
No Fear *Joining*


10-11-2013, 09:57 PM
She'd finally made it! News of the pack Tortuga had reached Garnet's ears and the things she'd heard all sounded promising. A newer pack, perhaps, but one that seemed to embrace the same ideals as Garnet. She simply wanted to join a pack and had considered settling for one that might not fit as well when she finally heard about Tortuga. Why settle when I can try for the best? she thought rhetorically as she stepped closer to what she hoped might be her future home.

Her old life was behind her and while she'd never forget it, she wanted to move on to become the wolf she longed to be. Before long, her paws moved across the ground faster. She ran across the landscape, a puppy-like excitement resonating from her. Let's go, let's go! she urged her legs, an exuberant smile crossing her maw.

It was impossible to ignore how anxious she was. Would she be accepted? Could this pack really welcome her? She just wanted to belong, to be around wolves who might feel the way she did. Soon, her nose was assaulted with all manner of scents. The smells of other wolves and the distinctive scent that indicated a pack. Was she there? She slowed but couldn't completely keep herself from running. She skirted around the edge of the scents, not wishing to barge in but wanting so badly to meet someone. Hopefully someone who could introduce her to one who could accept her into the pack!

She slowed to a trot, not masking her presence but taking care not to trespass too far into the marked land. Not intruding! Just want you to know I'm here!


10-14-2013, 04:09 AM

It wasn't uncommon for the red woman to leave her den and wander the boarders, especially now that her sister shared her den and the blind woman rarely left the tree. It was safe, no one would take her home and with that insecurity out a ease she found herself out doing things more. Most days she hunted seeing as she now supplied for both herself and Zara but on occasion the need to resume old duties arose and she found herself loping carelessly along the boarders. It was a great way to stay in shape and it gave her a sense of purpose again though she still was not technically a part of this pack. Taurig had been nice enough to allow her to remain in the pack lands while she sorted through her own life and issues but as of recently she had realized that maybe it wasn't so bad here... She was beginning to like Taurig, he had a good heart and he was a strong leader. Though she disliked his more peaceful nature more because it went against her life style she found it harder and harder to make herself hate him.

It seemed that at that exact moment that the red woman began approaching the Peggy brown fea who was running along the outside if their boarder. For a short time Vi kept herself hidden, almost hoping for the woman to trespass just so she could be punished but she did not. This newcomer skirted easily a fair distance from their marked boarders and after a while of following her quietly Vi broke into a lope and drew closer to the woman. She would bark, a sound meant to catch the woman's attention so Vi wouldn't have to catch up to her completely. Her usual smile wasn't in place, instead simple curiosity. "What brings you to the boarders of Tortuga dear?" As always she was straight to the point as she approached the woman, coming to stand before her should she stop or speeding up to run along with her should she continue her run.


10-15-2013, 10:44 PM
Garnet was finding it increasingly difficult to curb her excitement and enthusiasm. Surely she wouldn't be faulted too much for entering the pack lands just to find someone, right? She wanted to be counted among the members of this pack, to belong with them, and find others like herself. As she ran along the border, she took in every scent that she could. She tried to keep track of the different wolves she smelled, perhaps as a way to impress the other pack members by knowing their roles but she was too overwhelmed. She didn't quite have the mental diligence to focus enough. Thankfully, she was soon rescued (somewhat) from her own over-eagerness. She heard a bark sound from behind her and practically skidded to a stop, turning deftly on her heels to face whoever had come to see her. Instantly, her muzzle broke into a grin, though the other female didn't reciprocate. The other female was larger than Garnet but Garnet wasn't too frightened. She had no reason to fear this girl yet. She had a striking red coat and Garnet found her quite admirable, if only because of the fur color.

Garnet cheerfully adopted a submissive stance before the other female when questioned. "I'm at the borders to Tortuga territory?" she asked, the words making everything seem more real to her. "I humbly wish to join the pack!" she barked, unable to quell her excitement. She had no idea of the rank this female held but Garnet so hoped her journey would come to an end soon. "I am Garnet. May I please join?" She found it difficult to stand still but fought her body, not wanting to seem disrespectful. She was just too happy! She'd finally found it, the pack she'd been searching for!


10-15-2013, 11:04 PM

The female threw on the brakes with Vi's bark and for that the red wench was glad, not too keen on chasing anyone down today. She seemed pleasant enough, and Vi allowed her normal smile to slid into place as she slowed her own pace and approached. Yellow gaze would traverse this female's form, from the way she had run she seemed healthy and had no visible ailments which was good. They already had one blind person, no point in adding another useless pack member. Though that was an awful thing to saw about her own sister. Vi came to an easy halt before the female, head tipped curiously as white dipped tail licked easily at her heels. She showed no hostility or dominance but her stance as she stood was defensive and ready to turn and bolt if she needed to. When she spoke Vi realized that she was excitable, and chuckled softly, lifting a paw and making a palms down motion with it while making soft shushing sounds to try and calm the young girl. "Yes dear, this is Tortuga, not many other packs live in a mountain..."

So she wanted to join? Without even knowing about the pack? That was a bit strange to Vi but for a moment she simply stood and studied the girl. Allowing her to get her rush of words out before speaking for herself. "Well Garnet welcome, I'm sorry but I can't let you join as I'm not technically a part of the pack. But if you like I can wait with you until our alpha Taurig comes and answer any questions you might have...?" She wouldn't wait for an answer before tossing her crown back and letting out an easy howl for Taurig requesting his presence. It was more by chance then anything that she had come across this girl so no doubt Taurig didn't know about her. Unless of course he was creeping around like the little stalker he usually was....



5 Years
Extra large
10-15-2013, 11:16 PM

The flow of new members had begun to thin out a little bit since the pack meeting. It was rather relieving not to have to be running to the border every other day because there were so many wolves trying to come and join Tortuga. It had given the cobalt King some time to relax and unwind from the constant hub bub of accepting members, but today there was another wolf at the border, but it seemed that Vi had gotten there before him. A gentle smile curved his ebony lips as he slowly made his way towards the border. Although Vi wasn't technically part of Tortuga, she was a pretty active member. She was helping him a bit more with the members and things like that and the cobalt King was more than grateful for all her help.

Icy gaze came across her familiar russet figure as he approached, spotting the other woman on the other side of the border, catching the tail end of the conversation; she wanted to join Tortuga. That was always a good sign. Welcome miss. I am Taurig, King of Tortgua. This is Vi, one of my many members. If I heard correctly, you are interested in joining Tortuga? He'd been thinking about it and he felt that Vi deserved to be part of Tortuga. She was putting in some good work, even though she wasn't technically part of the pack and the King saw that, which was why he was rewarding her with the title of pack member now. Gaze would flicker from the rogue woman to Vi, knowing that this subtle promotion would or could bring out a reaction in the russet woman.

Talk like this


10-15-2013, 11:35 PM
Garnet couldn't help but look up to the older female. A gorgeous red coat, calm and mature demeanor. From first glance, she was almost everything Garnet wished to be. Maybe someday, she thought wistfully, practically sighing with respectful affection for the other female. Thankfully, for once, Garnet was able to keep control and tried to maintain her submissive pose without letting her exuberance ruin everything. She was a little disheartened to hear the female couldn't allow her into the pack immediately but the quick howl brightened her right back up again. She allowed her head to look up, and though her tail longed to be wagged, she kept it still. Or so she thought. In actuality, her rump was practically bouncing around with Garnet's hopeful joy. It was difficult for Garnet to remain still, even when sleeping, so standing there calmly before the pack she longed to enter was simply too much for her. She wanted to let loose and sound a joyous howl and run all around the pack, spreading her happiness wherever she went.

The quick arrival of the male was another surprise to her. Garnet apparently must have been standing in a poor place if she'd missed the entrances of both wolves. She was floored to find out the male was the alpha, already there to greet her! She immediately lowered herself before him, finally stopping the constant movement to show the utmost respect and submission before him. Unfortunately, the grin was there to stay and wasn't budging for anything. "Yes, sir!" she yipped, her voice shrill. "My name is Garnet and I do so wish to join your pack! It's a very good pack, sir! One of the best!" Apparently the way to get an alpha to like you was to pointlessly flatter his pack? Her immaturity was showing again but Garnet was just too overwhelmed by everything. "If I may say, I'm a good runner and I'd be happy to run with your pack, sir! I can model myself after Vi, sir, if you'd like! I promise to uphold your ideals and never betray the pack, never-ever-never!" In case it wasn't obvious, this female hadn't quite learned all the proper etiquette for joining a pack but she was doing her very best.


10-15-2013, 11:47 PM

She was cute in a puppish immature way, but Vi's smile turned from sly to easy fairly quickly. And Taurigs quick appearance made her chuckle. So maybe he was stalking her... She tipped her head to glance at the alpha and smiled easily at him, dipping her skull politely to him before taking a quick step back to let him take the lead. His words hit her like a freight train but her smile didn't waiver as she continued to study the young girl. Soon there was a flurry of words and Vi found herself chuckling as the girl said she she could model herself after Vi. "Look Taur, I'm a model pack member now," a playful wink followed her words before turning to look at Garnet once more. "Well dear it's been a pleasure to meet you, since apparently I'm part of the pack now I'll see you around. I'll let you two talk..." She said easily before walking forward and cutting to the right so she walked between the new female and Taurig. As she passed she flashed Taurig a wide eyed look so Garnet wouldn't see, a look that clearly said she would like to speak with him later. As soon as she passed she broke into an easy lope and headed back towards her home.

-exit Vi-



5 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 12:03 AM

He could almost see the excitement rolling off the young woman on the other side of the border. She could hardly contain herself before Vi, but once he came into the picture she was able to settle her excitement down to a manageable level, her posture morphing into a submissive one. He didn't require his members to do such things, but he was glad to see that she was able to recognize and respect those who were higher above than her in rank. Yes, sir! My name is Garnet and I do so wish to join your pack! It's a very good pack, sir! One of the best! If I may say, I'm a good runner and I'd be happy to run with your pack, sir! I can model myself after Vi, sir, if you'd like! I promise to uphold your ideals and never betray the pack, never-ever-never! She seemed to be around his age, if not a year or so younger, but she appeared to have the attitude of a young pup. She was clearly very excited about the prospect of becoming a tortugan, even going as far as complimenting his pack. It was a nice touch, but it was clear that she didn't know anything about Tortuga. It was fine though; he was glad to see her excited about becoming part of his pack.

An amused chuckle curled the King's lips as she offered to model herself after Vi. She wasn't exactly the best role model around, but it was certainly amusing to see Garnet already look up to the russet lady. As expected, Vi caught onto his words right away and after bidding ado to Garnet, the russet woman would take her leave by crossing before him, her golden eyes widening at the titan with a look that said she wanted to talk later. A short nod of acknowledgement would be presented to the woman as she disappeared, attention returning to the excitable Garnet. Thank you Garnet, I am quite proud of my pack. You needn't model yourself after anyone; being yourself is just fine. Now you say you're a runner, eh? Would you like to work as a hunter? Running is a good skill to have as a hunter.

Talk like this


10-19-2013, 04:31 PM
Garnet very nearly died on the spot when she was welcomed so easily into the pack. She had heard that Tortuga wasn't quite so strict on the pack fights and the hierarchy based on the results of fights but a part of her had worried she'd have to fight in order to join. For Tortuga's sake, she would have, though she could have guessed the results. She'd be amongst the lowest members. Which wasn't necessarily bad for her (she didn't really mind being so far down) but she knew it would have meant a few changes and learning new behavior. To not be asked to fight was nothing short of miraculous for her.

Garnet didn't seem to notice that Vi hadn't been an official member of the pack and missed the importance of Taurig just announcing it. She just watched the two pack members for cues. She cocked her head inquisitively when Vi said her curious little goodbye but thought nothing more of it. Attention was turned back to Taurig, Garnet slowly pulled out of her submissive pose, opting for a sitting position. Though she did make sure to remain as neutral as possible and show submission to Taurig. He obviously didn't mind Vi's behavior but Garnet had to make a good impression! She smiled a little, playing the perfect well-behaved guest. When he mentioned being a hunter, Garnet's spirits were brought down a little. She could hunt for herself, certainly, but her lack of strength made it difficult for her to bring down prey large enough for multiple wolves to eat. She could run down nearly anything but she didn't have the brute strength to back up her speed. "Um, Sir, I apologize but I might not be the best at hunting. I try and I can sometimes kill badgers or something but... I'm not too good at the hunting. I can run aaaaaaall day long but I'm not so good at getting prey." She hung her head, more than a little afraid Taurig would deem her useless and kick her out. "But I can try, yes, sir!" she added before such a thing happened.