the cream and ebony male entered her sights, but strangely the small black cat kept walking. "What can I say, I get the feeling we'll be around each other more in the future, might as well get used to the man." She told the ivory she wolf nonchalantly, shrugging as best she could while she walked. Aurora nodded, understanding where the antisocial she cat was coming from. As they came upon the man, Aurora let her own voice fall from ebony lips. "Well hello Magnus, how are you?" She asked, her soft voice barely stirring the fur on his head as she looked down upon him. A soft grin graced her regal visage, sterling silver optics examining the male patiently while she awaited a reply.

Corvusi Speech
Aurora Speech

Magnus 1


10-19-2013, 05:05 AM

Magnus had been half asleep, well not quite asleep, more in a meditative state,when he hadheard Aurora. "Well hello Magnus, how are you. he opened his bright cyan eyes and looked at her. He noticed that Corvusi was next to her, strange, oh well, maybe he was learning to like other people. He stood up. "Hello Aurora, Corvusi" he bowed his head at each of them in turn. I am splendid, I was wandering and I found these waters, they are most relaxing on a cold day. Would you care to join me? I would much like you to join me he thought quietly to himself. He reajusted his position so that he was facing her directly, her silver eyes sent shivers up his spine, and made his hair sat d on end, in a good way of course.
you Magnus thought


10-19-2013, 01:00 PM

Cool cyan orbs met her own gleaming silver optics, and a reply met her ears. She had enjoyed the warmth of the waters last time she was here, so why not? Striding forwards, she folded her willowy frame into the water next to Magnus, letting tension flee her body as she sank into the springs. She grinned at the bi coloured man, and saw something in his eyes, something she did not recognize, for once. "Magnus, is there something you wanted to say?" She asked, her soft voice and melodious tones weaving through the air. A faint Russian accent coated her words, getting just a touch less audible as her voice was lowered.

Corvusi decided now would be the opportune time to leap onto Aurora's rump and sit down, kneading the thick alabaster fur with her sharp claws before curling up and resting her cranium on tiny obsidian paws, her soft snoring ensuing. The giantess rolled her eyes at the cat's random act, and then continued to watch Magnus with curiosity in her moonstone pools, wondering what he was thinking at that point in time.

Talk like this

Magnus 1


10-19-2013, 01:15 PM

"Is there something you wanted to say?" Uh-oh he thought. Should he take the plunge and tell her he loved her or make something up. If he kept putting it off, some other guy would come and sweep her off her feet. He would have to tell her. He turned to look into her silvery eyes. He sighed, Aurora, this is hard for me to say, am... Well, I really like you, and before you say something, just hear me out. I think your beautiful, I love your eyes, the way you talk, how, well everything about you. Aurora, tell me you feel the same. If not I'll leave you alone. But please, I beg feel the same." he felt so stupid, but there was no going back now. She was going to laugh or reject him. Oh no... He looked into her eyes. I love you he thought.



10-19-2013, 01:29 PM

When his voice filled her ears again, tears pricked the corners of her eyes. He loved her? She never thought the day would come where a man would admit love for her, with her being as horrid looking as she was. When he asked her if she felt the same, she felt a burst of emotion in her chest, of sheer unimaginable joy. Her rear legs launched her from the ground, and her front paws wrapped around Magnus' neck in a hug. Corvusi flew off the giant she wolf's back and into the warm waters of the springs, yowling in surprise. Aurora didn't care, she was too happy to have found love. "Of course I feel the same, Magnus. You're wonderful, and I love you." She told him, whispering the last sentence in his ear and nuzzling the side of his face.

The tiny black cat stormed up to the ivory maiden, and gave her a halfhearted bat on the rear, only to get smacked in the face with the alabaster damsel's long banner. Grumbling, she stomped onto the bank of the pool to clean herself off. She was happy for the she wolf, but she wasn't exactly happy with being dunked. The ivory temptress buried her face in the dual toned man's neck fur, smiling to herself with the joy of the moment.

Magnus 1


10-19-2013, 01:49 PM

Magnus saw Aurora leaping toward him. She tackled him in a hug and nuzzled his face. "Of course I feel the same, Magnus. You're wonderful and I love you." "Oh thank God Aurora, it's been killing me, I've been in love with you since the moment I met you." He returned the hug, poor Corvusi had been flung into the water. She climbed out onto the bank. He nuzzled deeper into her fur. Then he placed placed a kiss across her muzzle. "I love you" he whispered again. He was so glad that she felt the same way. The suspense had been killing him. They could have pups! No Magnus, you're thinking too far ahead In the future perhaps. Damn ths was killing him.



10-19-2013, 02:21 PM

Mangus' voice would fill her ears once more, his sweet laments of love bringing warmth to her chest. A kiss was planted on her muzzle, and the words 'I love you' reverberated through her mind, bouncing off the walls of her skull like a ping pong ball. She had found someone who loved her, someone who cared about her, who would grow old with her? She hoped so. Magnus knew about her old pack, her family, what had happened to them, and had felt the same pain with the loss of his... Old mate. Did he love her more? Or was the giantess his true love? She hoped the latter, because she couldn't bear the pain if the former was the truth.

Lifting her delicate cranium to look into the dual toned man's light blue orbs, she could only offer a broad grin. Her joy had locked her voice away, stolen her words from her. Aurora unwrapped her long front limbs from his neck, stepping onto the banks of the pool and gesturing with her tiara for Magnus to join her. Lifting her muzzle to the sky, she let her voice finally pour free, weaving through the air in a light mist. Otherworldly, enchanting, her howl of celebration sent shivers down the spine. Silhouetted against the dying sun, she sang to the world of her newfound love.

Magnus 1


10-19-2013, 02:35 PM

Aurora stepped out of the water, and howled a sweet melodious sound. She was very happy, so was he. He stepped out too, steeped away from her a little and shook himself off. He did not want to soak her. He stepped closer to her and looked at her. What he was about to do was very sudden. He looked into Aurora's eyes and said to her "Aurora, I know this is all so sudden, but would you, Aurora, be my mate for life?" Oh God I love you, please don't reject me. He looked into her silvery moonshine orbs with his dancing cyan ones. "Grow old with me" he whispered. He felt so strange. His insides were jelly and his legs were kind of wobbly. He hadn't felt like this for anyone, not even his old mate Sierra. She was the one, he would love her until his dying breath.



10-19-2013, 03:01 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Deneke!

Her cranium would lower to meet the dual toned man's dancing cyan gaze, and a smile would creep over her muzzle once more. His question would fill her ears, leaking into her heart and setting it beating like an 808 drum. Her ebony lips would part, revealing formidable pearl razors, and then her voice would fall into the air.

"Yes." She whispered, her moonstone orbs meeting his, filled with joy, with abandon, as she threw away all the sorrows of her past, locking them away in the recesses of her brain, to make way for he love that would come in he future. She was glad, the love her mother had promised her long ago had finally come. She only wished that her father could see the man she had chosen, that her mother could teach her what to do now, that her siblings... She let those thoughts drop away, she didn't want sorrow to fill her at this moment, it wasn't the right time for this. She felt a small being brush up against her, weaving between her long legs and purring. "You did it, Rory, you found him." The she cat whispered, grinning up at her. The ebony feline's large, yellow green optics were glimmering with pride when they met the icy rose's own sterling silver optics. Then the obsidian cat padded up to Magnus, looking him dead in the eyes and flicking her tail back and forth. "If you even dare hurt her, I will personally neuter you where you stand." She warned him. She didn't want anyone hurting her friend, she wouldn't tolerate anyone getting the broken woman's hopes up, and then demolishing them. That wouldn't happen while she was living and breathing, ever. Flashing the man a grin that showed her needle like teeth, she then bounded over to Aurora and wove herself between the giantess's legs in farewell, and disappeared into the forest to give the pair a moment alone. All the ivory dame could do was offer the black and cream male a sheepish grin, a halfhearted apology for her companions threat.


Magnus 1


10-19-2013, 03:22 PM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2013, 03:23 PM by Magnus 1.)

"Yes." The words echoed around in his head. Thank God for letting fate bring me her He saw her grin and he grinned back. Corvusi's words were sweet and caring. "And you can tell Corvusi that I will never, ever, break your heart." She was going to be his mate, he could have danced for joy. He placed another kiss on her muzzle and grinned at her. All he could do was grin. They wolf have to tell Jupiter, at least he thought they would, he assumed the sol would want to know if anyone In her pack was taking a mate. Oh yes, hes would have to thank Song for introducing him to the woman, the woman that was now his mate. "I would sacrifice the world if it meant keeping you for eternity." he whispered and muzzled into her, silky ivory fur. "I love you" he said, it was barely audible. He could not say it enough, even after a lifetime with her, he would not say it enough.



10-20-2013, 06:05 PM

His voice, it streamed into her sensitive auds, speaking of affection, love. Something she had never thought she would have, and yet it had suddenly fallen right into her grasp, and she had taken it, without a doubt, she would never let it go. Stepping forwards, she ran her willowy frame down Magnus' flank, circling him like a demon, a predator, yet her only feelings at the moment were love. Her voice would fall from obsidian lips, and fill the air with it's gentle whispering tone, her faint accent adding to her charm as she spoke. "I love you too, Magnus Bane." She told him, her muzzle close to his face as she whispered in his ear. A kiss was placed on his cheek, and a chuckle fell from her lips. Looking around her, the ivory she wolf tapped the dual toned man on the flank with her long, silky banner. "Come along now, let's go. I'm sure Song would be glad to hear this news, and I have a friend who would like very much to meet you." She told him, smiling and trotting forwards, melting into the shadows of the forest. All that remained of her was the scent of lavender and ginger, and the warmth of her body, that faded quickly.

.:Aurora--Dramatic Exit:.

Magnus 1


11-05-2013, 01:46 PM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2013, 01:49 PM by Magnus 1.)

"I love you too, Magnus Bane." the words echoed around his head, he replayed them and replayed them. They meant more to him than anything in the world. The grinned and looked into the silver orbs of his love, Aurora. "Come along now, let's go. I'm sure Song would be glad to hear this news, and I have a friend who would like very much to meet you." He couldn't believe that he had liked song at first, she wasn't nearly ten times as breath-taking or just as amazing as Aurora. But of course he would have to thank her.Yes I must thank Song, for she introduced me to the most amazing person in the world. And would much like to meet this friend of yours" he looked at her again, taking her in, every time he would notice some tiny detail about her that he hadn't noticed before, the way her eyes like up like the moon on a clear summers eve when she was happy, the way her hips would sway ever so slightly when she walked. She slunk into the forest, smiling. He grinned wider and followed after her. He was as happy as a bee in a summer wild flower meadow.

