



5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 07:06 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2013, 07:07 PM by Taurig.)

There was trouble brewing between Glaciem and Valhalla, he knew that much. Isardis had lost the challenge to Chrysanthe and Argent had taken the red king as their prisoner, so it was to be expected that Valhalla didn't exactly feel very warm and cozy towards the Ice Kingdom. But thankfully Taurig wasn't part of that pack anymore. He had his own pack to take care of now and first thing was first; securing alliances. He needed to now that if worst came that he would have another pack that would be able to back him up and vice versa. He wanted to have good relationships with the other packs in Alacritis and what better way than forging an alliance.

The cobalt king wasn't sure what pack lied in the south, but it was one of the most neutral ones around. He would've gone to ludicael, but he had heard rumors that it was currently hanging in the balance of whether the current alpha would stay or not. The titan though it wise to wait until the dust was settled with them before coming to ask for an alliance. Hulking mass traversed the distance between his home and the southern pack within a few hours, somewhat weary frame finally hitting the borders of the southern pack. Pace would be brought to a halt, icy gems dancing over the unfamiliar landscape. The border was overpowering with the many scents of the pack. He had come to the right place. Ebony muzzle was titled towards the heavens, a low baritone erupting from his jaws as he called to the King or any high ranking member within the area. After a moment the cobalt King allowed his call to fade, taking a step back from the borders as he patiently awaited the arrival of someone.

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10-01-2013, 09:04 PM

The chill in the air that indicated winter had faded the vibrant greens of Seracia to a dull auburn. The leaves had fallen from most of the trees - save for the evergreens, of course - and bits and pieces of Seracia were stained white with powdery snow. The blizzards everyone expected of winter had not yet come, but it was evident enough that the season was very much present in the range. The King had arisen early, unaware of the cold until he stepped out of his den. His family had provided enough warmth within the den that he wouldn't have even guessed the temperature until he was out in it. But it was no matter, he enjoyed the cold.

His coat had thickened considerably with the onset of winter, and the plush red fur he wore had dulled ever so slightly to a deeper rusty color. The king would stretch as he exited his den, breathing in the cool winter air which was tinged with something... foreign? The howl ripped through the air only seconds later, and without hesitation he would spring forward and toward the source. Face was placid, neither friendly nor unfriendly as he neared the cobalt male and proceeded to introduce himself. ?Maverick Mathias, King of Seracia.? He paused, allowing his tail to dance upward once before falling comfortably between his hocks. ?How may I help you??




5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 09:55 PM

The king of the southern pack wouldn't take very long in answering Taurig's call, an unfamiliar scent tickling his senses. He was near. It was only moments after he'd caught the King's scent that a deep russet figure appeared from the snow dotted landscape, an ivory patch decorating his rump. The King's coat reminded him of the red woman Levada from Glaciem. Glaciem. He couldn't think about that pack anymore. The russet man got straight to business, introducing himself as Maverick Mathias, the king of the pack Seracia. He didn't have the appearance of being overly friendly, nor was he extremely cold. He was willing to listen and that was all he needed.

Evening sir Maverick, I am Taurig, the new King of Tortuga. I'm not sure if you're aware of my having claimed the eastern pack, but it was abandoned and I took it upon myself. I am still building my pack and would like to ask if you would be willing to form an alliance with Tortuga. I am a complete stranger and you have no reason to do anything for me, but I can tell you it won't be an alliance in vain. Soon after I depart from here I shall speak with the pack Valhalla and ask for their alliance as well. There was no mention of Glaciem or that Isardis had been his father and there wouldn't be, unless Maverick brought the subject up. For now he could only wait to see what the red king's verdict would be.

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10-03-2013, 11:35 AM

A call would spark curiosity in the woman who had been roaming the southern forest, unfamiliar, possibly a wolf looking to join? The woman would change the direction she was going, moving at a steady pace towards the direction the howl had come from. And in no time she could see two figure along the border, King Maverick and a stranger. Though she knew he had this, Loccian had nothing to do at the moment and figured she might as well meet the new member as he was being introduced to the ways of the kingdom.

She would move on, approaching the two, ears flicking at the sound of Maverick's voice asking how he could help the young man.

Loccian would stop beside her king, sitting back on her haunches and curling her tail around her body, grey orbs looking to the red man and dipping her head before turning back to the darker gentleman. She quickly found he was not looking to join, and was in fact the new King of Tortuga in the north. Interesting, perhaps he was looking to ally with Seracia? He explained hat it was abandoned and he decided to build a pack, seeing if Seracia would form an alliance with them.

Loccian would dip her head to the man, forming a small smile for him. "It is a pleasure meeting you Taurig, I am Loccian, Ambassador of Seracia. If my King here agrees to an alliance with your growing pack, and if you do not mind, I would like to offer my services to you. I am the lead healer here, perhaps I could teach some of your members?" A new pack needed healers that knew what they were doing, and this guy didn't seem too bad, if Maveick allowed it she would go and teach the wolves a few things on healing.


Awesome image by Yumpy <3


10-03-2013, 07:41 PM

Ears would swivel as another approached, his Ambassador - Loccian. Tail would flicker in response to her arrival as his attention remained narrowed upon the ebony man before him. He introduced himself as Taurig, the new King of Tortuga. Ah, so the dark pack had finally been felled, though not directly by his paws. He also intended to go to Valhalla seeking an alliance with them as well. Did he know of their relationship? Perhaps he did. Loccian spoke up first, resulting in a slight rise of Maverick's brow, but he let it go without note. She was allowed to speak if she wished it - and she was only offering to help teach his healers, if he liked. ?It is a pleasure, Taurig. I must ask of you a bit more information, though. Can you tell me anything of how this pack you are forming will be aligned?? He was interested in this pack, not to mention it was essential that he not align Seracia with anything that went against their moral standards. ?Likewise I would be more than willing to tell you anything you wish to know of Seracia.? It wasn't prudent to ask questions you couldn't answer yourself. He would then turn his head to Loccian slightly, and address her. ?I would not mind you teaching a few of his wolves some of your healing knowledge, but I would ask that they come here if they wish to learn. I don't think we can afford to lose you with Tahlia's litter coming soon.? He wasn't comfortable with his lead healer and ambassador being away from the pack for too long. Tail switched behind him complacently as he waited for a response from either of them - calmer now that he knew this man meant them no harm.




5 Years
Extra large
10-03-2013, 11:10 PM

It seemed that the King wasn't the only one aware of the cobalt King's presence at the Seracian borders. A second figure would appear, this one much smaller and clearly feminine. She donned a grey coat with white accents, her eyes a stormy grey. She came with a friendly smile decorating her lips, introducing herself as Loccian, the ambassador of Seracia. It appeared that she was a healer and if her king accepted his offer at an alliance, then she would help train his healers. That was great, if he had any healers to begin with. It's my pleasure Loccian. I'm the King of Tortuga, as you probably caught on. I would very much appreciate if you could help train my healers, once I gained some of course. a light chuckle would accompany his words before the King caught his attention once more.

It is a pleasure, Taurig. I must ask of you a bit more information, though. Can you tell me anything of how this pack you are forming will be aligned? Likewise I would be more than willing to tell you anything you wish to know of Seracia. Information about his pack was easy enough and not too much to ask. My pack is neutral, though I guess you could say we're on the more noble side of the scale. I'm not looking to cause a war or to even participate in one, like the one currently brewing. We will be a very family oriented pack who highly values respect. We will look out for each other and if we're able to forge an alliance, my pack will protect yours as if you were our own. The same would go to Valhalla. And unless there is anything you feel the need to share, I can already tell that your pack is highly respectable with such members as Loccian here among your ranks.

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10-05-2013, 01:03 PM

It seemed a little strange to be so willing to offer her services to a stranger, but if Maverick agreed to an alliance then she was sure it was a good decision, the young man was intelligent. And with that he asked the man what the pack was like, of course, you needed to know that in order to decide if an alliance would work, similar beliefs. How could a light and dark aligned pack work if they had opposite beliefs?

The King's attention would then shift to her, informing her that he didn't mind her teaching the man's wolves but would like for them to come here if they wish to learn. They couldn't lose her with Tahlia's pups coming soon. Of course, the woman did not forget about that. She was important, an Ambassador and the lead healer, she couldn't be gone from the Kingdom so the wolves would have to come here. It seemed like a reasonable offer. ?Of course, that is a very good idea my King. It will benefit them, more things grow around our land than near the north.? She gave a nod of her head.

Right after her Taurig spoke. He would greatly appreciate her offer to train his healers once he gained some. ?Sounds good to me.? She smiled with another nod of her head.

Now it was time to learn of the new pack in the north. They would be neutral, more on the noble side. HE didn't want to participate in war like the one brewing nearby, family oriented with high values of respect, look out for each other, and if an alliance is formed then he would protect theirs as if they were his own. Already it was sounded like quite a fine pack, and complimenting Seracia. Loccian would dip her head slightly in thanks.


Awesome image by Yumpy <3


10-08-2013, 08:46 PM

Taurig seemed much like Maverick.. now that the King really analyzed the situation. He was a young male, probably close to the same age as the red king, and was taking it upon himself to rule a kingdom. It was honorable, to say the least, and already Maverick felt good about an alliance between Seracia and Tortuga. Of course, it all boiled down to what the man said, as Maverick needed to know how the previously dark-aligned pack would be run under the new regime. Seracia would not make friends with unfriendly packs. As Taurig spoke, not a word would be missed by the russet king's ears - for he was truly eager to know of Tortuga, and of Taurig's intentions. They all seemed noble enough, so much so that Maverick could find no fault in accepting the offer of an alliance - especially since Taurig seemed keen on keeping out of the war. Maverick still did not know where he stood on the upcoming treachery, but he supposed he would have to decide one way or another - and soon. ?Tortuga sounds like it will have a fine foundation under your rule, Ser Taurig. Seracia is run on many of the same values, with a Kingdom-based system added to the mix. It would be our pleasure to accept your offer of an alliance.? The King would nod politely, pausing momentarily to allow Taurig to process what had been said. ?Are there any specific terms or gestures you wish to discuss?? Valhalla and Seracia were joined by a marriage, and Seracia and Ludicael by a friendly tournament, perhaps Taurig had some sort of idea up his sleeve to link their packs symbolically. Though it wouldn't be unwelcome if he didn't have any ideas at all. A gesture wasn't necessary to ally two packs.
