
down the road



4 Years
10-06-2013, 08:18 PM

The oddity would saunter with evident purpose, thick tail flicking about the tapers of her haunches as she would seek the scent of her sister; tracing the glow of the rising morning sun with a passive tranquillity. She rather enjoyed the company of her sibling, although she was not particularly close with the colossal albino, they still had the natural ties of sisterhood wound within their veins. Marked legs would cease as the gazelle-etched youth would raise her skull, a short howl summoning her sibling to her proximities. Isardis had requested the duo train for the upcoming battle with their enemies, and pleasurably Satis would comply. The more experience the better, and she desired so gravely to keep her sister up to standards.


10-06-2013, 08:44 PM

The coral shaded beast would gracefully take her full height as the sun found its way into the sky. Impra would find herself searching for shade soon enough. She would sway over the newly packed snow, alone for not long. The familiar marked woman who was her sister found her way into Impra's company. The giantess would let a welcoming smile dance upon her rose lips as her kin approached. Hello sister! She would purr as her gaze was forced to look down upon the girl. It was hardly that she thought herself better, but more that she looked down upon everyone literally. What does my overseer need of me this day? She would ask, ready for the command to be given.




4 Years
10-07-2013, 05:10 PM

The girl would dip her head lightly upon the arrival of her colossal relative, sizing the girl up as her defences would begin to rise. It would be a friendly spar, however it didn?t mean Satis would hold back. ?Sister, Isardis has given us the instructions to train together for the uprising war against our enemies,? she would pause as feminine tones crawled upwards towards the towered harks of the albino, ?You may have the first attack, we will learn off eachother.? A smirk threatened to dance upon the edges of her lips, perhaps it could be like old times? It had been so long since the days of their child play, but the now mature adults could surely still enjoy one another?s company; even if it perhaps was a little more serious now. Carefully the marked girl would reverse to a greater distance from her sibling, defences set as she awaited a first attack, ?Do not hold back, we should fight as if we were fighting an enemy.?


10-07-2013, 07:52 PM

Her sister would nod in her greeting as she approached the pallid giantess. Champaign fur was wisped over strawberry skin as she moved a step closer to the smaller girl. A light breeze tussling the gorgeous pelt as her audits were blessed with the orders passed down. ?Sister, Isardis has given us the instructions to train together for the uprising war against our enemies,? So battle would soon reach her paws, the thought was enticing. Though Isardis was correct in assuming that she needed practice. Her canines had been quite devoid of blood for a long time. ?You may have the first attack, we will learn off each other. Do not hold back, we should fight as if we were fighting an enemy.? A look of slight disgust would cross her features, yes she wished to go all out but, I would just ask a slight thought to scarring, I would wish not to have an abhorrent scar plaguing me because of a spar with my sister. She would plead, if she was to be scarred she would prefer it be from a great battle.
The she wolf was now much farther as they prepared themselves for battle. Her hackles would instinctively as her jaws parted, ready for the taste of her sister's flesh. With narrowed eyes she would stare at her sister evaluating the situation. A snarl would cross her features as her abdomen tightened and a growl escaped her pearly incisors. Ears would fall as she bent her knees and readied herself for the initial charge. With splayed toes she would distribute her weight more evenly before lifting her paws from the ground. She would tuck her chin as she began to charge for the smaller girl
She would streamline her body as she hunkered down into a torpedo launch, her belly lower to the ground than normal as her head was lowered with her shoulders rolled. She would release a blood curdling screech as her jaws widened even further, she came upon her sister and with weight pushed into her own shoulder she would attempt to throw herself into the smaller girl's right shoulder (Satis's right) While keeping her head low she would use her jaws to search for her blood's left elbow hoping to take the limb into her jaws to rend it immobile for the fight. Her claws would be pushed forward to ensure her footing with her tail steadied her balance behind her as the battle would ensue.
Impra vs Satis for Training

Round 1 of 3

Attack: Shove to the shoulder along with an attempt at grabbing Satis's shoulder

Defenses: Hackles raised, jaws parted, eyes narrowed, snarling, ears pinned, knees bent, rolled shoulders,splayed toes, weight evenly distributed/used in attack, chin tucked, spine aligned, claws pushed into the earth for traction.

Injuries: None




4 Years
10-10-2013, 05:04 AM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2013, 06:27 AM by Satis.)

Each time Satis engaged her body and mind in a spar, she had come out on top. Her confidence was realistically high, however the girl had never been known to brew upon an enlarged ego; as her albino sibling stated her terms she would nod simply, although it wasn?t a promise, she would do her best to contain herself. Nobody wanted serious injuries before the war regardless. Impra would be quick to act, throwing her body towards her sister with a heavy lumbering motion. She certainly had the weight to succeed. Shoulder would threaten to collide with the girls form, Satis knowing well and truly her weight was no match against her sisters, however she would take advantage of the albino?s lack of manoeuvrability regardless.

Satis would launch her body simultaneously towards her opponent, making no efforts to do any more than attempt to equalize the force of her oncoming sister; to slam right shoulder to Impra?s own and unite the pair with a tapered force. However Satis would still find herself slightly tossed to the side, balance quickly equalizing as she attempted to fight the gargantuan with tactic as opposed to strength. Impra?s jaws would then be sent towards right elbow, the marked lady quickly calculating an attempted counter as she would strive to toss her body weight along with Impra?s target, elbow pointed into the girls jaws; to use the sharpness of the bone and force to shock her sibling with both pain, discomfort and unsuspecting alarm.

Moments later the Satis would strive to sieze yet another tender opportunity; Impra?s lower position beneath her encouraging orifice to take a quickly calculated attack to the scruff, to rapidly attempt to clasp gaping jaws over the loose flesh of the nape in a brittle attempt to gain control. Meanwhile her defences would still stand; weight equal and limbs squared until her elbow thrust, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, abdomen tense, chest ever-so-slightly lowered to the earth beneath her, chin tucked, shoulders rolled, toes splayed, nails gripping, muscles rigid, spine aligned, tail tucked.

Satis vs. Impra - Round 1 of 3! For training.

Defenses: all listed in last paragraph.

Attacks: Satis recognizes Impra's attempt to throw her weight at her right shoulder (it was unspecified which Impra uses), Satis hoping to throw the weight of her right shoulder also to cause the pair to collide on slightly more equal force. Satis is slightly thrown off balance and quickly regathers herself. Impra will aim to bite at her opponents elbow, and Satis will attempt to jerk her weight towards her once again, right elbow pointed, as she would thrust towards her jaws to cause shock and pain. With Impra having presented herself lower, Satis will then aim to grasp at her scruff with her jaws, to hold and potentially gain control/disable.

Injuries: Bruising to right shoulder, potential bruising and skin-grazing over the right elbow.

Notes: I will PM you some tips Kat! <3

ooc; edited because my first post was a WIP.