


10-14-2013, 08:25 PM
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

?It is time. Whether or not the ice queen was mentally prepared to expand her bloodline, physically, her abdomen was greatly distended to create space for the developed fetuses residing within her womb, convulsions wracking her interior to indicate that her pregnancy was swiftly drawing to a close. The unpleasant sensation that abruptly consumed her fragile being was one that the aging wraith had previously experienced approximately a year prior, and thus, when the pangs began to strike, fluctuating in intensity from her swollen abdomen, the woman knew the grueling process of childbirth had only just begun and that, in mere hours, the new Elysius additions would make their arrivals ? with or without her compliancy.

Distraught pants cascaded jaggedly from the babe?s velvet lips, hung awry with the pained expression contorting her porcelain features as brief whines slipped involuntarily into the cacophony of her hysteria. Serpentine limbs propelled the wench to the makeshift den she had carved during the earlier stages of her pregnancy, faltering in stride with each strained step she took, incessant barks mingling with her sobs in summon to the bastard who had placed her in such a vulnerable state and who hopefully lingered close by as she had demanded of him. They were his children too, after all, and although he held no desire to remain a part of their lives, the ice queen demanded his presence throughout their first year of life and so that was how it would be less the goliath wished to completely lose the ability to create further spawn ? it was a choice she had made clear to him and a choice she would not sway from.

Dainty paws flexed as the woman pulled her mass into the den she would be confined to for the next several hours, halting at the entrance as an abrupt howl split her clenched jaws in summon to the remainder of her bloodline, inclined to invite them to witness as their younger half-siblings were presented to the earth, hoping they would provide her with the comfort she knew the sire to her whelps would not. Once her beckoning howl had concluded, the woman writhed towards the rear of the den, breathing irregular and pain evident in her countenance as further contractions afflicted her interior, urging for her to begin the process. No ? she would refrain from it, allowing pain to dominate her petite body as she waited for those held dearest to her and then the father, wishing for the encouragement that only their presences would allow.



10-14-2013, 11:27 PM

Father. In the past he hadn't given the words the time of day, when broads would tell him of the fertility of his seed, he had dismissed them. The ivory wraith that he had so recently bestowed his time on, his seed on, was a whole different story, a different aspect. He didn't think that walking away from her was going to be as simple or as easy, not if he wanted to keep certain aspects of his character, and more so his favorite aspects, and did he intend to keep them. He had been blindsided by the wraith's demands, he would be a 'dad'?

The call of the wretch, broke through the air summoning him, drawing him towards her with a groan. God, it was time. Time for the spiteful little spawn to be born into the world. Perhaps he should feel something towards the spawn, but alas, he didn't, rather than an absolute annoyance that they would impede so much into his life. He had kept his distance from the ivory wretch, but at the same time hadn't strayed from the region to far. Moving towards the sound, he stopped just out of sight letting out a deep sigh.

Stepping into the sight of the ivory dame, he moved towards her, contempt obvious at her weakend state. Oh how simple it would be to snap her neck, and end his suffering before he began, but if he did that... He wouldn't get to watch her suffer. Decisions, decisions.

"You called little temptress? You seem so... down, perhaps I can ease your pain?"


Ares 1


10-17-2013, 09:26 PM

He would hear his mother's cry quite readily, he would not admit it but he had tried to keep himself closer to where her presence was found. He had realized at their last meeting that she was carrying his new siblings. He would not only assume, but know that they were only his half siblings. The perfection of she and seraphim would not be repeated after she declared him no longer existent. Her actions had not only hurt his sire, but himself as well. He wished not to disobey the serpent who birthed him, but he felt such an attachment growing towards his father. It hurt to hear her say he was not to see he or his siblings.
His pale paws would carry him swiftly to her, his form now easily his adult size. Large frame would stride confidently to where he heard his mother's agony. She was going into labor. He had to be there, he would meet these knew siblings and welcome them to what broken pieces of family he had left. And maybe, he would be able to show them that compassion really wasn't such a bad thing. Had the boy known who their father was it was possible he would have given up before he started. As he neared the makeshift den he was able to take in the scene. A male quite similar to his own family's appearance would approach his smaller mother. His hackles would raise as he gained control over a growl that threatened to leave his throat. His ears would fall back aggressively, unintentionally. He wished not to be noticed as the man would let unhindered words fall from his lips, "You called little temptress? You seem so... down, perhaps I can ease your pain?" He was obviously not a healer, Ares would assume, but the feeling the other wolf gave him was hard to ignore. Just the way he brought his approach to the pristine she wolf made Ares want to rip out his throat. He would refrain, there had to be some reason for his arrival to Morphine's call. Would he even entertain the thought of this being the father to his new siblings?
He would shake his head in disappointment before gaining control of himself. Bleached form would step into the clearing, his presence very much obvious as he made his way to his mother's side. He would not show any affection, only his loyalty to her by leanding his presence. Can I do anything? He would ask, ignoring the other man.



10-18-2013, 05:01 PM
Dergerei sighed before looking to the reddened rooftop of leaves. "Well, I just don't really have anywhere to go. I just wander," Der spoke bluntly, customized to it since he was a bit younger.....Okay a lot younger. Chuckling to himself, Dergerei thought, Well no one tends to hang around me often...Hehe...His large shoulders rolled as he relaxed from the hunt. He had never really been able to bring something so large down before with only another wolf. Arayne seemed like someone who'd do great as a hunter. "So...." he spoke, looking to the ground now of boredom, not wanting to harm this female, for she was very amiable and pretty calm. Others were more hostile to his large, evil looing appearance, which only made his scares even funnier.

Dergerei would be growing very bored soon.....


10-20-2013, 11:24 AM
this past week has been pretty blah so I apologize for the slowness of this thread. Also, I'm certain dere was not meant to post in this thread since he has a thread with someone else beneath this one so I disregarded his presence for that reason.

A fragmented howl shattered the silence of the phantom's surroundings, causing the pallid viper to stir from her position with the familiarity of the summon that she had been expecting for weeks now. Worry struck the adolescent as she registered the agony laced within the soprano tone of the beckoning howl of her mother and the babe found her oversized paws carrying her robust figure swiftly towards the sound, anxiety creeping upon her as thoughts of the future Elysius children wracked her diseased mind. Surely they would be pristine in genetics even though they did not entirely share the blood that coursed through her own veins and surely they deserved every ounce of her protection and devotion, but still the juvenile worried that they would receive the attention that she and her litter-mates had never fully obtained from their mother. It was enough to trigger an iota of jealousy within the serpentine wraith, but she would harbor the negative feelings towards her future siblings for the sake of maintaining peace among her family.

Elongated limbs brought the Elysius wench to a secluded patch within an unfamiliar and quite eerie forest, distressed whines produced by labor leading her towards the makeshift den her mother resided in. Already, two others had gathered around the mouth to the den in support of the pregnant bitch held hostage within, one of the two causing a genuine smile to warp her porcelain countenance and the other earning her indifference. Silently, the babe sauntered towards her sibling's side, allowing her skull to come into contact with the behemoth's shoulder gently to alert him of her presence before she shot past him on her way to their mother's side, triangular ears careening atop her crown as the unfamiliar canine chimed in. Abruptly, the babe's placid demeanor would shift, a snarl tearing free from her velveteen lips as her mismatched gaze searched for the vermillion and turquoise of the brute's, skull extended and lowered over her mother's distended abdomen. "Perhaps I can cause you some," the adolescent snapped threateningly, pupils unwavering from the male's own. She did not want him here, but if he was present, the viper could only assume he was wanted by her mother, and thus, there was little she could do to see him out lest she wished to displease the pregnant witch beneath her.