
Now the devil won't leave me alone


10-03-2013, 11:51 PM

Ozz was hurt, and she didn't want to return home. Not just yet at least, and she could feel herself slipping. Kai was supporting her, but it wasn't much help to get help from air. Ozz had treated her own wounds, and the one on her right side would scar over. Constantly reminding her how weak she was compared towards Taurig. Morgana had witnessed her lose as had her lover. The one she was supposed to support. Was it really supposed to be this way? "You forgot Ozz, those are the wolves you wanted to stay away from. The killers, wasn't it?" Kai questioned. Ozz looked up at him with emerald eyes, giving out a tsk.
Splayed herself near the biggest river, compared to the others that were scattered about, she took in a drink. She was beaten and bruised not to mentioned ashamed. Someone like her didn't deserve the title she held, not had she really wanted the urges that had come with it. She had been corrupted, and infected unlike what she had wanted at first. Ozz didn't want to be this way, she was just trapped, trapped in a strange sense.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,


10-04-2013, 04:04 AM

Mismatched paws would press firmly down into the damp earth near the river. He hadn't been here before, but he figured he would start exploring the lands around his newfound pack. And what better way then visiting the biggest body of water this side of Alacritis? The thought excited him, he loved the water and he couldn't wait to find a decent spot and maybe do some fishing to bring food back to the pack. His pack wasn't very large, however. Still on the small side, but it seemed to him that new wolves were coming at a steady pace. He admires his Alpha too, strong and kind and wise. Though he boy had yet to see him in action, he was sure that Taurig had no problems holding his own in battle.

A small splash in the nearby water would pry him from his thoughts, his oceanix blue orbs catching the sight of a leaping fish as it flailed back into the depths of the water. With a grin, he was tempted to rush in and find the suckers. Though this part of the river didn't seem too safe. The young male would trot along, every now and then turning his head to see a fish flip itself out of the aqua turf. One fish would fly from its watery home, but its luck would be unfortunate as it flew too close to the sun and landed squarely on shore. Tidus watched as its misfortune landed it on the dirt, and--

His head would tilt to the side, was that another wolf? Yes, yes it was. had the scent of an unfamiliar pack on it...with apprehension, he would approach with care. The closer he got, the more he could scent the strangers pack scented of blood, of despair...just what pack did she belong to? His eyes would deter away from the fish that flopped weakly near the woman, all interest in the creature now gone as his curiosity would fall on her instead. "Excuse me there a reason that you're so close to Tortugan territory?" Though they were not actually at the borders, the Tortugan borderline was not all that far away. And he wanted to make sure that she was no potential threat...and if she was, then he'd stop her before reaching Tortuga borders. His words would come out with a hint of friendliness, even though her pelt smelled suspicious...he was curious as to what she was doing here so far from her pack.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


10-04-2013, 06:08 PM

Ozz's eyes moved up towards the boy. So he was one of them then? A small laugh escaped her lips, he'd probably kill her. Maybe that'd be for the best. "I just came from there, your alpha Taurig beat me....protecting one of his members. You want nothing to do with me trust me, and don't worry I feel sorry for treading on tortuga land. Things just aren't as they seem." she said as she watched her reflection in the water. Tail flicking up and down. "So that's it. Your going to let yourself go. Because you got caught up in something of your past again?" Kai hissed. Ozz pulled her ears back as she starred at the giant wolf who stood beside Tidus. "You worked hard to survive after all these years, after your father tried to kill you because he believed you were possessed by the devil. And this is your solution to losing one fight?" Ozz turned her head and splayed her snout in the water. Bubbles appearing when she sighed. There wasn't any use trying anyway. Everyone idolized Canttina because of her "win" against Alena. Ozz figured they didn't trust her because they couldn't see her skills. And apparently she had none. She thought she was in love with canttina because of the acceptance. Because she knew of the demon who walked beside her. But it was like, she was not appreciated. Canttina was silent, and her insanity plagued the roots, just as it had happened at her home.
"I don't even know if I should return home, if it is one. I feel bad, and I want to apologize to Taurig. But I'm weak, and nothing ever seems to go right." Why was she saying this out loud to a stranger? She wasn't sure, yet the relaxing fae looked beaten. More beyond the wounds that were on her body. The one on her side, caking over in blood. Hindering her ability to walk with the pain she was in. And what had Taurig left with. A few scratches here and there. It was no exception, if she could not defend what she thought was hers, what was the points. Her eyes went over Tidus. "Have you come to collect this corrupted mind of mine?" She asked.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,


10-07-2013, 09:20 PM

A neutral blue gaze would sweep over the woman, ears twitching slightly as she spoke, telling him about her recent battle with Taurig. He figured it was something that happened just recently, possibly right before he joined. He had seen fresh marks on the young alpha, and this must be the one he battled. He noticed her glance in his direction, though not looking directly at him. Slowly, he would hesitantly turn to where the black beast stood, and swore that he had heard a whispering in his something was there. He remained staring off to his side, eyes narrowing slightly and he swore that he could see the outline of a figure. He could feel his fur prickle, and Tidus only ever felt that when he felt his mothers presence...but she was dead, and had been for quite a long time now. Slowly, he would pull himself away and look back at the woman, looking over her wounds as she seemed to just simply...give up. If not the way she spoke, then the way she held herself in the water said as much. Tidus knew everyone had a story...and this woman was no different. Her eyes told it all.

He glanced away for a moment, eyes downcast as she told him about her doubts of returning home. He would look up when she went on to say that she felt bad and wanted to apologize to Taurig. He made to speak, but held his tongue as a question rolled off hers. The question had caught him slightly off guard, he didn't even know she was here...why would he come to retrieve her? Tidus was not one to hold prisoners...even if it seemed one deserved to be. With a sigh, he shook his head. "No, I'm not here to collect you for anything. I don't know exactly what's going on, but...that doesn't matter. The past is the past, whatever you tried to do is under the dust." He moved forward without hesitation, picking up a washed up piece of driftwood he walked to the waters edge and scooped up as much of the liquid as he could. With his head held at an awkward angle, he made his way towards the stranger with careful steps as he tried not to spill the liquid. He set it down next to her as he began to inspect her wounds. He would not say anything just yet, and whether she wanted him to help her or not he didn't care.

After he inspected her wounds, he picked up the hollowed piece of wood as careful as he could, and slowly poured the water over her many cuts and bites, rinsing them free of dried blood and dirt. Once he finished, he placed the wood a couple feet away and returned his attention to her. Not once did he say a word as he worked, nor did he ask her if she wanted him to help. He had seen the look in her eyes, and it reminded him of himself when he would look at his reflection in the water. Gently, he licked her wounds to soothe them, and when he finished he would sit back, still quiet. He stared out at the water, allowing some minutes to pass between them. Finally, he would look at her, his gaze turned gentle and bereft of coldness or anything of that nature. He understood, he was there constantly, and this was someone who understood what it was like. "We all have a story to tell...some stories are darker then others, and we don't know when our story will end or what chapter of our life things will change. But everyone has a story to tell. My prologue hasn't even begun yet, but it might soon. It's never too late to start a new chapter...that's what I believe." He turned to her, a kind smile spreading onto his handsome features, "Name's Tidus."

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


10-08-2013, 11:12 AM

The lady watched the boy, raising an eyebrow towards him. Though while he did his work and spoke, she did not speak a word. Nor any sound aside from her shuffling body when she got into a uncomfortable position. Really she didn't know what Canttina would think of this, but honestly if she felt like she was letting the girl down, it was as if she never loved her in the first place. What kind of pack threw out family for losing fights, for all their worth, and what they had witnessed. It was probably the hardest thing she could think of to deal with. Ozz let out a slight whimper of pain, what was it with wolves who wanted to heal her. She had already placed herbs on her wounds and cleaned them perfectly fine. She was not stupid, and she was a healer within herself anyway. She didn't understand any of this, and if she really could she'd cry. As her green eyes looked over Tidus. The past was the past, but it didn't stop others from holding grudges. She didn't know who Taurig was, and she had threatened him. Plus wouldn't she be in trouble if she decided to go against amenti? Ozz was honestly scared of the lot of them. In her high position it wasn't exactly a happy note, with her mentality that had slightly been corrupted.
His tongue was soft, but she made no argument towards him. Tidus was a bit rough, but her body only responded with a slight twitch of her back legs. Kai stood to her side, liking her cheek slightly. "Little Dame, what are you going to do?" He whispered as Ozz pulled her ears against the back of her head. She wanted to leave, she wanted to leave amenti and never turn back no matter how much Canttina hated her for it. The lady's green eyes looked at Tidus, Canttina was still someone she loved, but somehow she could feel herself becoming unfaithful. There was someone in Amenti who could take care of Canttina. After all, she had enough followers by now, and she wasn't entirely dumb. Maybe she was with how many times she had hurt herself. Ozz folded her font legs underneath her, and gave a smile towards Tidus. "My name is Ozz, Lady of Amenti. Though I don't know how long that title will be lasting." She whispered in soft tones. She pulled her head forward and set it on the mans shoulder.
"I want my new chapter to start with you then Tidus. I know its a bit sudden, but I don't want to be with them anymore. I'm sick and tired of feeling weak and useless. I thought I belonged with my love Canttina because she accepted me as the one who was contracted with a demon. Now I'm not so sure. Tidus, I know I just met you, but would you be willing to take me on? I'm sure Taurig would let me join....if you helped me. And I honestly don't know what else to do." Ozz's tones were clear. It was a rather loud proposal for mate, but it wasn't like she had taken one for more. Canttina had come out of the blue and she had fallen in love with her expecting some sort of prize out of it. She was a scared wolf, but she was old enough to face her fears if she had to. With Kai to guide her at that, the giant beast wasn't entirely mean since he wasn't entirely real, but yeah. That was about as best as the lady could describe it.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,


10-09-2013, 04:06 AM

Tidus watched the woman for what seemed like a long while. Wondering if she would talk to him after what he had just said...wondering if what he said had bothered or upset her. He'd flick an ear as he returned his attention to the present, her voice carrying to him the name that she spoke. Amentian...if I remember, someone mentioned that the queen of that pack came to the pack shortly before I joined to form an alliance but...Taurig refused because of the way Amenti was...what was the name of the alpha...? His thoughts came to a halt, however, as the next league of words came.

"I want my new chapter to start with you then Tidus. I know its a bit sudden, but I don't want to be with them anymore. I'm sick and tired of feeling weak and useless. I thought I belonged with my love Canttina because she accepted me as the one who was contracted with a demon. Now I'm not so sure. Tidus, I know I just met you, but would you be willing to take me on? I'm sure Taurig would let me join....if you helped me. And I honestly don't know what else to do."

Her words struck him as a surprise, ears perked forward during the time she spoke; taking everything and not missing a single beat. He knew there was an underlying reason, knew there was something that brought them here today. His eyes filled with understanding, he knew that his feeling was right. The part where she mentioned the demon, he knew that to be true. He knew he had a whisper of a voice near him earlier, and the silhouette of another figure. He didn't doubt that, ever since his mother died...he could see them too. Though probably not as much as her just yet, but each dream he had about his mother and his dead pack mates would become more vivid each time. He swore that he had seen one of his best friends running through the woods one time during a hunt, but when Tidus had stopped there no scent nor sign of him. He glanced down at her, oddly taking comfort from her touch. It was something he was unused to, but...he knew it was something he could get used to very soon and never get tired of it. With the smallest of smiles, he lowered his head and gave her a gentle lick on her forehead. "Nothing would make me happier, Ozz. I'd be the happiest man on earth with you as my mate...and nothing could be better then that." Tidus was always one to be impulsive and do crazy things...and this would be one of those things. A laugh would shake his chest at the thought about it. With a gentleness that he never knew he possessed, he nuzzled the side of her face and moved up to her ear as a whisper escaped his inked lips. "Leave Taurig to me...I promise I'll take care of you for as long as my heart beats."

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think