
The wonderful world of Ozz


09-29-2013, 11:31 PM

Spitting out some more paste from what the Pendragon had used to patch Canttina's wounds, it was rather nasty tasting to say the least. Shaking that head, the fea sighed, it had been an interesting day to say the least. To see a formal alpha reduced to naught but a simple groveling rogue once more was indeed a splendid sight, if they couldn't win their own battles they didn't deserve to rule. Weaklings, the world was full of them and it made her sick. Morgana didn't tolerate weakness and never would, they simply would be put to better use els where or slaughtered. That was it, they didn't deserve anything better then to be kissing her feet, a growl erupted from her maw once that midnight dame came to mind. Her, she was going to be a problem no doubt. But for now, she searched for a flowing stream to clean out her bitter mouth and to get a fresh drink.


09-30-2013, 01:24 AM

Ozz herself had to help with Canttina's healing. She had seen Morgana at the challenge, and let alone had she defended canttina on behalf of the dark wench who had insulted her, or at least had the audacity to do so. Ozz herself had survived after her father had tried to kill her, and her train of thought was a simple derived from what a monster could have been created. Though everyone had a monster, it was their choice to decide what kind of monster they became. Kai walking beside the girl kept a close eye, and had been silent for some time. It was until Ozz spotted the lady who indeed had been on good terms ever since the challenge. A strange toothy smile stretched across her features as she approached her. Smelling the herbs much like her own that she had used on her mate.
"Hello dear one. It's fancy meeting you here." She stood her distance, sitting a few feet away as she watched the lady. Her emerald eyes glimmering, those who chose to stand by the deamon. She would give them her trust. If they were to betray it, fury worse that a wolverine's would be released. "I wanted to thank you, for when the wrench made her comment after my woman won our new pack." She used the term her woman, in light manners. Not wanting to sound like she kept Canttina tied down, when she didn't. Ozz would never want to do that to her love, her life. It was simply something she had grown used to saying after discovering her feelings.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,


10-01-2013, 02:14 AM

Heaving a sigh as the french women padded along, muttering a tad as she spat out even more of that vile tasting paste, ugh this shit was nasty to say the least. The two different herbs quite left a bad taste in her mouth to say the least, the soon she found a stream the better along with perhaps a meal to rid of the lingering taste. However it seemed that would be taking awhile as that gaze shifted to another of whom decided to visit her. Pausing in her steps, that frosted eyes traced over her form, wasn't she the one that was cuddling up to Canttina at the fight and defying that midnight wrench?

"A pleasure." Raising a brow as she gave a short response at least at first. As Ozz kept their distance and sat down a few feet away Morgana decided to approach her; why not after all? They were of the same pack, have being dubbed as a Solider a rank that was unfitting for the Pendragon in the least. "The wrench doesn't know her place and is too weak to admit that she had lost a gamble, if she was afraid that one may lose the pack they had lead previously; why hand it over?" Speaking plainly as Morgana circled her once to give Ozz a look over, it took a few mere moments before she was standing before Ozz once again.


10-01-2013, 02:29 AM

Ozz's eyebrows raised as she watched the woman. Her emerald eyes glinting as Kai standing beside her gave an insane laughter. It made her ears turn towards him, as if she had heard an animal in the forest, but it was the demon that only she could see and hear. Her weight shifted upon her paws, she was held with pride, all devout of any wounds though as for the apparent scar on one of her eyes. Her tongue lashed out over her muzzle. The women of Amenti didn't understand her train of thought, and they possibly never would. Not with her loyalty not with her seeming normal, too normal for those she chose to be around. Especially around Canttina, Ozz seemed to fit with the others. When on the insane she was just as corrupted, and she enjoyed it down to her bones. "She simply decided to throw a hissy fit." Ozz closed her eyes and tilted her head slightly as she said this. Kai pressed his head against the back of her neck. Hissing as he usually did when something uncomfortable arose. Ozz stood up though turned her way towards Morgana. "Those herbs must have left a nasty taste in your mouth, let us find some meat to get it out of your tongue." She was no stranger to herbs. She played with poisons often herself as well. What better way to get to know the woman of the pack anyway. The ones she ordered, and the ones she looked after to make sure no hope of betrayal was apparent. Otherwise, they'd see blood like no other, or possibly find themselves sick for all the strange reasons.
Kai released himself off of Ozz as she turned towards the forest. Her senses alert as she dug out the scent of a deer not far off. She moved along the tree's hoping that Morgana would be helping her in this hunt. A deer was plenty food for two, and hunting was a good way of bonding anyway. She didn't seem like anything was wrong with her, not at all. As she crouched down, she spotted it, hanging around it's hopeless buck. Two others as well, but one seemed to be injured. Her mouth watered as she gave a silent chuckle moving in as close as she could to circle it. Once she was close enough silently waiting, she flicked her tail behind her jumping forward to catch the creature by the leg. Morgana could follow from the behind and bite deep into the neck to kill it. As Ozz viciously tugged back to trip the creature it flailed about. The woman growled deep in her throat pressing down on the leg until she could feel it snap. She forgot to mention, torture was a good way of releasing anger as well.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,


10-02-2013, 05:50 AM

The french women gave a 'hmm' as the dame spoke of the other, of whom has thrown a fir due to losing the pack she had once been in, let alone lost due to her foolishness in handing it over to a much weaker dame of whom couldn't readily hold her own in a fight much less keeping her crown in a pack. It had been nothing short of pathetic. Weaklings didn't deserve to rule, no, they were better off dead or groveling at her feet; not above her. "Herbs tend to do that." Not saying much afterwards the french women followed Ozz with a flick of an ear. Wondering indeed, just what she had in mind to hunt.

But the scent of deer soon came into focus before too long, clicking that tongue against the roof her mouth; she let Ozz take the lead and head forward before she would follow through. The ashy form of Morgana shot out from the shadows, those jaws clamping around the deers neck as she pulled it downward to the ground. The quicker it was taken down the better; keeping her hold on the throat she only tightened to further cut off the air supply as the animal struggled.


10-04-2013, 06:25 PM

Once it was dead, it was easy to dig into the flesh. Happily she would feel her stomach, to be strong, and to live another day. Ozz was more than happy to be in the position she was. Even though it was given to her on a silver platter. She was not going to be the one complaining. She dug her teeth into it, and licked her chops happily. Her tail flailing behind her as she dug into the flesh and bone. It was apparent that she enjoyed tearing things apart, her usually sane demeanor could easily be seen as an act towards her pack mates. Most didn't know though that was for sure.

After Ozz ate her meal, she stretched herself a few feet away from it. Standing and turning to Morgana. "While it was nice meeting you I must be on my way." Ozz turned herself around and started to walk off. All she wanted to do was see how members were doing. Though Morgana was definitely loyal. If canttina got into any trouble she'd have others to look after her that was for certain.
-exit Ozz-

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,