
burn through the witches



09-30-2013, 08:25 PM

OOC: This post would happen a few days after the challenge but before the dominance fight between Canttina and Medusa. Amenti has changed their territory to the S.S. Antiox. MANDATORY TO ANYONE WHO IS ALREADY WITHIN THE PACK AND ANYONE WHO WANTS TO JOIN THE PACK. <3
The horrible demon has just won the fight for her kingdom. The mahogany fae would move from the Red Wood to the S.S. Antiox. The human creature was excellent for her pack. Halls of rooms and dens filled its depths and the man room on the top was her home. She had claimed in about a year ago as hers, but now she will rule a pack from it. It excited the daemon Queen. Canttina had never run a pack but it was all so wonderfully normal for her. The Empress was a natural, which helped, but boy was she busy. She still suffered from her various wounds from the challenge. Though, it was time for a meeting.

The woman was curled up on her pad of wool but she got up from her little bed. She shook off snow that drizzled in from the open windows. She rolled her scabbing shoulders with a gruffy grunt. She moved outside her larger room and onto the deck with ease. The deck stuck out of the ice as it always did, allowing a ramp up to her den and the various passages to the under bits of the ship. She grinned before her head tilted up. A call was let forth for her members, slaves, and potential members to join her. The brown furred daemon let her head return to its raised state as she stood formally upon her ship. She was content, yet she knew there were many more dramas to rise in the future.



09-30-2013, 08:35 PM

Ozz woke up soon after her mate had left the den. She was fairly upset, pissed even at the events that had transpired. Though with canttina being hurt, it meant she was more then required to pick up the slack for the woman. Though a deep growl of annoyance grew in her throat as Kai rose with her. Towards the side of her as she howled. "You will pay the bitch back when you can, for now support is what the daemon needs." Kai hissed as the woman stood side to the queen.
She stood taller, and much more in better shape, but the herbs she had been using on Canttina were doing well. She was happy for that, and as the wrenches would gather. Perhaps if she were allowed, her pented anger would befall someone else. A slave, or a possible man who was going to come to their aid. Either way she was in the silent, not obviously pissed off with her sense of being. As she slightly nuzzled Canttina as they waited.




5 Years
09-30-2013, 09:24 PM

Her sensitive paws scrabbled against the crust of snow, breaking through it she pushed through the softer powder with relative ease, the snow feeling soothingly cool against her broken pads. She snuffled at the uncovered ground, trying to smell any herbs. Gretel was not a medic, she was adequate at healing and could recognize a few herbs by sight and smell but she feared that Canttina expected more out of her. A strong scent assaulted her nose and she clamped her jaw closed around the stem of a wilting plant. The Rosemary?s flavor flooded her senses and she forced herself not to swallow it down. It would work well to keep her mistress? wounds free of infection.
A call would pierce the sky, she would recognize Canttina?s howl anywhere. Snapping up the small cache of herbs she had gathered she headed off across the snow, towards her new home. She wanted to run, not wanting to keep her mistress waiting, fearing repercussions but her damaged paws would not allow for it. She set off at a sort of limping lope. The hulking metal beast rearing up on the horizon as she approached. With a weak growl she pushed herself to go faster, wincing as the pain crawled up her legs. Going as fast as she could she climbed aboard the great vessel and headed off towards her mistress. She slowed as the demon came into view, keeping her gaze low she dropped the herbs at her mistress? paws before skirting around her and going to stand somewhat behind her, head low and trying to look as pathetic as possible.



09-30-2013, 09:29 PM
The howl of her Empress alerted the ebony demoness to a meeting, and she would pick up her tiny paws and force them to move towards the sound. She had not been doing very much lately, simply dealing with the hardships of winter. Exotic optics scanned the horizon as the S.S Antitox came into view, and the little black dancer would hop into the front deck. Spying the demonic duo themselves, she would dip her head respectfully and let soft lyrics fall from her lips. "Good day Queen." She greeted the female timber wolf, grinning. Queen was the nickname she had given Canttina, though she knew her title was Empress. Turning her delicate obsidian cranium towards the other woman, she bowed her inky tiara and greeted her as well. "Lady Ozz, it's good to see you too." She told her and smiled at her in return. She hoped not to insult the superior wolf, for teasing and sarcasm was simply her nature, and was not a conscious effort. Moving to a sheltered part of the gathering place, she sat and waited for what would happen next.



10-01-2013, 04:34 AM

A sigh left haw jaws, her paws treaded through the soft snow that had obviously just recently fallen. Morgana had paid a visit just before the move and proven to pick a room in the far back, hidden from the rest among it's ever shifting shadows. Why Canttina picked this place to call home was beyond her, grunting a tad as her paws kissed the floor boards of the ships deck. A simple nod was given to Canttina and Ozz as she picked a spot to sit down, regal as always and carried with pride and royalty as that tail wrapped around her left side only to gently settle upon her ashen paws.

Those frosted eyes glanced around, spotting a dark colored fea along with one that hid behind Canttina; perhaps speaking to her wouldn't be a bad idea. After the meeting maybe, Gretel looked like an interesting one to be curios of. After all being the Empress's slave was far from an easy thing for one such as her to bare by the looks of the dame. Saving that thought for later, simply the french women waited for the others to show; whoever was els a part of the small pack. If one could even call it that.


10-01-2013, 10:43 AM

Like the princess she was, Karmen was fashionably late.

She arrived at the pack meeting with sleep still in the corners of her eyes, her curled eye-lashes struggling to keep her eyes open and alert - those peridot irises were rimmed with dreams of hoarding all the pretty trinkets of the world and Cepheus finally coming to his silly, masculine senses and bowing to her whim. But her spindling gossamer of desire was severed with reality, the voice of Canttina awakening her from her confines of slumber, singing to her like a siren in the mist. So, she rose to her doe-like legs, ignoring the haphardous array of her golden-blonde locks, and sauntered to the meeting.

Karmen entered the main cavern as if miasma: silent and slow, creeping through the doorway like fatal poison. Her gaze sought Canttina immediately, and she briefly made eye contact before a sleepy-smirk tugged at one side of her maw. Her web of attention then cast upon the faces of unknown wolves - who were a variety of grey and black shades. ?Ladies,? she whispered lusciously in greeting to the pack mates she had yet to become acquainted with. She bent her posterior to a slight degree, using her caudal to sweep aside the traces of fresh snow before she let her hips gracefully kiss the ground.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-01-2013, 08:32 PM

Soreness and pain enveloped the young girl as she struggled to rise. She had been enveloped in darkness for...well she could no longer tell. It had felt like a long time, when in reality, had been about a week or so. She had no idea of the goings on in the outside world, no contact with anyone except for the beating she would receieve every now and then. A few times she had retaliated in feared anger, nipping her sharp canines at the paws and legs of her assailants. She was sure she left a good bite or two on her attackers, though they retaliated with that much more force.

A blinding light would enter her prison as a door opened before her, whoever had opened her prison simply said a brief order before disappearing. Avalon had heard the howl, and she was sure it belonged to the demon witch Canttina. The one who had captured her and brought her into this miserable place. She wanted to run, to go home and be with her family...but with the injury that the beast had given her when she tried to run hurt like hell, and she was unable to run. She hobbled out, favoring her hind leg as she moved into the bright sun, the snow on the ground reflected brightly. Was it winter already? How long had she been locked up? This terrified her.

It didn't take long for her to find the gathering wolves, and there in the center was the devil herself...the one who robbed her of life. Avalon's once shining fur was now dull and ragged patches, threatening to fall in small clumps here and there. Her smaller body bleeding and covered in bruises unseen. She limped to the back of the crowd, trying to keep her body low and avoiding eye contact with the strangers that surrounded. What was this? What happened while she was locked up? She was sure to find out soon...she stared past the wolves bodies, staring straight at the skulled woman who brought her here. Though her body was beaten, her spirit still remained strong...and it showed in her eyes.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



10-09-2013, 03:31 PM

The woman stood proud with a horrible smirk upon those torn lips. Her face was hidden by the skull that she bore upon her flesh. The yellow orbs the demonic being flicked around as her subjects piled in. First Ozz, then her lovely Gretel, the Raven and Morgana, then the bad bitch Karmen. Last but not least the delicate little Ava. Canttina snarled at the lateness of her servant. It was one of the first times the mahogany horror let the bitch roam and she was late?! Rage seethed within the pit where her soul should lay. Though, she stood still. The woman eyed them all once more before her terrible words swayed into the air. "My demons." She began with a proud stare of delight. "I have called upon you ladies to inform you of the meaning of our little pack. I am your Empress, of course. Though, all off you are special to me. I enjoy workers. I do not let my subjects slack, you must pull your wieght or there will be punishments. If you do not like this, please inform me now. If not, I thank you." The bitch was so dramatic, it was lovely.

She tilted her head a creepy smile spread across her lips. "My word comes first, but everyone respects the rank above them. Karmen and Ozz are very important and will be my two very trusted, they are not afraid to punish and will do so. Everyone should be attempting to recruit. Challenge for slaves, lure men into our pits, gain trusted women to fight within our forces. If I see you trying, ranks will be spewed forth." She giggled and rolled her blood soaked shoulders. "You may do as you wish as long as you are not betraying my trust. If you get knocked up, the children are Amenti's. I don't care who you fuck, just don't bring drama to my ears. Most important, always have time for me. If I call you come. Every call is manditory, if you do not come within your time of need you will be demoted unless you are near death or your limbs were torn off." She hated disrespect. "But, on a more lovely note I need to know all of your skills. Medics? Fighters? Do tell. Even my little lovelies, Gretel and Ava." She rarely included them within her conversations but she loved them to bits.



10-09-2013, 10:32 PM

An upper lip would rise in disdain, had she forgotten already? What a fickle mind this fea had; those frosted orbs looking from one wolf to the next. What was this? Small in number that was certain and utterly weak in her eyes; why had she joined these wolves? With a sigh the dame kept her thoughts to her self as Canttina spoke yet once she ended Morgana would look to the masked women quite pointedly. "Seems you have forgotten about our little chat not too long ago, Canttina." Her voice was firm with a touch of disappointment added to it. The dame had best keep her word other wise she was very likely to find her self a future enemy one that wouldn't stop until she had fallen upon her own sword.


10-15-2013, 05:28 PM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

Ryouta was quick to react to the lady, the one that she was obsessed with. Her blue eyes sparking with corrupted mind, if only the best had a much better appearance. Oh how she loved to scoff though, the giant beast stood into the meeting, tongue flicking over her snout. Nearly touching the scars that crept into a smile. Her monochrome body was shining just as well. Killing was her game, so why didn't they play? Amenti, what a lovely place, it was like a fantasy land to the back of her head.
The beast waited, she was silent, if she spoke the words wouldn't be very nice, well they could be. Everyone here was amazing, but she did have her eyes on Canttina if anything. Little raven as well, oh how all of them probably were plotting against each other. Ryu just wanted to feel crushed bones under her paws and teeth alongside the pelt of the one who wore a mask. Of all those putrid males, of anyone. It was a fact that Ryu was nothing less of intimidating.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-15-2013, 07:19 PM

The girls stare turned to the ground for a few moments as the meeting went on. Her cold glare would come to rest upon Canttina as she adressed her and the other beaten woman as her "little lovelies." What the hell was going on through the sick mind of this woman? Avalon glanced around at the others, obviously they were just as putrid as the witch before them, except for the other slave who looked beaten down to the core. Avalon's heart went out to her, and she would cast a quick glance to her that would be unseen by the others. Perhaps her and the other woman could become friends...maybe plan an escape. Avalon wanted out of here more then anything...why had she gone away from their safe haven to explore by herself?

Returning her stare upon the masked witch, she kept her mouth shut. She was not even two years old, and she was in the pits of this hell. What was she going to say? That she would offer her size and strength to fight? Ha! Avalon would never for for this wicked pack...she figured that upon reaching two years of age, she would be at her full height. Just a few more months, and then maybe she could challenge for her freedom as she would be bigger then her captor then. For now, she would bide her time and wait it out...

The girl flicked an ear, her back left leg lifted slightly off the ground as she kept the weight off of it. Canttina had done a number on her, but Avalon was strong and she would not give in to the punishment that would come. After some thought, she figured that the best she could do was speak up in what she could do to "help." Though she sure as hell wouldn't offer to fight, that was for sure. Not with or for them. Ever. She thought bitterly. "I...have some healing knowledge..." She murmured.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


10-16-2013, 03:01 PM

Peridot eyes ignited with a fleeting fire as she locked gazes with the muttering female, who was all thrown together in a muddled stew of colours and fractured emotions. Apparently she was a little upset about her fate, but no pity for her would leak from Karmen's pores.
?Speak up, little pastry,? she would demand quietly, her voice feigning fondness while her venomous gaze scrutinized the shy she-wolf. A smug, somewhat charming simper touched her brassy lips as she darted between the two slaves.

?Canttina, my pet," she would taunt the Empress in honey-flavoured words, her dark lashes fluttering in harmony. ?You should know well of my services. Let me remind you I dine on formalities and fervently adore business. I pride myself in proposing alliances, charming the masses, and seeing to it that every contributing female be bonded to this Empire with a vice as fatal as marriage." Karmen paused in her tangent, directing her gaze towards the two slaves: Gretel and Avalon. ?I punish those who prove their disloyalty to the Matriarchy,? her soft voice was hauntingly familiar, spoken with the tone that a mother would use to talk to her children.

Karmen was a lady, no doubt, a pretty princess wrapped in golden sinews and diamond gossamer - but her violent intentions could put all the heathens in Hell to shame. She was a master in disguise, and that is what made her all the more dangerous.


10-18-2013, 10:33 PM

As the mahogany monster spoke, Raven pondered the question. She had already discussed this with the woman, but chose to speak, to add her talents to the pool. "We have already discussed this, dear Canttina, but just in case you have suffered a bout of memory lapse, I shall offer my skills once more." She said, long salmon tongue brushing against her formidable ivory teeth as she spoke, long ebony tail swishing to wrap around her tea cupped paws. "I am in possession of talents in the fields of espionage, seduction, and am well enough capable of keeping the prisoners in check." She told the female timber wolf, though she doubted the other women could run the possibility of not taking in the knowledge. Closing her mouth once more, she waited for what would come next.




10-20-2013, 12:32 PM

The woman stood with a proud grin. Morgana was the first to speak up. Canttina then sighed, she did forget. "I apologise my darling, so many things have gone in and out of my mind. I do remember now. You shall get your promotion. Yes. You shall be within the council now, I have seen that you are loyal and strong. That is without a doubt." A little wink was seen as it was shot to the darker fae. Her eyes then skipped to Ryu who slithered her way into the meeting. She enjoyed the woman very much. A nod was seen, "Im glad my lovely Overseer could join us." A hint of sarcasm was within her words, but she could forgive the woman. Her eyes then skipped to her lovely Ava. The flimsy bitch stepped up and spoke softly. Healing? That could be of use, Canttina was sure. "Thank you darling, I shall keep that in mind." Canttina giggled lightly and her eyes skipped to Gretel who aparently did not wish to answer. "I let you out to socialize with your Queens and you do not answer the question i wish for you to answer. You will hear about this later, I am sure Ryu would love to have some one on one time with you." A rumbling growl was heard from the Empress before her eyes met the emeralds Karmen bore. A delicate smile flicked across the masked womans lips. "Oh darling, I do indeed know what you thrive upon. That goes unsaid." The woman laughed once more before her eyes met Raven's. Oh her little Raven. Canttina smiled once more. "Mmm, my little spy. You are wondrous indeed. I do have a few jobs I wish for you to do. We shall speak on a later date."

Canttina then straightened up and let forth more strong vocals. "I require some of you ladies to step up. I need a woman to start organizing pack hunts and another leading fight training. I am currently not in the position to be doing such things. Do I have any volunteers? Winter is coming my loves, we must prepare for war and famine."

OOC: I want replies incoming asap. Preferably by 10/25! That is when I will do close it up. Approach Canttina with any issues in the round.




5 Years
10-20-2013, 05:14 PM

Gretel would remain silent, shifting uncomfortably from paw to paw, trying to ease the pain pounding in her pads. Not once would she even raise her gaze, the flicking of her ears the only sign that she was aware of the multitude of woman still filling into the meeting. It wasn?t until the demon began talking that she finally lifted her feeble gaze and was enraged by what she saw. Though she hid it behind a blank mask . She had known that the woman was a monster but had never suspected she would take a child.
Gretel would keep her thoughts to herself, forcing herself to pull her gaze back towards the ground. It was only with the mahogany monster?s mention of her own name that she lifted her gaze again, surprise evident on her face. Rarely was she ever mentioned when they weren?t alone together. She waited patiently as the others spoke, unwilling to talk out of turn lest Canttina take that as another reason to punish her.
The girl opened her mouth to speak but snapped it shut as Canttina spoke again. Her ears laid flat against her skull and she dropped her head trying her best to look ashamed. ?With your permission,? She began humbly trying her best to do any damage control she could, ?I am a fair enough healer?? Her already muted voice dropping off, she dropped her head even lower and tucked her tail between her legs.
Still the demoness would go on calling for any woman of the pack to step forwards. Gretel did not pretend to believe she would ever escape her position but not eager to infuriate the woman any more she spoke. ?I will do anything my mistress asks of me.? Her voice was soft, just loud enough to be heard.



10-27-2013, 02:05 PM
OOC: I know it's late, and I'm suuuuper sorry, but I kinda forgot about the meeting...

The dark creature listened intently, the praise from her beloved Queen did not go without a tiny, seductive grin passed between them. A job for her? How wonderful, it would give her the chance to sharpen her skills and break some hearts in the process. She nodded in understanding, watching the rest of the group, exotic eyes moving from face to face, searching out the trustworthy and the disloyal, putting the information to memory. When the brutish woman spoke of someone being needed to organize hunts and train fighters, there was an opportunity presented to gain ranking, get higher up in the food chain, the pecking order. When no one leapt to take the chance, the demoness let her silky purr of a voice fall from inky black lips. "Since no one else has decided to take up the torch, I will offer to organize hunts, if such assistance is needed of me." She told the Empress, grinning as she called out everyone on their mistake. Her tail tip twitched, her dual toned optics glimmering with mirth, the joy of antagonizing the women who claimed loyalty to the pack. She waited for what would come next, the anticipation whirling in her brain as she waited for the look of disappointment to cross Canttina's face as she realized she had placed her trust in women who were unworthy of it. How horridly funny.
