
It's not in any of the guidebooks


10-02-2013, 11:46 AM

He was sick, and no just sick, he was in pain. For some odd reason this whole mess was his fault in the first place anyway. When he had felt like he had a full grasp on reality; everything just threw it back in his face. The male splayed himself out on his side, painfully taking in every breath he could before relaxing himself to hold it in. His brain hurt too, and he honestly didn't know why. His heart was squeezing in his chest, or at least it felt like it, and it was causing sever pain enough to make him shiver. Hajime had found himself like this after the challenge for Poppy, the night after he had begun to feel sick and he was unsure why at that. His fur was sweaty, it nearly seemed like the young boy was dying, the poison seeping through his veins. He couldn't move, very much as he could raise his head. Though it also meant, that he could not howl or bark for help with how coarse his voice was. The boy took his life into account fairly slow, the fear of death was on his mind, but the pain was also numbing.
His tongue was dry, as was his throat. He was barely to make a whisper escape with the word 'water' formed at his muzzle. Hajime tried to pull his two front limbs in front of him to stand and support himself, only to trip under that fatigue and grown in pain where he had fallen in the dirt. After that attempt, he simply flopped back over on his side, unable to move any farther then he was. Someone would find him, and someone could take care of him. He had to remember that, even though he hated it, he was in the need of being helped. Hajime didn't know what to do, or even what was going on.



10-03-2013, 02:42 AM

ooc;; wolves and dog's don't sweat just a heads up <3

Bordem clawed at her like a hungry monster, causing muscles to tense and relax even as she lay atop her fallen log and willed her body to remain still. There was no one joining today so there for no one to play with, Taurig was nowhere to be seen so there was no point in hunting him down just to pester him. Theoretically she could be a good girl and go on rounds but really, she hadn't been given a rank so why bother doing the jobs that everyone else should be doing? Then again... What else was there to do? So with an impatient sigh the red woman lifted herself from her perch and turned her lithe form carefully on the tilted tree, dainty paws pressing carefully against the moss covered wood as she made her way to the base and the exposed roots. It smelt of herbs here, her brother having had collected a large amount of herbs before her had left and having decided to leave them here rather then take them with him to Ludicael. She didn't mind, the scent seemed to keep other wolves away seeing as so far no one had come to investigate her little hovel.

White tipped tail lashed at her heels as she hopped from the tree and hit the ground with a bit more force then she had originally intended. The impact sent tremors up her legs and for a moment she stood, just letting the sensation in her legs settle before she set off. Her trot was a bit jerky and strange for the first few strides before she found her rhythm and began on her merry little way, humming the same tune she had when she had first met Rune in the battlefield. But though her tune was jovial her gaze was sharp, yellow eyes snapping to and fro to take in every minute detail that she might pass. Red tipped ears were swivelling now, listening for any sounds that might be out of place in her home.

Where he was she literally tripped over the sprawled out male, apparently alert senses more in tune with her surroundings rather then what was right in front of her face. "What the...!" She exclaimed, nearly face planting but catching herself in time and whirling to see who dare lay in the middle of her path. What she saw wasn't exactly what she had expected, the male laying there gasping like a beached fish. Brow furrowed for a moment, studying this male curiously as she inhaled his scent. He smelt... sick... "Do you want water precious? Well you'll just have to wait..." There was a strange enjoyment to her tone as she sat down beside the male, smiling a strange smile.

She knew she couldn't drag him tot he river on her own so she did probably the one nice thing she would do this week and tipped her head back, howling for Taurig and a healer if they had one. She wasn't sure yet. "Sorry precious, just time to wait I suppose," she cooed, smiling still as she studied the male. He was fairly young and he smelt of the pack. Probably one of Taurig's lackeys. Her mind churned over the ideas of what she could do to get this male water. She could pull him to the river but honestly she was more at risk at pulling a muscle then she was willing to put on the line to help this male. She could try and bring him water in a large leaf or some bark or maybe even in her mouth but really... That wouldn't be worth it. At least not in her mind. There now it Taurig asked she could say she had done everything she could. So she would sit with the male, in odd silence smiling her strange smile.



5 Years
Extra large
10-04-2013, 01:34 PM

The last time he had come across Hajime, the young man had been a bit distraught and the king hadn't been able to help him too much. It hadn't seemed like it was anything major, but the titan still rather worried about the earthen man from time to time. He had seen him around every so often and he seemed to be settling in quite well, even making friends with the rest of his packmates which relieved the King. All of his wolves seemed to be adjusting pretty well to their new pack; and then there was Vi. He wasn't exactly sure what to do with her. She wasn't exactly a nuisance, but she wasn't exactly much help either. She lingered around the territory and didn't cause trouble for the time being, so Taurig didn't mind her being around. One could imagine his surprise when her voice was calling out to him that day, summoning him. Vi, calling for him? That was certainly odd.

Abandoning his patrols, the titan would swiftly move towards the direction of Vi's call, icy gaze finding her figure beside Hajime's, who was on the ground in what looked to be pain. Unease settled in the pit of his stomach and he hurried towards the two, a deep frown creasing his brows. Vi, what's wrong with him? Why is he lying on the flood like that? Taurig came to stand in front of the man, scarred nostrils testing his scent. There was something wrong with it. What was going on?

Talk like this


10-04-2013, 01:44 PM

Hajime couldn't really do anything about the girl who approached him. He could barely lift his head up, so he was plainly stuck here with a parched mouth. Some sense of relief came over him as Taurig came to him, he could help but feel bad though. Every time he ended up hurting him, he was burden and he didn't like it. His red eyes gave a roll, Vi hadn't done anything, but it wasn't like he could say anything like that. He remembered Ozz feeding him something, that must have been it. The meal was rigged with some sort of poison. But he knew she wouldn't kill him. He wouldn't say who did it, that'd be rude even if she had tried to go against them. He splayed his legs out tapped Taurig on the edge of one of his paws. Red eyes looking over him. Hajime tried to raise his head.
"She was just calling I can't much get up let alone get food and water." Hajime pushed himself down again. Letting out a small whine as he pinned his ears to the back of his head. It wasn't like he enjoyed feeling like this, a helpless sack of fur. "I must have eaten something bad, could have rubbed itself against some sort of poison." The boy whispered, closing his eyes to try and steady his breath. Under stressful situations, Hajime handled himself well. It was a big difference and surprise from when he was feeling uncomfortable or freaked out. He was placing his trust in his pack mates, and that was all there was to it.



10-04-2013, 06:21 PM

Vi would be the first to say that she didn't particularly like Taurig, though her dislike for him stemmed more from her disagreement with his new pack morals rather then any particular dislike towards him and his character. In fact had they met on any other terms Vi figured she might have actually not hated him. But under these particular circumstances she had vowed to be as much of a pain in his butt as she could manage without getting kicked out of her home. She had planned to do as little to help the pack as possible but soon boredom had kicked in and she had more or less talked herself into doing the bare minimum that she could do without having to socialize with others. So that was what she was doing, the absolute bare minimum. And that's what Taurig would see when he showed up, was her simply sitting there and watching the sick males vitals without offering help. She had her plans in mind, there was no doubt about that, but until the alpha actually showed up she had no desire to help this particular pack member. He wasn't blood and therefor wasn't her concern.

He was a good alpha, a good leader, arriving promptly with a deep concern for his pack mate that was laying on the ground in obvious pain and discomfort. He asked a question but before she could reply the male was speaking. Funny... She had assumed the he couldn't speak. But she just smiled softly at him and then looked up at Taurig. "Figured I should call and get a second opinion... Thanks for coming so quickly." There was a honest tone to those last words that her voice normally lacked but she was glad he was prompt, not for the males same but her own, she didn't like to wait. "I didn't want to leave him alone, he looks like he needs food and water but I can't drag him to the river by myself. Would you mind helping me? Unless you have a different idea?" Getting him to some shelter near the river would be the best idea but if he had another plan that might mean less physical exertion for her then she would be happy to hear it.

"I know a bare minimum of herbs, enough to dress physical wounds and a few poisons but he looks like he needs a healer... I know that our neighbours in Ludicael have some if we don't, my brother is there..." Ah always useful Vi, she didn't know why she was feeling particularly useful today, maybe the fact that Taurig had done more for her then any of the past Tortugan leaders would have done for a misplaced stranger was making her feel a bit like she owed him. Whatever it was she stood slowly and shook her coat out, waiting for and order from the king. Yellow gaze was focused on him, tail motionless at her heels in a sign of submission she hasn't shown last time they had met. Whether he wanted her to run to her brothers new home and ask Jupiter for help or stay with this male she would do it without complaint. Had to do one nice thing a week to earn her keep at least...