
What You Don't Know


10-03-2013, 10:06 PM
Destruction rose that morning with one wolf in particular on her mind. The black furred wolfess exited her den, stretching out each leg one by one. She was no fool, and when she had caught the scent of Bane on the she wolf's coat she suspected that he was the father to her litter. Though she could be mistaken, and the only way to find that out was to ask her. Not that Destruction wished to tarnish her reputation. No... she merely wished to speak with her about Bane... and find out some information.

It was still early, so most of Seracia's wolves would still be asleep. Destruction quietly went to Tahlia's den, standing outside with a serious expression on her face. She lowered her head to the den entrance and called softly inside.

"Tahlia... please wake up. I would like to speak to you."



7 Years
10-03-2013, 11:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Sleep had been incredibly difficult lately, the birth of her children merely days away and her stomach that much wider for it. Most nights were spent tossing and turning uncomfortably, searching for a position that she could rest in but failing almost every time. Usually it ended in her giving up and finally just picking a position and staying in it, regardless of whether or not she could tolerate it, and then waking to find herself completely turned around. It was nothing like the restful nights she had had before her pregnancy, and she was looking forward to the whole ordeal being over with and having her pups sleep next to her rather than within.

This past night had been no different. The restless movements had finally subsided and she had drifted into slumber, likely to sleep in longer than usual for the lateness of her sleep. At least that would have been the case, if she had not had an early morning visitor.

She had no notion that another planned to seek her out that day. If anyone would have come by her den to wake her, she would have assumed it to be Bane checking on her and ensuring that both mother and children were well during her difficult night, and even then he would have likely waited until she stirred on her own. So when the voice practically whispered into the den, calling her name and requesting that she rise, she stirred with confusion, stretching as she drew in a deep breath and turned her head to peer out into the faint early morning light of Seracia.

A familiar face stood just outside the den, one that she had seen on occasion at pack meetings but not one that she had ever been personally introduced to. Brow furrowing as she rolled herself off of her side and onto her stomach, Tahlia quickly stifled a yawn before murmuring a somewhat sleepy, "Yes?" to the female outside.


10-03-2013, 11:14 PM
Destruction quietly sat down as the sleepy answer reached her ears. The femme kept her head at the den entrance, not wanting anyone else to possibly hear the words that she was about to speak with the pregnant fae. That is, of course, if her initial hunch was correct. The she-wolf spoke again, her tone of voice surprisingly soft.

"Tahlia... I noticed at the meeting that Maverick did not mention your pups father. Perhaps I have put my nose too much into your business... but if Bane is the father I think there is something you have the right to know, unless you know already." Destruction took a quick glance outside, wondering just where the father of the pups was. If it was really Bane it would partially explain the absence.



7 Years
10-03-2013, 11:34 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Whatever had been on the mind of the black and red she-wolf must have been either lengthy or rather important for rather than remaining on her feet she sat there at the entrance of the den, her head ducked as if to ensure that their conversation remain private. The realization of this was enough to draw Tahlia further out of sleep so that she was somewhat more awake as she allowed a yawn to finally stretch apart her jaws, feeling strangely good despite having another restless night. But if there were important things to be discussed with her, then who was to say the good morning would last?

The woman began to state whatever it was that she had gone there to say, starting off by reflecting back on their meeting. So Tahlia had not been the only one to note that Maverick had failed to name her husband at the meeting. Just wonderful, she thought sourly, her jaw clenching slightly and her chin rising pridefully. Surely questions would follow, she assumed, but rather than ask the dark colored woman spoke further.

And named her husband correctly. The dark ears upon her head perked attentively as Destruction mentioned Bane, the tension about her features releasing. How did she know? And what was it that she meant, there was something she had a right to know? "If you mean the children he had outside of Seracia, I think Maverick did mention that," she answered somewhat testily, irked that it should be brought up now. As if she had missed it. Of course she knew! But everyone seemed determined to keep bringing it back up, despite her willingness to put it behind her. If only they could just accept that Bane had children outside of the pack with an Amenti female and leave it be.


10-03-2013, 11:50 PM
Destruction flicked her ears back a bit as Tahlia responded to her words. Her expression softened a bit, and the black and crimson fae shook her head. "Actually, to be truthful with you, Tahlia, I've only just found out about that myself... and... well... I'm probably the only other one besides you and Bane who would wish they would leave him be about it." Destruction caught herself, adding more. "But you'd better not tell anyone about that."

Destruction shifted a bit, a tense look appearing on her face. "Bane has mated with one other wolf in the past. A Seracia wolf. Me." She would give this a moment to set in before she continued. "I bore him a single son... though not even Bane himself knew of this. He had instructed me to eat a plant that would keep from conceiving... I still have moments myself where I wonder why I let myself go through with it." Destruction let out another soft sigh.

"Sadly my son is dead... and... after Bane helped me bury him I decided he wasn't quite as bad as I first thought. Tahlia... If you and Bane ever need a helping paw, just let me know."



7 Years
10-04-2013, 12:01 AM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2013, 12:01 AM by Tahlia.)

Walk | Talk | Think

For her curt tone, she had half expected the other wolf to simply leave and lose interest in conversing with her. But rather than take offense, she stayed quite stoic and answered in her quiet voice that she had no prior knowledge of the children conceived outside of Seracia until the meeting. Tahlia made a quiet, "Hmph," to herself, still not understanding the meaning of this wolf coming all this way to wake her early until she admitted to sharing feelings that she had. That Bane should be left alone.

It caught her by surprise immediately. Most she had heard talk about him - save for the odd leopard who had interceded at their proposal - had all been negative. No one seemed to take his side on anything. Until now. Why? she wondered, though she could hardly bring herself to say it.

Surely the puzzled look about her face spoke the question for her, and it was inadvertently answered by the woman. Her allegiance with Bane was simple: she had mated with him as well.

It felt for a moment as if her stomach had fallen as the news sank in. Another mate? Another child? But he had never mentioned this. And even that was answered. He had never been told. Apparently it had never never meant to happen. She had defied his instructions and carried the child to full term, but he had died in the end. It was distressing news for her, particularly since she carried his children presently. Could some ill fate reminiscent of this poor pup's be the fate of her children as well?

An offer was made of assistance, a kind gesture to someone who had grown to see value in Bane and, now it seemed, Tahlia too. She hardly knew how to answer, her thoughts still caught up on worrying about her pups, but she managed to nod her head gratefully. "Thank you," she muttered quietly, pausing a moment before adding, "He never mentioned this to me."


10-04-2013, 09:59 AM
Destruction saw, in Tahlia's face, that this news came as a surprise to her. The dark wolfess figured that Bane wouldn't have told Tahlia about this, especially since the two hadn't been close when Dillinger was born. No... Bane kept his distance from her. But that was all to be expected... and that was in the past now. Bane had a new mate and a new family to look forward to.

"I'm not too surprised. He wasn't around while Dillinger was being raised... we weren't really mates. But please do not worry about that... I hold no more ill will towards him, and certainly none towards you." Destruction let a small smile pass onto her face. "Thank you for allowing me to speak of this, Tahlia. I should be going... but I'll always be there if you need help. Just say the word."

-Exit Destruction.-



7 Years
10-10-2013, 01:30 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

As Destruction informed her that the relationship she had had with Bane had been minimal at best, and that he had known little of his son, Tahlia felt a strange, inexplicable twinge of sadness for her mate and husband. She had seen the way he had tended to Alena's pups from the mouth of her den when they were born, had spoken with him countless times on how they would raise their children together. She held every certainty that he would make a wonderful father, and was certain now that, had he known, he would have played a more important role in the life of this child that had been lost.

She said nothing of it, however, merely watched the other wolf with a pensive expression as assurances were placed that no ill will was harbored to either of them and thanks were given for listening. Tahlia nodded her head once more, somewhat distracted, and muttered the simple phrase, "Thank you," once again just before the dark colored she-wolf turned and left.

For a short time, the russet and black mother remained upright and staring out of the den, contemplating what she had been told. It seemed there was much more to the life of her husband than she had first thought, perhaps even more trysts than she was presently aware of. It bothered her, having to find out like this, there was no denying that, but since their mateship had become official she had seen nor heard of any escapades that post-dated their union. And she hoped they would be none.

Mind full of buzzing thoughts, too numerous for her to simply roll right over and attempt sleep again, she instead sighed and stretched to rest her chin upon an outstretched foreleg, letting them consume her for a time.

-Exit Tahlia-