
What The Hell For?



10-11-2013, 11:39 PM

The meeting was not all that long ago. Caerul had slipped away soon after the meeting finished without a word to anyone. His pride was wounded, and now he felt useless since coming to Valhalla. He had lived his entire life leading his siblings and now? He was on the low ranked side of things. All his siblings had gone up in rank, ane he remained singled out. Why? He didn't know...he was the only one of them to voice that he wanted to help fight against their enemy and he was not acknowledged for the loyalty he had thrown out there. To sacrifice himself for the good of the pack. He sat down and irritation and frustration would ebb off him in waves...surely even the dumbest fool could see that he was, he was pissed. He felt like he no longer had a purpose, and his role as leader was done. Now, he didn't know what to do...whether to leave Valhalla and find his place in the world, or stay and always be second rate.




10-13-2013, 03:26 AM
The meeting had gone over relatively smoothly - although there were worries that the pack had that she simply couldn't wipe clean with words. It was unfortunate, she wished she could put conflict on hold, but it was just impossible with their current situation. Yet there was light at the end of the tunnel - every battle ended and every war did as well. She had tried to remain positive since Gideon had come home - but even that was hard because of the price that he had been returned at.

Battle training had sort of been cancelled, and instead she was going to shift focus to rallying the troops and preparing for this battle. Giving the territory another once over was only being done because of her nerves - it was impossible to know when an ambush was on its way. The alpha felt better being on her feet than trying to rest, but sleep would have to come to her eventually.

Just not in these next few hours.

Happening upon Caerul, she would nod toward the male, her head tilting somewhat when she realized that the male didn't look to be feeling well. She couldn't tell what was bothering him, but she could take a damn good guess - Glaciem had managed to get to them all as of late. "Caerul - is something the matter?" She was proud of the male, he had spoken well during the meeting and during the last as well. The woman was not sure of his skills, but she was sure of his loyalty, and that was enough to make it into her good book.



10 Years
Athena I
10-14-2013, 04:08 PM

With his new mate, Imena, and his little companion, Elva, it seemed he was always with someone at all hours of the day. But the few wolves he really wanted to see, his family, were the ones he hardly ever got to spend time with these days. That's why he was out in the Valhalla territory on his own now, looking for his brothers or sister, wanting to speak with them about the going ons and make sure they were all okay.

He was lucky enough to stumble upon the black and white form of his brother Caerul. A small smile drifted across his muzzle as he trotted up to him, but that smile quickly faded away. Something was wrong, that was obvious enough, even to a wolf that wasn't as perceptive as Cael.

He saw Chrysanthe and dipped his head respectfully to the alphess. "Hello, miss Chrysanthe." He turned his gold and sapphire gaze back to Cearul, his gaze showing his concern for his brother. "What is the matter, brother?"




10-30-2013, 05:09 AM

Caerul's thoughts would consume him, not only did he feel he didn't have a purpose within his pack, but also in his own life. Whilst his family were happy doing what they were doing. He sighed, did he really have a purpose in life? He began to think that maybe it wasn't the fact that he didn't have an important role anymore, but the fact that he would probably live his life alone until he died. Up until now, he had always taken care of his siblings, being there for them and spending every waking moment with them. Never did he have much time to go looking for a mate, and nobody had really cared to try for him. He was aging, and it was showing...though even his other siblings such as Cael, had found a mate upon coming to these lands. and it dawned on him that the frustration of his life remaining at a standstill irked him, and made him feel sad...he was so wrapped up in his thoughts, that the male hadn't noticed the presence of his alpha until she had spoken. Looking up, he would quickly dip his head to her in greeting, and his eyes betraying a hint of mixed emotions. "Ah...I'm sorry Chrysanthe...I'm not exactly sure what's come over me as of late..."

Before he could say more, however, he would scent the approach of his brother, Cael and he would offer a small faltering smile. He looked briefly from his brother, to Chrysanthe, and back. Wondering if he should tell them the heavy thoughts that had been upon his mind as of late. Though he wanted his family more then anything right now, he felt that he could tell his alpha as well...after all, she was considered a part of his family now. With a an intake of breath, he would look at his brother and his Alphess in turn, at last turning his gaze slightly upwards towards the sky. "Lately, I have come to feel that my life is losing it's meaning...What I once was is over, as I used to be a leader among my siblings, I felt then that I had a purpose. Since coming here, after finding our real father, I feel that my role is nearing it's end. Not only that, but I am aging, and after years of life I've yet to even find a mate." He turned to his brother then, a look of admiration hiding the slight twinge of envy that would bubble slightly. But he was happy for Cael, happy that he finally had someone in his life. "I wish to one day find someone the way my brother one day find and share the love that you and Imena share." Turning to Chrysanthe, a look of admiration and adoration for her, as well as respect. "You now have Gideon, and you are the wisest among leaders. Valhalla would be lost without you, and the love between you and Gideon will keep you strong. I admit that I do grow envious of those who have a purpose, for I feel that mine own purpose is at an end. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. Now that I am no longer depended on by my siblings, I know not what else to do."

He looked at the ground for a moment, ears splayed back slightly as he wondered why he was telling them this. Perhaps, he had piled it on for a good amount of time, after all, they had been in Valhalla for quite a while now and it seemed as though Caerul still hadn't quite found his place. He hoped that he could find a new purpose soon, but the optimism seemed to be far from his mind now.
