
Cross my heart and hope to die


10-12-2014, 08:29 PM


This place sure was nice, but it was awfully lonely at times. Birds could only be entertainment for so long. He licked his jaws clean of the remnants of his dinner while he looked out over the trees that surrounded the marsh, watching as the sun lit up the sky in shades of pale orange and red. It would probably be a few more hours before it was completely dark, but the sunset had begun none of the less. He sighed and pulled his huge form onto his paws, shaking out his golden, slate blue marked coat till every leaf or piece of dirt was shaken free of it and the fur laid neatly along his muscled form once more.

He tossed around the idea of going to the pack where his mother resided yet again. It was really only lonely nights like these that he considered it. In the back of his mind he knew it would be simple to go across to the edge of the estuary. Arcanum was just on the other side of the river after all, but something kept him here on the small island with the huge willow tree in its center. Shrugging it off, he turned and slipped past the willow branches before flopping down onto his stomach beside the thick tree trunk. Who knew, maybe some other reason to join his mother would show itself before too long.


10-12-2014, 08:38 PM

Rarely did she venture out, but tonight she was looking for an adventure. She crossed the borders with ease and headed in no particular direction. She found herself in a place, where even in the setting sun, the birds chirped endlessly. At first it was nice, but it steadily grew more and more annoying. Long limbs would pulled her through the foreign place, until she found herself no long alone. A strangers scent would fill her nose, pulling her attention from her thoughts so that she could pinpoint him.

Even in the setting sun, his golden pelt didn't hide well. He looked oddly familiar, like her mothers friend. She didnt bother hiding her approach, allowing a soft greeting to soil from her lips. "Hello." Her smooth lyrics would float towards him, her verdant gaze sweeping over his peculiar markings. His grey clashed with the golden, and strange stripes covered his sides.



10-12-2014, 10:32 PM


It seemed that his wish for company would be solved more quickly than even he expected. He lifted his head from where it was resting on his forepaws at the sound of paws moving through the water, soon catching the stranger's scent as well. Unlike his own golden form, her darker colored blended in more easily to the slowly settling dusk. It wasn't till she got closer that his vibrant gaze locked on her, his slate-tipped ears perking up when her voice reached him. A pleased smile touched his muzzle and he pulled himself up into a sitting position on his haunches before replying with his own, "Well, hello." He took in her intricately marked form. It seemed they both had unusual markings, but hers were more numerous and somehow more subtle, all of them being of a monochromatic hue. His green gaze found hers and he smiled, happy that the wolf that had happened upon him was so beautiful.

"Care to join me? The willow branches block out the birds a little bit." As much as he liked the birdsong even he could recognize that it could become annoying quickly. "I'm Niketas," he added with a charming smile, hoping she would want to join him even if it was just for a little while. He caught the scent of the nearby pack on her fur which only served to make him even more curious about her. He silently wondered if she knew his mother, but he didn't want to bring her up so soon. Maybe he could ask if their conversation turned toward family. Till then he just wanted to get to know her.


10-15-2014, 10:58 PM

He was polite, greeting her warmly and offering her a place beside him. With a smile she would approach, seating herself beside him, but keeping a respectable distance between them, not wanting to invade his personal space. "Damn birds." She would mumble, shooting a side long glance at him. Whoever would spend any amount of time willingly must be crazy. His name would ring in her ears. Niketas.

"I'm Basanti." She would return his charming smile with one of her own. Nostrils would quiver, not picking up any pack scent or anything truly familiar. "So tell me, if you find the birds just as annoying, why are you here?" Forelegs would stretch until her belly was pressed against the earth. Hips would casually flip to the side as she made herself comfortable, her gaze lingering on his own.



10-15-2014, 11:30 PM


A calm smile rested on Niketas' muzzle, his eyes following her easily as she settled down onto her stomach next to him. She spoke her name and he stored it away in his memories for later while his green eyes met her similarly green gaze. Again, in a similar way to how they both had intricate but very different markings, their eyes were both green, but hers were a darker shade, closer to the color of pine tree needles while his were a brighter, more acidic hue. She had a very legitimate question for him, one he often asked himself. "It's not all bad. It's beautiful out here at night. Plus the birds quiet down a good bit at night too." He lowered his huge form back onto his stomach as well while she stretched out comfortably. She was certainly a beautiful sight and Niketas had no problem with her claiming his full attention.

He breifly tossed about whether he should bring up Maija or not, but he decided to just go for it. What harm could it do? "I've also just been hanging around this area because it's so close to the pack over in that direction," he said, motioning with his muzzle in the direction toward Arcanum. "Your pack if I'm not mistaken by your scent. I think my mother might live there and I just haven't quite decided if I want to join her there or not."


10-28-2014, 10:25 PM

A smile curled his lips as he commented on the beauty of this place. Though it was all lost on her. She didn't care how beautiful a place, she was only interested in its value, how it could possible benefit her. And so far, this place was not making the cut. But her company certainly was. He would lower himself beside her, making himself comfortable, just as she had done. The birds quieted at night, hopefully they would be easy to tune out, but if not, his presence would definitely be enough. When he mentioned a pack, more specifically her mothers pack, her interest would spike. What business did he have with Arcanum? She would smile, he was a smart boy. He knew she was from Arcanum, and apparently his mother resided within the borders as well. It all became clear. He looked just like Maija, she had to be his mother, there was no other female in the pack hat fit the requirements.

"Yes, Arcanum. My mother is the Queen of the pack. And if Im not mistaken, your mother is one of the betas." Perhaps she could convince him to join. It never hurt to have another good looking male her age within the pack, plus he would be reunited with his mother. A lazy smile kept her lips lifted, her eyes dancing across his features. How could she convince him to join? "Whats keeping you form joining?" What better way to find out, then to ask the opposite.