
Sweet Youth


10-04-2013, 11:18 AM
Bless the innocent?

The plants gently swayed in the wind and the sounds around one calm hunter had picked up again a while ago. Birds and other small prey had long since accepted that she wasn?t there to feed on them. She hadn?t been hungry when she came here. She had been tired from her long walk and had been looking for a place to rest. Prey didn't need to fear her at the moment even if they were probably still very aware of her presence, just in case she suddenly changed her mind.
Right now this place seemed like a perfect sanctuary. The battle worn female often found that she was far too restless to fall asleep most of the time, but the smell of all these herbs soothed her troubled mind. ? Not she actually knew that the fresh smelling green bush beside her was lemon balm. Her knowledge didn?t exceed truly exceed the look of camomile, but she had never been interested in such things anyways.

The dark female simply enjoyed being able to rest before she would move on. This was as good a place as any to lie down and at least here she probably wouldn?t be disturbed by larger prey that enjoyed larger grassland or in case of deer even some wooded areas. But she wasn?t thinking about herbs or prey; she was simply waiting for the sun to lower itself and for dusk to come. She was always moving during the twilight. It was her favoured time of day and it was something that had never changed during her years. It was one of the few things that remained unchanged about her and she took small comfort in this constant. No, it wasn?t wise to think of the past. She was a loner now. A rogue and she took comfort in the fact that the only thing she might lose was her own life and her freedom. That wasn't all that much, wasn't it?



10 Years
10-05-2013, 12:09 PM

There was nothing like this gulley to leave a healer-in-training in complete and utter awe. Everything was so bright and beautiful, even though snow had begun to dapple the earth and some of the flowers that once flourished here had begun to die out. Ara wished she had dared to venture so far from home sooner, but the girl was rather timid -- much more so than any of her siblings. But she was proud of herself for coming so far, and stumbling upon an area that held so much plant life!

But the young girl hadn't expected to find another here. So when the sight of a stranger entered her vision, the black and tan-furred girl paused in her tracks. Her instinct was to run, but she figured that would be rude. Instead her gaze swept over the dark-furred lady, trying to assess if she was a threat. Perhaps once the lady acknowledge her, things would change, but for now she was safe. "Um.. hello?" Her small voice would ring out, friendly and hesitant, as she remained standing still a great distance away.