
Winter's Grace



10-02-2013, 10:16 PM

After then confusing and slightly unnerving visit to Amenti the pale cream figure made her way away from the north. She would visit the other pack in the east other than hers, then go west before finally reaching the south. Dead grass would crunch under her paws but as she grew closer to Mount Volkan the soil became more ashy and filled with black rocks. She moved with a lightness and grace as she neared the borders of Tortuga. She hoped this time things would go smoother than campaired to Amenti.

The healer stood there at the borders and softly let forth a call. A sound so sweet on the winter breeze, easing into the still air either being too soft or to loud. She called out to the pack of these lands. She would prefer the alpha and healer, but soon enough she would end up talking to them. Haunches sat down on the frozen earth, tail wrapping around her paws as she waited. A stiff cold breeze blew at her back, ruffling her fur. Hopefully with the breeze they would scent she was Ludicael. But who knew how this pack felt against her's? There was only one way to find out.




6 Years
10-03-2013, 12:58 AM

He had known the call was not meant for him, but there was something about it that was familiar to him. This piqued his interest and drew him towards the summoner. As he drew closer he could make out a familiar ivory figure. With a smile he stepped towards her. "Bienvenu a la Tortuga mademoiselle Symphony." He greeted her with a small bow. "You didn't have to come all this way to see me, I am flattered of course." He joked.

"My alpha Taurig should be along shortly." He cast his gaze back the way he had come before regarding her with some interest. It had been some time since they last saw each other, a few seasons at least, but she was much as he remembered if not better looking.

((Translation: Welcome to Tortuaga miss Symphony.))



10-03-2013, 01:26 AM
Indra peaked around at the mountainous region, her mouth agape at everything. Sniffing around, the white female couldn't detect any wolves around her. She'd been searching for a pack for a long time. It was about time she ran into territory. Looking around again, Indra sat down on the border so she could hopefully make a decision that could possibly effect her whole future.

Finally deciding that she'd join, Indra stood up on her small and light frame before throwing her head back into a howl, letting others know about her position. Hopefully she wouldn't get chased out, jumped, or anything else bad or harsh.

"Might as well," she mumbled quickly before slowly padding into the territory, looking back with a sorrow face. "No turning back now," Indra spoke boldly to herself before turning on her thin legs and walking towards the rocky and mountainous terrain.



5 Years
Extra large
10-03-2013, 02:32 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2013, 02:34 PM by Taurig.)

Glaciem was out of the question for an alliance. Clearly. Amenti was too, now that they had come to challenge for Poppy for absolutely no reason. Seracia was now an ally, as well as Valhalla. The only pack the titan hadn't managed to speak to was Ludicael. He had heard rumors that the throne was being challenged, so the titan didn't think it wise to head over during the uncertainty. It had been some time since he'd heard those rumors. Was the challenge over? Was the currently leader still the leader or was there someone new in power? He was beyond curious to know, but hesitant to make any sort of move without knowing for sure what was going on. But it would seem that Ludi would come knocking at his door. An unfamiliar scent would be brought into Tortuga, catching the King's attention as he patrolled the farther borders. The scent wasn't Seracian, Valhallan, Amenti or Glaciem. So it had to be ludicael, right?

Wasting no time the King would move in the direction of the scent, an unfamiliar voice ringing in the atmosphere, very soft and friendly in nature. As the titan moved closer, a familiar scent tickled his senses. Gitan. A gentle smile curled his ebony lips as he approached, spotting the unfamiliar ivory figure of the woman he assumed was from Ludicael, Gitan's earthen frame standing before her, clearly having already greeted her. A figure off in the far distance caught his eye. Another wolf. Was she from Ludi too? Thank for greeting our guest Gitan. If you wouldn't mind, could you see what the young woman in the distance needs? I can take it from here. He would wait until Gitan had moved off towards the woman before addressing the one before him. Afternoon ma'am, as you probably know I'm Taurig, King of Tortuga. You are from Ludiceal yes? What has brought you to my borders today? He hoped she didn't come baring bad news.

Talk like this



10-05-2013, 01:23 PM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2013, 01:24 PM by Symphony.)

She would ait silently to be greeted at the borders, her mind running through all she needed to say. It worried her about Amenti. Yes Medusa was correct, that she had not asked Jupiter if it was alright for her to go to one pack then the next to seek alliance. But she needed to know if it would be safe to bring Novel next time she would visit. Her theory that the young pup could learn more from not just her, but other healers needed to be test. The first step would to ensure safety among the pack and her own, or at least among the healers. Then she would report to Jupiter with what packs were willing to make an alliance. With the fight in Amenti between Medusa and Canttina, she was no longer sure there was an alliance to still be made. But she had to move to the next pack. Whispers of a war flowed on the winter breeze, making this all the more important to the cream girl.

A figure made its way towards her, one she knew very well. Surprize lit her eyes as Gitan stood before her. His greeting took a gew moments for her to translate. She knew a few words in many languages but french was alil rusty for her. She smiled softly amd then flushed as he bowed. His teasing joke made her mind scatter and words were forgotten for a few moments."Une surprise c'est. Vous revoir un grand plaisir." She replied softly. Her heart was hammering in her chest. It had been sometime since she had seen him, and he looked all the more handsome. Still to this day he was the only male that could make her so flustered and blush. She nodded her head that his alpha would be long shortly.

The ruttle of another from behind her had her head snap around, eyes searching. She spotted a white figure but their scent was not one of a pack member but a loner. She smiled softly. Before she could call out to the other, a dark grey blue man approached. Her eyes turned to him instantly as she studied him. Wounds to his face seemed recent but healing and made her wonder who their healer was. As he addressed Gitan first she glanced at the earthen male and could feel her ears begining to heat up. She would dipped her head to him with a smile before the blue male addressed her."Good afternoon King Taurig, it is a pleasure to meet you. Yes, I am Symphony, Healer of Ludicael. I came in hope of possibly learning more from you and your healer. I have an apprentice that i believe can learn much more from other healers than just myself. And also in hopes of forming an alliance between our packs or at least the healers." She said softly and respectfully. She prayed this time things would go smoother than Amenti.

(translation: A surprise this is. Seeing you again is a great pleasure.)



10-06-2013, 01:23 AM

Calls, they sounded in the depts. of the mountains. Always they seemed to sing. Yet this one, it was odd. This one called for more or one. It had no rhyme or reason as to whom would come just so long as someone did. She was curious, who was it calling them, him, and she would be there. She turned towards the sound with a hasty step. Wondering what was in store for the day. So many had been calling for acceptance. She felt the weight of it looming over her king and she wanted dearly to ease some of that responsibly. It was in her nature now. she cared about those that served beneath her as a queen and the rules still applied as beta. She would care for those that lived beside her as if they were her own.

Soon the wolves came into focus. A wolf from a different pack. Her heart slammed in her chest for a moment as she gazed at the woman in question. What pack did she belong to? Cerberus please don?t let it be her pack. She whispered but upon hearing the words she relaxed. It wasn?t Ludicael. She would have no part in an alliance with that bitch Jupitor if her king accepted. She shook her head to rid her of the thoughts and came to stand beside her king. She smiled at him and allowed her body to gently bump into his. it was a small token of affection but she kept her large head level out of respect for him. This was his choice but she would give guidance if he desired. She felt no words would be needed until her king spoke again.

ooc: sorry its so small



5 Years
Extra large
10-06-2013, 03:08 AM

To his surprise, it seemed that Gitan and this woman knew each other. Pleasant greeting were exchanged between the two, before the earthen man would move off to speak to the white dame that had appeared not too far in the distance. The ivory woman would waste no time in speaking, introducing herself as Symphony, a healer from Ludicael. A healer. He was in some good need of those at the moment. Not that his wolves were getting into skirmishes and coming home bloodied, but it would be nice to have a wolf around to new the art of herbs. Their jobs were pretty important in packs and he was accustomed to living around them. She spoke of an apprentice she was trying to mentor, as well as a possible alliance her pack was looking to secure. That sounded perfect; he'd been trying to figure out when was a good time to approach their neighbors, but it seemed that they had beat him to the punch.

Just before he spoke, a familiar figure appeared at his side. Newt. His beta, aka the former tortugan queen had been helping him considerably with the wolves who were constantly calling from his borders. Her help was very much appreciated and very duly noted. She would present him with a smile, her similarly larger body bumping his in a rather affectionate way, something the King hadn't been expecting. A small smile curved his ebony lips, his shoulder pressing back against her own frame before he turned back to address the woman Symphony. Pleasure is all mine miss Symphony. I'm glad to be hearing from your pack because I've meaning to speak to your alpha about forming an alliance. Before I say anything else, I would like accept your offer for an alliance. Tortuga isn't looking to make any more enemies than it already has. As far as healers are concerned, that sounds like a really good idea, but I must inform you that at the moment there are no healers within our ranks. But once we gain some, I will be sure to let you know so you may further your apprentice's training.

Talk like this



6 Years
10-06-2013, 06:31 PM

Gitan had to smile as the French fell a little awkwardly from her mouth. He understood it well enough and allowed a small chuckle, one day he may need to teach her it proper, but that would have to wait. He could see another figure pacing about behind Symphony and could hear the approach of another, he turned back to see his alpha. With a little bow he would step aside, allowing Taurig to stand before the woman. He nodded as his Alpha gave him instructions. Gitan turned to walk past the ivory woman, stopping beside her and fixing her with a somewhat longing look before loping off towards the other figure.
As he approached he could make her out, a tiny thing really, draped in cream. He smiles as he approached. Though his mind was on Symphony. He hardly had any power, if this new comer was here looking for acceptance he would need to escort her back towards Taurig and that meant that he could spend a little more time in Symphony?s company, at least. He stepped into the cream woman?s path, a little ways away still. ?Welcome to Tortuga miss, I am Gitan, member of this fair pack. May I know what it is you seek from us??




10-18-2013, 09:45 PM

Her eyes locked onto Gitan's as he paused before he would walk away. She hoped she could speak to him again very soon. She enjoyed his company and talking to him.She could not help the attraction and pull she had for him either. Her eyes followed him as he padded away. She would not realize her eyes had lingered after Gitan till the paw steps of another very close had her head snap back.

She looked over the large female next to Taurig. She watched the connection the two had and smiled briefly. Ears perked up as Taurig began to speak. Her eyes would widen at the mention of no healers within the pack yet. She frowned slightly. Perhaps Jupiter would let her assist Taurig till he found a healer among his own ranks. It would seem he had planed to go to Ludicael to ask for alliance but Symphony had beat him to it. Good, she could explain that to Jupiter. After all, her Sol did not know of this yet. She was gathering information first then would address the Sol with all she had found out.

"Thank you King Taurig. I am glad to hear yo had plan to request an alliance with us. If my Sol accepts, i could offer my skills here when needed till you find yourself a healer. It'll be good for both packs if this goes well to forge a begining of a bond." She replied softly. Hopefully Jupiter would agree to alliancing with Tortuga and maybe Amenti to at least stay on their good side.
