
My Love, My Soul, My Heart!


10-07-2013, 09:35 AM
It had been a long and difficult journey, but alas the young man had made it. He traveled far and wide, looking for one thing and one thing only. His heart strings did not allow him to rest easily since she left, and now they seemed to vibrate as if telling him his journey was coming to an end. Jasper panted, steam escaping his jaws as Winter had set in not too long ago. The snow, however, didn't bother him much as his thick pelt did well to repel the cold that would gather onto his fur. He was glad for it, because Jasper didn't really like the cold much if at all. He hated it, and much preferred the effect of spring time. Felt tipped ears would circulate his surroundings as kept all senses open and alert, he had no idea where he was but he knew something was about to happen. He could somehow just feel it.

White paws stepped over a small bush, the large brute coming to a halt as he scented something that blew towards him. Instantly, his heart would pick up in speed and pound like a road runners legs on the ground. His eyes lit up with hope, and he would move faster now towards the scent. He knew it was unmistakeable, it had to be. As he came forth, he would barrel through a wall of foliage, and there she was..."Udosa...?" He would say with some hesitance, as if he couldn't believe it was really her. Would he still be able to remember her scent after all this time? Or was his mind playing tricks on him? He knew it had to be true though, he didn't know anyone else with that pelt...and that much, he had never forgotten.


10-07-2013, 04:45 PM
She had been wandering through the lands as they were gripped by winter, investigating everything. She felt like something was going to happen, yet she did not know what. As she felt a presence behind her, and her name called by a masculine voice, she turned to see a man she had not expected to lay eyes on ever again. Jasper. Bi coloured orbs took in a tall build, draped with a familiar, one of a kind pelt. She was shocked, unable to move from her stance. After her vocal cords unlocked, she let out a whisper of disbelief. "J-Jasper?" She asked, lifting powerful paws to move closer.

If this was the wolf she thought he was, this was a man who had been her only true friend for the longest time of all while she was living on her own after her mother abandoned her. She had thought him to love her, and she had loved him. Then, of course, she had been forced to leave by one of his packmates when they had discovered the source of who was stealing from their kills, her.

As she moved forwards, she met clear green pools and felt tears prickle in her own. Was it really him? Was he here to end her loneliness in these lands, to be by her side for the rest of their lives? Somewhere deep inside, she knew he was, but she couldn't help but doubt it, she couldn't help but think he was sent to bring her back to his pack and face consequences for stealing. So she waited for him to confirm her suspicions, and maybe tell her why he was in the lands of Alacritia.



10-09-2013, 05:00 AM
Gentle green eyes watched as the woman before him as she approached. His long fur would gently ruffle with the breeze as he stood there. A smile lifting the corner of his mouth, and with slow gentle steps he would close the gap between them. With a slow nod to confirm her words, he reached forward and touched the side of her muzzle as gently as a breeze would stir the surface of a lake. He pulled back, keeping his nose just inches from hers as his sweet breath stirred the air. "Yes Udosa, it's me. I've come to find you...don't cry, I'm here for you now." The young man would sit then, curling his long feathery tail around his paws. He wondered if she would ever forgive him for not standing up for her that day...the day his pack chased her away. Attempted to kill her. They still searched for her weeks after she disappeared. Jasper had been sad and depressed when she left. His puppyhood had been spent sneaking away to play with her, and as they grew older together he had fallen in love. After a while of her gone and hearing nothing but talk of her treachery and thievery, Jasper had had enough. He told his father that he was leaving, and with the final argument Jasper had turned and ran.

"I came here to find you...I left my pack...for you. After you left, I just couldn't be without you. I missed you so much, and now I've found you..." His words would begin to falter, falling into a whisper as tears would begin to reach the brim of his eyes. He had been searching for her for well over a year, and she was here now. pure green orbs roamed her features, taking in the woman that he had not seen for a long time. "You're just as beautiful as I remember...only prettier." His voice came out as a whisper, a tear finally spilling over down his cheek.


10-09-2013, 08:15 PM
She listened to his soothing voice fill her ears, telling her about his journey to find her. When he finished his story, she smiled broadly, showing all of her teeth and reaching all the way up her face to crinkle the corners of her eyes. "I missed you so much!" She cried, leaping at him with a cry of joy and wrapping her forepaws around his neck in a wolfy hug. The hellish looking dame buried her face in his thick neck fur, muttering happily to herself incoherently.

Lifting her face to look into his eyes, those calm, crystal clear orbs the colour of ferns in spring. The eyes that had erased the trauma of her childhood when she was with him, the one's that had been the last to give her a kind look before everything went spiralling out of control. "I can't believe it. You're really here." She whispered, smiling with so much joy and affection that they could hardly be contained in her mismatched optics.



10-19-2013, 04:32 PM
A gentle rumble in his chest indicated his happiness as Udosa came at him. He closed his eyes as her forepaws came to wrap around him, and in turn he lifted a forepaw and pulled her closer to him, burying his face into the fur on her neck. He inhaled her scent, the very same one that he remembered all that time ago. They had both grown, no longer pups but now full fledged adults. He thought that maybe she would hate him for abandoning her for so long, that she would want nothing to do with him at all, perhaps even have a mate by now...the worrying thoughts that he carried throughout his journey would slowly ease, but he wasn't sure. Maybe she did already have a mate? Possibly children? And maybe she was just happy to see him and they would remain friends...He hoped with all his heart and mind that those nagging thoughts were just the devils lies.

Jasper pulled her closer to him, holding her tightly as he then wrapped his other foreleg around her to hold her as close as possible; to hold her tighter, feeling as though if he let go she would disappear. Not this time. He would not let her disappear again, would not abandon her. He loved her too much...though he would not stop her from making her life choices. Whether he was with her as a friend or as a mate, he would stay by her side for support and love her no matter what. Whether she liked it or not, she would be stuck with long as she was happy, that's all he cared about. "Udosa, I missed you so much...there's no words to describe how happy I am to see you right now. I...I don't want to let you go again.." he confessed through a whisper. Though it was bold, he didn't care. They had fallen in love as pups, and he was sure the love was still there. He could see it in her eyes and feel it in her heart. There was no mistaking the pull that his soul had towards her.


10-19-2013, 04:44 PM

Jasper's forepaws wrapped around her body, enveloping her in so much warmth, love, she could not bear to have him let go. As his voice stirred the fur in her ears, she could not help but grin.
"I sure hope you don't, Jasper." She whispered, breathing in his scent and hoping this moment would never end. "I finally get to tell you that... I love you, Jasper." She murmured, her joy unable to be contained in her voice, the fact that he had come all the way here to find her, must have meant something. Her heart clung to the hope it was because he felt the same as she did, that he had come to claim her as his mate, and they would live happily ever after, no if ands or buts about it. She would be with him forever, and they would take on the world together. But for now, there was only here, now, this moment. The scent of the man she loved filling her nostrils, the feel of his fur meshed with hers, the sound of his even breathing, the hope in her heart that this moment would last forever.
