
Walking on Hot Coals

Ares 1


09-29-2013, 02:42 PM

.ooc. all of this is set before the Limitless thread?
He had found himself quite enthralled by the presence of his adopted sister, though he would hardly call her that. She was the one wolf who had seen him at his weakest and he intended to keep it that way. She would always hold an odd place within him, one that he had not figured out quite well yet. She would treck back with him to their father's place of refuge and he would find himself enjoying her presence. Enjoyment was a new emotion for him, and oddly enough he liked it.
He would continually sneak glances at the dark she wolf, his lavender gaze taking all that she was in. He had no idea how Artemis or Morphine would react to his sudden affliction with his new friend. The relationship that was forming still confused him, he felt so different about her than any of the other wolves in his life. Ares didn't know how to react to it or how to show it or even if he wanted to act upon it, all he knew was that he didn't want to leave her comforting side.
They would find themselves in the domain of their father, as Ares paws stepped onto the plush grass he would find himself feeling much warmer than he had been at the water's edge. The breeze had died and the sun found its way to his coat, This is it correct? he would ask for assurance. Hopefully their father was here somewhere.



09-29-2013, 03:25 PM

She had lead Ares back to the place she called home, sneaking sly glances at the pale wolf. The cooler air of the beach had left them with only gentle nips at her heels before fading away entirely. Slowly the landscape changed before, becoming more and more familiar, until finally her gaze fell upon the rock garden. A small smile tugged at her lips. Hopefully Seraphim would return soon. She missed him. Audits twitched gently as Ares words caressed sensitive ear canals. "Yes, just over here."

She turned a few steps to her left, leading him towards her den. It had been surprisingly large when Seraphim had showed it to her, easily fitting the pair, with extra room to spare. With easy grace she slide down into the darkened hiding spot, eyes taking a moment to adjust. Nostrils flared. Seraphim had not yet been back, his scent still stale. "Hopefully he'll be returning soon." Softly spoken tones were left to drift over her shoulder as her gaze sought the lavender one of the brute following her.

It would be interesting to see how Seraphim would react to their time spent together. He had after all saved her from the cruelty of his own children. And to return to find his son and adoptive daughter in each others presence? It wasn't to hard to admit that she enjoyed the younger wolfs presence, even in just the short time they had spent together. She couldn't explain the feeling that swelled in her chest when she caught him looking her way, all she knew was that it was there. As unexplainable as it was.


Ares 1


10-01-2013, 12:10 PM

She would be quick in making his question answered, "Yes, just over here." he would nod as his ears would fall back slightly as he lowered his head to follow her lead. She would turn and guide him to what he would assume the den that Seraphim had chosen for his small family of two. He would probably not have expected one of his sons to appear before him wanting solace. Ares did his best to show himself as a strong wolf, even though he was young he had the demeanor of someone far older.
His pale form would follow the darker one of Devya as she slipped soundly into the darkened den. He would cautiously follow her under the damp earth, "Hopefully he'll be returning soon." He could smell his father, but it was quite obvious that the male had not found himself at home in a bit of time. He wondered absently what would have his father so occupied. Possibly the thrill of a hunt? Ares found himself hopeful that his father would be back with something he could put into his stomach. He felt rather weak compared to even a few days ago.
He could see her vibrant gaze as he found himself before her as his body was pushed into the home. He felt cautious around her, but not because he wished her harm but because of how she would make him feel. He had never experienced the emotion that he had when in Devya's presence but he was thankful that the confusion from his mother's demise was covered. He had once been very offensive to the she wolf who would share in his presence and he would still secretly wonder why it was she was so concerned over him. Does he usually leave you to yourself? He would ask as his limbs found their way to the floor, much more graceful than his collapse upon the beach.



10-01-2013, 12:45 PM

Confusion still resided on the young wolfs face, but the babe assumed it. Was because of everything that has happened his mother and then his fathers long absence. Truthfully, the dame had become used to her adoptive fathers long absence, but she didn't mind, she figured whatever kept him away was important.

His question was answered with a small shrug, "He's been gone for awhile now, so I suppose you could say that, but usually he's around somewhere." her words were soft so as not to echo off the walls of the den. She found herself in cose quarters with the brute. She joined him as he laid himself down, legs folding beneath her, getting comfortable on the den floor.

"Are you hungry?" the long journey back home from the beach left her weary and hungry, she was certain that something to eat who sake both of them happier to wait for their father. Audits slide forward as she looked at Ares, waiting for the males final decision on food.


Ares 1


10-03-2013, 11:56 AM

"He's been gone for awhile now, so I suppose you could say that, but usually he's around somewhere." She would assure him as her own body joined him on the floor of the den, he would notice that this time she would not push herself up against him. He found the sensation odd, that he was disappointed that they were no longer touching. Taking a bit of odd initiative the boy would absently lean his body closer to her own so that he could feel her body heat against him one more time. I wondered if he'd come if he heard me call him. The words would fall nearly silently as they were mostly meant for himself.
"Are you hungry?" The words would sound like sweet nectar as he remembered his pit of a stomach. It was quite empty, as he had not found the care of his parent in a bit of time and her was certainly a rather lousy hunter. The answer became obvious as the cavern betrayed him and a loud growl for food would emit from his abdomen.I guess it has been a while since I've eaten much. He would reply, a shadow of a smile finally forming on his bleached maw. You know how to hunt? The question held the slightest of curiosity as he guessed she would have been taught less fighting and more hunting.



10-04-2013, 10:23 AM

A small smile tugged at her pinky lips when she felt him press himself against her side. She returned the gesture with a gentle push of her shoulder into his. Nearly sent words fell his pallid jaws, she couldn't hear exactly what he had said so she said nothing, her gaze gentle. He soon confessed that he hadnt eaten much and his stomach growled in protest. She giggled softly. He seemed curious by the fact that she could hunt. She was no expert hunter but she knew enough to keep her belly full at night. It surprised her that he seemed so shocked by it, did he not have training in hunting? How did his mother expects him to survive?

"I know enough to keep my belly full." She spoke with a small smile as she rose. Long limbs stepped over him in an attempt to exist the den, "What sounds good?" Her question put a pause in her exit, leaving with paws on either side him, crown tilted down to look at him.



10-05-2013, 05:31 PM

The sight he came upon in the rock garden sent a sudden rage searing through his body. It wasn't so long ago that he had saved Devya from the terror of his children and brought her here. He had cared for her and helped her to regain her strength, but she wasn't ready yet. She wasn't at the point of being capable of defending herself from his savage offspring. His jaw fell open and he quickly released the doe he was dragging over the ground. How dare Ares try to come for her now?

Massive paws carried him there in moments. Seraphim stood menacingly blocking the entry to his overhang, a growl low in his throat. His narrow verdant gaze pierced that of his son and the hair on his neck stood on end. He was ready to snap, ready to question the child and throw him out, but something cut his growl off short.

There was no fear in Devya. In fact, she seemed content. Ares looked too lean and tired, his usual aggression nowhere to be found. Instantly his stance relaxed and he moved inside the den. What is wrong, Ares? Why are you here? His voice was gentle, full of concern. He knew that his children probably weren't living well since their mother's downfall, but the reality of it came crashing down on him as he looked his son in the eyes.

talk, think


Ares 1


10-07-2013, 02:14 PM

Devya was more impressive than he had originally thought. While he could have tried killing and eating her he figured it would be a poor substitute for actually hunting. He could figure out how to kill, it was the catching part he was not so sure about. He would certainly refrain from eating his companion as well, since she was even offering him a choice of what they had that evening.
Before his vocals were able to emit the choice words to give the darker girl, his father's presence would be noticed. Before he could even react the larger male became incredibly aggressive, his hair would stand and a menacing growl would rip through his throat. Ares would draw back into Devya as he tried to make himself smaller. Then he was done. His growling would cease and his fur would realign. What is wrong, Ares? Why are you here? He seemed much more concerned rather than threatening, Ares would take the switch.
While Devya had been incredibly forgiving, his father's first impression was one of defense. He had not acted so nice the last time he had met his adopted sister. He would dismiss the earlier display, his father was obviously worried about him. The confusion he was feeling swelled within him once again as he tried to pinpoint what he needed to tell his father. His side would press further into Devya's leeching the stable thoughts she brought him. I didn't know where else to go. I didn't feel right being around Mother. He would remove his lavender gaze from his father's face and place them on his paws. Ashamed to say something so disconnecting from his mother.



10-07-2013, 05:33 PM

Ares had barely gotten to open his mouth to answer her before a vicious growl echoed off the den walls. With her back to the entrance she didn't notice at first that it was her father so her first reaction was to whirl around, a snarl curling back her lips, crown lowered to protect her throat, eyes narrowed dangerously. As soon as her eyes focused on the pale form of her father, her defenses dropped, an embarrassed grin tugging at her lips. Her shoulders dropped, relaxed, as he began to speak, his words concerned for Ares. She had felt the boy press into her side for security as their made his aggressive entrance and he had no stopped since. Her gaze softened, turning to encourage the pale boy to answer.

And when he did answer, his gaze dropped to his paws, ashamed of his feelings. Gently she bumped his shoulder with her own, encouraging him to look up once more. Her gaze turned to her father, waiting for his judgement on what Ares had said. From the way he had first entered it was apparent that he did not like his children around her, and for obvious reasons. But now, if needed, it would be her turn to defend Ares, even though it meant from her own father. Triangular audits stood at attention, her face void of any apparent emotion, she kept herself neutral.



10-08-2013, 06:02 PM

The brute had paid little heed to Devya's reaction as he entered the cave, knowing well she had acted instinctively. He noted her quick cover up of her mistake and made a mental note to tease her about it once things had settled down. For now, he was focused on the son that lay before him.

He crouched low beside Ares as he listened carefully to his words, trying to discern all of the meaning behind them. It was clear the child was nervous, worried to speak what was truly on his mind. Perhaps he even thought his mother might hear his words from afar, words that did not speak her favor. Whatever it was, Ares needed comfort. Seraphim rose and quickly departed from the den, to return moments later with the carcass he had abandoned in his rush to protect his daughter. He dropped it before the two children and uttered the single command, Eat.

A few moments passed before the male would speak again after composing his thoughts. You were right to come to me, he began smoothly. You are welcome here as long as you want and need to stay.

talk, think


Ares 1


10-11-2013, 09:48 PM

Even at his lowest point it seemed that Devya was quite intent upon his encouragement and well being. He never imagined he would be able to enjoy the presence of another so much, every time he turned around she was surprising him with more kindness. He would feel the push of her shoulder into his own as his thoughts of betraying Morphine swam through his head. He couldn't just say something so traitorous about his mother she was perfect! But she had failed them.
Seraphim would retreat from the den once again, and Ares would divert his attention from thoughts of his mother and to the tantalizing scent that wafted in to the entrance only moments before their father returned with the carcass. His eyes would widen as he realized that he and Devya would no longer have to attempt a hunt. A single word would be uttered from the man's mouth, and Ares was not one to deny an order from his parent. He would however wait for Devya to start, he would motion with his head that she should dig in before him. "You were right to come to me, you are welcome here as long as you want and need to stay."
His father would pull a small smile from his lips, and he was sure to let his father see the appreciation in his eyes. He could not find the words to voice it, but his actions would yell them. He would not reserve himself for much longer and his head was lowered to the animal as he joined Devya in their meal.



10-16-2013, 07:59 PM

Much to her relief her father made no comment about her reaction. His attention focused on Ares. A frown tugged at her features as he left the den quickly, but just as quickly returned with the best looking dinner ever. A grin lit up her face. Now she wouldn't have to attempt to hunt. Ares politely allowed her to go first and offered a gentle smile of thanks before digging, feeling Ares settled in beside her. She stayed mostly silent, listening to the pair talk about the situation Ares currently found himself in. Though it was mostly Seraphim doing the talking not Ares. She could understand, but she couldn't relate. She had no idae the life he had lived with his mother, but he obviously felt an incredible amount of loyalty to her. Not wanting to interrupt, the sable babe stayed quiet, eating her meal, listening and offering support when needed.



10-16-2013, 08:31 PM

There were so many questions he wanted to ask, so many things he was unsure of. Why had Ares come to him? Did his mother know where he was? Did she even care? How had he ended up with Devya? Would he stay?

Seraphim wanted to ask these things, but he refrained. The child was exhausted and seemed to feel completely lost. Asking so much would only overwhelm him and push him away, which was of course the last thing Seraph wanted. He had yearned for the chance to have a relationship with his children since the day they had been conceived, and now an opportunity had risen. He would cradle and nurture it to the best of his ability, at least until he could no longer. Seraphim had no doubt Morphine would come to him, and when she did she would likely put a stop to this. But when, and how? Those were the things he did not know, and did not want to know just yet.

He waited in patient silence for his children to eat, not wanting to speak for fear of tainting this moment. Ares would open up to him once he felt ready, there was no need to push. For now, a watchful and caring father was all Seraphim felt was needed, so that was what he would give.

talk, think