
What a Day!



10 Years
10-03-2013, 03:06 AM

She had been bored the past couple of days. Odette was still eager to explore, so she carried herself from the beach towards the Eastern borders of Alacritis. The atmosphere was constantly changing, and she pondered if it would be like this all of the time. Eagerly, she looked around, hoping that something would stick out. She wasn't disappointed.
Odette's eyes caught the sight of naked branches from the trees she passed. They used to have so much color and she wished that they would stay forever. Being bare with nothing but the ugly bark for a winter coat made the young one shiver. She wondered what it would be like to meet someone with the same hues as those on the tree on their pelt.

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10-03-2013, 03:17 AM

His desire to be away from Valhalla for the past few days had been almost overwhelming, since the last pack meeting he had felt such deep shame that he had been forced to leave. He had originally begun venturing further away for the simple reason that he needed to gather herbs and not all of them grew in Valhalla. He knew there was a war coming, knew that there was a war coming and that soon he might have wounded and sick to tend too.

But today wasn't for such dark thoughts, no the day was nice even though winter was settling in the sun was out and the birds were chirping. He was walking with his nose to the ground, butt up in the air and tail arched over his back as he pushed the snow around with his nose. The snow was still only lightly dusting the ground, even bare in some patches. Herbs would be fairly easy to find here...

He had a few bundles in his mouth by the time he ran into the young girl, almost quite literally. He had a grouping of herbs that helped deal with pain and that helped stop bleeding. Some could be used as a paste to put on wounds and some could be taken orally. "Herro thur," his words came out before the bundles did and for a moment he blinked, not quite sure why his voice sounded so strange. it dawned on him suddenly and he dropped the plants before the young girl, not wishing to frighten her. "Sorry about that, hello!" He said, tail waving above his back now.



10 Years
10-03-2013, 03:22 AM

She hadn't expected to run into anyone out of the blue like she did. It was a pleasant surprise and when it happened, she automatically made a yelp from the impact. Bi-colored eyes looked up to greet the dark male with...her eyes widened...the bark-like fur! The bundle of herbs in his mouth caught her off guard and she leaned her head to the side out of puppy curiosity. What did they all mean?
His apology slipped from his mouth once he lowered his bundle to the ground. She watched him do so and the curiosity began to increase as he spoke to her. Tiny tail wagged behind her form and a smile broke out across her face. "Hello there to you, too!" She cheerfully replied, wondering who in the world he was. "And it's okay, I don't mind that I ran into you. What are you doing?"

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10-03-2013, 03:33 AM

She yelped and immediately his sharp blue gaze was scanning over her, searching for if he had hurt her or not. The way her eyes widened as well didn't help quell his fears but then the young girls tail began to wave as she studied the herbs he had placed on the ground before her. She was smiling as well and he allowed a similar smile to spread across his lips. She replied to his greeting in a chipper tone before going on to say it was okay that he had run into him and asking what he was doing. She reminded him so much of his own daughter back when she had been young and had loved him. Before his absences had begun to bother her so much...

"Well I'm a healer and I'm gathering herbs so I won't run out in the winter if anyone gets hurt..." He stated easily, smiling as well as he tipped his head and studied the young girl. She looked big, he would have guessed 9 months but something about her made him wonder if she was younger... "I'm Friction, who are you? And what brings you out here?" He asked conversationally.



10 Years
10-03-2013, 03:41 AM

His questions made Odette's smile widen. She was enjoying the guy already and he seemed nice enough to the core! It was probably her puppy mind working those thoughts into her head, but she didn't mind. From the way it looked, neither did he. "That sounds like a big job to do," she said, observing the girth of the bundle he had so far. "I bet you will find tons of plants before they all die!"
He asked her of her name and her reason for being out there. After taking in his name, Odette replied. "Nice to meet cha, Mr. Friction. My name is Odette, and I am the daughter of Ocena and Gargoyle. They're at the beach where I left them. My paws got itchy and I had to walk to get rid of the feeling." It was true, after all. She did love to wander.

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10-03-2013, 04:03 AM

She was grinning now and he couldn't help but smile along with her. he had always enjoyed children, being the oldest child of 10 he had grown up babysitting his siblings and then his half siblings. He had never minded, he had loved hanging out with his mother and then in turn hanging out with his younger siblings. He had missed his daughter growing up and wanted nothing more then to have another chance at it. "Its not terrible, there are quite a few healers in my pack..." If a wolf could blush he would be fifty shades of red, this girl putting him on a pedestal already. It was something his daughter had never done... "I'll defiantly try my best!"

He chuckled as she called him Mr.Friction, realizing that this was probably the first time that he hadn't introduced himself with his last name... When had that stopped? "Well Odette its a pleasure to meet you, and yes I defiantly know what that feels like. So. Would you like to get a crash course on herbs? I would love some help if your not too busy..." It was an easy offer, one that she could easily turn down if she liked but he honestly hoped that she might want to stick around and give him a hand.



10 Years
10-03-2013, 04:11 AM

He spoke of doing his best and she nodded to support his decision. All she would ever ask of people within her kingdom would be to do their best and excel past their limits if they so dared. The young girl wanted to be a ruler someday, and as he had to get smart before she could even do that. Odette had potential and she intended to make it better for her by using it. So when he mentioned possibly helping him out with the plants, she immediately began to nod.
"Is that a genuine invitation, Mr. Friction? I would definitely not mind helping you and learning along the way." She had nothing else to do, and maybe learning something about plants would help her in the long run. Odette had never had the offer to do something that involved a few tasks with it, so she nodded again and barked happily. "Just tell me what to do, what does what, and I will do my best to keep it all in my head!"

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10-03-2013, 04:43 AM

Her nod was firm, like she was supporting, agreeing and confirming his words all at once. He chuckled at her decisiveness, head tipping and smiling easily at her. Was it a genuine offer? He was still smiling as she spoke, agreeing to his offer and then saying she would try her best to remember it all. In the end that was really all he could ask of her after all. So he started by leaning down and nosing through the bundle he had already collected. "Well these four plants are the ones I've already found around here and I could always use more if you could find them..." He said as he settled onto his haunches and then began pointing to each as he spoke.

"This green leafy one is Turmeric and it's used to help people with pain. It is chewed and it helps dull the pain as well as helps keep inflammation down. This one with the white flowers is Valerian and it needs to be dug up because eating the root can pretty much tranquillize someone. It helps is I need to fix broken bones or dislocated joints..." He hadn't done much of that since he had been here but it was easy enough to remember. He had only grabbed those two so far for for pain relief but they were the two he probably needed the most.

"This one with the fluffy leaves is called Yarrow. It can be chewed and then made into a past to put onto wounds to stop bleeding. Then these red peppers here... If at all possible don't put them in your mouth and pick them up by the stem. I've only found one here so far luckily. But they are very spicy. It can be rubbed on wounds to stop bleeding or it can be eaten to help stop internal bleeding. Think you got that so far?" He was smiling still, trying to give the description of each plant, its use and how to use it in the simplest way possible.



10 Years
10-03-2013, 03:30 PM

She reclined to her haunches in front of Friction as he began to talk about the plants. He pointed them out and gave them names, along with explaining what they did and the best ways to use them. Odette found herself enraptured with the plants that he showed. She had never thought about using plants or herbs to help with ailment that could negatively effect her body. In her short life, she hadn't experienced too much pain or suffering, but keeping track of what could be used for such times wouldn't hurt her.
After he finished explaining, he looked up and asked if she understood. To prove her personal belief that she was brilliant, Odette extended a front paw and began to point at each one. "Fluffy leaves means it's yarrow." She looked up at Friction to make sure she was correct. "Yarrow stops bleeding." Her paw moved to the green, leafy plant. "Turmeric? For pain management. Thennn-" she pointed to the white flowery herb, "Valerian. It will knock you out." A smile broke out across her face and she concluded with, "And the red peppers you do not chomp on because of the spicy hotness." Her tail wagged beneath her as she blinked and said, "I didn't realize that plants could do things like that to wolves. What else is out there?"

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10-07-2013, 06:57 AM

He had always wanted to one day pass on his trade the way his mother had passed it onto him. Had always wanted to keep it in the family seeing as at least one pup from every one or Lust's litters had gone on to be quite skilled at healing. He had wanted to teach Liberty but Aislyn had has other plans for their only child and he, being unsure of what he wanted in life, had not questioned it. But as he sat and explained the various herbs before him to the young girl he had just met that familiar longing arose inside of him, the one that had been the reason he had answered Aislyn's call that night that seemed like a lifetime ago.

His smile was soft as he listened to her recite a more basic version of what he had said and he listened patiently, ready to correct her if she mixed any up. But she didn't and as she finished his smile widened to more of a proud smile a father might wear. What else was out there? He tiled his head thoughtfully and looked around. "Anything and everything really... There are plants that can do as much bad as good though if not used properly. Almost every tree, plant, moss or really anything that grows can have a use or purpose if you have the time to find it. There are mushroom that can make you see things that aren't there, plants that have leaves with a powder on them that if inhaled could make a wolf very sick for days. There are also plants to ease sickness, make headaches go away..." He paused thoughtfully. "My mother was a very skilled healer, with her last litter she had an albino and a small boy who's blood couldn't clot on its own. She made a mixture of herbs for him that he has to take daily so that if he gets a cut he won't bleed out." Herbs really could do anything if you had the time to learn it all...



10 Years
10-09-2013, 10:01 PM

Odette had never heard such things about the plants that surrounded her everyday. She began to get fascinated with what their properties were and she started to wonder if they would come in handy one day. For now, she made sure to remember everything he mentioned and her tail began to wag at all of the possibilities. "It sounds like they are mixtures of good and evil...or right and wrong." The observation sounded like something a pup older than she would come up with.
"You learned everything you know from your mama?" She asked, curiosity still peaking from behind the red and blue eyes that watched him. Their intense gaze spoke to the older male, indicating that she was true to the thoughts in her mind that wanted to wrap themselves around the knowledge he could possibly provide. "I didn't know you had a brother that had that problem. From the way it sounds, there are lots of ailments that can be prevented by simply using plants."

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10-09-2013, 10:32 PM

The wonder that grew in her eyes made his heart swell, to the point where it felt like it was twisting within his chest. Were these the feelings he could have had if he had been around for Liberty more? Would everything have been avoided if only he had been there for her, if he had been there for Aislyn? His mood almost dipped low at those thoughts before Odette spoke again and snapped him out of it. He blinked a few times before his smile returned. "You sound wise beyond your years young Odette..." He said easily, chuckling softly.

"Yes, I spent three years learning everything I could from her. She taught all my siblings about herbs at least enough to take care of themselves. Some of us took to it more then the others..." It was strange talking about his family. All those memories seemed like a life time ago. Though recently a lovely young woman with a red pelt had drifted to the Valhallan boarders and ran him to him by chance, she had been the same age as Aiden and Io, apparently another of Lust's children but he had never met her. "Its not a common problem, most who have it don't live very long..." He didn't mention that he thought his brother might have died already. "Yes, plants can do a lot, they can be preventative, they can cure most sicknesses but some sicknesses once they get to a certain point can't be helped..." He had heard about Cairo's mate and her cancer, about the guilt that Erani still carried around. "But these four are the basics that anyone should know, they can heal most wounds of the body if someone gets in a fight... Would you like to help me find some more? And then another day maybe we can hunt for some more advanced plants somewhere else?" His tail wagged at his offered this, truly hoping she would like to join him again another day. Even though the days for herb hunting were growing short.



10 Years
10-09-2013, 11:48 PM

It was the first time anyone had said anything regarding her age and how she spoke. Odette was immediately touched by the man's words and a blush crept across her cheeks. Her tail silently swayed behind her and she shyly said, "That is very sweet, Mr. Friction. Thank you..." She enjoyed the words that still played around her mind, the meaning behind them making her chest swell with silent pride.
"I think it's great that your mama got to teach you everything you know," she said, tones indicating a bit of sadness. Odette's eyes changed their tune from being flattered to a slight hint of depression. "My mama hasn't been around lately, nor as my papa...I don't know where they have gone, but I wonder why they haven't been around to teach me what I know." Her gaze flickered from Friction to the ground, where the herbs laid in front of them. "I hope that maybe I can hold onto this knowledge and use it whenever I have to."
His invitation to her helping him search for herbs met pinpricked ears. Odette raised her head -- her gaze included -- and nodded. "That would be swell, Mr. Friction! I think I would like doing that. Just tell me what I need to look out for and I will do my best to help you." Having a task to do would be satisfying indeed.

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10-14-2013, 02:59 AM

She was a bit shy, a trait he quite admired after living for so long with two very head strong women in his life. But whatever pleasure he got from seeing the reaction his words got was quickly squashed as he heard the disheartened tone in her voice as she spoke about his childhood. Did she not have parents who were around much? She seemed to answer the question in his mind and he felt his heart breaking. "My father wasn't part of my life either, but I'm sure your parents care deeply for you. Sometimes grown up things just get in the way..." He wanted so badly for her to understand that in the same way he wanted Liberty to understand his absences...

"Even if you can't remember it all you can always find me for help." He wanted to be there for this girl, to help her if he could. Maybe he could show her Valhalla and where his den was she could find him whenever. Maybe even introduce her to Erani... He didn't know how long he would be around after all. Maybe he could introduce her to the rest of his family? He had met Vi briefly, a sister he had never known about and according to her he had quite a bit of family around. Even Zara, whom would take good care of Odette in his absence.

His invitation for her to help him hunt for herbs left her in better spirits and he chuckled. "Jus these are fine, I'll leave them in piles here and as you find them bring them back and see if they're the same then out them in the pile. Yarrow and Valerian are the two easiest to find here, but we might be lucky like I did with the peppers! Sound good?" He asked, tail waving behind him as he looked down at her as a proud father might look down at his daughter. They could spread out but stay close enough to chat at least.



10 Years
10-14-2013, 10:17 PM

She listened with rapt attention as he spoke of the possible love that still resided in her parents' hearts. There was a reason why they hadn't been seen the past few months. Odette wanted to believe that they would come back and snuggle her in their arms like it had never happened, but her hope was slowly dimming. It seemed like the world was coming down on her by herself with no one there to stay with her and fight it. Now, as Friction told her that he would be there if she ever needed him, her belief in having others there for her began to shine through again. Maybe she wasn't as alone as she thought she was.
In fact, right after he gave his word to be there if she called, the images of Seth, Aurora, Meili, and Baskilisk appeared in her mind. She realized that the numbers would slowly increase the older she got and relief spread through the pup's body like warm water across skin. A last minute face - Chrysanthe - showed up and her heart rate increased. Her alleged aunt had said Valhalla would be her home if she chose it to be and she yearned for the embrace of her family member. Instead, her smile brightened and she took a few steps towards Friction, safely stepping away from the herbs. The gray, black, and tan pup nuzzled his front leg and softly murmured, "Thank you..." Manners came in handy, especially when you were trying to reveal your emotions.
Once she pulled back, Odette nodded to Friction's directions and turned to look at the herbs again. She memorized how they looked, what she was to look for, and said, "Valerian and Yarrow. White flowers and fluffy ones, too. Got it." Looking up at Friction, she said, "Where are these herbs usually found? Forests? Riverbeds? Desert wastelands?" She wanted to know, she yearned to know where such plants thrived.

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11-06-2013, 02:21 AM

ooc;; silly filler post is small >.>

The tenderness of her touch as she stepped around the herbs and pressed her face into his leg was heart warming and he couldn't help the smile that spread across his features. "Anytime dear..." His words were soft, let out on an exhale as he closed his eyes. He knew that life without parents could be hard. Hell he grew up with one parent and that was hard enough never mind without both. But she was doing well on her own, growing up to be a respectable young woman...

And as quickly as that moment came it was gone and she went back into business mode. He couldn't help but chuckle slightly at it all. "Yarrow is a weed actually, it can be found in any normal area where other plants thrive mostly in more moist areas but its not uncommon to find in dryer forests and such. Valerian is about the same though it prefers richer soil so its more common around streams and rivers with soil around it rather then rock. Willows like much of the same soil so both are normally found here or where ever these trees grow...." He trailed off and cast a glance up at the massive trees and their long limbs. He had always loved it here... "Do you think your ready?" He asked as he himself stood up, tail waving as if he was about to bound off and race her to see who could find the most herbs first.



10 Years
11-13-2013, 11:33 PM

She listened with abrupt attention, making sure she remembered the places Friction was describing. Odette didn't want to get them mixed up and end up pulling up weeds that weren't the right herbs for his collection. To make sure that she would be correct with her choices, she voiced the places out loud so they would leave imprints on her ears and brain. "Yarrow looks like a weed, but it isn't and can be found anywhere there is moisture in the dirt. Valerian can be found near water beds of any sort and don't look like weeds. Willows are like the trees called willows, except they are small plants that love soil that larger trees use..." After making sure she had it down pat, she lowered her head to the herbs currently resting on the ground. Her nose swept up the scents of each one so she could hold onto those as well.
It seemed like Odette was ready to explore for the long lost herbs. Glancing up at Friction, she twitched her nose in anticipation and said, "Just point me in the right direction, Mr. Friction, and I will do my best to find the needed herbs for your collection."

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