
Can You Feel It Too?


10-15-2013, 06:26 AM

The morning air was crisp and clear and...cold! A sneeze erupted from the brutes nostrils as he emerged into the weak sunlight, reluctantly leaving the comfort of his den. He had sought this very den out upon arriving to Seracia, it was the closest one he could find closest to Aeil's that was unoccupied. He felt shy and sheepish about asking or even mentioning about sharing a den with her. Though they had met some time ago, he found himself unable to tell her how he felt since the day they met...though many days of contemplation and thought would find its way into his mind, as the more time he spent with her the stronger these feelings grew. He began to dream of her, each dream waking him with a pounding heart and tingly paws to accompany the fluttery feeling in his stomach. Every day that he saw her, he wanted to be closer and closer. He knew he had to tell her sooner or later...why not today?

With a deep breath, he took the first step into the brillian cool snow. Some of his packmates seemed to have already gone about their morning, while others could be heard snoring softly within their dens. The pups it seemed, were playing in the snow in front of their dens, and Dragon would chuckle as a couple of them ran under his large paws as they gave chase to one another. With a warm smile, he would make his way towards the lady's den and took a deep breath to calm himself. He thought about how to approach her today, and seeing as how it was still fairly early, maybe she would enjoy a surprise. Exhaling the nervous breath he had taken, he stepped silently into her den, his shoulders brushing the top of it as he lowered his head to avoid hitting the ceiling. He smiled softly as he saw her sleeping form within the dimly lit darkness, and so with careful steps he approached the sleeping maiden. Once he was in front of her, he settled himself onto his belly and curled his tail around his haunches as he brushed his muzzle as gently as he could against hers. His red gaze softened as he took in her beauty, and his chest would pound like a mad rabbit as he waited for her response to wake. "Good Morning, Aeil." A soft whisper would come from his lips to rest within her ear fur, that single short sentence full of adoration and something more...



10-18-2013, 12:06 AM

The dark gray-furred woman had been sleeping in her den, curled up to keep herself from being cold by the autumn winds. Her dreams had been carrying her to that place once again, the place that was filled with wonderful possibilities that could only happen with time in real life. In her dream, she was a bit younger, giving her the energy to help her race faster and longer than she was used to. Aeil's form was more fit, less stiff, and more eager to tackle the handsome male that was in front of her. He just showed up out of the blue, making her heart race even more and her blue eyes sparkle.
Their embrace was warm and welcoming, sweet kisses given across their muzzles and playful yips as a game of chase began. She was the one being chased, looking over her shoulder to see if he was close behind her. Sure enough, he was within nipping range of her tail, and that only made her want to run faster. Instead, she slipped and rolled forward, making him brake too late and slide into her. The two rolled and landed on their sides, facing each other with big grins. It all seemed so good to be true and before she could speak, a gentle nudging woke her up.
Reality came crashing back for Aeil as Dragon's words soothingly spoke in her ears. She twitched them, making them flatten and perk before her eyes sleepily blinked open. Aeil gave a huge yawn, slowly looking up to greet the man who had been on her mind for the past three seasons. A smile crept across her face and she tenderly nuzzled him with her wet nose. "Good morning, Dragon," she replied, tones warm and gentle with the oncoming morning. "How did you sleep? I've missed you..." The last sentence was spoken quietly, a pink flush appearing on her cheeks.



10-18-2013, 02:30 AM

A gentle chuckle and soft sigh of breath would escape his inky lips, a soft and caring smile lifting the corners of his mouth as she awoke. Oh how beautfiul she looked in the mornings...and any time he saw her really. This was the woman that had been on his mind for a long time, and the thought of her would never leave his mind. He knew there was a connection, there had to be. He had been feeling this way since they met about three seasons ago, and it was a day he would never forget for as long as he was alive...and beyond that. Gently he would nuzzle her face, his touch filled with such careful emotion as he responded. "I slept well, I've missed you too..." he breathed. The days that had passed with him being in Seracia grew longer, the season of fall reminding him that he was growing older. So many years ago he had left his pack in search of something more, and he knew that he had found it. Aeil had become such a big part in his life now, and he never wanted to lose that. Not like the way he lost his friends and family all that time ago. He would die to protect her, of this he was sure.

With care, he moved behind her to lie down. The cold autumn air would often leave him quivering in his den, longing for the warmth and touch of the one that constantly walked within his dreams. No matter where he was or what he was doing...she was always upon his mind. Dragon lowered his body, pressing his chest against her back as he then draped his head across her back and tenderly licked the side of neck as if he were grooming her. Simply touching her made his heart pound, and with the time they had spent together and getting to know each other, he became less shy and slightly more bold. Of course, he would still become tongue-tied and shy around her, but it was a given considering the way she would make his belly flutter and his heart jump with just a simple touch. Gently he would inhale her scent...her oh so intoxicating scent. She was the only woman who walked the Earth who could make him feel this way, and he enjoyed every second of her company. "Did you sleep well, Aeil? I hope you don't mind my gets cold in my den sometimes..." He knew it was a poor excuse, but it was the best he could manage right now as he continued to caress her warm body and soft fur in gentle licks.



10-19-2013, 10:27 PM

Even in her sleepy stupor, Aeil knew that she cared for Dragon. The feeling hadn't left since the first time they had met, followed by splashing in the water and eventually curling up together at the end of a thrilling hunt. Just the memory made her heart glow and her face warmed up with an even bigger flush as Dragon made his way into her claimed den. The gray female had chosen quarters with a high ceiling and plenty of room to rest in. It reminded her of the one she grew up in and that's why she chose it.
Once he made himself comfortable around her, Aeil shifted so her body would fit into his like a molded piece of artwork. Her back leaned back into his belly, lower legs curling up to her abdomen so his long tail could encircle her frame. He spoke of the cooler temperatures coming in and her ear pricked in his direction as he did so. A gentle "Mmmm" was her agreement as she lowered her head against his large front upper arms with a content look on her face. "I don't blame you for trying to find a perfect heat source." Her blue gaze looked up to his and a warm smile appeared. "I am sure I would have been looking for you as well, Dragon, soon enough." She chuckled and pearly whites were revealed in her smile.
Her own thick plumage rose from the ground and fell against his own, the warmth of the fur spreading to the rest of her body. She snuggled against Dragon, not wanting any type of cool breeze to interrupt the time they were having together. Slowly, she turned her gaze from the male to the view outside. Aeil's den was located near a stream and some trees, the evidence of fall dancing in the leaves that still clung to the branches. Aeil was content, definitely happy with how life had turned out for her. She had found a wonderful pack, met some sweet and loyal pack members, and had convinced the man she secretly wanted to come and join Seracia. It seemed as if the puzzle pieces were neatly falling into place...
"Dragon..." Her voice came out soft and curious. She kept her gaze on the scenery outside her door as she spoke again. "Have you ever been in a place in your life when everything was going right, but something was missing?" She wondered if he even knew of such a thing. The butterflies in her stomach began to fly around, causing her to wonder if he was aware of what the question meant.



10-24-2013, 02:59 AM

The males eyes closed in contentment as he felt Aeil press her body deeper into the crevices of his, molding them closer then they ever had been before. He swallowed back the slight nervousness that began to pick up, though it quickly faded as he tossed such feelings aside. They had spent numerous times together, why was he still getting nervous anyway? The answer revealed itself shortly after that thought as Aeil replied to hi poor excuse. He gazed down at her to look into her beautiful ever changing blue eyes, her smile sending warmth throughout his body and making his heart jolt. Indeed, he could see himself making more excuses in the future to be able to share this closeness again. But why continue his time making excuses when he could just do it with a reason? He exhaled a slightly nervous breath, and when he inhaled, he would inhale the warm and soothing scent of Aeil. It indeed drove him to a new state of emotion as well as a new state of mind. It was relaxing, soothing, yet at the same time it made his heart jump and his stomach tense with the feelings that something was flying around inside like a caged bird...except, it didn't feel bad. Dragon lowered his head onto her back, his tail wrapping around her smaller form to keep away the cold bite. Already he could feel the warmth resonating within her, and it would spread towards him. Though whenever she was around, he always felt warm and fuzzy.

He felt the warmth of her tail land atop his, and Dragon wanted nothing more then to intertwine his tail with hers. He refrained, however, as he wanted to keep this warm embrace for as long as he possibly could. Her head would rest atop his forelegs, and Dragon would adjust his position ever so slightly to allow for more comfort for the two of them, as well as to shift them tighter together. He couldn't believe that he was in this moment with her, so intimate and so close. He would preserve this memory and these feelings for as long as he lived.

He had begun to drift off into sleep. For several nights it would seem that he had been unable to attain a good nights sleep;restlessness always claiming him in the end. The dreams he had night after night always in some form contained someone whom he held close to his heart. And when he thought about it and whenever he would look at her, he knew she was the girl of his dreams. A soft sigh escaped his lips, and he thought sleep would claim him if only for a moment before her sweet voice broke through, calling his name. Slowly, eyelids drifted open as he listened carefully to her next thought. He would gaze down from his position, his eyes flickering outside as well as he thought to answer her question. "To be honest, I've never felt that way...until I met you, Aeil." He paused for a moment, wondering if he should continue or wait for her reaction to his respose...with a soft smile, he decided that he would wait for her reaction, as there was much more he wanted to say.

Lots of emotions would begin to flood his body, intermingling together to bring him to the same end result. The shyness, however, was kept at bay while the courage would rise up. He knew it was only a matter of time before he would finally decide to voice his thoughts and feelings to her, and he wondered if today was the day for that.


10-24-2013, 04:51 AM

Her heart began to flutter even more in her chest, making its rhythm sound like a beating drum that signified war. She pushed the thought of war out of her mind and focused on the time she was spending with Dragon. His words met her ears and she immediately felt flattered from them. Her tail thumped against his in obvious happiness as she tapped the tassel that was attached to his rump. Slowly, she turned from relaxing against him so her eyes could meet his face on. "Do you really mean that, Dragon?" She asked in a serious whisper, eyes changing from dark blue to turquoise.
If he answered or not, she didn't care. Instead, she blinked a few times and continued to speak for her own sake. "I feel the same way about you, Dragon...I haven't met anyone like you in my life and I highly doubt I will for the rest of it." Aeil watched him with anxious eyes, which continued to twinkle against the dark fur that adorned her body. "I don't know what the future holds, but I would prefer to have you there with my side." Would he understand what she meant?

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10-26-2013, 02:34 AM

A sigh escaped the males lips in contentment. His head lifting as he felt the shift of Aeil's own crown turning to look at him. He would lick her nose at her first question, ears at full tilt towards her as his gentle red gaze fell onto her changing blue pools. Her eyes...he could never get enough of her ever changing eyes. They reminded him of the sky and its varying colors of blue. At times they were like the morning of a new day, and they would shift towards the darkest blues of night. He loved that feature of hers, and he would never want to trade her for the world. A response would grace the tip of his tongue, but he held it to allow her to continue to speak. The look in her eyes showing that she was anxious, and lightly he would lean forward and kiss her nose with a gentle caressing kiss. Dragon adored her, and he honestly felt that he could no longer live without her. Since the day they met, she had accepted him for who he was. Accepted his scarred and broken body, his shy emotions that eventually developed into confidence and happiness thanks to her, and she gave him an ultimate reason to live and breath.

His gaze grew more intense with each passing second. His heart beat growing steadily more rapid as Aeil spoke. When she finished, Dragons body felt warm and fuzzy all over. His chest puffed out wirh warmth and his heart beat now seemed to be racing faster then he had ever run. Did Aeil truly mean that? Yes, yes of course she did. He could see it in her eyes, and she had no reason to lie to him. And he of course, had no reason to lie to her. If anything, he wanted to be completely open and honest with her...and now seemed like a better time then any. Dragon's breath would catch in his throat as he gazed at the beauty that was pressed so close to him. He would remember this day forever, and he would always cherish these moments. Especially this one...the day he would confess to Aeil and let his feelings known to her. He had wanted to do it the day they had first met, believing then that it truly was love at first sight. Dragon after all, had always believed in such a thing...and Aeil had proven it to him.

"I truly hope that you find no one better, Aeil...because I wouldn't know what to do without you anymore." It was then that he would slightly shift his position and lower his neck over hers to give her a warm and tight hug from behind. His face nuzzling and burying into her neck as he slowly dragged his head back up to face her. A large and steadying breath entering into his lungs as he strove to calm himself and relieve his racing heart. His stomach swirled with the fluttering emotions of what he now came to realize were the "butterflies" that one felt when they were in love. Dragon had felt them when they had first met, and still they remained within him. He had the feeling that they would forever stay with him and flutter about whenever he so much as looked at her or felt her touch. She had such a huge impact on him, and he never thought it possible before. His voice would make an attempt to speake, though at first it would falter slightly at the tip of his tongue. With one final deep breath to push away the shyness he would find his voice to speak properly, his voice coming out low and gentle to infiltrate gently upon her lovely ears. "Aeil, I mean everything that I say to you. I have no reason to lie to you, and I would never hold reason to do so. I...I love you, Aeil. Since the day that we met I've felt a connection, and each day I spend thinking about you, each day I spend time with you, talking to you, just doing something as simple as seeing drives my heart wild. Whenever I see you, my mind fails to think about anything else, let alone focus on the situation at hand. I want to be with you and only you for the rest of my life, to stay by your side and protect you; to love you forever until the day my heart stops beating."

He swallowed, hoping that she believed every word he said. He said his words with all the heartfelt feelings he could muster, showing her that he meant the truth. He leaned forward to plant a tender kiss upon her nose. He would then retreat just an inch or two away, keeping his eyes focused on her. "Aeil, will you marry me?"

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10-28-2013, 11:11 PM

She listened with bated breath, eyes and ears focused on the words that came from the large male's mouth. Her heart began to increase its pace, tummy began to fill with butterflies before it dropped. The question that burned her ears, skin, and the very organ that was making her body live. 'Will you marry me?'...such an inquiry had never been asked of the gray female. Now, it was laid out in front of her: Dragon loved her. His feelings were genuine and he meant every word that fell from his lips. How was she to react?
It was quiet in the few minutes that followed. Aeil was unsure of how to give him her answer. The question held a lot behind it -- future plans to make for a wedding, figuring out where to find a den, making decisions together and then the idea of pups! There was so much to do, and she hadn't even said anything as a response to his question yet! Blue eyes were vibrant as she slowly turned her head to look out of the den to the view outside. He was wonderful man, one she wouldn't find anywhere else in the world. He had given up the life of a Rogue to come to Seracia with her because she had wanted him to come. Dragon was it...he was the one.
It was then that Aeil turned her head back to face the man resting beside her. Her limbs curled beneath her body and pushed the rest of her up to a full standing position. Front limbs moved so her left one rose over and stepped on the other side of Dragon. As she stood with limbs on either side of him, she matched his red eyes with hers before she lowered her maw to tenderly lick his cheek. Aeil went to nibble on his ear, softly whispering, "Yes, Dragon, I will," as she pulled back. Her tail swayed behind her and a smile broke out across the once smooth face. Happiness was etched in every bit of her form and a light chuckle escaped her kissers. "I will be yours, if you will be mine forever."

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