
Dancing to the Beat of my Own Drum


10-29-2013, 12:26 PM

The mountainous rocks that surrounded her were like giant pedestals, and the golden fae longed to have her mother here, to dance with her. The tall woman wandered about, weaving effortlessly through the maze of rocks, grass green orbs trained on each one, searching for the perfect spot. There. A broad stone, about seven of her strides long, and four wide, lay just low enough for her to leap onto it. Her long legs kicked into action, and she streaked towards it, and then leapt upon the massive grey expanse. It was perfect, relatively flat and it shimmered with minerals. Standing still, she twitched her ears back and forth to find the natural music of the area. Grass waving back and forth in the breeze, leaves whispering secrets to one another, the chirping birds hidden in the trees, the occasional clatter as pebbles rearranged themselves. It flowed together into a natural beat, and the golden woman let her body follow it's song. Broad paws struck the stone smoothly as her body found a seamless rhythm, her long tail sweeping back and forth behind her as she moved upon the pedestal. Her voice trickled from ebony lips, a soft hum to fill the missing voids within natures tune. Her cranium swung back and forth slowly, her body spinning smoothly across the stone. Her claws clicked against the hard surface she danced upon, creating a constant staccato beat. A thick silver bangle around her right front wrist jangled faintly in time with her movements. Anyone could see the grace in her movements, the practiced ease in her fluid motions. Not many could dance, it was a trait that took much teaching, but if one was dedicated, they could become as wonderful as the dame upon the stone. Her front paws crossed over one another, her rear paws sidestepping to cover the distance, and her curvy frame rippled with lithe muscles beneath her thick gold pelt. Few had seen her dance, for she felt that she looked silly when she did, and that others would think she was weird for it. So whenever she heard bodies approaching, she stopped dead. But now she heard nothing, now was just this. The music of the earth, the movement of her body to follow, and the subsiding ache in her heart.

and this is how you hold a conversation