
Sand, nothing but sand

Zodiac I


3 Years
10-02-2013, 06:11 AM
All the things that we might've done wrong

We could've been doing this all along

Sand endless in every direction, the titan of a women found her self on the spine of a dune walking her way forward however taking her time during this early evening. It was still hot, hell she was still hot due to having came across this place since this early morning; it had started with a forest before breaking off into the sandy dunes of a desert. Knowing once she crossed the threshold there was no going back Zodiac had pushed forth knowing the desert would only last so long yet she found her self after a week of being out here alone to be quite wrong in that respect. Both hungry and thirst was clawing at her insides as the dame traveled, day in and day out; resting near the late night and rising just as sun started to rise over the sandy dunes. A sigh escaped parched lips as the fea walked and walked, it seemed this desert was never ending. Would she find her self unable to find her way out of this dry and arid place?

It was a answer that Zodiac her self didn't know in the least, with a sot growl leaving that scratching throat Zodiac pushed on; the scent of water however surprised her. Ears perking in interest as those deep sapphire eyes looked around, searching for the source. There, a small looking spot of water; not a pond for it was too big to be that. Making her way down the left side of the dune she quickly made her way to the live saving liquid yet she stopped just before that salmon tongued touched the water, an odd bubbling caught her eye and she let out an annoyed growl. It was sulfur from an under ground water spring, it was deadly to drink. "Dammit!" The horse curse left her dried lips as a paw swiped at the poisoned water splashing it upon the sand of which hungrily drew the moister in.


10-04-2013, 10:34 PM

It was with no small amount of frustration that Lietaenyl found herself once more in another complication situation. Zodiac, the unofficial leader of their pleasant band of two, had yet again driven them to the far reaches of Alacritis and somehow managed to get them hopelessly lost. Normally the youthful witch would not feel aggrieved by this as it was a frequent enough occurrence that she had already become acclimated to, absolving it?s regularity as one of Zodiac?s subtlely charming quirks. Unfortunately this was unalike most instances.

Her directionally challenged companion, while having not meant to, had entered what was presumably the southernmost region of the continent, a glorified sandbox. It was a miserably desolate place with little to observe outside of the intermittent desert reptile or tumbleweed coasting along the dunes. Every so often they would pass a cactus which provided only momentary distraction from the delirium brought on by thirst, discomfort and hunger.

Why hadn?t they turned around yet! Even fools would not have continued on through this desolate track of sand for this long! The svelte creature cast her venomous orbs on the cause of their predicament, a scowl marring her beautiful visage as she raged silently behind her for a moment more. It wouldn?t be wise to speak in anger, not when they were dependent on one another and quarreling now would possibly seal one, if not both, of their fates. She had no desire to devolve into a sun-bleached carcass, picked clean by vultures and dune rats.

Unfortunately as she was about to make her thoughts known, Zodiac took off in such a startling rush that Lietaenyl jerkily followed out of habit. Thinking that they had reached the edge of the desert was a vain hope to say the least. Zodiac had spotted a pool which Liet knew without needing to be told, was not drinkable. A sigh slithered past her cracked lips but knowing her partners discomfort could be remedied she bowed her head, swallowed her frustration and moved toward one of the cacti that dotted the landscape.

It was a trial to say the absolute least in obtaining a section of the prickly plant. But the medic was undeterred by the pain now radiating from her nose where the cactus?s spines had lodged themselves and pulled away with a decently sized piece of the barbed plant and hurried to her partner?s side.

?Zodi,? the whine plaintive and beseeching as she sidled up to the larger canid, nudging her scruff with her nose in the hopes of gaining her attention from whatever invisible route she followed. The plant was dropped between them and then meticulously groomed of its protective spikes. ?Chew this. It won?t quench the thirst but it?ll take the edge off.? She panted wearily, looking every bit as haggard as she felt. ?Can we turn back now? I?m baking under this heat?? The complaint followed by a dramatic collapse to the sand where Lietaenyl was in no rush to rise from.



10-04-2013, 11:09 PM

The stench of two women would guide the once-was alpha from the stretches of her previous path, jogging at a somewhat resolute pace; dark claws ticking at the crusted earth that would unfold beneath her. Stretched teats would be all to suggest her previous motherhood, her physique no less than rippling with the prime health of her extensive fitness. Greyhound-like abdomen tapering steeply from the deepness of her agile chest. Alas, the russet woman?s nostrils had done no less than to fool her, the duo figure of the two women from earlier looming up beneath the heat-strike that threatened to crash down upon their struggling forms.

With no desire to stray again from her aisle she would slow, tall ears flattening against the contours of feminine skull; an aloof defence that would suggest an unwillingness to converse. Skull would drop low as the alluring depths of her emerald gaze would skip between them, scrutinizing as the hackles would threaten to rise upon her spine. ?Those troubled by the grasps of endless summer should refrain from dancing beneath its hungry jaws,? expression would remain void as she would make a loose attempt towards understanding exactly what was going on with the duo, not that it particularly interested her. Valhalla was close by, and although she never dwelled beneath the direct rule of her siblings she did tend to loiter its borders for the sake of her several children. The desert was no place of unfamiliarity.

Zodiac I


3 Years
10-04-2013, 11:29 PM
All the things that we might've done wrong

We could've been doing this all along

The anger remained as the water was what really ticked the women off, being here yet undrinkable. A slight snarl would linger on her maw before the voice of her companion drew her attention; the anger dissipating just as quickly as it had come. Knowing she was suffering far more from this exhausting heat then her self, with her poor guidance yet again they had ended up in this hell hole of a sand box. A sigh escaped her as Liet slid up against her side and gently nudged that scruff of hers. "You shouldn't do that for me." Zodiac would mummer softly but she bent down to pick up the catci that quickly stopped as that muzzle just stopped above the groomed petal of the plant Liet had picked off and groomed of it's many spines.

Moving to Liet's side Zodiac gave her a soft lick just behind the left ear. "I made a mistake I know. But if we turn back we likely won't get very far." That much was the truth of things as harsh as it sounded. Yet a scent drew the dames attention as she moved to put her self between Liet and the unknown wolf; being protective of her then again with how far that bond went with Liet it was no surprised. "Deserts aren't my forte, now what do you want?" A simple response for the dame yet also a demanding tone left Zodiac; she wasn't in the mood for a fight much less a argument. This damned heat was putting her on edge.


10-05-2013, 12:07 AM

Had Lietaenyl not been battling against exhaustion she might?ve dislodged enough of the cactus for both of them. As it turned out she barely retained the presence of mind to think in coherent sentences nevermind complicate it with designs on self-preservation as terrifying as that was. ?Someone?has to take care? of you.? The dame huffed between pants. Her body harbored too many aches to feel prompted by the promise of refreshment but her mouth proved unaffected ironically enough.

A purr escaped her, the sound muffled by the sand. Moments where the usually stoic warrior awarded her with physical displays of affection were rare and entirely too infrequent. Liet would vehemently deny it but she cherished every one. But, not to be distracted, Liet redoubled her attempt at focusing. She was no good to her partner id she was dead. ?So what you?re saying is we are dead if we go back and dead if were press on. You've outdone yourself Zodi?? This would be the last time she allowed Zodiac to take the lead, assuming they survived.

Her ears twisted sharply against her dome as Zodiac stepped out of her peripheral, the rigidness in her companion inciting her to believe there was more out there than vultures. And it was evidently too close for comfort. Despite her body?s protests she forced herself into a sitting position, blinking away granules of sand that had collected against her face and searched the horizon, pinning the wavering image of assumedly another wolf. Lietaenyl frowned. ?I don?t think we?re supposed to talk to hallucinations, Zodi.? Why on earth would there by anybody in such a miserable place?
