
Come and get me, my sweet little King


09-29-2013, 09:28 AM

I have a heart I swear I do

But just not baby when it comes to you

I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch

Then when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood

Carnivore animal, I am a Cannibal

Walk "Talk!" Think

Ashen paws would draw the oddly colored fea forth from the dancing shadows of the descending sun, just behind the mountains it's plentiful rays were dying off as the evening took it's place. Descending the world into darkness as her form danced among the pines, left then right, right then left. A smirk played out across her white splashed maw, oh so lovely this was. To find her self among the pines once again. Frigid lands far as the eye could see had been her constant companion, nothing but wheat dead grass and ice, so much damned ice. Winter was coming, it was getting close and it was time to pick a home. Once the smell of a pack had graced her senses Deception had been pulled to it, it was hard to say if she had chosen right but time would tell undoubtedly. With a flick of that tail, she trotted forth at a exasperate pace. Something to keep her blood flowing and give her body a small work out, nothing to utterly tire her self. It would be a waste of energy in case she happened to be wrong about this place, if she was; she would save the energy for a hunt. A small doe dear perhaps would do, maybe even a feisty badges; she loved a meal that fought back.

Teetering on the edge of the boundary, the ashen maw lifted to give her melody; a call for the supposive leader of this pack. Close that maw shut the dame could do little but wait for an answer; glancing left and right she saw nothing but the changing colors of the trees around her. Autumn a harsh time of the year, the prey was fattening up and preparing to hibernate or even travel to different lands for the up coming winter. Winter, quite the different time and one she had been born into. It's cool crisp air and frigid snow set a fire to her, one that most would indeed call strange but the mismatched women simply was attuned to the change in weather. Such a harsh thing indeed winter was, one to take life never give it.

Occ; Longest post yet! This one surprised me.



09-30-2013, 09:13 PM

He pale being would succumb to the call of an unfamiliar, coral forelimbs tracing the boundaries of his golden kingdom with an effortless ease that had so grown to come unconsciously, to feed silently from his pride. It was but another call from a woman, a firm summon that would perhaps suggest a mild sense of craved authority; a firmness to feminine tones that would only fuel him more so, eager with the bustling of his curiosity as he would ponder the womans loitering intentions.

She was quite the appealing little temptress, although in reality somewhat large, her coat boasting of peculiar smoke, ashen smoulder, intertwined with the delicate pallid that would etch her nape. A wry smirk would tweak the corners of his pale lips, meandering elegantly to cease barely two meters from the woman, towers alert as he would chuckle weakly, ?What a pretty creature to waltz so willingly to my door. Oh, It would so break my heart if you didn?t plan to stay, tempting demoness.?


10-01-2013, 12:56 AM

I have a heart I swear I do

But just not baby when it comes to you

I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch

Then when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood

Carnivore animal, I am a Cannibal

Walk "Talk!" Think

Her call had been ushered and so she had been heard; the dame could do little but to wait and see who answered. Deception hardly knew what to expect in these strange lands but alas they could come to be her home, whatever she got her self into she'd have to find her way out. No one would help her,then again she had never needed anyone's help before. An ear flicked idly as the sound of paws coming her way caught her attention, it was then he made him self know. Those mismatched eyes settling upon his ivory form and she offered a soft smirk, almost chuckling at him. For he reminded her of the one she had served in Vimur under a icy king much like him self, save for the fact he called him self Killian.

In fact he almost seemed to be his twin, with his form and those pink eyes of him. Deception snorted a bit, it was as if she was staring back at a mirror. "But oh why would I leave, my Ivory king?" Soft lyrics left her maw as the dame approached him, curios and yet unafraid of him. Deception would shift to the right to walk circle him once, simply to look him over. "You look much like one I had served under in different lands." Pausing in those words as she did before him once again; "In fact you could be his twin." A simple observation had been made, but she could tell this was no Killian of whom ruled with an iron fist.



10-06-2013, 04:07 AM

He would watch with a simmering interest as her features would contort about the structures of a wry simper, the ashen goddess desiring no temptation to shift, instead only the harmony of her voice would suggest her thoughts, her emotions. Isardis much preferred body language. Her suggestions of similarities were enough to make him bubble with dwindling pleasure, ?Oh my peppered temptress, your former leader would not have the pleasures of my relations I am sure.? Smirk would wind further about pale lips as ruby gaze would devour her feminine curves, a daring step bringing the pair closer as cherry nostrils would reach for her proximities, only to fall short of contact, ?And what did you think of this ivory lord? I will have to do my greatest to best your opinions.?


10-06-2013, 10:16 AM

I have a heart I swear I do

But just not baby when it comes to you

I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch

Then when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood

Carnivore animal, I am a Cannibal

Walk "Talk!" Think

Flicking an ear the ashen fiend listened to what he had to say, a tease she was perhaps to deny him the feeling of her curvaceous body. But alas it was the best way to get to the males senses; nothing was said over his following words. So it was unlikely they were twins, it seemed that way this one was a little too pink. Around the muzzle and other sections of his body yet they shared the same eyes and body over all. "He was decent, if not dull for my taste." Such was the truth as she drew near the albino king before her; veering just to the right did she allow their bodies to mingle however Deception placed a playful nip at that hip of his; no doubt any joining fea hadn't been as adventurous or daring as her.



10-06-2013, 07:16 PM

Lips would bubble weakly upon her words, snickering as she would draw herself closer, an unexpected nip sent for the flesh of his pale hips. An automatic snarl would crease his lips, crow swiftly snapping towards her as he would aim to grasp as close to her scruff as their proximities would allow; he couldn?t say he?d ever experienced such an outgoing woman in his time as King, but he certainly wasn?t complaining about it. She had the air of a commandant, the vigor that would seep from her pores enough to send his veins flurrying with potential delight. Perhaps she was just what he needed? ?Do you doubt my abilities to impress you, my little confident?? his voice was taunting, teasing, he didn?t care for the success of his impressions, although he had to admit it would satisfy him so.


10-06-2013, 10:49 PM

I have a heart I swear I do

But just not baby when it comes to you

I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch

Then when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood

Carnivore animal, I am a Cannibal

Walk "Talk!" Think

Mismatched eyes twinkled with something, excitement perhaps or was it something els entirely? The snarl the albino King uttered was somewhat ignored as the brute proved to grab a hold of that scruff of hers. A soft chuckle let her thin black lips as those mismatched gems set on on what she could see of his face from the corner of her eye. "It will be awhile before that is answered; my dear King." Flicking that tail a tad playfully as it brushed against his lower stomach with how they were standing currently it wasn't difficult to reach much less tease him.



10-09-2013, 06:10 PM

She was the child of taunt herself, her tail flicking to swipe at his lower stomach, muscles trembling with the stimulation as yet another snarl would be formed over the contours of his jaws. ?I hope you know what you are doing little grey,? he chuckled weakly, vocals broken by the anticipation of his hormones, ?Tenderness can only last so long.? He would aim to pivot his body in a manner that would bring them to face almost in the same direction, loosening his clutch on her scruff as he maneuvered, only to grasp at it again more vigorously. His chest would aim to press at her side as his hot breath would roll against the bristles of her nape, ?What does she call herself??


10-09-2013, 06:23 PM

I have a heart I swear I do

But just not baby when it comes to you

I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch

Then when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood

Carnivore animal, I am a Cannibal

Walk "Talk!" Think

Teasing as the ashen fiend was it was safe to say that Deception was testing the albino king in her own way; another snarl ripped it self from the albino male no doubt her teasing was getting to him. Practiced as it was he soon graced her ears with his voice once again causing those thin tainted lips to curl up into a delightful smirk. "Who ever said you had to be gentle, my dear King?" The words would be almost answered with a teasing purr. The fiend knew what she was doing perhaps more then he did; he was just enjoying him self too lost to his own lust. The weakness he had with her temptations had been quite noticed and Deception no doubt would put those more sensual parts of her self to good use. Allowing the male to once more to shift her body with his own facing the same direction just as his albino self was; glancing back over a furred shoulder as he would go from grasping that scruff to do such all the more urgently as his vigorous side came into play. Pressing against her much sturdier form only to let out a soft growl as he questioned her, what her name was. Ah, the enjoyment of uttering such was never lost. "I cam called Deception my Ivory King."