


10-07-2013, 08:06 PM

The desolate, frigid expanse was quiet and tranquil, immaculate with a freshly fallen layer of snow. Karmen wasn't quite used to the bone-chilling weather, but figured that it would be appropriate to adjust seeing that her pack territory was located in the northern regions. She detested the fluffy precipitation that floated from the skies like foreign faeries, silent and beautiful - but nonetheless, cold and unwelcomed in her eyes.

Her honey-brown curls clung to her torso, shaping her elegant and voluptuous frame tightly in the wind, struggling to keep her body heat trapped against her skin. Those eyes, like burning peridots, searched for any signs of life on this barren escape. Why she wandered out here so far away from home was beyond her, experience perhaps? Maybe she needed time away from the puny members of Amenti and their petty ways, every one besides Canttina was just another body in her way. Or maybe she was searching for a form of entertainment, something to ease her mind and take off the edge. Either way, she would not leave this land until she was satisfied. Snow began to fall rapidly, quickly escalating into a wild blur of white, flickering scenery.


10-07-2013, 08:31 PM

He had always enjoyed the isolation of the north, ever since that first day his paws had carried him away from what he had considered home for so long the golden boy had yet to return. Even to this day he had really no desire to return to his pack. Though his loyalties still did and always would lie with Seracia and Maverik, especially when was threatened them, he now realized that he wanted different things. Wanted something beyond being the advisor to the king. Maybe once day he would make it back to his pack long enough to tell them that but for now he was content to allow his paws to carry him where they wished throughout the north.

The snow had begun to fall, lazily at first, drifting from the sky silently and as the first flake brushed his cheek the male stopped. Head tipped back to regard the sky that seemed to have gathered a cluster of clouds above. He had always loved the snow but even as he stood there the storm began to pick up until the snow fall was made even thicker as the wind picked up the snow on the ground and threw it around as well. It might have all been quite magical if not for the cold bite of the wind. He was just lowering his head when a figure came drifting into view, as cold and beautiful as the storm sweeping around them. A smile would slide across his features, golden eyes narrowing as he began heading for the figure in the distance who also seemed to be heading for him. "Greetings!" He called, slowly closing the distance between them, trying to figure out if this wolf was male or female, friend or foe.



10-10-2013, 11:43 AM

The overpowering musk of a male wolf traveled on the wind and imbedded itself in Karmen's sensory palate. She scrunched her peachy nose, attempting to place the scent with a name, but alas, she knew not of this stranger. Gradually he appeared before Karmen, a mirror of herself in sorts: he was pallid and dull in comparison, but still boasted the creamy yellow shades of what could be called gold. Although, his eyes were very obviously the color of King's riches, dark and tantalizing like pretty pennies. As the wind bit into her skin, she knew that this was hardly the time or place for meeting others of her kin, so she drew herself closer, eating the distance between them so that she might hear him better. And as he spoke to her, she knew he was not of her breed. Meager, quiet, humble, gentlemanly. All the traits that any girl - but Karmen - could ever want in a man. He was seemingly pure, good of heart, with wide eyes and an innocent smile on his maw.

Karmen smirked. "Fancy that I might meet another wolf out here in such outrageous conditions," she offered a smile, charming and feigning benign origins, those her gaze was scrutinizing the male in front of her, identifying him for all of his worth - or what little was there.