
This Is Usually The Part Where People Scream


10-08-2013, 02:15 PM
The feeling had come like a wild thing in the night, sweeping over the fae's heart and nestling within her very being. It whispered to her during the night, stroking her body with it's familiarity. As Destruction arose she felt it, the desire to taste blood. For quite a while she had kept her desire to fight away... but now the season of her birth had come around again Destruction knew that she needed to 'itch the scratch' so to speak.

The wolfess scented the air as she neared the battle ground, ears perked forward as her body tingled with the excitement of a coming fight. She loved this feeling, the feeling of the power within her own body. She took a look around the battlefield before she threw back her head and let out a challenging howl. If someone would, she wanted to get out her energy in a spar.

Now all Destruction needed to do was wait. At the very least it would fix this craving that she had... her desire. Then she would be able to return to Seracia and take care of business there.