
I am the cry


10-12-2013, 03:41 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 04:43 AM by Dexter.)
He had spent days wandering aimlessly through the lands, finding life, green lush tree's, ice and wind. Here, there was nothing. It was a wide expansive of lifeless earth, paved with cracks in what once was a thriving plain of some sort, one that housed plants and creatures. Once, water was here, most likely where the cracks lay, swallowed up by the thirsty earth, slipping quickly into the jagged marks.

The beast stood. Entranced by the beauty of this naked place. It was near silent, save for the howling of the wind, the land around the strip was full of life, you could see the colors, hear the movement, though the dead, lifeless earth below made him feel somehow, more intact with himself. The brute closed his eyes while the wind seemed to take him away, the darkness in him seemed sated with the fact that he was alone. And the only thing alive.

He was by no means hidden, his dark pelt was dusted with a faint white, a gentle sprinkle of ash. He was evil incarnate, hidden by a facade of a gentle, cold killer. It didn't seem like much of a difference at first, but one is a necessity, an art, and the other is a sport. He took a deep breath as he decided to walk the lonely road that was before him. He knew not where he was, nor where he was going, but he was sure that where he ended up, there would be blood.


10-12-2013, 03:58 PM

A hellish looking female wandered about wherever her broad, ebony paws took her. Today that took her to the barren land of dead earth called Sycari Strip, where all that stood to attention was the vague figure of a wolf in the distance. Picking up her paws, she trotted up to this man, and stood just behind him, letting her jaws part and her voice fill the air.
"Well hello there stranger, what brings you to such a deserted place?" She asked, always kind to everyone and willing to chat with whomever she came upon. This male held a dark aura, yet the woman who looked like a hound from hell, and held the soul of an angel, was willing to believe that maybe he was a fellow misunderstood like herself. She stood there, wild mane blowing in the whipping winds, and bi coloured orbs locked on the man before her, waiting for a response, a reaction to her presence.



10-14-2013, 12:32 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 12:32 AM by Dexter.)
The galaxy dusted male could hear her coming, the wind blowing just enough of her scent around for him to know he was not alone. He felt her nearing and as he felt her, he knew he should worry, but he wasnt, maybe it was the thrill of knowing he had a chance to be threatened, but all he did was let her draw.

His eyes were open now, focused on the strip before him, he took a deep breath as the scent of femme rushed through his nostrils and he gave a small cock of his large head. You know, it's not real safe for you to just be waltzing up behind total stranger's... For all you know I could have been a monster... He smirked, turning his broad massive frame to face her, those bright surf tidal waves crashing down on her with such force, it could take her breath away if she willed it.

He looked at her, observing her features, the bold markings along her body, dancing in a way that one might label dangerous. Dexter sat before her now, looking down as he mulled over a response to her question. Asking about why he was here, I could ask you the same question... He responded, bearly a smirk on his jowls, though upon deep inspection, one was hardly twitching, Though I assume you are asking this with innocent intent I shall respond with an easy answer. Existing....

A moment hung between them where his emotionless eyes did not stray, the awkward silence, the tension that the brute often brought to one on one conversations was not absent in this one. Actually even more so here due to the fact that Dexter had been roaming for moons, alone, with nothing but the thoughts. The thoughts and the dreams. Offering her a wider smile this time he tilted his head down slightly in a friendly gesture, those baby blue's softened as he lifted his head back up, slightly tilted to the right, Now, this is where you tell me... He toyed playfully at her as a fake, near flirtatious tone snuck its way up his throat at the girl.


10-14-2013, 05:21 PM
As the male replied, the hellish looking fae could hardly keep from rolling her eyes as the man lectured her on stranger danger. She wasn't a pup, she could handle herself. If he had been a monster with murder on his mind, she would have turned tail and fled the moment he made the move to attack. But nevertheless, she kept a polite face on while she waited for him to continue. When he turned to face her, she noticed intoxicating blue eyes first, an interesting tone she had not seen before, as far as she could recall.

His voice filled her ears again, as he mulled over her question. It was simple, she did not see why he must come up with such a complicated answer. When he finally did answer, Udosa was intrigued. How strange an answer for him to choose, though it was not a lie, he did exist. She nodded in response, a polite gesture, since the vibe he gave her at the time left her with only that to return. Resting on her haunches, she let her tail rest on the ground at her side, tip twitching while she listened to his voice.

The man turned a flirtatious smile on her, but the strangely marked dame knew it was but an act, a possible attempt to get into her pants, maybe just a ploy to get a reaction from her. As his voice came to her ears once again, a question was posed, and she obliged to answer. "I'm Udosa, and as to what I'm doing here, I'm just out wandering. Now it's your turn, what's your name?" She asked, her voice lightly tinged with sarcasm as she returned the favour of treating him like a pup.



10-17-2013, 08:09 AM


Gahhhhh sorry about the delay! Annnnddddd for the short crappiness of this post, im not sleeping well >.<


Little did she know, murder was on his mind. It was always there, not only that but it was something he needed,, a pulsing, throbbing, ache in his brain that could only be sated by the spilling of blood. Today the pulse wasn't so bad, he didn't feel the need as much, but it was still there in the back of his mind. His answer's were calculated and cool with each passing word. He had to make sure he maintained the image of a "normal" wolf, if not, the secret would be revealed.

Getting into her pant's wasn't the act he was putting on. It was more then that, but her thoughts were hidden as were his, and when she threw a sarcastic tone his way he raised an eyebrow, silence overcame the beast while he watched her for a moment, trying to understand why she sounded this way, though honestly he could say he didn't care. After a long moment he responded, his tone flat and near monotone, Dexter... as gave her, silence falling upon him once more as the numb beast waited for her to make the next move.


10-29-2013, 01:32 PM

When his name finally floated to her ears, she dipped her head in greeting. Dexter. Sounded fairly normal, like an old school family raised him. Somehow, the she wolf doubted that, there was something about him that was... Strange. No matter, she simply let her naturally polite attitude keep the conversation going. "Well, it's nice to meet you Dexter." She told the man, and let her mismatched orbs roam over the terrain. This was awfully boring, she could be out exploring right now, on an adventure, and instead she was talking to this man, who spoke to her as if she were a child. She was contemplating turning and walking off, unless the man presented her with an interesting conversation. Beating her tail against the terrain once, she let her optics return to the strangely marked male. Maybe he would give her the opportunity to leave, maybe he would give her reason to remain, who knows? There's only one thing she could do, sit and wait for what came next.
