
How Bright The World



7 Years
10-06-2013, 01:26 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The past few days had impatiently crawled past, each one prolonging the inevitable that Tahlia had long since been hoping for. She was done being pregnant. The joyous, exciting miracle had lost its appeal weeks ago, and she was looking forward to finally being done with it. Her body ached from carrying the excess weight the pups had packed on, as if in a constant state of fatigue. Her mind yearned for more stimulating activities than merely watching the forest around her fade from autumn to winter, and it only seemed to influence the dreadful physical sensations that bothered her. Not wanting to cause unnecessary stress on the children that she carried, she tried her best not to let the thoughts and feelings consume her, but overall she was tired of the waiting games.

So that morning, when the first pangs of warning began to present themselves, the eager mother was nearly giddy with relief. At last! It was finally time! Soon - incredibly soon now - she and Bane would have the family they so longed for, and she would no longer be burdened with carrying it physically herself.

She was grateful that by chance she had stuck close to the den that had once been solely occupied by Bane, having moved to join him at his residency as had been the custom from her upbringing. Despite the peculiarities about it, she had taken to the new arrangements quite readily, and spotted it quickly now as she hurriedly trotted through the woods in its direction. Dark golden eyes alighted on the trees that surrounded their home, the telltale markings referred to by Bane as the "Talutah" situated upon their trunks. They were strange to her, finding less significance in them than he did, but it was an easy enough to quirk to her husband's character that she could live with.

Excitement coursed through Tahlia's veins as she crossed the short open space between the treeline and the den, pausing just outside the opening of the welcoming shelter to glance back over one shoulder. Surely Bane must have been nearby, knowing too that the day of their children's birth was swiftly approaching. Happily she tilted her muzzle in the air and called out to him, beckoning him to her side. He had stuck by her through everything so far; she could hardly imagine going through this very last stretch of her pregnancy without him.

The sound of her call was cut somewhat short as another painful spasm from within was set off, much more forceful than the last few she had felt during her journey here. And it has only just begun, she thought, a sudden wariness rising within. In all her excitement about finally reaching the end of her pregnancy, she had allowed herself to forget a rather important detail: birth was not pretty, nor was it pleasant. The expectant expression about her face suddenly slipped away as the painful sense dissipated, her heart beginning to beat more rapidly with its passing. This was only the beginning.

Praying that her husband might turn up soon, she moved into the den to situate herself within, restlessly moving about as the pains worsened and the birth of her children neared ever closer.



10-06-2013, 04:12 PM

She had been watching from a distance since the meeting, watching the pregnant woman grow. She dare not go near though because of her early departure from the meeting, obviously upset about Bane most likely being demoted and not mentioned as being her mate. In a way the grey woman could understand how she must feel but at the same time she was disappointed in her. Tahlia seemed like a good woman, why would she allow herself to be fooled by a man like him? She was lucky action wasn't taken on her for announcing her pregnancy so far along.

Loccian sat beneath a tree near the lake, giving a small shake of her head. She hoped this birth would straighten the man out, along with his new rank within the kingdom, perhaps he could regain respect by changing and stop becoming a problem. It seemed highly unlikely though, he was growing old like Bronze, habits couldn't be changed so far along. Possibly Tahlia could help him, pull him onto a good path.

Suddenly a call rang out, a summoning from Tahlia. It wasn't for a healer but either way Loccian could not ignore it, she was ready to pop any day now, the children would be coming very soon. So with a deep breath she would push the herbs gathered before her onto a pile of leaves then fold them over and gran the tips gently in her jaws, an easier way to carry them before setting off.

Within minutes she had caught the scent of the woman, following it through the trees, grey eyes running over the marks cut into the bark. She couldn't help but feel uncomfortable walking through here, but forced herself to block them out, stopping a few feet away from what looked like a den. Setting the herbs down she remained where she stood, clearing her throat. "It is Loccian, Miss Tahlia. How are you feeling?"


Awesome table by Andy <3



11 Years
10-13-2013, 11:54 PM
As the old saying went, happy wife, happy life. And Bane was pretty sure that he'd done well with hunting for Tahlia and their unborn children. He'd often joke with his mate while they were eating whatever he had caught that if the children wanted the meat or if she did. A smile creased over his aging muzzle, Bane struggling to stand up. His pelt, by the gods his pelt, it had gotten paler as if wanting to help him blend in with the snowfall, a black and white flecked coat of a whitish grey coming in with his winter fur. The winter pelt on the greyish male wasn't even really coming in as it used to, Bane not paying any mind to the cold. Tahlia, her howl... it sounded different... pained.

Was that a signal of new lives to come? Or was she in trouble? A furrowing of his brow cast a worried look on his face as his worn paws took him up to their hillside den. Was the trouble the new lives coming? A determined sense of protectiveness had overcome him since Tahlia became pregnant, the bottom of their hill being constantly patrolled when his body was able too from packmates. The marked trees were stalked by and Bane saw Loccian standing near the den entrance. If there was anyone besides Destruction that Bane trusted, it was Loccian, and right now her services were going to be very useful. Bane sat along the mouth of his den and turned around to watch for anybody else that might come. They would be met with a warning. And if necessary, fangs and claws.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
10-14-2013, 09:03 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her mind was caught somewhere between pain and desperation. The pups were coming, there was no denying that. With each passing moment the spasms in her middle would increase in their intensity, causing her at times to hunch over slightly inside the den and wait for their passing. Oh, how she wished there was another way! She had been fooled by the glamors of pregnancy, of motherhood, and nowhere in her knowledge did she ever recall a warning of this process. If she had, she might at least have reconsidered, if only for a moment. But more than the pain, she was worried. It would only be moments before they made their way into the world, and Bane was still not there. Of everyone available to her to seek solace from inside of her pack, it was him that she wished for most. He had been there to see the birth of his last litter with the wolf who had not even been his own mate; Tahlia was not going to forgive him if he should miss her own.

She heard a voice at the front of the den, its familiar sound causing her dark golden eyes, which had been closed against the troubling contractions, to open and stare at the silhouette of the woman peering in. "Loccian," she answered breathlessly, relieved to see her though she had not been the one she had called for. Why had it not occurred to her to call for the healer first? "They...they are coming," she informed her hastily from within the den, "I do not think they will wait." A shudder ran through her frame, a mixture of worry for the task at hand and for where her mate must have been.

But in what only felt like a moment's time, he was there. Through the smell of the herbs Loccian had brought - of which Tahlia was becoming increasingly curious of with the growing intensity of the pain she felt - she caught his scent, faint yet familiar and so desperately wanted, and saw part of his peppered grey figure as he positioned himself outside as well. A beckoning whine was issued toward the both of them before another spasm within her middle silenced her and caused her to huddle slightly in wait for its passing, though as was proving to be the habit it was stronger than the last. It was time. No more waiting. She caught her breath once it had passed, shifting about upon her side in the space of the den she had already chosen for the birthing, and lay in wait for the next one that would bring with it the first pup.

She had thought she could be mindful of those around her during the process, but no sooner had it begun she knew she had been wrong. All of her attention, all of her energy, went into the birthing. It was painful, wholly consuming, and immensely draining. She pushed and strained until the first was out and promptly took to the cleaning the babe in between the contractions, eliciting the first cries of their first child. Smiling tiredly already, Tahlia took only a small moment to admire the child, a pretty little girl still in need of much more cleaning, before the painful sense filled her again, causing her to momentarily ignore the pup in order to bring her sibling, unknowingly the last of the small litter, into the world. The intense contraction was over with the new arrival of the second pup, and as she had with the first Tahlia was quick to recover and begin cleaning the child. Another voice joined the first, and as they both cried she nudged them close to her side, encouraging them to nurse.



5 Years
10-14-2013, 10:26 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

For some time the world around her had been calm, comfortable. The tiny being had only ever known warmth and safety, growing swiftly alongside her sibling within their shared home. But the growth had complicated things; no longer was there comfort. Each day they grew a little larger and their confined location shrunk around them. Things were crowded, the room allowed to them being used up so fully that both she and her brother were vying for space, pushing and shoving and giving their mother a hard time.

But with the birth things changed yet again. There was movement, shifting, and suddenly it was cold. The pup shuddered and shivered and was assaulted by her mother's tongue, each swipe taking with it some of the dampness that coated her body, replacing it with a warmth that did not take as readily as she would have liked. She complained, heartily crying out to the world against the discomforts and scary new scene she found herself in, but was only answered with more licks and a few nudges.

This, thankfully, led to a warm side and welcome nourishment. Anais settled in, snuggling close to soft fur there and drinking once the large body before her stilled and another small, crying figure joined her there in the warm curve of their mother's stomach. It did not dawn on her that she had been born, that she now shared her life with a mother, a father, a brother, and a pack. All that mattered in that instant was the warmth offered in the form of soothing touches, rich sustenance, and a welcoming side.

-- anais

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



5 Years
10-18-2013, 12:17 AM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2013, 10:01 PM by Jakart.)
The only male pup didn't quite care that he was born unto a world with a shiver and cough, the pup taking in the new sensations of the membrane being licked off of his body. Or the blood that matted his fur and stung his nose that left a coppery taste in his maw. A low whimper sounded out of him as he was licked clean and picked up by the nape of his neck. The being that instinct told him was mother deposited him by her side next to his sister, the only other sibling having been brought unto this world. A whimper and a cry came from his maw as he hungrily searched for a teat to nurse on by feeling with his cheeks.

Jakart weakly attempted to crawl up his mothers side towards the scent of milk, the blind pup almost falling if it wasn't for the fact that he was till damp as he clung to his mothers fur. The search continued until he came next to his sister and crawled over her alongside in the direction of his mothers foreleg, a teat finally being grazed against with a cheek. Warmth and a sense of fulfillment over came the pup as his tiny maw clamped on and began to suckle, the male newborn's paws prodding and pressing against his mothers side to make the flow of warm milk constant.

"Jakart, Jakart is the wiggly one." A baritone voice rumbled, the voice of the father, but the pup named Jakart didn't know that. All that was important to him right now was to feed and then to sleep against his mothers side.



10-18-2013, 08:26 PM

In no time the scent would drift beneath her nose, Bane was approaching. Carefully she would turn her head to the side, grey orbs falling upon the aging man as he took a seat outside the den. Keeping guard, every male would do the same if their mate was in such a way as Tahlia was. At her voice being spoken she would turn back to the woman, leaning in close, ears perked up. The pups were coming, she didn't think they would wait. The children were coming, it was a good thing she had the herbs she brought then, they would be very handy.

Her ears would go back against her head as Tahlia whined to the man outside before a spasm came upon her body, making her turn onto her side, the pup would come in no time. Loccian would position herself to allow the woman room to push the child out and able to tun and lick it clean, but also keeping herself close enough to encourage the woman and keep her calm. Childbirth wasn't the easiest thing to deal with.

As she began pushing the first out all the grey lady could tel her was ?steady pushes... take a few breathes then push...? typical things to be heard during such a moment. In no time the first appeared, cleaning it between the contractions till it started crying. Loccian would smile, and would offer some help in cleaning the girl, giving a few quick licks as her mother worked on getting any others out. And here it came, a little boy, starting to cry after a few licks from its mother. Bane would voice a name for the male from the entrance, Jakart.

After a few moments of the children squirming to their mothers belly, Loccian would come to the idea that these were the only ones, understandable for the parents ages. ?They look fine and lovely Miss.? She would give a small dip of her head to Tahlia with a smile, glancing over at Bane and also giving a dip of her head to him.

She would then turn her back to the woman and shift through the small herbs she had brought, pulling out a few and turning back to Tahlia. ?These should slide down smoothly, chew them up then swallow. One will relax you, another will help the production milk and will also give some things to the pups that will help them stay healthy the first few hours to a day or two.? With that she would give a dip of her had once more before slipping back and out of the den, letting Bane have a few moments with his mate and children. She would take a seat on the opposite side of the entrance he was sitting at. ?If you two need anything, water or food, I will be right here.? She would speak softly to him.


Awesome table by Andy <3



7 Years
10-18-2013, 11:14 PM
Nako's tongue licked his nose to wipe the scrape free of blood, embarrassed when he'd bumped his nose against the side of a tree when his new mother had howled and he reacted by swinging his head towards her direction. Tahlia... he liked Tahlia. Bane, his real father, had made a good choice of a mate. Red droplets trailed after him in the snow as the bastard pup trudged on through the snow up towards the den where his adoptive mother had howled. Mismatched eyes surveyed the trees as he hobbled along, the mark on his shoulder being seen on each one bordering the clearing where the den was.

Snow compressed together and flew through the air as Nako dug into the frozen ground to peer at the den. The signs of the pups constant observant nature coupled with wariness were being revealed, a strange Seracian being seen at the den, his father sloshing through the snow a few strides away. As the old male passed by Nako raised his head and shook the snow off, the half a dozen feathers being felt as they grazed of the sides of his neck. Nako rubbed a paw against his nose again then let himself slowly rise to a crouch, one paw being placed over the other as he began advancing across the clearing. A moment or two past, ear perking upon hearing faint wails coming from the den and the taking of the older wolves.

Pup sounds that weren't all lost to Nako's memory, those kinds of noises could still be made by him this early in life. Just like the ones being made in the den. Tahlia was evidently having her pups, the bastard child starting to stalk his way towards Bane upon the realization that his mother wasn't in any danger. Nako came up between Bane legs and lay at the lip of the den, the young wolf looking up at his father. "Wa's goin' on? Ma' mom ok after having pups?"

He peered into the den to see if his mother was ok with his own eyes, the two wiggling bundles of drying fur at her side being stared at. Those were inside her? Was he like that a few months ago? All helpless and vulnerable? Nako looked up at his father again and cast a glance over at the other she-wolf. "My littermates ok miss healer?"



11 Years
10-19-2013, 12:02 AM
Bane cast an askew glance at Loccain when noticed his arrival, the old wolf's attention solely focusing on his mate down beneath him in their den. Tahlia's whine was returned by the elder, brow creasing in worry as thoughts turned to Alarice and how she died. Birth. The male had heard stories of how some male wolves would eat their young, and so Bsne would let it been Tahlia and the pups den for a few weeks, unless his mate approved of him being in there. Otherwise he would have to sleep outside, not that he'd mind except for the fact that his normally insulating winter pelt wasn't coming in as it used to.

Everything about Bane was tense as he watched Tahlia give birth with the help of Loccain. Even when the Seracian healer went down into the den to physically help out Bane didn't mind. In the Talutah's mind there were only a few wolves he trusted, Loccain being one of them. Two pups were the product of Bane and Tahlia's physical union, the second newborn, male, was stared at by sapphire eyes as the old wolf thought of a name. A few were considered until one that sounded suitable was made up.?

"Jakart, Jakart is the wiggly one." Bane hummed in satisfaction while staring at the whimpering pup, Nako deciding to make an appearance between his two forelegs. The bastard pup looked down into the den and questioned Loccain about Tahlia giving birth, a comforting rasp of a tongue being administered to the top of his pup's head as an answer. Herbs were given to his mate and the old wolf gave a curt nod at the healer who took to sitting on the other side of the entrance again. Bane was glad that she had answered the call as he took to memorizing everything the female had told Tahlia.

"I... thank you Loccian, but I think we have everything we need right now, the whole family is here. Everybody is safe and health." Bane spoke to Loccain as much as he did to Nako, a comfort for one and ending for another. "I'll howl if something is amiss." Nako was picked up by the nape of his neck and the juvenile Seracian went limp without protest. The den was warm and smelled faintly of blood, but Bane didn't mind as he deposited Nako next to his siblings and curled up against the wall of the den, sapphire eyes ever-watching the dens entrance. "Last time your having milk Nako, and even then, it's just to cement the bond with your mother." The tribal wolf spoke with a yawn. "What is the other pups name Tahlia?"
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
10-20-2013, 02:34 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

No further painful contractions took her, so she assumed the worst to be over. Two pups. A girl and a boy. Not so large as his last litter, but... But how could they compare? These were their children, created through their unfailing union. Their importance and significance could not be denied, nor could their uncanny resemblance to their parents. Tahlia smiled as she relaxed upon her side, still watching them both very closely. "They're beautiful," she murmured tiredly to no one in particular, proud of her small family and finally content now that she had one of her own. She could only smile approvingly when Bane piped up with a name for one of them, pleased that he had even seen it fit to give such a thing as baby names prior thought let alone to have even decided on one at all.

She reached across to lick and clean them as the newborn pair nursed, righting herself when Loccian addressed her again. She had not realized the other woman had fetched her healing herbs until they were placed before her, and Tahlia felt a grateful sense of relief a the sight. Small a litter as it was, the process had still taken quite a bit out of her, and anything that could be given to her to help her cope with the after effects was a godsend. Before she had even finished her instructions, the mother wolf was already doing as commanded by the other female, lapping up the bits of plant and chewing them up before swallowing them down. Already she felt better simply knowing they would be within her system soon, and she murmured a quiet, "Thank you," to the healer for her comforting presence and assistance.

Listening as Bane addressed the healer, Tahlia sighed and rested her head against the ground, dark golden eyes closing contentedly while the children stayed close. Everything had gone so smoothly, so perfectly, even if the pain had been much more than imagined. She could have easily dozed off right then and there, were it not for the sudden presence of Bane entering further into the den. Her eyes peeked open but upon seeing the bundle of fur dangling from his jaws they opened more fully. Nako. The child had only recently come to live with them, a fact which had stunned Tahlia to begin with and still confused her somewhat. But the boy had taken to his new lifestyle so quickly - taken to her even - that she could hardly disown the poor innocent when he was already referring to her as "mom."

He was quietly deposited next to the newborns, a moment which Tahlia watched very intently should he be at all pushy around the children that were by blood her own, but seeing as he behaved himself around the smaller pups she relaxed once again. She released another tired sigh as she blinked her half lidded eyes, peering across the den's space at her husband when he questioned what their other child's name would be. She had given it considerable thought, the names of her children. It was one of the things about motherhood that had been at the forefront of her mind during a large portion of her pregnancy. Now that the moment had finally come - and only one pup remained to be named - she took a moment to finalize her decision before she responded gently, "Anais. She will be Anais."



10-22-2013, 04:12 PM

With that done and Bane's words Loccian would give a dip of her head to the new parents before backing up, but her attention would soon fall to a child who had showed up, calling Bane father before being picked up by him and placed with Tahlia's newborns. She would raise a brow at this, he was not a Seracian, smelled of the women who had come sometime before their last meeting. Amenti. She needed to ask him before she left. "I understand this moment is special for you two, but I need to speak with you quickly Bane." She owuld remain where she stood, grey orbs running over the mark on the new pup's shoulder, similar to the ones on the trees. She would wrinkle her nose slightly at it, eyes narrowing, both well hidden by the woman. If that was a mark for him to be with them, it would be brought up and she needed to know if he planned on doing it to these newborns.


Awesome table by Andy <3



11 Years
10-23-2013, 10:50 AM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2013, 11:26 PM by Bane.)
Bane watched Nako feed from Tahlia as his mate watched the juvenile closely, most likely observing how he reacted with the newborns. Fairly well... fairly well, no shoving or jostling against the stomach of their mother. So focused was his attention on Nako that Bane had to pause and recall what Tahlia had just said. Anais. The aging wolf crawled over to his mate and lavished her with a combination of nuzzles and licks that ended up with him nibbling on an ear of her's in happiness. A family was finally in his life now rather than just a mate. They had created something for themselves and now lives of the two wolves were complete. They had both loved, both lost. Now their kindred spirits were together after a binding of their bodies to produce the next generation.

The three pups at Tahlia's side would stumble, they would fall, they would make mistakes, and they would overcome challenges as they lived life. Life. Bane let out a chuff of pride at Tahlia and gave her a lick of appreciation that she had pulled through the birth. Loccain spoke, Bane briefly cooing to his mate and licking her forehead before getting up and turning to the healer. A jerk of his head motioned for Loccain to follow him as he crawled out of the den and outside into the brisk winter before padding a out depression into the snow for him to lay in. Sapphire eyes caught Nako's tracks and he followed them up to the tree line. Bane had come right by there... how did he miss the pup? A sigh escaped his maw as he lay down in the compressed snow. "Is it about the bastard Loccian?"
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



10-25-2013, 02:53 PM

She would follow the man a short distance from the den, taking a sit when he had, holding her head up and level. Ears twitched at his deep voice, eyes narrowing the slightest wen he called the child a bastard. "Nako I believe his name is, which is what you will call him when in my presence." The man was already on very thin ice, it would do him some good to have manners at least around her. "He smells of Amenti, and last I recall Alena did not speak to anyone since that day she announced her pregnancy." He would be in further trouble if he took the child without consent from her, Seracia would not have it begin with him. "Why is he here?" Had the other children or mother been here Loccian would have assumed them came to see how his new litter was doing, but they weren't, just this single child.


Awesome table by Andy <3



11 Years
10-26-2013, 11:50 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2013, 12:04 AM by Bane.)
Loccian wasn't pleased with Bane's choice of language when talking about his son, the elder adjusting to look up at her in display of submission when remembering his new rank. "Yes, sorry... it's just that I was called that by my adoptive father, even though there was no blood relation between us..." That next bit the healer inquired about was true, Alena having not seen him after she came to the packlands of Seracia. But before however, they had talked at the hot-springs about her pregnancy and where they would meet up for Bane to take care of her. "I met her in the middle between packs and took care of her, as agreed between me and her when she gave birth, Tahlia was there too."

Bane rubbed the side of his head in the snow with anxiety, worried about the healer telling a certain red wolf about Nako. "I am old Loccain, old enough to remember the time of the two legs. Old enough to remember the fires of the old land. I'm am the only one of my kind. Past wounds inhibit me some days. Others they don't, but... I feel them. They hurt. I've messed up more times than I care to remember. But there has been some good. I contemplated being the last of a pack with the only snow leopardess I've had the pleasure of talking to who was feeling the same way about herself and her species. I've softened the heart of a female, my first mate. I've given a second chance of life and love to a second, Tahlia. And soon, for I feel that it will be soon, I will be gone... all in due time, like... tears... in rain." Bane closed his eyes and contemplated the last question, rubbing his head in the snow in though.

Nako... Nako was taken because he wanted... no... what was his reason for acquiring the pup? "Nako," Bane started slowly, choosing his words carefully. "is here because I took him from his family a short distance away, sat him down, and asked if he would like to live with me. The little one readily said yes and gave me a few reasons, namely being bored with his life, not liking his adoptive father and that his mother had lately been busy. That is why I took him, because he said yes. And besides, Alena has four more pups. I think I deserved at least one." Bane let out a laugh, gaze betraying happiness when he looked up at Loccian. "I've had a helluva ride."
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



10-27-2013, 12:07 AM

She would hold herself, listening to the man speak about the bastard part, apologizing and explaining that was what he was called by his adoptive father. Loccian would still not accept it, it was uncalled for, things had names for a reason. When she mentioned Alena he would tell her that he met her between the packs to take care of her when she gave birth, and that Tahlia was there. Good, he was taking some responsibility for the other litter.

She would notice him change a bit when she asked why Nako was here, yer eyes narrowing on him. She would listen to his words, but instead of feeling or showing any sympathy she would sit there still as a statue, he was not answering her question and was taking his time to give it. He would soon give a reason though, one she did not really believe, seeing as the man was one to cause trouble. But what he said last would bring an obvious look of disapproval, even if he laughed. "You are disappointing." She would say simply before picking herself up. "You sure had a ride indeed, and will have more to come."

Loccian would glance over towards the den for a few moments before turning back to look down at the man. "I will be speaking to Miss Alena about this, and if your stories do not line up then you should start worrying about what will happen with you and Nako." Her voice was stern, showing she was not playing about such a topic. "You have a nice day." With a dip of her head the woman would turn away, leaving the forested area, starting to plan out a day she would go seek the woman.
-exit loccian-


Awesome table by Andy <3



11 Years
10-29-2013, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2013, 10:11 PM by Bane.)
Loccian still looked at him with such scrutiny that Bane began to get nervous. Every word of his story had been true. He did take Nako from his family, abet right in front of their eyes. He did sit down Nako and after a bit of a chase, the pup deciding to come with him. Every word of Bane's story was true, and he would only tell it when asked the right questions. However, the right questions were not answered and so Bane did not further expand upon the unasked details, taking to shifting in the snow slightly. Loccian called him disappointing, an eye twitch being given by the elder wolf. This would severely come back to bite him, especially since the healer mentioned going to Alena.

"Did you ask everything of me? Correctly? You need to dig Loccian, like a hidden piece of meat during winter." Bane murmured, parts being spoken and parts being thought. Loccian was already saying her goodbyes, Bane giving a nervously slow nod of his head. "You too, Alena will confirm my story, just not how I revealed when you asked." But by the time the elder said that, Loccian was gone. Bane rolled over to lay on his back in the snow for a moment before righting himself and crawling over to the den that held his family. "I'll keep watch, love them for me." He whispered to Tahlia as he poked his head into the den, Bane returning to the depression in the snow and curling up to get some rest to guard his new family.

-Bane is asleep-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
10-29-2013, 10:33 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had only vaguely turned her head to regard Loccian as the healer called her husband out of the den and settled more soundly with her nursing pups after he departed. A heavy sigh slid from her muzzle as she rested her cheek against the warm earth and allowed her eyes to close, the exertion of a moment ago finally catching up with her. The offered plants that the healer had presented had yet to fully take effect, but Tahlia was ready for it, already teetering on the edge of slumber. It was strange to finally be able to see her children rather than simply feel them squirm within, but being able to feel them nurse was comfort enough to know that they were healthy and well and behaving as anticipated.

When Bane finally poked his head back into the den and whispered toward her, her dark golden eyes pried themselves open to glance his way, already half asleep and drawn back into momentary wakefulness to catch his instruction. So protective, she could only draw her sleepy expression into a half smile in response, pausing a moment before she curled her body more snugly around all three pups. She reached out and licked each of her newborns tenderly, even offering the same to Nako because of his good behavior and so that he would not feel left out, before she relaxed onto her side and held them all close while she felt herself beginning to slip back into slumber, welcoming it as it closed in around her.

-Exit Tahlia through sleep-