
'never play with Phyre


10-02-2013, 07:14 PM

The gentle crunch of snow under heavy paws is one of the only sounds for miles. Her heavy frame sway as she saunters through this beautiful land. So quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Phyre leaves her impressive prints in the feathery snow. There are a couple other tracks here and there by deer and birds, but from the looks of their faded impression, whoever owned them wasn't around anymore. They were forgotten. This cold quiet place was a little bit too boring for her taste. Plumes of milky gray mist surround her face while she breaths the frigid air, leaving her lungs burning a little. She didn't mind though, in fact she welcomed the cold air. With her extra fat and heavy coat it was comfortable for her.

She sighs thinking to herself that although she didn't particularly enjoy being alone all the time, she wasn't exactly looking for company either. The only time she enjoyed the company of another is when she was in the mood to mentally mind fuck them. Phyre was a one man band. She had little to no trust for anyone. Maybe it was because she herself was such an evil being. She believed that all wolves had an evil side to them, something deep within them. It just depended on what brought out the wickedness in them. She thought of herself to be one strong enough to let the real wolf in her come out. Let the evil take over. So with that, she traveled on her own. Phyre was starting to get bored, traveling alone. She had no destination and as far as she could tell there was no one around. Or was there? It was hard to track in the snow. So maybe she'd have to draw someone or something out to toy with? A smirk tugs at the corners of her muzzle just slightly exposing her pearly white canines. She raises her muzzle towards the sky and howls an ear shattering cry that lets her presence be known.