
i cant stop


10-14-2013, 06:43 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 06:44 PM by Kristoffer.)

The man was a brute, yet his eyes were lazy. Each movement was flawless. Elegance disguised by boredness. He was an image of greatness. The spawn of two wonderful beings. His kin were the regal of the regal. The man was Kristoffer. He may smell of elegance and greatness, but he is pure whore. He enjoys the feeling of woman. Women were his joy. The only time he felt complete was when a women was wrapped around him. Theirs furs mingling and their bodies meeting. It was glorious. Just the thought of it made him quiver in delight. The man took after his father a lot. His fur was a dark grey with blue tints. His head was brown and it dappled down to his neck. Those eyes were a pristine silver. The man was an image of glory. Though, he sought out his family. The beings he once fled without real reason.

His paws were met with thick snow. White specks dappled his dark fur. His thick winter coat did him good. He slithered his way to the territory that had his kin's smell smeared across. The smell of must and sex. It delighted him. The most prominant smell was female and Isardis. Oh, Isardis. The man was his brother, they weren't very close but their relationship had potential. He grinned and stopped at the border. The man then tilted up his head and let forth a masculine howl. He asked for his kin to meet him, he wanted a chat and maybe entry into the pack his brother led. He had yet to plan, though he was there on the borders wasn't he? The man nonchalantly sat upon the blanket of snow ans waited.




8 Years
10-14-2013, 07:04 PM

The smell of her brother hadn't gone unnoticed in the least, in fact Abelinda had been trailing him even before he got to their pack lands. The graceful wraith wasn't sure of what to make of him as of yet; yes he was a part of their family but he had left them without a reason as to why. Abelinda loved all her siblings and had close ties to the ones she preffered while still showing the needed affection to less loved ones, Kistoffer had been one Abel had indeed had forged strong ties to yet he snapped them one by one as he drifted away leaving her alone with the others. The only one then she had to forge such ties to although Isardis didn't remember her much he had been her sole choice out of the rest.

Coming from the pack lands after going off to the right quite a bit of ways to enter the lands and then come down to see him; the wraith was silent as she approached those guards hairs along her neck for the first time were standing on end in an obvious manner as her anger showed, burning as it was. ?So the wayward brother decides to show up after all of this time.? Soft those words were yet harsh and cold in their own way as the serpent utter such for him to hear; Abelinda was far from happy with her brothers disappearance in the least.


10-15-2013, 01:21 PM

He sat confidently upon the threshold of Glaciem. His silver eyes shone within the white atmosphere. Everything was so clean and pristine. He enjoyed it. Though, he had a feeling the snow was going to be marked with red soon enough. His brother wasn't the most friendly soul. His tail slithered around behind him idly. He stood out within the blanket of white. His dark fur mingled with the simple flecks. Though, soon enough his call was answered. A familiar yet distant scent filled his icy nose. His sister. A horrible grin flittered across his sultry lips as her grey body swung into view. He stared into her gentle eyes but she had a not so amused. Her words were less then exciting. Monotone vocals filled the air and he grinned. "Oh come on little sis. You are happy I am back." He sent her a wink and rose. He stood tall, snow fell from his pelt. He bore four braclets. One on each leg just beneath his knees, they were a sparkling silver. He also wore a silver necklace with a white pendant upon the chain. He tilted his head and let forth more tones. "Where is Isardis? I wish to aid him, I have heard murmurs of a war?" He raised his brow, ever so slightly. Each move was with poise, he was an image of elegance.




8 Years
10-15-2013, 08:37 PM

Little? Snorting at the insult despite her smaller size Abelinda was no way his 'little sister' yet shoving such aside as he spoke about her being happy that he was back. Snorting at that the dame let out a soft growl briefly. ?No, honestly I can not say I am happy to see you.? Angered tones left the smaller fea easily as she remained on Glaciem territory yet she had little intentions in getting into a fight with him at that time due to the up coming war. That anger was just bubbling beneath the surface waiting to come out though Abel kept her self in check for the time being.

He had to ask about Isar didn't he? Much less the war. ?His busy.? The fact was stated flatly as the dame watched her bother hardly happy to see him and likely wouldn't be for a good while to say the least. With the bonds he had served upon leaving was done only by him and gaining such bonds again wouldn't be an easy thing for the brute to do.



10-16-2013, 06:55 AM
Isardis Armada
Wasn?t it so peculiar? That it seemed they all came crawling for him at once, having been years and no less since he saw the majority of his family, what on earth was bringing them all to his Kingdom now? The passing of their father perchance? Alas, Isardis would not recognize the call, addressing him only as an unfamiliar male who threatened to trespass; it seemed, however, that the beast held no foul intentions, likely presumable due to the willingness to call. Regardless, The King would seek his location with an eagerness, hackles raised in potential defense as the ghoul would move seamlessly at a resolute trot.

He was surprised somewhat to find Abelinda addressing the stranger on her own, and although he didn?t doubt her abilities it most certainly wasn?t her duty to threaten her own life by yielding to outlandish summons. Though as the elegant superior would drift, swaying with an intimidating elegance only his blood were known to bare, he would become aware of the tension that lingered; gaze searching so eagerly the frame of the younger brujo as he would come to stand close to his sisters side. It would be then only that he would recoil, ruby gaze narrowing to that of near scrutiny as his memories would churn, ?Does fate bring more superior blood to my Kingdom, or does my memory falter me, Abelinda?? a smirk would threaten to twitch at cherry lips, regarding the male with a rising interest.

ooc?sorry for crappy muse!

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia


10-16-2013, 10:48 AM

The man was unphased by his sisters attitude. Most of the Armada had such horrible attitudes. Which was one of the reasons he left in the first place. Though, he was grown and devious. He knew how to block that out. He would use his charm to wiggle his way thtrough the world. He just needed to get in contact with the real superior being. Isardis. He stared into his sisters eyes with a lazy grin. He stepped forward after her harsh vocals filled the air. "Oh come on love, why must you be so cruel." He licked his lips, the man was not one to hide his attraction to his own family. His sister was a looker, he could not deny it. His whispy tail flicked around and he tilted his head. "Mmm, I could turn that little scowl into a lovely little smile, why don't you let me help you?" He sent her a wink as she spoke of Isardis. He was busy? No doubt. But to busy for his brother? No.

Like magic the divine God of the Armada flicked his way into the scene. Kristoffer's silver eyes danced to Isar's in an instant. A little laugh was heard as the words of his sibling filled his ears. "Mmm, your memory does not faulter. I am Kristoffer Armada, son of Gairale and Sable Armada." His voice was low yet proud. He dipped his head down into a regal bow but when it rose a wink was shown. The man moved back into his lazy posture, though his head was still high. "I have come to aide you, brother. Despite what Abel may say." He tilted his head again before a horrible smirk slipped onto his mahogany dappled muzzle. "I hear you have .. women?" He licked his lips. No doubt Isardis and Kristoffer had the same thirst for women. Kris was just a bit more, disgusting about it.




8 Years
10-16-2013, 11:59 AM

Abelinda didn't have an attitude far from it; simply some anger that had been brewing for some time due to him leaving on her. so much for being a brother when he up and left her. Still the ghostly dame didn't move from her spot a light growl leaving her as he called her love of all things. Abel wasn't his women nor would the dame ever be yet she remained silent aside from the growl she had uttered just moments ago. ?Keep your petty stick to your self and save it for your whores.? Venomous and cold in all sense of the word Abelinda didn't break her composer as he uttered such hideous words at her. No doubt he would prove to be quite the damned problem as time went on.

Once the sound of paw steps reached her ears the wraith knew whom it was; his steps were something the dame had indeed came accustomed to when she had been younger and had been sure to memorize such things. Perhaps out of habit or by other reason which was hard to say truly. Allowing that elegant body to soften and pressed into his soft form Abel would listen as he spoke yet Kristoffer wasn't long in answering her brother. ?No; he is of the family.? Venom laced her normally soft and almost cheerful tones; it was evident the one before her caused quite a bit of tension along with a good bit of anger. A light scoff left the women as Kristoffer had the gall to ask about the women her brother so rightfully ruled over.



10-16-2013, 07:21 PM
Isardis Armada
The King would feel slightly more at ease within the company of the charger after his confirmed identity, of which he had answered before Abelinda had the chance. However his chest would broaden in a way the albino often presented to males, a proud smirk rising upon cherry lips as he would stretch to his full, intimidating height. Lightly he would sway, lungs filling with oxygen as his breast would be pushed outwards even more so, lengthy tassels of a coral-stained tail rising into a mild suggestion of dominance. He always had felt a sense of rivalry towards his brothers, something that never had showed it?s face to his female siblings. Despite the fact that ?Kristoffer? was but an immature pup when Isardis left their homelands, seeing the grown man before him now was enough to initiate a mild sense of threat.

However an extra powerful male had never gone astray, and Isardis knew full well the blood of his siblings was one incomparable to the rest of the nation. Abelinda would lean to him, stimulating him to do the same, the bond the siblings shared slowly growing with each moment within one another?s presence. The tension she exuded towards this male was easily picked up on, and although Isardis didn?t understand why, it would remain imminent within the folds of his mind during their reunion. The russet and blue man spoke again, but this time it was one of disrespect; and although The King managed a sour chuckle, lips twitching lightly with mild irritancy, it would become evident Kristoffer only made his case worse for himself.

A colossal paw would be sent forwards, ?I?ll have you know ?brother?, that unless I direct you otherwise my women are very much my women, so let?s not get too ahead of ourselves yes?? melodious tones were firm, his stance easing upon the conclusion of the sentence. ?Let?s start again now that we are clear; it is wise of you to seek out my kingdom, and your aide will be accepted and appreciated for as long as you realise your place. Until you prove yourself, I have no desire to let you gallivant about my Kingdom with a swollen skull; we may share blood but we do not share royalty,? he would pause, reclining back a step to again stand by Abelinda, ?Now tell me, did you follow your virginity here or do you actually plan on pulling your weight, boy?? Expression would twitch, lips itching with a rising folly of bemusement.

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia



8 Years
10-17-2013, 06:26 PM

The wraith was silent as her brother stepped forth and began to speak, those ears flicking lightly as that ghostly gaze remained on Kristoffer no doubt having made things worse for his foolish words. Eyes would stray from the brute just on the other side of the boarder as Isardis laid down his rules and gave the brute a part of his mind the wraith listened silently curios as to how this would indeed go. As Isardis questioned him about pulling his weight that only made the wraith smirk. ?I doubt it dear brother; with his abandoning us back home once before.? Knowing she may as well bring such to light for it was what Kristoffer had truly done before; abandoning them and not bothering to stay and pull his weight as one of the family should of.


10-18-2013, 12:43 PM

Kristoffer was no real threat. He was lazy. All he cared about was women, but for Isardis he would show a bit more motivation. He ignored Abel all together, she had always annoyed him. Her stuck up attitude was the reason he vanished in the first place. He rolled his eyes without shame before he looked to Isardis. He had more then respect for Isardis. The man spoke, he sounded threatened. A little chuckle was let forth. "I am not here to take your women, brother." He grinned and rolled his shoulders casually. The pristine Wolf then spoke more, explaining things. The darker man nodded here and there. He just wanted to help his family, was that such an issue? He may be a cocky man whore, but he was there for the Armada. Not a throne. "You are King, what you say I shall respect. Despite what Abel may say, I respect those of higher rank then me. If you do not want me to knock up your brood, then I shall seek elsewhere." He smirked and flashed a snoody look to Abel.

The final question made Kris think. How did he plan on pulling his weight? "I have experiences in fighting, brother. I would do good to you as a guard or soldier. I also have knowledge of herbs. I can do anything you ask of me, really." He licked his lips once more, he just wanted to get this over with and find himself some nice Hare or even a fawn. Hmmm. His mouth watered lightly at the thought of food. Abel added in her two cents and a snort was heard. "That mouth of yours was the reason I vanished sister. It may be best if you kept it shut, or you may drive away others like you did me." He snorted and looked back to Isardis.




10-19-2013, 02:38 AM
Isardis Armada
It seemed the two would bicker between themselves, and the ivory King had no intention of paying either of their words much thought. Kristoffer was blood, and if that wasn?t a good enough reason to give him a chance then nothing was. However, if he betrayed the pack or dragged his weight about aimlessly then he would be punished and stripped of his surname, treated no differently to the foolish boy ?Taurig? who had been mauled barely weeks before. The russet and blue mans words would result in the rising of a brow, ?I would be interested to see you try.? A word of taunt as he suggested the man was virtually incapable of taking his women anyway. ?You will be taken into the ranks as an Assailant, pull your weight and you will be promoted to the rank of ?Blood? as all relatives are.? Oh how amusing it was to see them argue, he would allow them to sort it out between them, it didn?t bother him so to see his siblings quarrel, ?A war meeting is fast coming, I suggest you attend it. For now you may enjoy a little one-on-one with your so obviously missed sister.? He chuckled weakly, unsure as to whether or not Abelinda would forgive him or even stay to squabble. It would be then he would cast the man a final curious gaze, smirking lightly as he would turn and take his hasty leave.

-- exit isar!

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia



8 Years
11-17-2013, 05:22 AM

Abelinda idly would listened as her brother spoke and then Isar. A short would be given at Kristoffer's words. ?Go drag your self back into the hole you came from.? With an adult click of those jaws the dame only turned and proved to shortly follow her albino brother back into the pack lands. No doubt things had to be settled later on much less much more spoken of. The serpent would be keeping an eye on her brother and on his antics no doubt he would stir up some kind of trouble or another given the chance.
