


10-04-2013, 09:40 PM
Becoming a year old, wasn't a mile marker in the young wolf's life although it probably should have been given the hard-ships he had endured. He had been in Glaciem for two seasons now, under the care of Irin, he had learned to love the territory, enjoy the lands, it was home. Recently he had left, and found his sister, Devya, and had been over-joyed to find her alright. He had returned to Glaciem, happy, and more so happier to be home.

Wondering around, his gangly frame showing the signs of his young age, he had no real direction. He had learned to maneuver easily, even with the given handi-cap of being blind in one eye, it no longer phased him, no longer stumped him. He figured he could live just as well, as any other wolf. His mind wandering, he lost attention to where he was walking, until he felt himself collide. Stumbling backwards, he let out a sputter, "S-sorry!" He muttered, before realizing with a twinge of embarrassment that he was apologizing to a tree. Oh moons. What was a matter with him. Shaking his head roughly, he turned, hoping no one had witnessed his moment of idocricy, when he scented another wolf. One that he didn't know, "Hello?" He asked curiously, his tone bright. Who was this pack-mate that he didn't recognize?


10-08-2013, 09:37 PM
sorry to keep you waiting, doll :c

No longer limp, the woman found herself walking around as normally as she had before the battle with Chrysanthe. Things were quiet now that the arrogant fool was back where he belonged and Azalea was within their clutches. It was surprising that Valhalla had not stormed the borders yet to retrieve their heir, but apparently they didn't care that much about their members - for they hadn't even attacked for the sake of their King. It was pitiful, really.

What was more pitiful was the child that had run smack into a tree. He immediately apologized, leading the Sentinel to believe that something was seriously wrong with the yearling male. Was he insane, or blind? Or perhaps even a combination of both? She would steer closer to him, aligning their paths so that they would cross. He spoke up, apparently scenting her and offering a tentative greeting. Alto notes would ring out in response, ?Hello child.? Unable to resist a sudden urge for a sarcastic comment, she would continue. ?Having a spat with that tree?? Oh, perhaps she really should learn to bite her tongue, but alas - speaking her mind was so much more fun.



10-13-2013, 06:26 PM
His head rang from it's brief but unfortunate collision with the tree. As he was shaking it, trying to clear the ringing a voice broke the silence, responding the the cautious greeting that he had given to the strange scent he had smelled, turning the wolf he saw was surely not one that he recognized. 'Hello Child' She spoke, 'Having a spat with a tree?' His head tilted, as he contemplated a response, and smiled warmly at the dame.

"Hi!" He replied warmly, and moved towards her, his tail wagging, turning his head slightly so his orange eye could look at her. A flush tinted his face, at the mention of his embarrassing collision, and he looked at her seriously, light sarcasm donning his words. "I was trying to see if I could jump through it." He paused for a moment, trying to maintain seriousness, and then spoke again. "I haven't met you yet, I'm Seth."


10-16-2013, 09:56 PM

He approached rather suddenly, and she stiffened - her tail flagging up slightly. The Sentinel watched him warily. He had tried to jump through a tree? Oh.. her brother really needed to start asking a few questions before allowing strange wolves into the kingdom - this was pathetic. Perhaps an IQ test was in order, but alas, he introduced himself as Seth. ?Sendoa Armada,? she would recite stiffly. It was important for her surname to be voiced - for her connection to Isardis was her only source of power besides her rank. ?What do you do here, Seth?? It seemed there were several in Glaciem that didn't know what to do with themselves, was Seth one of those? He certainly appeared to be aimless enough - to be planning on jumping through trees. What a pity the requirements of Glaciem acceptance had stooped so low. Surely she would have to have a word with Isardis. One couldn't rule an army who's entirety was made up of fools, although if it were possible her brother would certainly be the pioneer.



10-16-2013, 10:42 PM
Had his sarcasm totally been lost on the blue hued woman? Shrugging, his ears pricked as she introduced herself. Her surname the same of the king that ruled these lands. The name alone commanded respect, and he wondered just how she was related to the king. His experience with Isardis had been limited, but he still knew who the authority of the pack was, who his loyalty had to remain too. When she asked what he did, he felt a slight prickle as he looked at her. What would he say?

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Armada." He replied politely. Before sitting down a respectful distance away from the woman. "I haven't declared a duty yet for the pack yet, though I'm hoping to become a knight one day. I'm hoping to learn how to hunt soon. I can't wait to actually do something useful. Everyone treats me like a pup, still." He didn't mention his blindness yet, and wondered if the dame could sense that something was off with his physique.


10-17-2013, 11:46 AM

He was polite enough, calling it a pleasure to meet her. Well, at least he knew how to behave even if he did appear useless. He went on to say that he hadn't decided on a duty yet, but aspired to be a knight. Ah, perhaps this was what had let him slide through the gates of Glaciem and into her brother's good favor. He expressed his intent to do something useful and shirk the idea that he was still a child. She let out an audible chuckle. ?Oh boy, you've got it all wrong.? She shook her head, pacing a foot or so forward to narrow the distance between them. ?If you want to change someone's opinion of you, it has to start with the way you present yourself.? She lowered her head to be parallel with her spine, looking him straight in the eye without blinking. ?You saw me, an unknown woman of Glaciem, and immediately respected me, without my saying a word - and without seeing me do anything useful at all. Why is that, Seth?? Of course, the question was rhetorical - and she would speak again before he would have much chance of responding. ?It's because of the way I held myself. Despite the fact that I am female and should be for breeding purposes and not much else, you knew I was different because of my countenance.? She closed in another foot, moving slowly - almost threateningly as her voice deepened. ?Now, make me believe you are something other than a child.? An ear flickered curiously, wondering if he would prove something to her or not.



10-18-2013, 09:34 AM

Sendoa was a perturbing woman, he was honestly befuddled by the words she spoke to him. He drank them in, her words, his desire to do something, anything, for his pack overwhelmed him, but what could he do? He had no training. She wanted him to prove that he was something other than a child, and it frustrated him. What did he have to do? Climb the highest mountain? Fight a warrior? Kill the largest buck for his pack? What did he have to do. He looked at the woman before him, contemplating the situation before him, she told him that the respect that he felt for her before knowing her name was because of her posture, and he supposed that was right, though he had been raised to be respectful of others.

As the thoughts flowed through his head, he raised his head, to look at the she-wolf directly, damning any inclination of offending her. If she wanted him to stop acting a child, he'd just have to show her. But how? His tail flicked slightly behind him, as he faced the woman before him, contemplating the situation before him. The question he would ask her would be spoken firmly, he didn't know exactly what she was expecting him to do, clarification would help.

"What do I have to do?"
