


10-02-2013, 07:55 PM

It didn't take long for the woman to find the borders of Tortuga. She had heard whispers of a blue brute taking over an abandoned pack, and sure enough she followed his scent straight to his new home. The border stunk strongly of his musky cologne, teasing her nostrils. But the silver woman had no desire for her one time lover. Instead she wanted to rip the fucking bastards throat out. Winter had come, her birth season. But she had not yet come into heat. Surely it meant only one thing.

Powerful limbs pushed her across the border without so much of a blink of an eye. Nostrils flared, searching for only one male, and one male alone. Paws fell silently against the earth, her crown carried with her tail. He would pay for doing this to her! The stronger his scent became the faster she moved until she finally laid eyes on him. Not once did her gait ever falter. "You bastard!" An outraged snarl ripped from her inky lips, ears flat against her scalp. Solid muscle moved to collide with the larger man, fangs bared and seeking purchase anywhere they could.

Only one thing was on her mind. She wanted his throat. Ripped from his body. She wasn't even in heat when he fucked her! How could he? Was it even possible? Apparently. Seething with rage, snarls and growls continued to crack like a whip as she lashed out with fangs and claws against his dark pelt. She had approached from some brush to left, stampeding with no warning, flinging herself at him. It was certain to take him by surprise. Who would have thought the pair would ever see each other again?

Meanwhile, Cena followed at a far more leisurely pace. She knew it would happen one day. Someone would get her companion knocked up. Later she would taunt the woman, but for now she let her anger be directed away from herself, and at the misfortunate man. When cyan eyes finally settled on the man who had planted his seed within Cat, it came as no surprise that Cat would screw him. He was certainly attractive but the feline had no interest in wolves. The terrain was foreign to her, but the spotted cat sought out safety in a nearby tree, climbing out on a limb to watch the action unfold.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

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5 Years
Extra large
10-02-2013, 10:27 PM

It was one time. One time. Nothing should've come out of it. It shouldn't have happened in the first place, but the now King had felt it had been a liberating idea at the time. And it had been. It had been a way to channel his frustrations in a way that didn't involve training or fighting. It wasn't the usualy way that he handled things, but the opportunity had presented itself and then titan had gone for it. The woman hadn't been in heat, or at least he hadn't thought her to be, so their one time union should've been fine with no results to bare. But apparently it wasn't that easy. Taurig hadn't worried about it though. After he'd finished his part he had gone his own way and never looked back. He never expected to see Cataleya again. But how wrong he was.

It was a normal day, so far anyway, as the Tortugan king wandered through his territory, looking to start a round of border patrols for any wandering rogues looking to take a place among his ranks. The gargantuan was relaxed, though his guard wasn't down. Vi had boldly entered his territory without regards, so who was to say that another rogue couldn't get the same idea and decide to do the same thing. Though he was partially expecting someone to come charging through his territory demanding his attention, he just didn't expect it to be the silver woman whom he'd had a one night stand with to come charging at him like a raging bull. She cursed at him, charging towards him, jaws snapping at his right shoulder, finding purchase.

Taurig wasn't usually a man quick to anger, but when someone came at him attacking for no apparently reason, it was bound to bring out an unusual reaction from him. Without thinking about it the titan would react, nape twisting towards his right, powerful jaws looking to clamp down on the silver woman's nape, a viscous snarl erupting from his throat, wanting to pull her off or at least cause her enough pain that she would let go. There was no reason that he could think of for her to be attacking him and he wouldn't tolerate it.

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10-04-2013, 09:45 AM

The brutes reaction was to be expected. She heard his snarl of outrage as her fangs collided with his shoulder, piercing the flesh. He twisted his head, jaws parting to grab her nape. Not lingering on his shoulder, she gave her head a quick violent shake before rearing back on hind legs. His jaws landed just above her shoulder, an furious snarl shaking the air around her as pain shot through her body. Using her back legs, the woman pushed herself forward, forelimbs aiming to land across his shoulders, jaws parted in an attempt to grab his neck. Fury blazed in coral eyes. He had no idea! It only fueled her fire further.

Should her jaws land she would shake her head, shredding the skin she had a hold of. muscles tensed, coiling for his next attack. Her tail stream lined behind her for balance, her hind legs spread wide to keep her stance stable. She wanted nothing more than for more of his blood to tease her tongue, to coax her on in her brutal attack. She was an unforgiving woman. But his counterattacks would put the your lives that steadily grew inside her at risk. And that she couldn't have.

Pressing her paws against him, she would attempt to shove him away from her, lips still curleed back to reveal blood stained fangs. "I'm pregnant."She ground out her words through clenched jaws, eyes narrowed dangerously. Muscles remained liked coiled springs should she decide that he needed to be attacked again. The silver giant waited, waited for his questions, his denial, his disbelief. It would come she knew it woud.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

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5 Years
Extra large
10-04-2013, 01:25 PM

He was a trained warrior, so fighting was something that he could do, but if he could avoid it then he would. But at the moment, it didn't seem like something that could be avoided. He had allowed the Ice King to maul him because he had somewhat deserved it, but he wasn't about to let Cataleya come in here and beat him to her heart's desire. Women were supposed to be respected, but this woman clearly gave off the impression that she didn't need to be respected. Her fangs pierced his flesh, drawing blood as she shook her head from side to side, worsening the wound before pulling away in an attempt to dodge his attack. It worked for the most part, but his jaws still managed to grasp at her shoulder, daggers slicing through the flesh to draw blood.

A snarl rumbled in his chest as she pushed herself forward, looking to toss her forelimbs across his shoulders and snap at his neck. Taurig wasn't having it. Releasing her shoulder, not caring how much damage he inflicted, the titan would mimic her movement, throwing himself back onto his hind legs, forelimbs extending to collide with her chest, her fangs scraping across his right forelimb instead as she pushed him away, settling down for the moment. Anger coursed through the man's body as he allowed his massive frame to fall back onto the ground, lips peeled back in a silent snarl, icy gems like daggers as she spoke. I'm pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant? How the hell was she pregnant? Scarred nostrils flared, testing her scent. It did smell different from the last time he had seen her, so it was plausible that she was telling the truth. You're pregnant...So those pups growing in your womb...Are mine? His voice was much calmer than it should have been, though there was still the hint of a snarl touching his words.

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10-04-2013, 04:21 PM

His snarl outrage continued as his fangs pierced her flesh. He ceased his attacks when she did though his eyed shot daggers at her. He seemed uncertain, like he didn't believe her. Did he honestly think she would come all the way here for no reason? "Yes they are yours."mashed bite out her words, refraining from calling him a fucking moron for asking such stupid questions. Men, just ignorant fools sometimes. Lips remained curled back just enough to reveal fangs. Coral eyes watched him, waiting for him to call her a lying whore or something of the sort.

Collecting herself, crown rose high, anger slowly ebbing away. She never planned to have pups, ever. But now she was stuck. She would certainly raise them, but only the strongest of them would survivor to be ruthless warriors carrying on their mothers legacy. Thinking about it now, she didn't even know why she had come here. Surely he wants nothing to do with her or the pups, which was more than fine by her. But now he knew, and she was waiting for the final judgement. Slowly plans started to form in her mind. Bas would certainly be around, he had no choice, he would serve a purpose. And so long as her brother stayed away all would go as planned.

Ears remained pinned to her skull, coral pools had frozen over. This was bound to be hell1. Who would have be thought she'd end up as a mother. There was a gentle brush against her leg as Cena left her perch, coming down to join the pair. The feline rested herself against Cats leg, her ocean gaze lifting got look at the dark man, brows lifting with curiosity.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

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5 Years
Extra large
10-06-2013, 05:18 PM

Yes they are yours. They were his pups. Those children growing inside of her womb were of his blood. He was going to be a father. Who would've thought the new Tortugan King would become a father so soon, especially from a one night stand. The night with Cataleya had just been to relieve some stress, not because he was looking to become a father, but he supposed that things happened. There was no taking it back now. He had to face the consequences of his actions and man-up. He had to take care of this woman until she gave birth and even afterwards. She was the mother to his children. Albeit, there were absolutely no romantic feelings towards the silver vixen, she would still be well looked after, as well as his children.

What will you do with them? Would she keep them? Abort them? Birth them and then drop them off here with him, relieving herself of responsibility? Wary icy gaze watched Cataleya, awaiting to see what she had in mind.

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10-07-2013, 04:50 PM

His wary gaze rested on her, a question falling from his dark lips. She could hear the underlying questions loud and clear. Would she keep them? Would she raise them? What exactly would become of the little lives that were growing inside her. "I will be keeping them and raising them if thats what you mean." Certainty dripped from her words. She had a little army growing inside her. They would be all hers to raise how she saw fit. Her offspring would not be weak, they would rulers and together they would rule the world with an iron first. Somehow she didn't doubt that her training would be frowned upon by their father.

Not another word left her lips, her coral gaze resting easily on the man, waiting for the next round of questions that were certain to come. He didn't seem to be the type that would just let this go, already she could picture him requesting to be part of their little lives. She could live with that, but it would be made clear that he would have little to do with their training and the finer details of their upbringing. "What do you intend to do with them?" The feline finally spoke up, shooting her words directly at the dark man that towered over her much smaller frame. Tiny paws stepped away from Cat, approaching the male a few steps closer, narrowed eyes critically awaiting his answer.

She was well aware of the fact that Cat was a bitch and came off with a crazy attitude, but the feline would never allow some bastard to come along and inflict any so of pain on her. Including this one, father of the pups or not. Tail flickered behind her, small triangular ears ignoring any disgruntled sounds from Cat. It was the one question that Cena was concerned about but knew that Cat would never ask or even want to ask.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
10-07-2013, 05:30 PM

It was rare for Basilisk to be far from Cataleya, and yet he knew his limits; he came readily when he was called for, and never strayed too far away. And yet he knew she liked her privacy at times, and he remained as unseen as a ghost, though ever close.

And so he crept toward the borders of Tortuga as Cat ventured there. He'd known something was off about her -- her scent had changed, her body slowly swelling until it was obvious. She was pregnant. The mere thought made him smirk, even as he trailed behind her. She would be a terrible mother, he assumed, and it filled Basilisk Saxe with great amusement that such a fate had been bestowed upon her. She did not seem impressed whatsoever. She had been more irritable and strange lately. Silence would reign as he trailed behind her, keeping a safe distance as he watched the scene unfold.

A soft chuckle left his lips as he watched Cataleya release her pent up frustration on the male that seemed to have suddenly materialized on the borders of this strange territory. His purple eyes gleamed as he crept forward, step by step, growing just a bit closer by the minute.



5 Years
Extra large
10-08-2013, 10:33 PM

I will be keeping them and raising them if thats what you mean. She was going to keep them. Well that had to be a good sign right? His gut twisted at the idea of his children staying with Cataleya. Now that he wasn't in a lust induced haze, there was just something about her that seemed off. Despite being a physically attractive woman, her personality didn't seem to quite match the looks. Would she make a good mother? He surely hoped so because if she didn't then he would have no problem forcibly taking his children from her to raise them himself. A deep frown would crease his features at her words, a silent nod bobbing his skull. I will be a part of their lives. It wasn't a request nor a question, it was a statement. It was going to happen whether she liked it or not. He wouldn't be denied it, even if he had to force it. He wasn't going to be like his father, simply knocking his mother up and never talking to him until he had use for him. He would be a real father and be there for his children.

It was then that the titan King would notice the much smaller feline approach the silver woman, rubbing up against her. Cataleya had a companion? He didn't remember seeing the feline last time they'd been with each other. One eyebrow would raise questioningly as the cat moved towards him, asking him what he would do the pups. Raise them in a family, take care of them, love them, teach them everything they need to know in order to survive and be respectable wolves. came the King's solid answer, rather curious as to why the feline was even concerned.

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10-10-2013, 10:42 AM

He was here. Bas. She always kept tabs on his whereabouts, which was easy since he was never far from her. She found herself growing attatched to his angry presence. She was fond of the boy. Today, he had been daring. Crossed the border into a foreign pack, and all to follow her. She heard his faint chuckle, left ear flicking back. I will be a part of their lives. That had caught her attention but was no surprise. "As you wish." For now he would have his way and she wouldn't argue. Coral gaze slide to Cena, then back to Taurig. A brow lifted.

Tiny feline ears listened to the wolf, who seemed baffled by her presence. She had become accustomed to the reaction, learning to ignore it. His words caressed her ears. He had her approval. For now. With a brisk nod and turned away, resuming her place beside Cat. Tiny nostrils flared as she recognized Bas's scent. Brave little wolf.

Her tail twitched. A subtle signal to Bas to come to her. There was no need to keep him a secret, the brute would find out about him soon enough. When he would come to stand beside her, her crown would turn to him, dark jaws parting to issue a gentle lick to his neck, however it was quickly followed by her usual hard nip. Attention returned to Taurig. "You will know when they are here." She did not except him to care for her, nor was she sure she wanted it. She openly would refuse to live in a pack, especially this one. It would take some convincing on his part to get her to stay.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
10-10-2013, 08:17 PM

He was willing to cross the pack's borders, as Cataleya had -- either she would scold him or say nothing at all. And her immediate reaction was not to send him running, so he crept forward closer, his movements startlingly canine-like for a male of his size. A sneer lingered on his lips, and his eyes flashed proudly as the one who had rightfully won him beckoned him forth. His eyes were locked on the unknown male; he was protective of Cataleya, even if he shouldn't be, and he found himself growing wary as he approached the gathering.

As he stood by her side, she leaned over to greet him with a gentle lick, and then immediately a hard nip. It didn't startle him, but he grimaced slightly, eyes never leaving Taurig. "So, this is this the father?" He questioned softly in a gruff done, though his voice did hold a slightly irritated edge. It was obvious that Cataleya was pregnant, though they hadn't spoken about it directly -- and this was the man with whom she had mated? It seemed an odd match to him. But the boy was void of jealous; he was not so attached to her.



5 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 07:13 PM

A foreign scent would tickle the King's nostrils, peaking his interest. There was another wolf in the area. A rogue like Cataleya. The hackles lining his nape would stand stock straight, steel like cords of muscles tensing beneath his cobalt pelt. Who was this bastard that dared to cross into his lands unannounced? Cata would not deny him the want to be part of their lives, agreeing easily enough, but Taurig wasn't paying attention. He would notice the subtle flick of her tail and then the stranger would reveal himself. A dark pelted youth would emerge from the shrubbery, coming to stand beside the silver woman. She apparently knew the boy, turning to greet him with a lick followed by a hard nip, announcing that he would be told when his children arrived. Icy gaze would narrow at the boy, one eyebrow lifting in question as he allowed his gaze to fall back on Cataleya, quietly demanding an answer for the boy's presence.

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10-16-2013, 07:36 PM

Coral pools watched as the hackles rose and defenses shot up just before Bas approached and made his entrance. Clearly the new King did not like so many wolves trespassing in one day. A smirk tugged as darkened lips, as the King said nothing, only giving her a questioning look. "He's mine." It would be apparent that the two had no resemblance whatsoever and were therefore not at all related. That much should be obvious. But the woman would let the King wonder exactly what she meant. Triangular pieces of flesh rotated as the shadow beside her spoke up, evidently finding distaste in her unborn demons father. "Yes." She would say nothing more on the matter until they were alone.

"If there is nothing more, then I will be on my way." Powerful bodice rotated, pivoting on elegant limbs away from the King. Simply tossing a glance his way should he decide to say more on the matter. She had no desire to live within his pack and follow his undoubtedly boring rules, it would be bad enough that he intended to force himself in her demons lives. That would be a never ending battle. Her little demons would be raised the way she wanted them to, not with all this respectable bullshit he was blabbering about. With her last glance, the woman would begin her trek back towards the border, knowing well that Basilisk would follow as well as Cena. There was much to be discussed, and she needed her shadows unwavering loyalty.

-exit unless stopped-

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

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