
Can't Stay Away


10-17-2013, 09:49 PM

Where was his bitch of a sister? He hadn't seen her for who knows how long. How many more guys had she fucked? Had she finally gone and gotten herself killed or had she gotten into some nasty trouble? The titan was curious to say the least, to know what his darling little sister had been up to. Probably better than the pathetic moping around he had been doing. But that was over with. He was done wasting his time crying over someone that wasn't going to come back. She was gone and she was never coming back. She never cared and he had stop caring too.

It was the dead of night; his favorite time of the day. Hardly anyone was awake, which meant that there was a very low possibility of running into anyone. Demyan like his solitude, despite the fact that he now had Nickolai to accompany him wherever he went. The leopard wasn't loved, but it wasn't hated either. It was tolerated. It didn't bother him, didn't get in his way, so the behemoth allowed the feline to stay by his side. He wouldn't admit to himself, but it was rather nice to have a shadow, even if he ignored him half the time. Cyan gems would dance over the moonlight terrain, nostrils quivering as he would slowly pad across the terrain, careful to avoid the odd things that were buried in the dirt and strewn across the ground. What kind of place was this?

Talk like this


10-17-2013, 10:09 PM

The silver temptress had been on her feet all day. She was exhausted. She had met with the idiot sire of her children, talked with her little shadow Bas and now she had the pleasure of being alone. Cena sat beside her as the woman dozed on her side. It was the dead of night, there was not a single sound and the cool fall breeze was refreshing. Lids blanketed coral gems, her steady breathing the only sound. A venomous hiss from Cena ruined it all. Immediate irritation shot through her as the behemoth of a woman rolled onto her belly, eyes scanning the strange grounds she had already explored.

It couldn't be. Her bastard of a brother. She hadn't seen him in forever. Idly she wondered if the little bitch he kept as a pet was still alive or if he had gone and killed her. Eyes drifted to the feline at his side. He had a companion as well? How did that happen? A brow lifted in question. She made no sound or movement, just simply watched her brother approach, seeming obvious to her. If she were an honest woman she would say that she had missed him being around. But she was not. He was an arrogant bastard that she couldn't stand.

The woman waited, knowing well that Cena would have given away their presence and that her brother would be headed their way, his feline in tow. She folded her legs neatly under her, awaiting her brothers long overdo arrival. Nostrils quivered, catching his scent. He didn't smell of the little whore. Was she gone? For good?

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"


10-17-2013, 10:22 PM

A hiss from a few feet away caught Nickolai's attention, circular audits rotating in the direction of the sound, golden gems spotting two figures. One female and feline, and the other wolf and also female. Demyan noticed Nickolai looking towards something and allowed his cyan gaze to follow his companion's, realizing that his bitch of a sister was relaxing in the grass, her stupid pussy bitch sitting beside her. A sneer would twist the murderer's jaws as he veered towards her, velvety nostrils flared as he tasted her scent; it was different. Pungent. She was pregnant. He remembered what pregnant females smelled like; he had slaughtered them and their own pups before. His stupid bitch of a sister had gotten herself knocked up. How fun.

Someone had a little too much fun, mm? He would rumble sarcastically, approaching the silver bitch with a cocky strut, cyan eyes glinting in the moonlight. Nickolai would linger beside Demyan's hindquarters, wary golden gaze on the other feline, spotted tail twitching idly behind him.

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10-17-2013, 10:33 PM

Mental defenses shot up at her brothers sneer. He altered his path, heading straight towards her. Sarcastic words was pierce her sensitive ears. Now that he was closer, she took in a whiff of his scent. All traces of his little bitch gone. "I see your little toy is gone. Did you kill her or did she finally go running for the hills?" A sneer pulled back her own dark kissers as she looked up at her brother. Steel muscles coiled beneath her pelt naturally, it was knee jerk reaction around her brother. They kept each other on their toes.

Beside her, Cena cast an equally wary glance at the leopard that stood beside the silver bastard. Cat was nowhere as irritating as her brother, how could anyone put up with him? She said nothing, though she quietly hoped that maybe the two could find some peace away from the bickering pair. One could hope.

Somethings never changed. His movements were cocky, he still held onto his strut. Arrogant little prick. Forelimbs flexed, heaving her upper body up and into a sitting position. The fall moon was the only light and it played softly amongst her silver pelt, making it glow and shimmer with each passing breeze. Her brother looked the same as always, his massive frame towering over her own, his darker pelt just as flawless, though smelling strongly of blood. He was hunting again. It could only mean that little bitch was gone. For good.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"


10-20-2013, 06:15 PM

I see your little toy is gone. Did you kill her or did she finally go running for the hills? A snarl would erupt from the titan's ivory lips as they peeled back against his pearly daggers, audits flattening against his skull. Since having met the woman who called herself Abelinda, the murderer had been slowly falling back into his old ways. It was much easier than he had anticipated and it felt good to return back to the Demyan he'd always been. The soft, weak, pathetic bastard he'd become was no longer acceptable. He'd been doing well with not thinking of the nymph, but his stupid bitch of a sister had to go and fucking remind him. Couldn't keep her damn trap shut could she?

Shut the fuck up and mind your own business or I will be tempted to rip open your womb and eat those little bastards you harvest. Demyan took a step closer to Cataleya, massive skull tipping dowards, muzzle pointed towards her abdomen. He would have no problem ripping those mongrels out of her womb and devouring them. They were probably useless little things anyway. Nickolai said nothing, knowing that Cataleya was asking for trouble.

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10-20-2013, 09:11 PM

She had been one hundred percent right. A snarl curled back her brothers lips, obviously it was a touchy subject. Words spilled venomously from his lips, a threat carried him a step closer. She knew better than to show any sort of emotion in front of her brother, especially fear. A simple tilt of her crown allowed her to meet her brothers heated gaze. The little bitch had hurt him, hurt him in a way he had never experienced before.

"I'm pregnant, not defenseless Demyan." Words fell neutrally from her dark jaws, she had no desire in fighting with her brother tonight, she was exhausted. "You haven't been down this far in some time, what has kept you?" It was attempt at idle conversation, intended to cool her brothers fire, but she knew he would mostly likely shoot it down with harsh words. Oh well. It didn't matter either way, she would enjoy his company if he chose to behave or they would part their separate ways. It was all up to him and his temper.

Cena sat beside her, cyan gems shooting little daggers at the brute though she didn't make a sound as her thin tail twitched behind her. The silver temptress remained beneath her brothers gaze, though now allowing her limbs to stretch out beside her, shifting her growing frame off joints and tendons and onto her side. A brow lifted only millimeters as she eyed the mammoth man before her.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"


10-25-2013, 01:19 AM

She would raise her skull to allow her coral gaze to meet his cyan one, but she would not stand to meet him. I'm pregnant, not defenseless Demyan. You haven't been down this far in some time, what has kept you? She was obviously a lot more defenseless than she usually she if she was allowing herself to remain in such a vulnerable position around him, knowing that he could snap at her at any moment. Though he threatened to eat her growing spawn, he wouldn't unless she really pushed him. They probably tasted like ash and he preferred something...more delectable on his pallet. Business. Nothing that concerns your nosy ass. He would snarl towards her, his temper still simmering but not boiling.

She would allow herself to rest on her side, limbs splayed out in front of her. Demyan would take the opportunity to press forward until his larger mass was standing over hers, limbs splayed on either side of her, plume brushing against her hips. And how were you stupid enough to get yourself knocked up? He rumbled, his jaws inches from her throat, burning cyan gaze on her coral one as he waited for a response.

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10-25-2013, 10:51 AM

Snarls met her ears, coming as no surprise to the silver temptress. Business. That meant he would have to follow some sort of order. She found it quite interesting but didn't push any farther on the matter, at least for now. Her brother approached, closing in on her until he stood over her, caging her in with his legs. Crown turned, her throat dangerously close to her brothers jaws. His thick plume brushed against her hip, a feather light touch. Her own tail moved to curl lightly around one his hind legs. Warmth radiated from him, covering her in a blanket.

Tongue lashed out to strike against the side of his face in a soft touch. A smirk pulled at here lips, her nosy bastard of a brother wanted to know how she ended up like this. "Some idiot Alpha, apparently potent enough to get my pregnant outside of my season." Irritated tinged her words. He had been great, but now she was changing her mind. She carried his spawn, and he Was determined to be part of their lives.
Shet met her brothers burning gaze, languid frame watching his every twitch.

She was highly aware of her vulnerability pinned beneath her brother, but in some twisted way she trusted him. He maybe a ruthless heartless monster, but deep down they'd be lost without each other. In some sick way they needed each other, fueled each others fire. They threatened and fought, each intending to bring harm to the other, but could they actually kill each other? Could he really end her life as he constantly threatened? She didn't think so, he might make her wish she was dead and leave her for dead, but nothing more.
"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"


11-04-2013, 10:06 PM

He didn't sense any fear coming off of his sister, didn't see her try to get defensive with him or any of her typical behavior that made her fun. Being pregnant made her fucking boring and even the thought of fucking her wasn't nearly as entertaining as it was when she wasn't pregnant. But that didn't mean that he wouldn't. Pregnant or not, he would fuck her whenever he felt like it, whether she wanted to or not. Unexpectedly, her tongue would lash out against his cheek in a soft touch, bringing a low rumble from the beast. He didn't like pregnant Cataleya. She was much too passive and boring. It was fucking irritating.

Some idiot Alpha, apparently potent enough to get my pregnant outside of my season. Her words would amuse the titan, chest vibrating with a chuckle. You fucking whore. he teased, returning the affection with a rough nip to her throat, hips lowering towards hers as he allowed his member to tease the back of his thighs. Even pregnant, he knew that she couldn't resist him. No matter who else she went to fuck, she would always come back to her, like he would always come back to her. As much as they hated each other, they really couldn't live without each other. They had grown up together, been there for each other, killed together. There was really no way for them to exist without the other. At least, that's how it felt.

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11-04-2013, 10:40 PM

You fucking whore. Wicked laughter spewed from her dark lips, eyes glinting dangerously. His fangs nipped roughly at her throat, returning her affection in the only way he knew how. Rough. A low growl rumbled from her throat, eyes narrowing playfully. Jaws unhinged aimed to grasp her brothers throat, and should he allow her, jaws would tightened, fangs lightly piercing his skin, her growls slowly growing more threatening. He had abandoned her for sometime and she didn't appreciate it.

She felt his hips drops, his intent to offer up a tease. Her brother hadn't changed one bit, despite what he may have thought while finding company with the little black and white bitch. She rolled over onto her back, still gripping his throat, paws pressed against his soft underbelly, toes flexing, claws scraping the tender flesh. She finally would release her grip, words falling from her lips in husky tones. "Maybe, but you still love me, brother." with their close proximity she noted the scar that ran across his chest, the only his little bitch had helped heal, with careful movements, jaws would part, placing a small nip along the scar before covering it with a kiss, eyes traveled upward, watching his movements, waiting for any sign of attack or anger.

As taboo as it way, she found him irresistible, and he found her irresistible just the same. Pregnancy was making her boring and she knew it. They lived for the fight that they lit in each other. She had long missed her brothers touch, and even now that hadn't change, but she didn't feel the same fire that usually spread through her veins, the fire that brought out her inner demons, making her fight back, making her tear into him. Giving them the uncontrollable passion they both craved.

OOC: I assume he still has this scar?
"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"


11-18-2013, 02:17 AM

OOC: yep he still does. it's permanent

She would take no offense to his harsh words, instead finding amusement in them, laughter bubbling from her dark lips like he had just told her the most hilarious joke in the world. She very much appreciated his returned affections, her low rumble of a growl telling him as much. She would reach up, her jaws opening to grasp his throat, fangs barely piercing the flesh, eliciting a throaty chuff from the beast, eyes closing momentarily. Even pregnant she still knew how to work him good.

As he teased her, Cataleya would roll over onto her back, jaws still clamped around his throat, her paws pressed against his underbelly, talons scraping against the tender flesh. Demyan would growl appreciatively in his throat, hips dropping down completely as his member slipped inside her sweet opening, rocking against her as her jaws unhinged from around his throat. Maybe, but you still love me, brother.. Lids would peel back against cyan gems as they glanced down towards his sister as he slowly fucked her, forelimbs braced against either side of her. You know I always will little sister. He would never actually tell her that he loved her. He wasn't capable of saying those words anymore. They were taboo.

The close proximity between himself and his sister meant that the scar he had gotten from his time with the black and white nymph was on full display and she didn't waste the opportunity to point it out to him. She would nip at the scar, only to soothe it over with a kiss. A low rumble of a growl would vibrate in his throat as he gazed down at her, unsure of what her intentions were regarding his scar, hips still thrusting against her.

Talk like this


11-18-2013, 11:52 PM

His appreciative noises would tease her ears, wiggling their way down to her core. A throaty growl would vibrate his chest. Somethings never changed, including what turned her brother on. Had her jaws not been locked on his throat she would have grinned. Slowly her troubles and irritations would fade, allowing her focus to settle fully on her brother. She became acutely aware of his every twitch, every blink, looking for that telltale sign of aggression that always lay hidden just beneath the surface. She waited for the fight.

A guttural noise slide from her jaws as she felt her brother rock his hips into her. He would never pass up a chance to fuck her, and neither would she. You know I always will little sister. It was a rare moment, but she allowed her tongue to slide from behind rows of deadly fangs to place a sweet against the underside of his jaws. She knew now that her brothers emotions had been hardened irreversibly and never would he usher those three little words, even to her. But nonetheless, to hear that he still cared for her, after everything that had happened, eased any worries she might have had.

His growl brought her gaze upward, mischief pulling her kissers back into a wicked grin before curling into a silent snarl. She wasn't hostile, instead she chose dangerously to egg him on, to dare him to play her game. Her tongue would roll against the roof of her mouth as growls rumbled in her throat, jaws would unhinged to nip at his scar once more. She was trapped below him, his limbs like bars on either side of her, his hips continually rocking against hers, filling her with an illicit pleasure.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"