
Moon in the Lake



09-29-2013, 10:50 PM
ooc: Because I like falling snow, it's already begun. xD

As soon as he was back, the ex-king was gone. Loccian sat at the edge of the lake with a heavy sigh, the moment she thought like she would actually connect with someone, and they left. The she-wolf wanted to make a friend, have somebody she could go to, didn't want to die alone, even though her brother was here. That was different, yes he was family but there was only so much she could tell him. They hadn't grown close like she had wanted.

Slowly snowflakes began to fall from the sky, the woman ignoring the chill in the air, not wanting to go back to the empty den she had shared at some point. Eyelid would pull together, head lifting and pointing towards the clouded night sky. It was quiet.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-30-2013, 05:29 AM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2013, 05:29 AM by Epiphron.)

Winter was rapidly approaching, and it made the Seracian Queen long for her family badly. It was still hard to imagine her father being gone -- dead, never to return. But already she saw her father's traits emerging in her children, Amalia in particular. They would make her proud, she was certain; she expected nothing less. With a soft sigh she pulled herself upright, ducking her head down as she slid quietly from her den so as not to wake her slumbering family.

Her thoughts had kept her awake tonight, but she did not want to burden her husband with such silly thoughts. Slowly she made her way across the territory, feeling the gentle flakes falling down on her pelt. Soon, the snow would be common, covering the ground at all times -- but for now, it was a rarity, and she found herself watching the barely-visible snowfall with awe as she walked lazily across the land.

The scent of the Kingdom's Ambassador reached her nostrils, and she smiled gently to herself. She had been faithful to the Kingdom as long as she had been here, and though she knew that she was not the most lucky of wolves, she always seemed pleasant and loyal; she knew little else about her. Before long, the woman came into view, and Epiphron let out a soft bark in greeting.

To Epiphron, Loccian was a mysterious woman -- her eyes took in her frame, which was littered with scars. What had she gone through? "Good evening, Loccian," she called softly, smile growing as she padded closer.



10-03-2013, 09:45 AM

Lost in her own little world, Loccian enjoyed the silence around her. It would help a lot sometimes, just let herself go, imagine herself just flying through the lands. Relaxing. That's the best she could describe to others, just a feeling of flying through the lands, feeling free. If she thought about it hard enough, she could swear she could feel the wind hitting her gently in every direction, that small birds were right beside her.

A bark would break her illusion though, eyes opening, head turning to gaze upon the beautiful Queen of Seracia, Lady Epiphron. She would dip the woman as she greeted her, a small smile forming on her dark lips, straightening herself up. "Lady Epiphron." She would speak in a soft tone, tail curling around her paws tightly.

The Ambassador knew of the young woman, but she wasn't too close to her. Coming from the nearby pack Valhalla, a big family. Loccian wondered what it was like, to have so may relatives, was it nice, chaotic? She would chuckle quietly at her thoughts, turning her gaze back up the lake before her, watching the snowflakes fall and disappear into the water's surface. "How is my Queen doing on this cool Winter day?"


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-13-2013, 08:26 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2013, 08:27 PM by Epiphron.)

There was much for Epiphron to think about currently, and even more for her to worry about; it was difficult to sleep as of late, and she was unsurprised to find herself wandering from her den and deeper into the Seracian territory. As she faced Loccian, a lovely smile crossed her features. It was easy for the Queen to fake a pleasant composure, but she had no reason to fake anything around Loccian -- or, she didn't think so. The woman was one of the more faithful members that they had. Always willing to let a helping paw when it was needed, and even when it wasn't.

Gently she shook her head, shaking away some of the snow that had landed on her lashes. The snowfall was pleasant, especially when it was like this -- not too harsh or dangerous. Simply lovely. Slowly she slid near her, reclining to her haunches.

The night was quiet, and she was grateful for the company. "I am just fine, thank you," she said, letting out a barely audible sigh. "And how about you, Loccian? Have a lot on your mind, like me?"

(Ok to assume this is a bit more recent? Might give them more to talk about. :D If not let me know and I'll edit.)



10-18-2013, 09:07 PM
ooc: I'm fine with that. ^_^

The Queen would inform Loccian that she was fine, that was good. Such a pretty face shouldn't be troubled, and if it was then it should have been helped, brought back to the calm atmosphere the Kingdom had even if there were things going on outside of it that would make a few worry. But soon the topic would be put onto the Ambassador, the Lady asking if she had a lot on her mind like she did.

Loccian would look to the water the reflection of the moon dancing over the surface. Indeed, she had quite a few things on her mind. Squall, her brother, the new pups brought into the world from Tahlia and Bane, the alliance with Tortuga, Syrinx coming to Seracia asking for warriors and shelter for their women and children from war with Glaciem, the woman who had crossed their borders not log before that trying to escape the pack...

The shewolf wold sigh and give a slow nod of her head, many things on her mind, quite a few that bothered her greatly, even more so knowing she couldn't do anything about it. ?Indeed my Lady, I have plenty on my mind that could keep me up for weeks.? She would speak quietly, closing her eyes to take in a long and deep breath. ?I try not to linger on them though, does me no good.?


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-21-2013, 09:24 AM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2013, 09:25 AM by Epiphron.)

She was beyond content to simply relax and talk to Loccian, a woman who she had always wondered quietly about, but had yet to speak to. Much of her time was consumed with more serious affairs than getting to know the wolves that she ruled, and she was grateful for the opportunity. And there was too much on her mind to wander about alone -- it would make her sick with worry.

Her own eyes drifted to the water as her paws stretched out, one red-furred one dipping lightly into the frigid depths. "Well I do hope you are finding some time to sleep," she said, laughing very lightly, knowing Loccian's words had been an exaggeration. "We don't need our best healer getting sick on us because she's tired all the time." Though her words were light, she was rather serious too -- Loccian was a very important asset in terms of Seracia's safety, especially with Themisto gone to fight for Valhalla. A moment of silence followed as she considered. "How do you feel about us sending a few warriors to help Valhalla?" She truly wondered if the wolves of Seracia would consider it a selfish move, to get involved in drama that had nothing to do with them. But to Epiphron, the alliance was vital to the safety of both the packs, and they would be foolish to deny Syrinx's request in a time of true need. The woman would tilt her head as she gazed at Loccian, wondering her own thoughts on the matter.



10-22-2013, 04:30 PM

She would silently chuckle at the Queen's words, the grey woman understood the light joke but also the seriousness. If she was to remain their best healer, she needed to be rested and not feeling ill, how else would things get done. But with the silence, it was quickly pushed aside by a question, one Loccian wasn't sure on if she should answer truthfully or partially. How did she feel about sending some warriors to help Valhalla.

In all honesty, she despised it. Valhalla was one of the largest packs in Alacritia, and it was their war. Seracia mostly had older and younger wolves along with pups, not many in their good years, so they needed to stay. They should have sheltered those who were older and and young like the messengers asked.

"I know it is your birthpack my Queen, but I am against sending our warriors and only other healer." She would say, not to upset the woman or anything, she kept her tone soft yet bland, not wanting to try showing one thing then come off as something she didn't mean. Grey orbs would remain forward, breathing and heart beat steady. "Yes we are allies, but to get involved could cause harm to our Kingdom as well. War is dangerous, and I would hate to see a repeat of what happened back home." She did not want to talk too much about it, didn't want to upset the Queen by voicing her thoughts.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-22-2013, 05:51 PM

She truly wanted to know Loccian's opinion, even if it was vastly different than her own. The decision had been made by she and Maverick alone, with no input except of those who volunteered their services. Nobody was taken by force, or even really asked to go. Sometimes, that was how the Kingdom had to be run -- and Epiphron knew the older woman was well aware of that, and respected it. While in some ways she did value the ability of the wolves of Seracia to take the rulers' decisions without protest, she also was interest in how the decision might appear to others.

And Loccian hesitant voiced her protest, though was humble and not at all argumentative. A soft sigh left her lips -- far from a sound of annoyance, but rather a thoughtful noise that came before she was able to stifle it. "I understand fully," Epiphron mused, lowering her head as she gazed into her own reflection in the lake. "And I am sorry if our decision upsets anyone." She knew Loccian's brother had gone to Valhalla, and the waiting and wondering was unpleasant, even for the Queen. She was only friendly with Themisto, and even he was not as close as Loccian was to her brother.

"It was my brother that requested we send warriors. I couldn't say no." She hadn't been swayed by him; she truly did have Seracia's well-being in mind.
"And I know that he feels Seracia gained something from the alliance, perhaps more than Valhalla did. Valhalla is stronger than we are." It was not a shameful thing, but it was true nonetheless. "I felt as though we owed him something. And the thought of my family going to war without me sending any aid..." The Queen shuddered gently, hating the idea. But she was glad that Loccian would listen to her -- and she liked hearing her own side of things.



11-02-2013, 03:02 PM

It would be a relief when the Queen sighed, not that of annoyance but as if she appreciated the voiced thought. She understood too, which would make Loccian smile a bit, head tilting the slightest when she apologized on if the decision had upset anyone. The grey woman would accept it, she was only doing what she thought was best for the Kingdom and her family, plus, the wolves who had gone over had volunteered, so Loccian couldn't really be too upset. The men were good guys, and if they succeeded in helping then they would get something good when they returned.

Epiphron would continue, and so Loccian would listen. She informed her that it was her brother who had come and requested Seracia send warriors, and she just couldn't turn him down. In a way she could understand that, she knew that the family in Valhalla was very close, and so the bod would be there for assistance. One thing would confuse her, the Queen brought up how her brother thought Seracia gained something from this more than her birthpack. What was it? And one thing she wouldn't complain about, Valhalla was definitely stronger than them, they had more members and wolves in good age while Seracia mostly had elder wolves and children.

But something she didn't really think was true, was her thought that they owed them something, at least I her head she believed they didn't. ?I understand Miss, if my family, had my parents been better beings, gone to war and I didn't send some sort of aid... I would feel horrible.? Yes, had her parents been better beings she would have done the same thing, seek volunteers and send them over to aid in battle. The thought of not sending anyone would break her heart, especially if she found out they had lost greatly and horribly. "Our members volunteered, you did what you thought was right, we won't pummel you for it."

Loccian didn't want the woman to feel bad for the decision she made, it was a good one, didn't force anyone to do what they did't want.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-06-2013, 10:58 AM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2013, 10:59 AM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron had always craved power of some sort, but had never simply taken in by force. No -- royalty was in her very veins, flowing through her like blood. She knew her father had been the greatest of leaders, and that few could surpass him, but if anyone could compare it would have to be herself or her siblings. Though the three siblings seemed destined to walk different paths in their lives, they would forever be bound by blood and she could not imagine a time when at least one Adravendi did not rule.

And yet her life had changed in a different way when she had wed Maverick. Often she considered if they would always rule Seracia; if he ever found himself unwilling, or unable, would she too step down? It seemed her life had transformed rather rapidly. Now she was responsible for children, and found that she had begun to consider herself a mother before a Queen.

But she couldn't falter. Not right now. There was too much at stake if she allowed herself to seem confused or insecure. And yet she let Loccian in briefly, spilling some of her insecurities on one of the women who had been the most loyal to the Kingdom, and she trusted her with keeping their conversation private.

"I was imagining what would happened if it had been us on the verge of war," she said with another gentle sigh as she eased her head down to rest on her paws, gaze lingering on her reflection in the still water. "I just worry that our involvement could backfire somehow." There were so many possibilities. What if Glaciem lost, and knowing that Seracia had aided Valhalla in defeating them, they someday tried to return and seek revenge? It was a terrible though -- a stranger creeping into their territory late at night and wreaking havoc. She had heard nothing good about the northern pack, and wouldn't be surprised if they were the kind of wolves to steal children in the dark of night and leave their mutilated bodies in the open. Her mind drifted back to Loccian's own adopted daughter, and she shuddered quietly. "The last thing I want is to ruin the peace here that we have all worked so hard to maintain." It truly was a pleasant place to live, with little to nothing to worry about, and she hated the thought of it changing somehow because of a decision she had made.



11-09-2013, 03:34 AM

Loccian would sit quietly beside the Queen, one of her ears swiveling to face the woman when she spoke up. She said how she imagined would would have happened if it was them on the verge of war. The Ambassador would gulp silently, not wanting to think of such things. She liked Seracia, it was calm an peaceful, the only real problems they ran into were those that Bane had been causing. Epiphron would continue though, causing the gray woman to quickly shake her head so she could refocus on what she was saying. She was worried about the backfire their involvement could cause... Yes, Loccian had thought about it too. What if Glaciem ended up winning and came for Seracia because they had sent a few warriors? And worse, what if they won and decided to take over the peaceful kingdom?

Eyelids would slowly close, a soft sigh escaping her lips. War was such a troublesome thing to deal with or get involved even a little bit, a small little thing could spark it, something that normally wouldn't really be considered trouble. Like back home, war broke out because her brother had been seeing a woman from a rival pack. That was enough to set them at each other's throats, resulting in the near wipeout of the pack. Thinking about it would cause a chill to run down her spine. The Queen's voice would save her, expressing that she didn't want their hard worked peace to be ruined.

"Any involvement in a fight will have some sort of backfire, but what helps us deal with it is the bond we have. We worked hard to create what Seracia is now, if trouble comes our way I'm sure we can handle it as long as we stick together." The Ambassador would lay down beside the woman, her own grey orbs looking at her reflection for a few moments before looking to Epiphrons, flashing her a smile. IN a way she believed what she said, as long as they stuck together they should be able to fight back. But at the same time she was still worried, Seracia did't have warriors in their prime, at least not that many, if they ended up having to fight, it would take all their strength.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-12-2013, 07:36 PM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2013, 07:36 PM by Epiphron.)

The possibilities truly were endless. In hindsight, she wasn't quite so sure she had made the right decision, but it seemed only time would tell. Was it worth risking the lives of three of her warriors to aid her brother? Was she doing it because it was the right thing for Seracia, and for the alliance, or was it to appease her brother's wishes? Either way, she would remain silent, feeling as though she didn't need to completely ramble on about what was going on in her head. It was rare for the Queen to show even a glimpse of insecurity, so Loccian was one of the few to have seen her voice her doubts quite so openly.

Her own eyes would bat slowly, gaze shifting to focus on Loccian once again. She seemed to have much more to lose than she did. Though Themisto was related to her by marriage, she knew little about Bronze and Pontifex; however, the latter was Loccian's sister, and it seemed she also knew Bronze more than Epiphron did.

"You're right," she acknowledged softly. Though Seracia was peaceful, she didn't doubt that they would fight for their pack if they had to. "I am thankful for you, Loccian. Wolves like you make ruling a pack worth it." The smiled, the expression genuine, as she dipped her head gently in her direction. "I cannot thank you enough for being so loyal to Seracia."



11-15-2013, 01:57 PM

Head would tilt, the smile already on her lips morphing into a shy grin at the Queen's comment. It made her feel special, yes there were others like her or maybe better because they could actually fight, but it was more than she had hoped for when she had first joined Seracia. "Thank you miss Epiphron, you two make me proud to be able to call this place my home." She would also give a dip of her head before tuning away to look up at the moon, the smile still there, releasing a heavy breath. "It's amazing to see what has come of Seracia, of it's members. So many have come and gone... Did you know besides Maverick, I am the remaining wolf that has been here since it has begun?" She would ask curiously. Loccian was definitely not bragging or anything like that, she just was thinking about everything they went through, and it brought he back to the beginning when Gerhardt and lady Adette called wolves to form this kingdom. "Gerhardt comes and goes since what happened with our ex-queen, Valkis and Kamala have vanished, Cynrik I haven't really seen at all for awhile. So, it's me and the King now." She would shake her head with a light chuckle, so many changes.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-19-2013, 08:33 AM

If only Loccian could begin to fathom the growing abyss of unsureness and regret that had begun to grow inside her chest; but she kept it hidden inside, locked securely away. The mood of their conversation had shifted slightly, and she was content for the change of pace, though she was also grateful that she had been able to share some of her worries with Loccian. A gentle but guarded smile had taken hold of her pretty features, transforming her into the picturesque queen she strove to be, deprived of the ugly doubt that seemed so common to witness on her facade these last few weeks.

Loccian's gratitude was starkly obvious, and it would only encourage her smile to grow. "I was so worried, just a few seasons ago, that the Kingdom of Seracia would not welcome me with open arms," she admitted, an air of jest in her voice that could not go unnoticed. "It is strange how quickly I found myself at home here." Though she knew that the need for power ran rampant in her blood, coursing through her veins -- like Syrinx, like Chrysanthe, and hopefully like at least one of her children. And yet now that she knew ruling was well within her capabilities -- knew that, with Maverick at her side, the two could successfully defend a Kingdom and maintain peace and even a degree of servility without a group of wolves -- she no longer felt quite so pressed to prove herself.

Lazily she would roll onto her side, gaze following Loccian with curiosity brimming in her normally inexpressive blue pools. "I am glad you have chosen to remain," she noted, lyrics genuine and thoughtful. "Though I would not deny that I miss Valhalla, I have grown accustomed to living here. I don't think, even if Maverick and I were not ruling, that we would be inclined to leave." There was more in Seracia for her than ever before -- and she knew Valhalla had changed. She didn't even want to consider what had happened in the war. Who knew who had been injured -- or worse, if any had died.



11-26-2013, 02:24 PM

A brow would raise at Epiphron when she brought up how she was worried the Kingdom wouldn't welcome her, of course they would. The wolves here, they were kind beings, welcoming. Had they turned their back on the woman it would be a great surprise to the Ambassador, the only ones she could remember turning their back was Ghost so many seasons ago. As quickly as she appeared and betrayed her brother then went with Segar, they quickly faded... fit them well.

Epiphron then brought up how quickly she felt at home here. With a chuckle and slow shake of her head Loccian would give a wag of her tail. "That's how Seracia is, within a few days you feel at home. A lovely little place." Even with the deaths, and small bits of trouble, Loccian would want to live no place else. She became apart of the Kingdom, and the only way to possibly be separated from it was with death.

Grey eyes would watch with amusement as the Queen rolled onto her side, saying how she was glad the grey woman had chosen to remain here. A smile, tail slowly wagging. Epiphron would speak of Valhalla, her birthpack, that she had grown accustomed to living here, that even if her and Maverick weren't ruling, they wouldn't be leaving. If you don't mid Miss, before all this happened, the war, the wedding, you meeting Maverick.... What was your life like in Valhalla?" Yes, the woman was curious. She knew of Maverick and Gerhardt's from the moment they formed Seracia, but before that she knew nothing. It would be nice to get to know the rulers a bit better.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3