
we all make mistakes..?


10-08-2013, 11:27 PM

Okay, so theoretically there existed a primeval edict depicting the ins and outs of the universe. Well, he wasn?t entirely positive if it was that extensive or even if said diktat was anything beyond a figment of his hysterics but for the sake of time let?s just say there is and move it along. Right, so Roy really wished that at this very moment in time the aforementioned decree of ?what-you-can-and-cannot-do? had been squashed into a five minute lecture somewhere between his early puphood and the last several minutes of his life because honestly, he could have used that guidance right about now.

A whine, one of many that had evacuated the tri-colored speedster, reverberated sharply from the young wolf. His legs were beginning to ache from their decidedly useless struggling. All his thrashing had achieved was scratching jagged little lines in the hardened surface where he stood captive and in a panic. Worse was that his paws were beginning to go numb underneath him, something that wouldn?t have been quite so terrifying if a better portion of his tongue wasn?t firmly pasted to the side of a frozen waterfall. Yeah, this was a problem.

"Dith ith thonot crath!"




4 Years
10-09-2013, 12:11 AM

In all honesty she probably should not have been wandering so far from the pack lands, by now she had swollen to her full size, her walking devolving into little more than a vaguely elegant waddle. Her pelt, though still luxurious and long, did not heat her as it once had, her former glory lost to help maintain the lifestyle needed to support the life growing within her. The life itself was another matter entirely. She had not imagined this much activity could come from something that did not live yet. But it was non-stop, the swinging of limbs as if they had to test them every second, as if they might disappear if they weren?t in constant movement.
It all put Narsha into a very irritable mood. She did not like feeling as though she had lost her glory, this was what drove her to seek out places beyond the pack lands. Her paws tracing a familiar route, unaware that they were taking her towards the place that she and the grey male had briefly matched up. Things were different here now, the advent of winter had frozen the once lively forest and as she approached the falls themselves, she realized, the water itself. The once loud tumbling falls were now frozen into great, glittering spires. It was enough to push the bad mood away, though the male stuck at the bottom of the falls certainly helped.
With a chuckle she trotted towards him, slipping carefully along the ice, aware that any false move could send her tumbling and that any jarring landing could spell the end for the life within her. She slunk up beside him a grin splitting across her face. Amber orbs glittered with amusement, as she laughed again. ?It would seem you?ve found yourself in a bit of a predicament.? She said, fighting to contain her giggling.



10-14-2013, 01:46 PM

The rhythmic clinking of nails of the pools frozen surface alerted the young speedster to his sudden company and it was all he could do to suppress a groan. The absolute last thing he wanted was for someone to catch sight of him in such a ridiculous predicament. His ego had suffered far too many blows in the recent weeks to sustain another battering and frankly, he was just tired of being counted as a screw up. Being ridiculed and teased for every stupid little decision he happened to make that wasn?t successful, got old rather quickly believe it or not. He merely wished everyone else received that memo.

Royale stopped his; apparently useless, struggling and slid to an inelegant half-sitting-half-standing pose. It really did nothing to alleviate the ache building in his legs. He couldn?t shift his head a great deal but that proved unnecessary as soft, bell-like laughter coiled into his ears and the unwanted spectator ambled into his peripheral and ?gosh, she was pretty. Why were all the pretty girls finding him in these compromising positions damn it!? Would it kill them to arrive when he was doing something impressive or non-humiliating!?

Withholding a grumble of discontent, Roy put on his best look of nonchalance and eyed the newcomer with false confusion. ?Wha? Dis? Oh nu, ah meant to du dis.? He clarified with careful nods of his head, trying to play off his comical dilemma as a planned venture. Which is wasn?t and frankly even he wasn?t convinced. Gods, how was he going to get out of this? ?Tho, come ?ere offen?? he questioned around his tongue, trying vainly to ignore that copious amounts of saliva were dripping down the sides of his jaw in a completely unattractive way.




4 Years
10-14-2013, 11:22 PM

She watched him attempt to sit, a grin splitting across her face. She would draw in his form while still approaching, he was handsome to be sure, not overly so but there was a sort of uniqueness that lent itself to his appearance, she liked it. His mumbled speech causing earthen audits to perk, bronze gaze alighting even further; a girly giggle escaping her cream jaws. Oh how good it felt to laugh, really laugh. Not that life in Galciem was hard, far from it, as a chosen member of the brood she was well looked after, and even more so now that she carried the king?s spawn within her. But the life was not one of enjoyment. "Well certainly, I was simply noting on the end result." She smiled innocently. Not for a minute believing him.

Was he... flirting with her? She had to giggle again. She sat herself upon the ice, careful of the swelling in her abdomen. "Yes actually. My pack is not far from here." There was no fear in telling this male this, he would never get passed Isardis' defenses in the event that he had any bad intentions, though based on his current circumstances that seemed highly unlikely.
She swept her tail across the ice, fixing him with her molten gaze, the bad mood from earlier all but dissipated. "So hot shot," She began, giving him a wink, "What's your plan for getting unstuck?"



10-15-2013, 01:27 AM

Oh? Was that sarcasm he detected? Ah, yes apparently it was, the copper damn was not at all fooled by his ploy ? how she managed to translate his gibberish was particularly amazing ? and she was letting him know it. The blue-eyed speedster shrugged his shoulders in a noncommittal gesture. He really couldn?t be blamed for trying seeing as how he was in the perfect position to be heckled by anyone who enjoyed kicking a guy when he was down. He was only grateful that she seemed somewhat disinclined to make her teasing belligerent. Thank God for small mercies.

Still her response earned her a chuckle as Royale attended to the pressing issue of his tongue being glued to a glorified glacier. Unless he wanted it to become a permanent fixture he was going to need a proper plan to get himself unstuck. Otherwise it was going to be a very, very long winter for him.

He listened to the woman with half an ear, smirking to the best of his ability as she relayed an answer to his question as she got comfortable. The movement allowed him to see the swollen bulge in her stomach ? so she was either really fat or heavy with pups. Neither was a particularly enticing prospect but he supposed little rugrats were infinitely better than looking like a bloated all the time. Not that he found her any less attractive it was just the knowledge that she might already have a claim on her that might bother him.

?Tho a paak, huh? Sh?onds naice. Muss be coo libin way up ?ere.? Lord he was butchering the language to terribly that he had to cringe ? or was that because speaking pulled his tongue and the nerves didn?t appreciate it? Whatever.

Present company rejoined with her own question, one that immediately took his mind off his poor situation and made him grin salaciously. ?Ah waz tinking bout a lil friction~? he cooed playfully. ?Ya know, rubbin togeder t?make heat? Yuu sheem rader warm, anna halp me out?? He said shamelessly with a comical wiggling of his brows.




4 Years
10-17-2013, 09:19 PM

She had to give him credit, he was doing his best to preserve any dignity he had left. Which admittedly wasn?t much; she would not take it from him however. Her ears perked as he laughed, giving him a quick wink. She noted the way he observed her current state, the pups kicking against her and she suppressed a grimace. Sitting was a different matter when it came to her new size, her forelegs had to be splayed more than she was used too, it created an odd sort of imbalance that was hard to get used to, especially because she had continued growing in size at a rather constant rate for a while now.
She frowned slightly as he spoke again, his words were harder to understand this time though she did manage to catch their meaning a moment later. She chuckled looking away for a moment as if thinking of Glaciem summoned it just past the trees, back the way she had come. ?It?s not too bad in the late spring and summer but yes, it does tend to be kind of cold later in fall and winter. It would certainly be beneficial to have another body in the den on those really cold nights.? She winked at him, outwardly doing her best to exude confidence while inwardly she was berating herself for the comment. She hadn?t outright invited him but she knew that if he took it as such that there would be hell to pay? for both of them.
His answer to her question made her smirk, oh yes he was definitely flirting with her. The waggling of his brow made her chuckle. She rose to her paws and slide less than elegantly towards him, pushing her side into his, standing so that she was shoulder to shoulder with him. ?Like this?? She whispered into his ear before, turning around and moving around behind him, her body still pressed up against his before she stopped at his other side, her paws stopped about half way back from his head. She smirked and ran a paw up under his belly drawing it back his body stopping a little short of any more intimate contact. ?Or this?? She teased, chuckling.



10-18-2013, 11:19 PM

Was?was she propositioning him? This was happening wasn?t it? He was about eighty-seven percent certain that she was propositioning him now. Not that there really were any viable statistics for this sort of situation. How many men out there had been solicited to warm the beds of the heavily pregnant while concurrently having their tongues bonded to the side of a frozen waterfall? Royale blinked cutely at the honey-colored woman for several seconds, not quite believing the amorous statement had left those lips. It was just so?odd for him. Usually his flirting was observed with minimal significance but not only was she flirting back but she?d all but thrown caution to the wind and thrown down the welcome of all welcomes.

Except?he was pretty sure there was a really big, strong Mister somewhere that wouldn?t value him nearly as much as she would. Somebody had to be responsible for that belly of hers, right? Those things didn?t just poof in there on there own.

?W-well maow,? The boy, never more thankful for a heavy winter coat, blushed. ?Caan?t say ah wud mind, ah am radder floofy.? He remarked but knowing internally there was very little chance he would take her up on that offer. His luck was dicey at the best of times, fighting someone over a female who looked about ready to burst with the brood she was carrying just wasn?t in the cards for him. Not because Royale wouldn?t want to fight for the woman of his dreams. He would, he?d just rather not get his ass kicked for something that wasn?t his to begin with.

Roy found himself trying vainly not to shudder as his still nameless companion rubbed her body down the length of his own. The bulge of her stomach made for an odd transition from the sleeker and less affected areas of her form but that was the furthest thing from his mind at that moment. She was warm, pretty and very much testing the boundaries of whatever it meant to be the mother of someone else?s children.

Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, Royale?s previous common sense seemed to have evaporated. He consciously pressed into her, reveling in the sensations that it brought. The brute?s features spoke volumes for his current mindset, glazed ever so slightly in bliss and a loose smile claiming his parted lips. Yeah, life was good in that moment ? until she put her paw much too close to ?little Roy? and that snapped him out of it. ?Whoa!? Roy jumped, back arched like a furious cat and balancing on the tips of his toes. ?Cowld paws away thum mah maughty bits pwease!? His voice had rocketed up a few octaves while he danced on the spot, tugging enough that his tongue came unstuck by a few increments.

?Haha, a weast buy me binner furst.?
