
Why's The Rum Gone?


10-07-2013, 09:06 AM
Swaying on unsteady paws, Jack came upon the Kamui Delta in search of a place that he might one day claim as pack lands. The hardships of winter were coming down on him, and he hated it. Though Jack normally didn't hate much of anything...except when he ran out of his favorite drink that he would make himself. But alas, the ingredients were scarce the moment winter came, and it was driving him to insanity! But alas, he could do nothing about the rugged man would traverse the lands in search of any kind of ingredient to use for his addiction. He had drunk the last of it this morning, which explained his teetering walk...then again, he always walked that way. So it was always hard to tell whether he was sober or drunk. That was the way of Jack Sparrow, and he loved every minute of it!

He came to a stop at the waters edge and would take a big drink. The cold and freezing water would cause him to shut his eyes as the effect of a brain freeze would ensue. Shaking his head vigorously, he would stand there, his body swaying slightly as if he were a stalk of grass in the breeze.



10-08-2013, 07:11 PM

Tired paws carried the pale tiny figure to the delta, tonuge swipe around her lips to try and moisten them. After her visit to Tortuga she was rather thirsty. Jaws parted as a yawn stole her breath. With a snort she shook her head. She hated winter, but at least it was warmer here in the east than in the north. She wished there was some way she could ease the tension and stress out of her body, to just relax and forget everything for abit.

And yet Gitan's face kept entering her mind. She sighed softly, was it ever possible to love someone you just met? Sure she had met him a few months ago but hadnt seen him till today. Paws stopped at the edge of one of the many streams. Eyes stared down at the water without really seeing it. She had taken on such a large role in her new pack. She couldnt frolic around with some male from another pack, right? Her time and dedication was to Ludicael now. She would sigh again before dipping her head to take a drink. Was there a herb out there that could help her relax? To forget, even just for a bit? There had to be right?



10-23-2013, 04:31 AM

The cool winds bit into the mans fur, chilling him and nearly beginning to sober him up a little more. Though it took a lot more then chilly winds to pull him from his favorite hobby. A grunt escaped his lips as he turned to pad away, but something would catch his merry little eye as he moved. A girl, young and youthful by the looks of it, and Jack was all the merrier to have company. He wouldn't deny any sort of company be they good bad, malevolent, smelly, big short, fat, skinny, nobles, kings, queens, knights or even pirates like himself. Jack was no harbringer of trouble, so why should one feel threatened around him? If anything he always thought it a silly idea...a wolf feeling threatened around him of all people. Though he felt flattered that anyone would feel that way on occasion. Either way, he would care less about it.

Hazel eyes darted about to see if the woman was with company, though by the scent of it she seemed to be alone. With a sniff and a saunter, he moved forth towards her. His gait unsteady as he wobbled on unsteady legs. Perhaps she could help him seek out the ingredients that became scarcer as the season grew colder. If they found the ingredients, perhaps they could sit and share a drink. It had been a while after all, since Jack had had a drinking buddy. And perhaps if she chose to drink with him, maybe they might both loosen up and have a good time...who knew? The possibilities were endless! Though even if he were drunk off his high horse, Jack would never attempt to take advantage of a woman if she didn't want it. Rape was not in his quota, and he did well to keep it that way...however, flirting was another matter. And so he stopped, his tail swaying to and fro behind his lanky rugged body. Eyes blinking rather lazily as he cleared his throat. "'Scuse me Miss, but...why's the rum gone?" Of course that would be the first thing he would say...though being in his incoherent mind, nothing he said ever made sense. Later he would probably find that she would be confused to his question, but that's all he cared about for now. Where did his precious liqour go?



10-27-2013, 10:13 PM

Movement to her side caught her eye and her head slowly turned. Bi-colored eyes fell upon an unsteady male. Brow furrowed in concern as she watched him come closer. What was wrong with him? He seemed healthy by appearance. She took a few sniffs softly but could not detect any sickness from him. Perhaps nothing was wrong with him. She sat down on her haunches, tail wrapping around her. Ears perked up as he cleared his throat before speaking. Head would tilt slightly as his question. What was rum?"What..I'm sorry sir i dont know what your talking about. What is rum?" She replied softly.

As she waited for his answer she could not help think about those stressful thoughts she had had all morning. But every thought turned back to Gitan. Why couldnt he just be in Ludicael? It would make getting to know him more and all so much easier. Eyes looked around them briefly just incase this was some trap. She would not be surprised based on all she had heard going on with Glaciem. Which was the reason she had not gone to them and also had set out to see where other packs set on these matters.
