
My Turn [Claiming]



2 Years
10-14-2014, 07:31 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2014, 07:38 AM by Drashiel.)
ooc: posting this before work will get to the gemstore soon!

Drashiel could feel it churning in his guts, this pull back home to the kingdom formerly ruled by his half-sister Roman. To Ethreal as the new queen, Azalea had called it but when he arrived he found the scent dimmed, the terra still. Had they moved? Peridot eyes narrowed?. no?. the queen had failed. The pack that Roman had entrusted to the woman had fallen and disbanded and that simply would not do. It was time for another Armada to rule. His time, his moment had come at last. Drashiel was born just another pup, one among many to blossom from his sire. Through his hard work and perseverance he had earned the respect of his father and many of his peers. Through his travels outside Alacritis he'd gained wisdom and needed experience and now, finally an adult it was time for him to rule.

The young male tipped back his head and howled his claim to the sky.



10-15-2014, 10:13 AM

It had been quite some time now, he had been alone for a while. He had left his parents and sister not long after Valhalla had been seized by an unknown invador. For some time ERION had held resentment and hatred towards the woman who had taken his home until his father had broken the news to him. It was his aunt that had taken Erani down. Erani whom the sun had rose and set on in Erion's mind, Erani who Erion had imagined breathed fire and threw thunderbolts in all her alpha glory. She had fallen at the laws of his aunt. It left the boy feeling lost and confused, left him unsure about his future and as soon as his leg had been able to better support his weight he had wandered off on his own. Maybe life would be better as a rouge, he could slay dragons and rescue damsels on his own time rather then sneaking away from his pack. But he had to admite. He was lonely... So when the boy heard a howl arc skyward, a claiming howl, he would follow the strange pull he felt towards it. Massive paws would pull his slender frame towards the sound until he came across a male. Alone. "Hey..." Erion would say softly for lack of anything else really to say before he sat himself down a short distance away, head tipped. Would more come?



2 Years
10-15-2014, 12:36 PM

Like a sheep following the flock...

The placid babe couldn't help but shift towards the call. Hoping, though doubting if it where truly him. Hadn't he left? the youths heart would race, pounding heavily with each step she would take. They had not left on good terms, but neither where they bad. She hoped, that he would still care for her as she did with him. Even if they no longer showed it. Recently, she had grown accustomed to show little to no feelings, adapting to the ways around her. She was alone, completely and utterly. What was she to do? S'alkrie would halt in her tracks momenteraly, looking at him for just a moment in awe, before finally breaking the silence. " Drashiel?" Her coo was sweet and innocent, portraying her true self, though she would say no more, wanting to know more though wishing not to demand answers. There was one other here, though she would not make an introduction yet. She was still so lost for words, wondering if he would leave again. Though, perhaps some could say it was she who decided to leave him when leaving Glaciem, their home which they had grown up together since they where whelps. And now? They where adults. [ Well nearly in S'alkries case;D]

image by Emily, Permission to use


10-16-2014, 03:14 PM

With their parents seeming to be okay with what had happened to their home, and not really making any effort to search for a new one, Isis had decided to follow after her sibling. She was silent as she moved through the lands, keeping a good distance behind the boy and making sure to stick to anything that could offer her shelter from his field of vision. The yearling wasn't trying to spy on her sibling, she was merely curious as to where he was heading, and what he planned on doing once he came to a stop. Step by step they went further and further from home, the lands changing from fields to the horizon to something much different to what the girl was used to. Tall grasses changed to short, and it was covered in a white substance she didn't quite understand but basically knew as snow. Why was he going this far north?

A howl was sent up into the air, almost as though it wanted something, claiming. Isis lifted her skull, ears swiveling around to pinpoint a direction it was coming from, not too far, and her turquoise gaze could spot Erion heading straight for it. He was looking for a new pack, and he didn't even tell her? The girl's ears folded back against her head for a moment, feeling a small pain in her heart to think that they were beginning to drift apart. No, she wouldn't allow it!

So she continued on, hesitant once she realized her brother was joining a male who seemed to give the call and a light pelted female. She took a deep breath and with her head held high the girl pushed through the little vegetation there was, steps quiet as she moved up to take her place on Erion's right side. Sitting down the girl brushed her shoulder against his, head leaning into him gently but her full attention given to the man before them.




2 Years
10-17-2014, 07:45 PM

His call echoed in the chilly autumn air and for the longest time there was nothing but silence. Drashiel would wait, his frame still and regal as if waiting for destiny to come herself and greet him in person. If there was one thing he had it was patience. And his patience did not go unrewarded. A curiously marked yearling would be the first to approach. A handsome male with unusual stripes upon his face. His greeting was a little casual for Drashiel's taste but the male was young yet and if he was willing to work and learn he could be a valuable asset to a budding pack.

Drashiel dipped his head in greeting before turning his attention to the next arrival. Jaw fell, his voice falling from his parted lips barely above a whisper. "Sal'krie?" A rush of emotions filled him, longing, anger, joy, all of them. What was she doing here? He'd turned her free after he'd left with Isardis. Drashiel tried to speak but he could not find the words and instead withdrew himself into the calm, composed role of the leader he'd been trained to be.

Another young female entered and she quickly caught the new alpha's attention. Another wolf of curious and beautiful markings. Well he didn't see any reason to sit in uncomfortable silence. "Hail, all of you and welcome. My name is Drashiel Armada and I seek to take over this pack that at one time belonged to my half-sister Roman. I don't doubt that I can still be challenged so I'll hold off on the politics. Perhaps it would be beneficial for everyone to introduce themselves as well? Sal'krie and I know each other but you two I am unfamiliar with."


ooc: I've started a thread where I'll start compiling some info on the pack. Hopefully I'll have more up this weekend. :3


10-25-2014, 05:02 PM

A brief exchange would be had, an acknowledgement of each others presence as the male nodded and then Erion would not in return. A moment later a smaller albino woman would appear, a face Erion had never seen before but apparently this other male had. He whispered a name and Erion sat back in silence, allowing them to have a moment. But it seemed it would not end there. A slate blue and grey clad familiar face would slip from the bushes to plant itself at his side before leaning comfortingly into his shoulder. Isis?!?! He had been so sure that she was going to stay with this parents! But no, here she was. A wide grin stretched across his features as his tail thumped against the ground rhythmically and he smiled down at her. She did not speak and he would not break the silence, simply enjoying to comforting presences of his sister. Would she join this pack with him? He still wanted to be a great knight and warrior, would she join him on his quest? The male's words would break him from his thoughts and Erion's strangely marked face would turn to look to the male, grin fading a bit as he attempted to take on a more serious and professional demeanour. "Hail Drashiel. I am Erion Sovari, once member of Valhalla but since it's fall I have been without a home. I can hunt, and I my father was a skilled healer so I know my herbs. I would more then anything like to learn to fight though. If you would have me." His head would tip, offering up his skills easily and without hesitation. Would they take him? His gaze would transfer to isis, wondering what she would do.



2 Years
10-28-2014, 06:06 PM

The young male was the first to speak and Drashiel took this moment to observe him. He was of average height for an Alacritian male. Handsome and strangely marked around his face and particularly slender in a way that almost made it seem as if the male had not eaten in awhile. He supposed that was possible. If the pack had rapidly dwindled away they'd be left to hunt by themselves and wolves were meant to hunt in packs for a reason.

The male introduced himself as Erion Sovari. A name that Drashiel was mostly unfamiliar with though his eyes narrowed just slightly at the mention of Valhalla. Ahhhh yes?. the sworn enemies of Glaciem. Drashiel did not particularly remember the male from any previous encounters perhaps he'd been freed from Valhalla before being reduced to a soft, meek lamb. The fact that he was the first to show and first to speak spoke of initiative and will that Drashiel would not deny. He had no ill feelings toward the male. After all he knew little of the original blood feud and only knew that it was more to do with the Adravendi's than the pack itself and he would not turn away a determined and hard-working wolf from his budding pack.

The male was not built particularly like a fighter but then looks could be deceiving. Healing knowledge and hunting? hmmm? healing was desperately needed if he was to build a pack of warriors but he was certain he could find a willing healer. Drashiel respected the males ambition and knew how powerful the drive was to meet a goal.

"A pleasure to meet you Erion. I believe in the power of an individuals drive, so if it is your goal to be a warrior then strive for that goal. I will rank you an Arbeide for now, a citizen but once the pack is relocated to the Marble Wash I will hold a meeting and those wishing to be warriors will be sparred and assessed. Should you hold the proper substance you will be ranked a warrior and continue training under your fellows. What say you?"

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-02-2014, 03:33 PM

She smirked at her sibling's reaction to her appearance, bumping her shoulder into his once more but this time lighter as the one who gave the call was now looking to them. Turquoise eyes focused on the older and larger male, ears perking up as he began to speak. Drashiel Armada... interesting. The girl had only heard a bit about that bloodline, being the ones who caused much trouble for Valhalla. Isis wouldn't take it to heart though, for it was not this particular wolf who had caused the trouble, it was the Ice King. Isardis Armada. This young male was looking to take over this pack that was once run by his half-sister, Roman. The name flew over the girl's head. He thought it good for the gathered few to introduce themselves, particularly her and Erion since the man new the albino girl, Sal'krie.

Isis briefly turned to look at her brother, not really up for being the first to speak up at the moment. Erion introduced himself, saying how he had been without a home since Valhalla fell, listing some of his abilities and his goal, if Drashiel would have him. Attention on his sister, she smiled at him and turned back to the main male, allowing him to think and speak before she went next. He would be ranked an Arbeide until the pack is relocated, then a meeting would be held and those seeking to become warriors would be sparred and assessed before ranks were decided.

Taking her chance to speak now the girl would raise her head and clear her throat, giving the man her full attention. "Isis Sovari, much like my brother I can hunt but my healing abilities aren't up to par as his, I can fight okay at the moment. I wish to excel as a warrior and hunter." With a heavier build than her brother, even if it wasn't by much, she thought it would be a good idea to use her size and weight to her advantage in battle and hunting expeditions. Healing was just a side thing she thought was necessary, at least know the basics in case something happens to you and the pack healer isn't nearby to help you out.




2 Years
11-02-2014, 03:59 PM
ooc: sorry for shortness jsut wanted to reply asap so you guys have a chance to get to the meeting. Again sorry for the craziness xD

Drashiel Armada

Drashiel turned his attention to the lovely, young female as she spoke. She introduced herself as Isis Sovari and it occured to him that the pair were siblings. He felt a sudden longing in his chest for his own sister Lysis. He had no idea where she was or how she was doing but he sure hoped she was doing alright. The female was interested in hunting and fighting though she stated she could fight "ok" at the moment. He sensed that her confidence might lie more in the hunt and hunters would surely be needed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Isis. All members of Fehu are expected to grow their skills in the arts of battle and you are encouraged to join in at any of the training. You will be ranked an Arbeide for now as well. After the meeting we will hold a hunt and assess your skills." He could not afford to merely take their word for their skills but Drashiel had faith they would both impress him and easily earn the ranks they so desired.