
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah


10-15-2013, 02:41 AM

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The sun had left this portion of the land, abandoning it as it always did and leaving the sky in a state that she?d come to adore. The hues were at their best during such times when the afternoon had waned and the sun too had decided to sleep beyond the horizon. The canvas that was the sky was as regal as she, no longer its intense glowering shower of golden rays and orange stripes, mingled shades of violet that denominated the crimson tones of the drifting clouds once pristine and white. No, the world had taken a new view ? better and much more appealing to the eye.

The heavens had begun their nightly transition once again, changing from its vivid sunset array to a more subtle ripple of azure and yellow and violet. The three tones that seemed so very unlikely together combined to create a phenomenal partnership. The indigo sliding to navy then cobalt and suddenly the sun was determined to stave off the nights conquering lights and the horizon shimmered with its dying embers of yellow. It as was beautiful as it was fleeting.

And watching the coils of night creep closer was the little rogue female, Ophelia, seated upon a mound of dirt and stone. Her stare was the quiet and tranquil as she bayed goodbye to the sun and welcomed the moon thorugh the gaps in the branches above her head. The boughs that had lost their leafy coverings now lay bare for winter, stretched toward the heavens, millions of black, tapered fingers hungrily eating the last rays, rattling gratingly as the winds hissed at them for silence.

The white vixen yawned as her gaze drew itself downward, listlessly examining the cliff edge where she was perched. She was tired. It had been quite some time since she could say in all honesty that she had slept well. There were simply too many concerns for the comforts of unconsciousness to keep at bay and it was gradually sapping her of her strength.

From her vantage point she pondered mutely whether or not she should delve further into the abyss. So much of her life had been out of her control that the need to make a choice, a drastic choice, any choice, was burning in her chest like a sickness with no remedy. There were things she wanted, desired, wished for, things so far out of her reach they may as well have been stars in the sky for all the good it did her. But she wanted them all the same. Freedom from her duty.

Freedom from the labels. Freedom from the cramped little box she called herself.

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10-16-2013, 10:33 AM

He had been relaxing. The man was always relaxing. Usually he enjoyed to do it with a women wrapped around his paw, but at that moment he was just flicking around the cliffs. His body was seen jumping and balancing. He was a great climber by default, he assumed it must be a trait from his father or something. He was honeslty great at everything, except for comitting. The man effortlessly pranced across the cliffs. He watched as the sky turned into a much more dark version of itself. His dark form blended in with the shadows. His fur was not completely black, though at night one could think it was. He was a dark grey with a blue tint. Upon her muzzle and head was dapples of mahogany and lighter greys. He was a complete mix of his mother and father. The superior pup. His legs were fashionably accessorized with a silver braclet just beneath each knee. They were plain but shone within the soft light that was emitted by the moon itself. Around his scruffy neck was a silver chain with a single gem that hung low, it was white, beautiful. Kris was an image of elegance, there was no doubt.

His nose was delighted when a beautiful scent filled its passages. Female. He groaned with delight. The wonderful smell scent a pleasurable desire through his pumping veins. He skipped closer and closer to the source before his silver eyes landed upon an image of divine beauty. He was not phased by her pristine body, an Albino. Albinism ran through his family. Many of his cousins, sisters, brothers, and distant beings were blessed with such traits. He grinned as he approached her. The being was perched upon a cliff, watching the sky preform its change. He slithered closer with devious ease. He then dipped his head into an unseen bow as his baritone vocals filled the brisk air. "Mind if I join you, my Goddess.?" His eyes roamed her body in delight, but he did not urge closer. Yet.



10-17-2013, 10:27 AM

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Whether submerged in the sloshing current of her thoughts or merely a case of inattention, suffice to say that Ophelia did not take note of the wolf sidling closer to the bluff ? or her for that matter. Being inattentive to that degree wasn?t congruent to her former training or life as it were, but to her credit the former saboteur reacted only minimally to the man?s voice when he had deemed his closeness enough for the sake of both their comforts. Rather hers than his she could imagine.

Ophelia?s jerk of sudden awareness was small but at the brute?s proximity she doubted he would miss her stiffened spine or the snappy rotation of her ears in his direction. Still she schooled herself, face betraying neither surprise nor uncertainty, as she twisted her form a few degrees to her left in order to watch him. To his credit he was not a hideous animal. Night black fur of a shade too deep and colorless to do more than refract odd highlights of blue met her eyes. The glint of silver caused her to scroll lower, noting the pendant swinging against his chest, the bangles clasped around his limbs and the tepid hue of his eyes bearing an expression she?d seen one evening too many.

?They are all alike.? She mused, discomfited only slightly by the hint of desire she tracked in his stare. It wasn?t even that she was embarrassed by the notion that he wanted her so much as that she had stopped counting the days, the nights, where she had encouraged such behavior. Her heart deflated a bit but the thought of doing something familiar nagged at her, urging her to feed into the game and put her mind at ease and revel in someone?s touch.

The she-wolf offered a coquettish smile, blush-colored eyes shining with subdued mystery. ?You approach a Goddess without an offering to earn her favor? What sort of pious man are you?? She asked coyly, a hint of humor lightening her mood. It was easy, boy or man they were the same. Put something pretty that offered no attachments in front of them and they?d come. They always did. And it was a dance she knew well. Perhaps too well.

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10-18-2013, 03:19 PM

His figure was shown moving closer and closer. His form was large due to his natural muscles. He was packed with rich muscles by default. He assumed he got the form from his fathers side of the family. The Armada. He firmly believed his name meant everything. He was superior, royalty, the supreme being. His silver eyes stared at the delicate form before him. His core was heated in delight. Oh how he loved the nimble ones. She was a delight, a gem. Kristoffer watched as her attention was quickly shifted to him. He let forth a cocky chuckle. Her emotions defeated her, she looked horribly shocked.

As he waited for an answer he yawned softly. His eyes roamed her body but then sultry tones were emitted. She turned from delicate to confident in a matter of moments. She really was a Goddess, but such a bitch would not defeat the man. Kris was talented with his vocals and he knew it. "Mmmm, I merely offer you my company. Is that not enough for you my flower? Or do you require more?" He was blunt, he did not require to give her anything. She was lucky to have his attention. He was a wanted man. He grinned, his eyes were charming as ever. "Does this little pearl have a name?"
