
I'm no good at a one night stand


10-12-2014, 02:57 PM

She didn't venture far this time. She was only a few miles from her home. So much had changed. She was a mother and an aunt. Her children were growing steadily, and so where her brother's. Soon they would be old enough to play together. Her sister was also having children. Soon she would have to visit them, see how they were fairing. Paws pressed against the cool grass, autumn having gripped the land already. It had been so long since she had been here. This was were she first met Vi, where everything had changed for her. A small smile would lift her lips as she lowered herself to the earth. Long limbs would stretch, audits twitching with each noise. Rolling onto her side, she would take a moment to absorb the warmth of the sun. Winter would be upon them soon, they would need to make preparations, especially to ensure their children survived their first winter. She already knew that Orchid remained stocked up on herbs, so that wasn't an issue. But trying to find food in the dead of winter was already a hardship. It didn't help that the pack had dwindled into nearly nonexistent. They had started off so well, but now they were dwindling into nothing. A sigh left her lips. Perhaps things would turn around. Or maybe fate had plans to turn them into nothing. Closing her eye, she would attempt silence her thoughts. There was no use in getting worked up over nothing.

Talk like this


10-12-2014, 03:14 PM

For so long the darkness had slept, burried deep beneath the surfance but noq it was out, had been released. He felt as though battery acid was being pumped through his veins, everything alive and on fire as he moved like a shadow across Alacrita. He was the monster mothers warned their children or without even meaning to be. The goddess had cursed him, and now was time to win her favour back. He had entered a world of white, entered a place where he stood out like sore thumb. Acidic green eyes would bore into his surroundings as massive paws pressed into the dying grass. Dead. Everything he touched seemed to be dying. A tremble would wrack his frame. Hackles raising to make the beast seem even larger though a form would cross his vision and he would pause. Skull would lift, frayed ears tipping forward and lips curled back and he stood for a moment. Nostrils flared, testing the scent. Femanine... Familiar? Another tremor, another pause before he would set towards her, head tipping down slight but posture still dominant. "What brings you so far from home?" Somewhere he had met this woman before. She was no loner... Where had he met her?



10-12-2014, 03:25 PM

The air would shift. And suddenly she not alone. Her crown would lift, gruff words invading her ears. Her crown would pivot until she finally had him in her line of sight. It took her a moment to recognize him, but when she finally did, dread would fill her. He had been there the day that Cataleya had given her pack to Vi, and then to her. They had also had a child with them, one that was undoubtedly theirs. She would push herself into the sitting position, careful to keep him in her line of sight. His hackles bristled, and his posture was pure dominance. An air of danger surrounded him, but not the kind that allured woman. "Just looking for a little peace and quiet." She would make it clear that he was not welcomed, that she wanted to be left alone. If necessary, she could bolt home, he was much larger and undoubtedly slower. Muscles tensed beneath her pelt, she was not looking for another fight. Not yet. Especially so soon after having kids, her body was still far from being in the shape she once was. Eye narrowed fractionally, her own hackles beginning to bristle. Something at the back of her mind told her that this would not end well. Even if she managed her escape, she would lead him directly to her home and to her children. Maybe she could outrun, lead him on a wild goose chase before her finally got tired and gave up. But even then, there was the possibility that he would come back.

Talk like this


10-13-2014, 12:29 AM

Before she replied she would push herself into a seated position, lifting herself up into a more defendable spot rather then on the ground. But still she would not flee despite the tension that seemed to be rolling off him in waves. Then she would speak and her words would drift into his ears and echo through his skull. They would hit him as hard as if he had run full tilt into a tree. Immediately ears would tip forward and recognition would dawn over his features. She was his sister's friend, the one that Vi had given old Arcanum to and the one who had lost it at some point. She was alive? He had a moment of confusion as he took a step back and stared at her. What the fuck was this? She hadn't died for his wife's pack? "Its something you don't deserve?" His words were nearly spat out, his rage returning all at once. She had lost his wires pack, the fact that she was his sisters friend was thrown out the window all at once and immediately his lips would curl in disgust as she tried to move around her so his chest was facing her left ribs.

He moved with the overwhelming force of a freight train, haunches coiling and then unfurling to attempt to launch himself forward with terrible speed. He would attempt to close the distance between himself and the white woman as quickly as possible so he could try and reach her before she could even scramble to her paws. Chest would aim to hit her dead in the meat of her left shoulder where muscle covered the joint, hoping to damage the joint and cause sever bruising. At the same time muscular neck would attempt to aim down and grab the woman at the base of her skull where her spine met her skull, trying to use the momentum and his superior weight to shove her into the ground and pin her off the bat. As a final attack his right paw would come up in an attempt to drape his leg over her back, right behind her shoulders in an attempt to continue to shove his weight on her while keeping her perpendicular (T shaped) to Kylar should he be successful and she try to move. His remaining three paws on the ground would shift to widen his stance, joints becoming looser to compensate for his new tripod state.

In this position his neck was arched, making it near impossible to grab at the underside of his throat, chin tucked as much as possible as he tried to slam his weight down on the woman. Eyes were narrowed, ears pinned, nose wrinkled to pull as much loose skin around his eyes as possible to serve as protection. His back was arched, stomach tucked to gather as much core strength as possible. Shoulders were rolled forward to an extent in his stance, gathering loose skin around his neck as hackles lifted to make himself look bigger and use the fur to distort ones perspective of where his flesh might be. Remaining three paws on the ground were splayed, joints loosened and leaning back slightly as to not rely on anything but himself for balance. Toes were splayed to give himself as much surface area as possible to balance on, claws dug into the ground for traction. Trail bannered behind him, aligning his spine and working as a rudder for further balance himself.


For Force Claim




10-13-2014, 11:01 AM

He had finally recognized her. He had reared back, almost as though he was in shock. He spat words at her, her brows furrowing in brief confusion. But there was no time to dwell. She may have been looking at him, but he still stood to her left. He launched his behemoth form forward, rage spilling from every pour. Eyes widened briefly before she scrambled to her feet, hips stepping to the right in an attempt to put him directly in front of her. Hind legs would bend deeply, spreading wide, her left hind leg sliding farther back in preparation for the collision. She would exhale, defenses settling into place: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, crown level with spine, chin tucked, tail aligned with her spine, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, weight evenly distributed, shoulders rolled forward and neck scrunched, toes splayed, and claws digging into the ground.

A severe bruise flared across her chest as they collided, chest to chest, she would slide back, but not tumble. Thankfully her exhale had saved her from having the breath knocked from her lungs, but it still hurt. Each breath after this would surely cost her. Due to her movement, his attempted bite to the base of her skull would fall short. But his fangs would not miss entirely. His towering height would allow his fangs to reach over her and grasp the lower left side of her scruff. He would puncture her skin, leaving moderate wounds. His right forelimb would lift, doing nothing more than scrape along on her side uselessly due to her new position.

Acting quickly, her own jaws would unhinge, lips peeling back to reveal ivory daggers, a snarl rolling off her tongue. There was no feasible way to grab his throat so she would aim lower. Her crown would tilt to her right, aiming to grab just above the bone in his chest (pro sternum), where there are small indents so that she could put pressure of his trachea, if not completely puncture the vital body part.

SIBELLE vs KYLAR for FREEDOM: round 1/2

Ooc- Used ref to show where the pro-sternum is.


image copyrighted to Lakela on dA


10-13-2014, 02:20 PM

She wasn't completely useless, leaping to her paws as soon as he launched himself at her and forcing him to rethink most of his moves. He would expel his breath a moment before chest would collide with chest, a severe bruise flaring across the lower mid section of his chest where it connected the hardest. Though he would not grab her where he had intended his jaws would not meet air, instead sinking into the flesh of her lower neck. Blood would meet his tongue and a tremor would roll through the massive male in waves as jaws would attempt to dig into flesh as deeply as possible. Massive neck would arch in an attempt to keep her as close as possible. Right paw would lift and fall, combing uselessly through her fur due to her new position. He would attempt to slap it to the ground as quickly as possible, trying to regain his balance and place his weight squarely on all four paws once more.

She was already moving at this point. Her jaws would come down and he would attempt to go up. Leaning back he would try and create space between them, pulling back savagely with his teeth while loosening his grip slightly to disconnect them and hopefully tear a chunk of flesh off with him as he went. He would try to recline almost to a seated position as she launched herself at his lower neck. His own jaws would open, skull twisting his bottom jaw to his right and instantly he would attempt to strike downwards, trying to latch onto Sibelle's upper jaw with his lower jaw on her right cheek and upper jaw on her left. He aimed to grab her snout, the bridge of her nose right below her eye sockets, attempting to shove her face downward and away from her intended target.

Massive beast would attempt to unfurl his haunches at that exact moment, propelling himself forward so that he would try slam his chest into her bite (counter attack) in an attempt to force her teeth to hit bone and jar her bite at least a bit, chip some teeth best case scenario. Again his right paw would lift, attempting to swing over her shoulders and force more of his weight down upon her. There was no point trying to trip her now, they would more then likely end up in a tangled heap on the ground. As well at this angle with his neck arched to its fullest extent he had no real eye line of her paws or where to aim. So paw would simply come up in a wide arc before trying to come down on her upper back right behind her shoulder blades on her spine.

In this position his neck was arched, making it near impossible to grab at the underside of his throat, chin tucked as much as possible as he tried to slam his weight down on the woman. Eyes were narrowed, ears pinned, nose wrinkled to pull as much loose skin around his eyes as possible to serve as protection. His back was arched, stomach tucked to gather as much core strength as possible. Shoulders were rolled forward to an extent in his stance, gathering loose skin around his neck as hackles lifted to make himself look bigger and use the fur to distort ones perspective of where his flesh might be. Remaining three paws on the ground were splayed, joints loosened and leaning back slightly as to not rely on anything but himself for balance. Toes were splayed to give himself as much surface area as possible to balance on, claws dug into the ground for traction. Trail bannered behind him, aligning his spine and working as a rudder for further balance himself.


For Force Claim




10-13-2014, 02:41 PM

Defenses never falter, again she was in a fight for her life, any mistake could cost her dearly. Eyes were narrowed, ears pinned, her hackles raised. Her crown was level with her spine, and her chin was tucked, shoulders rolled forward while her neck scrunched. Legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, her toes splayed and claws dug into the ground while her weight was evenly distributed. Her tail was aligned with her spine, ready to act as a rudder. Fate seemed to have a sick sense of humor.

Blood seeped from her wounds, her chest hurt with every breath. His grip would lessen as he leaned back and away from her, but in doing so, he ripped away a chuck of flesh, it was deep enough to tear away skin and fat, but hadn't touched muscle. Another scar to add to the list. As her jaws sought their intended target of his lower chest, his own jaws would come down, seeking more blood. Fangs connected with their target, gripping the sides of her snout, and applying pressure to force her head downards. His fangs would leave small puncture wounds, nothing major yet. But it didnt stop there, he had thrown himself forward again, sending his chest straight into her open jaws. The force was jarring, causing pain to immediately flare across her nose and the joint where her lower mandible connects to her skull. With moderate bruising, her jaws were bound to protest any movement. He was ruthless. His foreleg would lift, coming to rest across her shoulders, meeting its intended target. His weight now sat heavily on her upper body, straining her muscles and exhausting her quickly.

Thinking quickly, she would drop her hindquarters nearly to the ground. Her forelegs would bend a little deeper before she struck. Uncurling her hindlegs, she would attempt to throw herself forward and up, sacrificing her already marred looks as his fangs would undoubted tear the delicate skin of her face. She hoped to gather enough strength to send his jaws sliding back up her muzzle (towards her eyes) and to be able to push herself up just enough to try and gain a hold of her original target. Jaws again sought for the tender flesh just above the bone of his chest, hoping to sink her fangs into his trachea. Searching blinding, her right forelimb would slide forward, never leaving the ground, and arc in a wide half circle away from her body. Her hope was to catch his only grounded forelimb and perhaps knock him off balance. But she was flying blinding, which is why she kept her paw grounded, she hoped that his foreleg would be within her reach.

SIBELLE vs KYLAR for FREEDOM: round 2/2


image copyrighted to Lakela on dA

The Judge


10-13-2014, 05:55 PM


Round 1


CLARITY: 8 / 10

- 2 for confusion with his position compared to Sibelle/how his attacks were hitting


No powerplaying found

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

+ 10 for defenses

ATTACK: 7 / 10

+ 4 maim/grip (biting the back of her neck), + 2 normal attack (slamming chest into her shoulder), +1 minor attack (forearm around her shoulders)

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First round, no points off

Round one Kylar Total: 45 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10

Clear post


No powerplaying found

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

+ 10 for defenses

ATTACK: 4 / 10

+ 4 maim/grip attempts (biting his pro-sternum)

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First round, no points off

Round one Sibelle Total: 44 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 7 / 10

- 2 for confusion with the placement of his attacks, - 1 for not specifying what injuries he took


No powerplaying found

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

+ 10 for defenses

ATTACK: 6 / 10

+ 4 maim/grip attempts (grabbing the top of her muzzle), +1 normal attack (hitting his chest into her bite), +1 minor attack (hitting her shoulders with his paw)

INJURIES: 7 / 10

- 3 severe laceration (hitting his chest into her teeth)

Round two Kylar Total: 40 / 50


CLARITY: 9 / 10

- 1 mild confusion with how she is attacking


No powerplaying found

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

+10 for defenses

ATTACK: 5 / 10

+ 4 maim/grip attempt (biting his pro-sternum), +1 minor attack (tripping him)

INJURIES: 6 / 10

- 1 moderate bruising (stretched/brused lower jaw/joint), - 3 severe lacerations (lacerations on the top half of her muzzle

Round two Sibelle Total: 40 / 50


Kylar: 85 /100

Sibelle: 84 /100

And the winner is...

Kylar! Sibelle must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Kylar- Severe brusing and lasserations to the chest

Sibelle- Brusing on the chest, moderate wound to the left side of her neck, tearing along the sides of her muzzle

Good fight guys! A few quick notes:
Dione: Attacks got a little muddled for me at times. Good job trying to work in more attacks, but some more directionals would have helped. Also make sure you're clearly stating when and how Kylar is getting injuries since it made it hard to figure out when Sibelle's attacks were landing and made me take off points for powerplaying.

Saf: Very easy to read. Really just needed more attacks in your first post and a little more clarity in her attacks.

--- Shelby <3


10-14-2014, 09:19 PM

Fangs gripped her muzzle, drawing blood. Her own fangs would met their intended target, sinking into his flesh. But before she had a chance to do any damage, he would release her. Leaning forward, she would try to deepen her bite, but it was a useless endeavor. With a quick snap of his head, their foreheads would collide. Her world twisted, the ground shifting beneath her. Releasing her grip, she would stumble back. Legs quivered, barely able to support her weight. In only a few moments a million thoughts would fill her mind. Her children, her mate. They would all wonder where she had disappeared to. And none of them would know. She was about to fall off the map without a doubt, she was going to be held a prisoner until Cru found her. And with that final thought, her world would go black. Crumpling into a heap of blood and russet fur she would land with a muted thud, her eye fluttering closed, breathing steady as lay completely limp and helpless.


image copyrighted to Lakela on dA