


10-02-2013, 09:33 AM

He had returned to the spot where he had once laid eyes on the red goddess, a sultry beast of temptation. Though the pallid demon wasn't sure what brought him back here, perhaps another chance at filling a need in his chest, a needing, a lusting for such a beautiful creature. Would it be by chance that the witch would be lurking in the first spot he had met her, or would that trigger fate too much? Would that push his bounds? A grumble of laughter billowed from his chest, as he manuvered through the undergrowth towards the spring where he met her at first.

Two tone oculars, glanced around him, and he moved seamlessly towards the water, neck extending to sniff the substance, before daintly stretching a paw forward to feel the temperature. The warmth of the water was a welcome break from the harshness of winter, and he let out a slow sigh, as he moved forward allowing the liquid to claim him, to mark him. The warm water caresssed him, coating his skin, soaking his alabaster coat, seeping to the ends of his ivory fur. It was ecstacy, such a feeling that one couldn't deny, and he reveled in it, waiting, hoping for the dark red witch to make her appereance, hoping to make her his, to take her tonight and feel his release.


10-09-2013, 06:13 PM

ooc;; sorry this took so long, should be quick though <3

The russet goddess slithered through the steam, having slipped from her home to the lower lands in search for prey easier then mountain goats. But before her hunt she desperately wanted a steam. Her heat season was clawing at her, the sweet scent trailing behind her no matter where she went, begging for release. But of all the months to lay with a man this was not one she was keen on. Children had never been in the game plan for her, had never been something the red demoness had wanted to plague herself with. They came with ties to the father, ties to them until they were old enough to care for themselves. Worse then that they came with stretch marks and swollen teats. She had seen various women after they had given birth, or even while they carried their pups and she never wanted to do that to herself. It would be utter madness to do that. The goddess had given her the knowledge and know how to abort pups but it was never easy on her system. She had done it once in her lifetime, last winter, and had regretted it for a month after as her system had tried to recuperate.

But as she slid through the steam a familiar face appeared before her and a tidal wave of memories from one wonderful night came crashing back. She couldn't help herself, that seductive grin split across her features and her tail began waving behind her as she halted in her steps before her. "Did you miss me precious?" Her words were a purr, head raising ever so slightly and spine already arching at the memory of him. As far as men went he hadn't been half bad. Generally the woman preferred the company of her own sex but Creedance had proved her that maybe men weren't a complete and utter write off.


10-10-2013, 07:57 PM

In the water, he felt the heat soaking into his skin and his mind wandered to the erotic night that he had spent in this location previously. Allowing his mind to enjoy the fantasies, he sighed contentedly in the water, when a familiar voice interrupted him. Ah, the sultry red goddess, the lover he had once engaged with previously, how perfect. Moving towards her, his gums wrapped up in a coy smile, a charming chuckle left his jaws.

"Well, my love, what brings you out here tonight, perhaps you fancy another ride?" The words were soft, sultry, the tones reaching out caressing the night, stretching towards the fea. He moved towards her, hoping to brush against her, to grind his body against her own red bodice. He would stretch his neck, hoping to bury his jaws in the thick red fur that coated her so seamlessly, and nibble, as he awaited her response. Under the scent of the water he could smell her heat, and it was possibly what drove him forward so aggressively, the smell of her, lo it was so damn attractive.


10-14-2013, 03:55 AM

She wouldn't join him in the waters, knowing that the momentary heat wasn't worth the biting chill that came with a wet coat afterwards. But she would slither to the edge of the pool he had selected and lay herself down at its edge. Yellow eyes drank in his form, the water plastering his fur to a tone body that made her lick her lips in want. He slid towards her in the water and she stretched her neck towards him easily. His words brought a soft, easy chuckle to her lips and her smile widened. "Dear, this is my home. I dare say it was you who came searching for me!" She exclaimed in jest but as he moved closer and his teeth worked around the tender flesh of her neck all she could do was moan.

"Maybe I missed you company just a bit..." Her words were breathless now, to the sliding over her teeth as she began to pant with need. A low growl left her jaws, never one to screw around, as she arched her neck around to grab at his scruff in an attempt to drag his butt out of the water. She didn't mind getting a little wet for this, in more then one way, and she could keep him warm... Bu she didn't care for the fore play, no not today. She wanted him, they were obviously here for the same thing so why bother with words?


10-14-2013, 06:11 PM

His jaws would work against the flesh of her neck, working up against her towards her ears, then back to her shoulder. His bites gentle at first, nearly kisses, but growing far more insistent with her words. Slithering out of the water, he came closer to her, his warm breath trailing down her bodice with bites and kisses following. Her moans would egg him on, arousing his lower member, his man-hood. Why bother with words, when his body could do much better with the talking. Rubbing his drenched body against her's, his maw would work towards her, kisses trailing, and finally he would murmur.

"Just a bit, hmmm," His words would caress the air, as he curled around her frame, rubbing himself against her, before pulling away to move towards her hind-quaters in an attempt to smell the delicious scent that enveloped the dame before him, nibbling and licking her, a slight moan of desire would leave him, and he would reign himself in, waiting until she was ready. He wouldn't want to rush such a willing prize...