
A talk.

Bronze i


12 Years
10-05-2013, 06:24 PM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2013, 06:28 PM by Bronze i.)

He had noticed that Mercury was not content with the newly-implemented mentoring program -- he had been assigned to a mysterious dark-furred woman, and he had protested almost immediately. Bronze's first instinct had been to laugh, as he was amused at how similar the boy was to himself -- he was beginning to seem a bit stubborn, a trait he had most certainly inherited from himself. But he was loyal to his family, perhaps to a fault, where he seemed to value only his parents' knowledge above all others. It was endearing, but also a but frustrating; the younger members would be able to help their children as well, and the point of the program was to get the children to meet new wolves -- to learn to socialize, as well as learn valuable life skills.

So as the meeting cleared, Bronze would nudge Mercury, guiding his boy away from the gathering. "Let us walk, son," he suggested, though his tone was firmly commanding. There were so many things he wanted to teach his children before his passing, and yet he didn't want to taint the innocent image they seemed to still have of the world. It was a hard to find the fine line between the harsh reality of existence and whatever safety and comfort Seracia offered them. "Tell me -- why are you upset?" His gaze focused on the boy, before drifting to the rest of his family, who wandered off into the distance. He didn't know how Jendai felt about training with Themisto, but he seemed decent enough; and Ara had actually requested to be mentored by Ara. And Faolan would be trained by Kamala, the King's sister -- he was not worried about any of them. Except Mercury. For now they would walk together and have a father-son talk that was much needed, in his eyes.

Mercury I


4 Years
10-05-2013, 06:49 PM

As the realization that he would not be studying under his father hit him he realized how upset he had become. Never in his life had something gone not the way he wished, so the disappointment was rather unnerving. He didn't know how to come with being so out of touch with. How could they just let him be mentored by someone he didn't even know? How could he be sure that she could even teach him as well as his father? No one could teach him as well as Bronze could.
He could feel the gentle nudge of his father as the meeting drew to a close, the boy's disappointment rather evident as he had not tried to hide any emotion. He didn't know that he might cause his assigned mentor any kind of distress, he was just focused on how unhappy he was. "Let us walk, son, Tell me -- why are you upset?" His suggestion didn't seem like something he'd be able to argue with, not that he wanted to. He loved his father and any time he was able to spend with him was quite alright. Even better that he had initiated and wanted to walk with the boy. The question unsettled him though, and he was unsure how to respond. He knew he was supposed to listen to the king, but in this instance he did not want to. Okay dad. He would responding to the question of taking a walk, uncertainty apparent as he tried to form distinguishable words. I.. I don't want her to teach me. I want you to be my... mentor. He would confess as their bodies moved away from the meeting place, their eyes finding each other.


Bronze i


12 Years
10-05-2013, 07:30 PM

At one point in his life, Bronze hadn't cared if he would live to see another day or not. And yet with each passing day now, he wished so badly he could find a way to ensure he would live forever, so badly did he not want his children to see him grow old. It was a painful thought to imagine his passing, even if only for the fact that he knew how terribly it would affect his children. So for now the brute would be forced to live in the moment, never knowing if next week would come -- or even tomorrow. And yet the thought lingered in the back of his mind, and it was becoming more inescapable as the winter cold began to set in and the aching in his joints became more obvious. He couldn't hide the slight limp that appeared in his step in the morning, and at the end of a particularly active day; he was sure his children were noticing now, or would begin to soon.

Mercury seemed hesitant to talk about it, but Bronze would coax him into explaining. And then came his confession -- he wanted to be mentored by his father, not the other woman. Understandable. "Well, you know I'll always teach you things, Mercury.." Not always -- only for as long as he lived -- but he was not quite sure he was ready to talk about that with his children yet. "But, this isn't about what you want. Sometimes in life you need to do what others tell you, because it's not worth starting trouble." It was a good lesson for the boy, that he couldn't always get his way. Life was never so easy. "But you also have to know when what you want is worth fighting for." It was a big lesson, but a necessary one. He wondered what Mercury thought of that, and tilted his head in his direction to wait for the boy's reaction.

Mercury I


4 Years
10-05-2013, 08:06 PM

Mercury had hardly noticed the weakening of his father's body, in fact he ignored it. Bronze was the strongest and most brave wolf that Mercury knew, there could be no way that the man was not as healthy as he once was. He was Mercury's dad he couldn't get hurt, he would not get old. Bronze was the strongest wolf in the world, that was why he needed to train the young pup. "Well, you know I'll always teach you things, Mercury.. But, this isn't about what you want. Sometimes in life you need to do what others tell you, because it's not worth starting trouble. But you also have to know when what you want is worth fighting for." The words would dishearten the boy, he did not want what was being bestowed upon him.
He certainly thought that his desires were worth fighting for, especially in this instance. He would choose to ignore the simple fact that his father was growing old, but if he thought about it the reason he wanted so badly to train with him as because of his age. No one knew how long the pups would be able to enjoy both of their parents and any time he could spend with him would be wanted. Destruction would only steal away the precious little time he ad with his father, and that was an abhorrent option. I wanna fight for you dad. He would admit as he looked for the older male's gaze.


Bronze i


12 Years
10-08-2013, 11:41 AM

Though he wanted his children to know as much as they desired about him -- about his history, his upbringing, everything -- it would have to come in due time. They were still so naive, though that was to be expected of children. It sometimes felt so wrong that his children thought of him as so strong, so unbreakable, when he was anything but. But he would teach his children what he knew about fighting, about staying strong, about loyalty and perseverance. If anything, they would grow to be wolves that gave up on nothing, even if they were not as positively aligned as he wanted them to be.

Yet his son persisted, missing the lesson he had tried to instill upon the young boy. A sigh left his lips as they continued on their stroll, veering slightly from their eventual goal so that they could have a bit longer to talk together. His admission made Bronze's heart clench, somewhat painfully, and he would be lying if he said that he didn't have to fight back tears from forming in his eyes. "Fine," he said after a moment, a bit gruffly. "You're stubborn, but you're going to grow into a fine young man, Mercury." Bronze couldn't help but lean over and nuzzle the top of his son's head, proud of who he was becoming already.

Mercury I


4 Years
10-13-2013, 09:04 PM

Mercury did the best he could in everything he did, if you were going to do a job, it was certainly worth doing well. He hoped that through everything that happened and all of the hardships that were going to happen that in the end his father would be proud of him. In the end that was all he wished, he wanted to do his parents proud. His mother and father were such considerate beings, he wanted nothing more than to show them they did well in raising their son. Mercury would have a hard time detecting the emotion his father held back as he replied to the boy's statement. "Fine, You're stubborn, but you're going to grow into a fine young man, Mercury."
The boy's grin would widen as his father praised him and spoke of future events. He was incredibly happy to do just as his sire said. He would draw closer to his dad, nuzzling him happily. Just like you dad.


Bronze i


12 Years
10-14-2013, 08:07 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 08:07 AM by Bronze i.)

He grew somewhat somber, considering the possibilities. Losing a parent was no easy feat, even for a grown, mature adult -- and Bronze wasn't sure if he would live to see Mercury truly become a man. Would his beautiful child become hardened and scarred at losing him? At losing his mother? Or would it instill a sense of honor and loyalty in him? The outcomes were endless, and he couldn't help a sigh from escaping his lips. Already he was becoming a boy, and soon he would begin to venture into adulthood.

He watched as Mercury, having won the argument, broke out into a wide grin. He took the compliment silently, licking the top of Mercury's head. "Now, what do you want to learn?" He would slow to a halt, eying his son with true curiosity. He knew he wanted to learn to fight, to defend his family -- but where did the boy want to begin? "Think of the best attack in the whole world, Mercury. If someone was coming at you, what would you do first?" Practice was really the only way to learn the art of sparring, and Bronze would stand, relaxed, wondering what Mercury's first instinct would be. Of course, the boy would not hurt him -- if anything, he'd feel a bit sore in the morning, but it was worth it.

Mercury I


4 Years
10-20-2013, 06:01 PM

His role model for what seemed like life would stand before him proudly, Mercury was so blind to the imperfection, the age that wore on his father. He would only see the strong man who held all of the world upon his shoulders. How blind he was to the amount of time that was left for his parents, what would his reaction be to their death? Their lives were coming to a close, and he would not read the signs of warning. For now he would soak in all he had to learn from them.
Their paws would cease from moving forward as the more physical part of their training would ensue. Enough words of future endeavors were spoken as they began their present moment training. Bronze would assume his son's want to train for battle, the boy was more than ready. A wider grin would play at the corners of his lips as his father introduced the idea to him. He would teach him to spar today. "Think of the best attack in the whole world, Mercury. If someone was coming at you, what would you do first?" Mercury would take little time in deciding his moves, his unseasoned mind taking the first route that would come to his thoughts.
With hardly more than an excited glare sitting upon his features the boy would change his demeanor, instinctively his ears would fall back against his skull as his knees began to bend and his toes would splay out. His miniature jaws would part as a half grin half snarl was released from his throat. It was hardly menacing, and completely in good fun. He would ready himself if an attacker was coming after him. Like this dad? He would as as power was transferred into his paws as he leapt forward towards the man, his front paws becoming airborn as he looked to become taller by using his father as a stepping stool. His open jaws would aim for the golden cheeks of his sire as he came forward.


Bronze i


12 Years
10-21-2013, 07:28 PM

Someday, he would have to talk to his children. Perhaps individually -- he didn't know quite how they would reply when he finally told them his life would be ending soon. He could only hope he would be able to tell just how soon. He didn't want to die in the middle of the night, leaving his children bewildered and distraught; they had to be prepared. But today was not that day, and he could tell that Mercury was still painfully naive. Bronze would not ruin the fantasy that his parents would not live forever. He couldn't bear to see the joy leave his son's eyes; he'd rather see the admiration and pride that shone in those brilliantly-hued orbs.

He watched him shuffle his posture, changing so drastically. And yet there was no hate there, but pure love and determination. He would not be afraid of his son. Not like Bronze had been of his father. "Good," he noted thoughtfully as he examined the boy's stance. A good start, but not perfect. Before he could give him any pointers, the boy snarled and leapt forward. Instinctively he shifted his own body, stance widening. Mercury was not huge, but he was certainly not a child still. He could do a bit of damage if he really wanted to. The man would shift, head swinging to attempt to latch onto Mercury's neck, though his grasp was light. There would be his first lesson -- leaving his throat so wide open could mean a quick and often painful death. His intentions were good, but he still couldn't help but feel vaguely guilty as he intercepted the attack and pushed his son lightly to the ground.

Mercury I


4 Years
10-24-2013, 08:22 PM

The boy's stance was obviously in need of refining and much more practice, he had only his instincts to rely on, and he had not thought about fighting much. He lived in a very peaceful world, and his thoughts of battle were sparse, but he tried and as his feet pushed him forward he was easily stopped by his father. He could feel his throat suddenly become intercepted by gentle jaws. Oops, should have thought about covering his neck, but it would be too late as he could feel himself being pushed back onto the ground.
A whine of defeat would slip from his lips as the air was pushed from his lungs. He could feel the impact of the earth but he would not be stopped. Still his muzzle would hold an excited smile, and his spirit was still full of determination. Violet gold eyes would find their way back to the man as he pushed himself from the dirt, Wow! You're good dad! Teach me that move! He found himself back in front of Bronze, his midnight tail wagging excitedly behind him. His expression expectant and incredibly eager.


Bronze i


12 Years
10-28-2013, 07:03 AM

This reminded him rather strikingly of his own lessons he'd had with Aradcor, his adoptive father. And yet his own dad had been much more harsh and serious. The man's hard exterior had rarely wavered, and yet he thought of him with nothing but fierce fondness. And so he was gentle as he grasped Mercury by the neck and pushed him to the ground, and he smiled as his son became in awe of his skills.

The boy whined, and a playful growl would escape his throat as he nudged him with his nose after releasing him. 'Wow! You're good dad! Teach me that move!' He chuckled softly, his own tail flicking contentedly behind him. "The neck is a good area to go for," he said softly. "The throat tends to be very sensitive, and it is painful if the flesh is torn. " It was a grim topic, and he knew their training would be more serious if Mercury wanted it do, though he was wary at teaching his son how to kill -- though sometimes that was necessary, if someone was trying to take you down too. "I'll circle you and you aim for my neck, okay son?" He would crouch down in a more guarded stance, though left his shoulders relaxed and his throat exposed as he swung around in a tight circle around Mercury.