
Snake In The Grass



09-29-2013, 03:35 PM

The man had been watching, waiting, observing the woman for quite some time now. It was apparent that she was hell bound, only desiring an empire based on the success of women hierarchy. How pitiful, yet intriguing. She had many women beneath her rule, all of them desirable in their own ways. She had something to offer, and he too would give her a bargain. Would she refuse, or would she make a deal with the snake in the grass? Claws would scrape bark as he glided down from a high branch, paws kissing the earth in a silent but deadly manner. He could come from anywhere unseen as long as the darkness hid him, the only give away being his bright blue eyes. Salmon colored tongue would caress his inky lips as they creased into a smile, pearly whites shimmering in the moonlight. She was here, he could smell her coming in his direction. With a swift movement he would escape back up into the heights of the trees, laying down on his belly as he waited for his prey to come. He preferred to do his business just out of her reach. She needed to know that despite her petty crown he would always be superior than the mutts. His crown was made of gold, while hers was made of silver.




09-29-2013, 08:16 PM

It was a mere three days after the challenge. She won against the white Wolf. Her victory would be lovely, but she had to keep the pack. The woman had no doubt she made more enemies that day. She would have to continue her hard work to maintain her pack. She was on her way to her real home, the S.S. Antiox when she heard a rustling within the distance. Yellow orbs scanned the area but saw nothing. The woman who wore the Wolf skull continued on with her head held high and her senses high. Ears were perked, nose wrinkled slightly, and her tail high. She was the Empress of these lands she would not handle trespassers. The insane woman watched as the wind blew the giant trees about, their leaves falling rapidly due to the fact that it was mid fall. Everything was painted in russets and browns. She enjoyed it, she could blend in slightly. Though, she was on a mission to get home and continued her limping across the north.

Wolf by KATI H. Texture by sirius-sdz and emzazasstock



10-01-2013, 05:16 PM

finally she would come, and as soon as she came into view his icy gaze rolled over every crease on her body. he had seen her before, but she was still an interesting site to see. he admired the skull she wore on her face and the way her eyes seemed to eerily glow behind her mask. she was a sexy little thing wasn't she? as she would pass by the tree he was in he would glide down from his branch, paws kissing the earth in a silent yet deadly manner. he would not let her get away, oh no. he had business to discuss. "Ah, si no es la reci?n coronada reina. La m?scara es un poco peque?a para usted, tal vez deber?an fre?r peces m?s grandes si desea llevar su cabeza como un trofeo" ( Ah, if it isn't the newly crowned queen. That mask is a little small for you, perhaps you should fry bigger fish if you wish to wear their heads as a trophy.) He would say, deep husky voice breaking the silence between them. his words would end in an eerie chuckle, and he would come forth, wanting to close the distance between them. "i have a proposition in mind for you, little temptress.




10-01-2013, 05:39 PM

Her eyes then feasted upon a feline. A large raven pelted male. He slithered down a large tree and his paws tumbled their ways down to the ground. The horrible creature stopped and watched the man bounded to her before he stopped. Foreign tones filled her ears and she giggled softly. "I do not speak such languages, try again." She was horrible attracted to the male before her. She enjoyed his dark features and the fact he possessed such power. Though, his velvet voice filled her ears again and she grinned. "Is that so my little Kitty?" She would limp forward and sent a wink his way as she tilted her masked head. Her eyes were full of lust and power, yet she waited the man

Wolf by KATI H. Texture by sirius-sdz and emzazasstock



10-02-2013, 05:53 PM

tail would lick hocks eagerly as the man awaited to be addressed. ah, and she would finally address him, the first words coming out her mouth being that she did not understand his language. how sad, and here he thought she had some intelligence. not one wolf besides the ebony woman had been able to speak to him in his language, and it was rather disappointing. he watched her come toward him, one leg lifted slightly off the ground as she danced in a limp. surely her looks would have been more sensual if she were healed, but he take whatever she offered. this was a deal after all. "Yes indeed, little cripple." he would say back, sarcasm edging his tone. if she were to call him a little kitty, then he would call her a cripple. her wink went ignored simply because he did not have the interest to answer it. right now he wanted her business. "The only thing you need to know is that I am a business man, little cripple. I like to believe that I see and hear all that goes on in these lands, for I need to know if any of you mutts endangers my kingdom." He would say, salmon colored tongue caressing the corners of his lips. "I have come to offer you a deal. I am an oddity, a rarity, and over all, a king. I possess weapons and powers far greater than the average mutt, for I am not of your species. I have fangs twice the size of yours, claws sharp enough to slit your throat with one swipe, and reflexes superior to your entire species. I will offer you my services little cripple, if you give me one thing in return. I have watched you beat the white queen, and I have watched you steal her throne and twist her laws. You now lead a league of temptresses, correct? I want you to provide me with a diversity of sensual goddesses who can satisfy my needs whenever I desire. If you cannot tell, this place lacks females of me species, so I must satisfy my desires with what is offered to me." he would come close, attempting to reach toward her and whisper his intentions into her right ear. he would breathe slowly, allowing each whisk of warm breath to kiss her inner ear. would she be wise, or would she refuse such an offer? "You my dear. possess something I want. while I possess something you need.




10-09-2013, 04:16 PM

The daemon stared at the black male with a horrible smirk. She slowly sat down onto her haunches and rolled her shoulders. He spoke to her. His words rolling from the pink tongue with ease. It was lovely, horribly lovely. The woman grinned gently as she ran through the lovely possibilities. Who would serve the man? Ava? Gretel? Herself? She tilted her head and stared at the man without care. "Oh darling I do love the proposition." Canttina let the worlds fill the air with ease. "I have many girlies in mind. Avalon is a lovely young woman, she is a slave of mine. She would be of access to you at all times if you wish. She is located within my homes depths." She offered, lust radiated from her. It took control. The bitch got up and grinned. She limped closer to him, "I am also here whenever you want variety. I have never been fucked by a feline." She licked her lips and winked.

Wolf by KATI H. Texture by sirius-sdz and emzazasstock



10-09-2013, 04:30 PM

why was it that the woman seemed to distant? she stared, and the look in her eyes was blank. it seemed as if she did not have a care in the world. pitiful. if she were the queen she made others believe she was then she would care. she would care in ways unnatural to a normal being, her power would consume her and she would dedicate her life to her lack. at least, that is what a real queen would do. lips creased slightly as she spoke, and he of course listened. "I have many girlies in mind. Avalon is a lovely young woman, she is a slave of mine. She would be of access to you at all times if you wish. She is located within my homes depths." His tail would flick behind him as he absorbed her words. So, she was up for this bong eh? did she really know what she was getting into? only time would tell, and only time would break the mask he wore upon his face. "I have not heard of this Avalon before. Though, there is a woman i greatly desire. She is the one you will send to me first." He would say as she hobbled over to him. he could see how badly she wanted him, she was like a teenager reaching her first heat season. how pathetic. "don't fret little cripple, you will get your chance to dine with a king. but for now i only want one specific woman. I do not know her name, I only know the sensual curves and fur that drape her bodice. She is a pale color, and her eyes shine brighter then any emerald. Do you know who i speak of, cripple?" He would ask as he extended his neck in an attempt to run his flattened muzzle along the right side of her neck. if he wanted a proper deal, he would need to keep her attention.




10-20-2013, 04:25 PM

The demon stared at the black behemoth in delight. She loved everything about him. The force. The brute strength. His voice. The italian accent was delightful. She heard his words and she nodded. "Go on, my King." She watched him with sunny orbs in curiosity. Who was this woman? Though whe he began to explain she nodded a few times. Karmen. Karmen her lovely flower. The golden one. She rolled her marred shoulders with a simple grin. "Karmen, my left paw. She is my darling friend. I am sure she would be delighted to meet you, and more." A wink was seen. A little cackle was heard. Though, she moved closer and raised a brow beneath her mask. "My ally Isardis has spoken to me of a seige he is planning very soon. I shall send Karmen to your loins before then. I would love to see you at the meeting if you shall. Just to confirm our deal is stable."

Wolf by KATI H. Texture by sirius-sdz and emzazasstock