
A Reason To Fight For [joining]


10-03-2013, 08:16 AM

It had not been long since his encounter with his sister. The memories tearing at his mind, threatening to break him. He wouldn't give in, just couldn't. He had a promise to fulfill, and goddamn it he would fulfill that promise! That skull wearing bitch would pay for what he was doing to his sister, and the other slaves that were held captive. Hansel had left the Northern lands of the new Amenti shortly after the brief and all too short meeting with his sister. It had been an entire year since they last saw each other, separated by a brutal ambush attack from a rogue mountain lion. That beast lay dead now, and Hansel had decided to return for a set of teeth as a prize. He had them safely stowed away until he was able to forge a necklace out of them, a sign of what he had been through and that he was not afraid. He would wear his new necklace to be when he confronted the masked she-devil in the future. For now, he needed help...

Weary paws would stop at the border, his head thrown back to call forth whom he hoped was the Alpha. He needed a place to go, and what place better then Tortuga? If the alpha desired to know why Hansel had chosen this place, the answer was simple. He could remain as close as possible to where his sister was held, as well as train himself in order to rescue her. He hoped that in the future, Taurig would assist. Or anyone else for that matter, though he would not place that burden on the wolves of this pack. It was his burden, and it was his sister. Besides, why would the pack help him in rescuing someone they didn't know? Let alone others they didn't know? He was hell bent on rescuing whoever else Canttina held captive, they deserved their lives too...and he was sure that their lives were stolen to begin with. Just like his sisters was stolen from her. With a look of desperation and deep sadness, his call would ring throughout the territory. A lonely cry filled with sorrow and pain. He didn't mean for it to come out that way...but with the thoughts looming in his mind like a dark and heavy thundercloud, his emotions would threaten to choke him out. She was all he had, after all...



10-04-2013, 11:35 AM
Newt Saxe

She had offered her services to her new alpha to become his beta. This required certain demands from her but she was use to the pressure. The boarders had been surprisingly packed with loners requesting to join the ranks. Her poor alpha had been exhausted answering call after call and she desired to ease his burdens. A new call came from the boarder?s edge, it held a masculine tone. Her ears twitched as she pinpointed the direction it was coming from and began to move swiftly towards the stranger calling.

Soon the figure of a male came into her focus. His coat was ashes and snow. She felt a pinch of familiarity from the appearance but it wasn?t this male. No, it had been the price of blood and ashes. She wondered what had come of him. Her heart sank just a touch at the thought but she dismissed it quickly. His song had been filled with longing and sorrow and it had touched the widow?s heart. Kaios still lingering in the depths of her heart and she still felt the pain of his loss.

?Hello Stranger.? She said from the shadows. She pulled her violet appearance out and looked down at the male. She was one of the largest wolves to walk this world and no one could seem to stand side by side without being just a touch shorter then the behemoth of a woman. Her tail flicked behind her heels as she eyed him and wondered if it would disappoint him that he had been received by the beta rather then by the alpha himself.


10-06-2013, 06:02 AM

His cry did not go unheard, as moments later a behemoth of a creature would make its way towards him. Hansel watched with a gaze of steel as she approached, though sorrow and pain continued to push through his attempt. He would gather himself together as the beast greeted him. With a respectful nod noting her authority, he would speak. "Hello, my name is Hansel and I seek a place within the pack of Tortuga. I have reasons of my own of why I wish to join, and to attain my one goal I need a pack. I will tell you now that I am a proven warrior, I won't back down from a fight and I will never show weakness to the eyes of the enemy...I will be honest, I've but one goal right now and that's to fulfill a promise to my sister who is being held as a slave in Amenti. I wish to strengthen myself so that I can challenge the masked bitch and free her and the other slaves. I hear Tortuga has fallen under new leadership, so I wish to lend my strength and support as I work towards my goal."

He knew it was a lot to say, knew that he probably should have just introduced himself and allowed this beast to question him. Though Hansel was never one to wait with patience, that was why he needed his sister...she was always the more reasonable one. While Hansel was always just quick to the point. He had decided to tell this woman of his reasons, time was not something he wanted to waste...not now, not while his sister was locked up with the many horrific wounds he saw upon her now frail body...his throat began to constrict at the thoughts of his sister in so much much blood...she didn't deserve it. He had realized that his howl had contained the pain and sorrow he felt, forcing him to cut it short the moment he scented this woman in the air. With a fierce determination he stared up at her, not unnerved in the least by her behemoth size. He was on a mission to fulfill a promise, and by the stars he would fulfill it...even if death came knocking at his door.



10-06-2013, 10:08 AM
Newt Saxe

She listened as the male began to speak of his skills. Every wolf seemed to be a warrior and she wondered if they had any new wolves that could be used as spies. She ignored the thought and continued to listen as the conversation went from dull to all of a sudden important. Her ears perked atop her head as she heard of his desire to free his sister from her enslavement. She was stuck in Amenti was she? Her tail flicked back and forth with the thought as she eyed the male carefully. Her true goal was to reclaim her former pack and perhaps this wolf could help be a stepping-stone to her goal.

?I am Newt, the Former queen of Amenti. That was once my home and pack until the bitch queen of Ludicael double-teamed me and my mate and both killed him and stole my pack in the same hour. I reside here because Tortuga was my ally when I was queen and I take that alliance seriously.? She said firmly, her violet gaze lingering over the male. ?Your desire to challenge for your sister can be a dangerous thing. if you lose you could become enslaved yourself. However, if you desire it I can help you train and I will come to witness your battle. To show face and know that should she lose, she will know who is coming for her crown. Should you lose, then I will come back and challenge for you both and my throne.? She said with a smile. She was unsure why his sister had been enslaved. When she had ran Amenti they had slaves but each slave had a reason for their enslavement it wasn?t simply random. They also had the chance to prove themselves and lose their enslavement.

?As for your desire to join Tortuga, I accept your request to join the pack Hansel.? She said with a smile. The pack was growing quickly and she was excited for her new king. It meant the pack would flourish.