
Lost with the bitter cold

Zodiac I


3 Years
10-03-2013, 11:29 AM
Let me hear your battle cry tonight

Stand beside, or step aside

This, this was a strange place. With black sand beneath creamy and white paws the titan of a women didn't know what to think of this place. Being bitterly cold as it was along with the snow fall wasn't making matters any better; shrugging off the cold those deep set sapphires looked a head as that nose wrinkled slightly taking in the scents. They were fresh the scent of wolves lingered about the area, a pack perhaps? Zodiac couldn't say for the dame had smelled no boarders much less seen anyone since entering this odd place. With the ocean on one side and the sandy beach littered with palm trees on the other; oddly tainted in black sand. It was strange all around; her gaze shifted to behind her to the darker form of her traveling companion knowing they both were fighting the cold yet she knew that bonded sister of hers likely was having a bit of trouble with the chilling bite of the wind.

Saying nothing Zodiac looked a head again as she padded over the deceptively black sand, those eyes searching for any signs of life while not seeing a single thing. Save perhaps; a small scuttling crab here and there. Zodiac didn't have to go far before she grew ridged, that tail lifted slightly as that fur bristled while that upper lip curled up in a silent snarl. "Show your self." Commanding and harsh in tone, Zodiac knew someone was close by and watching them. Other wise why would they be there much less hiding from her sight?

Occ; Tadish short, but let Nine post first please <3.


10-03-2013, 01:21 PM

A pair of venomous orbs glittered from their dark nest, spitefully affixing to the ravaged inlet. Her movements were calm, a watery, reptilian grace, plumed tail carried like a venerable pennant with its unspoken feathered decree of self-importance. But for all her terrible, enigmatic splendor the dye of worry besmirched the turquoise gems. Doubt and dismay bubbled callously beneath the surface of the witch?s fa?ade, a virulent taint that offered no reprieve in their incessant clawing at the walls of her mind.

Their intent was to carve a niche in Alacritis, aiming to escape the chaos of warfare and strife garnered from equivocal origins. Somehow it had been hypothesized that the effort would be minimal. That their flight from crimson-splattered beginnings would invoke immediate reward, a speedily proven fallacy since their defection and every day that had followed in its wake. Now they traveled aimlessly north with winter gnawing at their hackles and discontent purging her of optimism, little though she had.

Lietaenyl shivered, bracing angled pillars against the cold front howling tunelessly in her ears, trying vainly to uncover where their plans fallen apart. ?Zodi!? She might as well have not spoken at all for her bark drowned in the gales that tormented them. She cast her eyes blearily over the form of her companion, her scarred and stoic sister and accomplice. From early on it had been established that where Zodiac roamed, so too would Lietaenyl and thusly would allow her to lead. However now she questioned the soundness of the other dame?s directional sense.

She shook her head, pushing aside her uncertainty and quickening her steps until she was firmly pressed against the dame?s side, latching onto her like a barnacle. The question she had intended to ask died on her lips as the striped witch acknowledged her companion?s tension, the sharpness of her stare quieting any complaint she?d meant to voice. The medic jerked her attention in front of them, searching the landscape for threatening shapes.


Kestrel I


12 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
10-03-2013, 03:32 PM

A torrent stronger then she had ever seen in her short little life raged across the sandy shore, the ocean hardly visible now. Kestrel had seen snow before, but never like this. She sat just inside her den, her mom and brothers farther inside. But she was more interested in the outside world, the snow storm intrigued her. She knew it was cold, she could feel the wind ruffling her fur and sending a chill throughout her body. There was something wrong though, something off about the way she felt today. Glancing back at her family, she quietly stole her way outside. She had to find out what this feeling was, and so she ventured out of sight and onto the snow struck beach.

It wasn't long before she noticed a silhouette in the near distance, though her nose was unable to tell her what it was due to the now numbing cold. Tilting her head slightly, she carefully made her way towards it, thinking that perhaps it could be someone that needed help. Small paws carried her in a slow trot towards the figure, snow encrusting her fur and her eyes squinting against the storm. She knew she shouldn't have ventured out, but something just told her to do so. Sure enough, she was right. Little by little as she got closer, she saw two figures...a dark pelted wolf, and another that she could not quite tell but seemed to have multi-colored hues to its pelt. She had watched slightly at a distance, though her ears perked when a slightly angered voice reached her.

Not waiting a moment longer, she would reach their presence. She stood there, silent green eyes looking up at them with wonder. What were they doing out here? And more importantly, did they need help? They sure looked it...



10-04-2013, 11:00 AM


Ocena typically knew when there were other wolves in the general vicinity. She was always alert now, trying to keep an eye on all three of her youngest pups, along with the two older ones that remained close to the nest. She wished to ensure that all of those who had followed her mate here would be safe from all harm, but that was impossible, of course. Still, Ocena did her best, in her own way. Though much of her attention was focused on her trio of pups, she could still notice when others appeared on the territory that she and her family had unofficially claimed.

When the scent of two others reached her nose, Ocena was on her paws in an instant, making her approach cautiously. She would track them with ease across the cove, finding them only after another did, however. A pup - Kestrel, one of Mercianne's - stood between herself and the two strangers, and Ocena hesitated for a moment, silently trying to gauge the situation before she made her approach. It seemed that the two strangers knew each other, and neither seemed to be unduly threatening, so Ocena was less worried than she might have been as she padded forth.

Her ears pricked in their direction, Ocena stepped carefully in front of Kestrel, aiming to shield the pup from any potential threats the two wolves might offer. "Hello there," Though her voice was friendly, she was a little on edge. It had been a while since any other than her fellow Snow Rogues had been found here, and Ocena was unsure of how to react. "Aren't you cold, Kestrel?" Her words were directed at the pup, and a frown crossed Ocena's features at the thought. She was insulated from the bitter winds, but she was chilled all the same - it was something that she was used to, however, after living for so long in the North, but Kestrel was only a pup.

TAG: Kestrel, Lietaenyl, Zodiac NOTES: Nada