
Fighting Fire with FIre


10-14-2013, 11:57 AM
Dergerei padded amongst the thicket he happened to stumble upon. It all seemed to be quite annoying. Damn it all! Dergerei yelled in his mind as the large, heavy, dark masculine made his way though. The brute had no main direction, no actual place he wanted to go to. Wandering was his second favorite thing. Killing was his first. Scenting a small little mouse just in front of his reach, Dergerei placed a menacing smile across his large, black maw. Trapping the innocent creature with his heavy paw, the male simply began to tear off it's small ear as the mouse squeaked in agony and writhed around to perhaps escape. Biting Der's thick fur wouldn't do much, so the dark brute continued on his tortured way, tearing little pieces off as the small creature begged for mercy at it's gates to heaven.


10-14-2013, 12:25 PM

[Image: arC7pCx.jpg]

Making his way, no, escape from the dead body of his mother that lay on the bloodstained grounds of his former home, Kairos could only smirk. He also remembered his recent run in with his little cousin. Hah, she would never understand his actions even if she had tried. No one understood him quite as well as Newt though, and he was almost there. Almost to where the pretty vixen resided. even so, Kai still considered himself a Snow Rogue at heart. Hell had broken loose The man's purple gaze looked around him at the pointy thorns in the thicket. Making his way through the plants of the devil the bastard would let out a snarl.

"Dammit!" he would say as a thorn had made it's way to become lodged in his paw.

Taking a moment to pull it out the scent of his own blood wasn't the only thing that had hit his nose. Blood of a fresh kill...some sort of rodent.

Lumbering towards the area of the scent the bastard would stop a good distance from the strange male who seemed to be enjoying butchering his kill.

"tsk tsk tsk...didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?" he said as he came forward from the dark.

Picking up his paw once more to lick the blood from the small wound the male would let the coppery tasting liquid grace his tongue. Setting his paw back down Kai would casually look back at the young man before him as he waited for an answer.

He wondered how many run-ins it would take him before he would reach his final destination. How many sorry souls did he have to talk to before he set paw at the borders of Tortuga? Such a waste of time. But it was always good to have a chat hm? Mother dearest was dead now, she would want him to make some "friends". This spurred even more thoughts. How successful were his brothers now in their own lives? Sure, leave the bastard who looks like the bastard father all by himself.

If they ever returned by God would he give one of his goody two-paws of brothers a formal welcome home. This made a snicker which could be mistaken as a slight smile form on Kairos' maw. He hated how things were he would come to love it...

I talk,
I think,
you speak"


10-14-2013, 12:37 PM
"Hmmpf, I'm sure you haven't done that before?" Dergerei snarled, the strange male had approached him in an untimely manner. "Even if you didn't, you're missing out," the brute spoke before slamming his paw on the mouse's spine, only to hear it give out one more shrilling squeak. "Oh yes, the sound of pain is almost orgasmic to me!" he yelled before lowering his head in a deeply crazed manner. "What brought you here to my location?" the masculine asked curiously, his dark, thick fur remaining covered in thorns, however none were able to delve deep enough into his fur to reach the male's pale skin. "Ever felt the feeling of killing one of your own kind? It's amazing," he chuckled with his deep, young voice.

"Do tell me you have. I my be young but I am no fool. Tell me, what is it you enjoy the most. What makes you just want to writhe around in sheer anger and madness? Hearing the wail of others? Seeing blood squirt out from your enemies' neck? Or perhaps the enjoyment of disemboweling even the smallest of pups?"

Dergerei stood, only to roll his shoulders from laying there so long. His large frame would stop growing, but surely he may appear a bit thin due to his year of 'stretching'. It was time the brute began to beef up.


10-14-2013, 01:15 PM

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The smirk never ceased as the deep tones fell from the male's maw before him. He assumed Kairos had played with his food before, and said he was missing out.

"In a matter of fact I haven't. I have higher standards than torturing a small defenseless creature. Where's the fun in fighting something that can't fight back?

Black ears perked up as the young male exclaimed his pleasure from the sounds of pain before asking what had brought him here.

[B]"I'm just on my way towards Tortuga. Fate just brought me here. I never expected to run into any hermits along the way. Why do you ask? Is this youre territory?"
he would ask, awaiting an answer with anticipation snagging at his mind.

Next came words of killing your own kind.

"Well then there's something we can relate with. In fact I'm on my way from fleeing my old home. the body of my dead mother lays there now. I'm a free man now, a sole inhabitant of these lands. But no, it wasn't that nice. I did it out of pure love, I set her free." Kairos said with a shrug.

The bastard's purple gaze never left the black form of the other male before him. Perhaps if they became acquainted this male would make a good accomplice in crime.

"I find no such pleasure in that unless I kill for my own benefit. Killing pups? They would have to be pups of an enemy of course. That I would take pleasure in. of course you would have to defeat the parent protecting them of course."

"The name's Kairos, Kairos Menapache. I ask you your name now, so speak it before you end up wasting my time." he said with a flick of his dark tail.


I talk,

I think,

you speak"


10-14-2013, 02:11 PM
"I am Dergerei. And no, I just don't have a place to go. Never really did," he spoke blandly, looking to the side as the brute ended his sentence. His large frame shook as a few thorns entered his thick fur due to the cold wind thrashing the thickets around. "I hate this place, don't mind if I come with, do you?" Dergerei spoke, now seeming like the lost kid he was.

He's actually pretty cool, the year-old thought as his tail wagged slightly. Somehow, Dergerei did wish he wasn't so cruel and evil, and at the same time, aggression nipped at his heart. It was something he'd have to figure out on his own.

"I can hunt well, and two is much better than one. Imagine all the bad things we can do."

Lots of images filled his head, not that it mattered to him, but it'd be nice. He'd just have to wait and see what Kairos would say.


10-16-2013, 02:48 PM
OOC: not using table this short post because Maka be lazy

Soon enough from the jaws that tortured animals so, the brute before him would become known as Dergerei. Black ears would rise and perk up as Dergerei asked if he could come with him. Kairos would stand there as his tail waved back and forth slowly as he thought. The brute would contemplate the pros and cons of having another wolf come along.

With a nod in reply Kai would agree

"Sure, I don't mind."

Next Dergerei said how he could hunt well and that two was better than one.

"Surely, two is much better, I agree."

With a motion of hishead and muzzle towards the way he was headed the male would speak once more.

"I'm headed towards Tortuga. If I am accepted there and accepted by another soul I know then we will stay. If things are not to work out then you and I can certainly work things out on our own by ourselves. Sound like a plan?"


10-18-2013, 05:16 PM
A strange look acme over the male, his confused maw apparently showing he had no idea of any of the packs here. He never even knew what a pack was in general. A bunch of wolves living together in the same place? Sounded a bit too odd.

"Tortuga? What is Tortuga? Is it a friend of yours?" the masculine asked with his tone in happiness to perhaps meet yet another person in his loner-fulfilled life. His dark pelt was now covered in thorns as the autumn's cold wind began to bite into his fur, only for the year-old to start to shiver a bit. He generally hated the cold weather, but knew he'd have to deal with it, along with all the other wolves.

His stomach growled, knowing the mouse would not fulfill either Der's or Kairos's stomach. ".