
Headstrong into the Storm



Extra small
09-29-2013, 07:39 AM

she had been mildly slow in her decision to go out and conquer the world on her own, but what mattered most was that she was getting out and actually doing it. She had, naturally, turned back to look at the Mangrove and see if she was pleased with doing this, and in the long run, she found that she was more than okay with going out and adventuring. She would miss her mama, but that would be fine, she'd be back soon enough. the babe was nearly 6 months old, so though she was nothing to fear (granted she would more than likely never be) she still had stature enough to not be considered a meandering and out of place pup, right? She wasn't out looking for trouble; all she wanted to do was get out, take her time, and smell the roses. Tail swayed indifferently though her mask was that of a happier child. she was finding this world to be quite the interesting thing. Everything was different, literally, everywhere she went and she couldn't imagine a life of monotony. She had lived that long enough constraining herself to the Mangrove--Ludicael. Now, she was just gonna drift and move wherever she needed or wanted to go. Well, at least for today.



5 Years
09-29-2013, 10:18 AM

Exploring was certainly something that Novella knew all about, she herself was currently living a life somewhat similar to that one Fal'Dara was imagining for herself at that moment. The young pale female had travelled a great deal further from her home though, and now found herself wandering around the Easten parts of Alacritis. Already she was quickly becoming rather familiar with the lands, especially the various ways to reach Ludicael and the scent that members of the pack carried, perhaps at some point she would travel further from the pack, but for now the idea of possibly joining and spending more time with her sister Song and her pups was still rather appealing to her.

Although she certainly would never turn down the company of her Destruction family members, Novella hadn't anticipated running into one of them. The scent was rather fresh however, and unmistakeably one of Song's pups. All the same she double-checked, perhaps hoping to discover the scent of Song or Cherokee but only one trail from a Ludicael wolf could be traced. Certainly curious and a little worried by this revelation Novella continued to follow the scent.

The pup that eventually came into view wasn't one that she recognised, though as of yet she hadn't been able to meet each one of Song's pups. Continuing to follow, she caught up, falling into step at the younger wolf's side. "Hello" She greeted. "What are you doing?"



Extra small
10-03-2013, 11:15 AM

Fal'dara was quick and was a bit scared to be out on her own, and though that held a lot of sway over the things she felt and the things she was deciding on, it wasn't going to come close to stopping her when she was actually doing it --seeing this vast world all on her own. a pleasant look decorated her, though not without the minor bit of curiosity daunting her brilliantly glimmering eyes. this world was fascinating and she was discovering everything that she could as fast as she could.

She didn't pick up the scent of another, and so Novella was coming unbeknowest to her. the babe, of course, would not alter her stance, or make any changes to the expression she bore. swimming in the indulgences of the Earth (the flowers and greenery that coated everything) she was only met with a voice, one that spawned quite the reaction from the innocent female. her legs hoisted her up into a jump, her eyes widened a bit, and a yelp of exicement burbled forward. who was this demon? Well....perhaps she wasn't a demon --she was pretty.

"well now i'm tryin' not to be scared to death," her words were spoken so matter of factly and her ears were lightly pressed back against her head. Though, it didn't take long for her to discard what she had been told and move on with her moment in the sun. "I'm esplorin'...for stuff," boy that was something worth explaining; wasn't it? She really had no destination, and so it would be left at that, though regardless of if she had, she didn't know this woman. she could be crazy, couldn't she? All of a sudden she yearned for her mother.



5 Years
10-05-2013, 09:14 AM

Novella's intentions certainly hadn't been to scare the poor pup, in fact she had perhaps hoped to do quite the opposite. Someone else could have easily approached, a complete stranger, whereas she at least was this pup's aunt, whether or not Fal'Dara was actually aware of that was a different story entirely. All that mattered was she wished to make sure her niece was safe and didn't wander too far from the pack alone, maybe the pair of them could head back before Song and Cherokee got too worried.

It was no surprise then that she suddenly felt quite bad when the dark furred girl leapt in the air with a yelp, clearly rather terrified by the fact somebody had crept up on her. Whatever the girl had been doing she'd apparently been quite caught up in it and apparently hadn't heard or smelt Novella's arrival. "well now i'm tryin' not to be scared to death," That statement certainly didn't help the white female feel any better about the act itself, though at a later point would likely be somewhat amusing. I'm esplorin'...for stuff,"

"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to scare you." She apologised before bringing her attention to the pup's other statement. Although rather vague it brought a bit of a smile back to Novella's features, perhaps similar to something she may have said herself not that long ago at all. "Mind if I tag along? I like exploring too." She asked, hoping that the answer wouldn't be an outright no, mostly as she didn't want Fal'Dara to be on her own, though partially as it would be rather nice to spend a bit of time with her. "I'm Novella by the way. Your mother, Song, is my sister." She added, thinking the introduction was probably necessary.



Extra small
11-03-2013, 09:35 AM

it was a long and considerably awkward silence given the fact that she merely stood at the older woman. Though, was that something to digest as wrong? Not necessarily--and so she did not. Tail gently swayed side to side--both in preparation to defend herself--though she in no way sought to attempt the harm of the other, for she had not yet posed a thread; albeit the fear she had instilled in the child. Youthful and innocent she kept her gaze unwavering on the tall girl and only made action when her words spilled out.

"It's fine. Please don't do it again," it was natural for her to assume it so easy to wave off a fear. Fal'dara lacked the ability to know that it wouldn't always be that way and though ignorance could be argued as bliss--the very mistake could one day have cost her life. Golden eyes turned and the child stared at her path. "...Uh..." eyes would dart around for a long moment not sure how to respond to the asking of the other. She wanted to be kind and show affections, but such a random question?

Oh! but the woman was her aunt! Perhaps it was easily believed that she wouldn't hurt her if that was how it was. Family could not harm one another for they were the bonds that had to bind, "Well alright then, please do come!" she wasn't entirely sure where she was going, but perhaps the other could sway her if there was something needing done. She just wanted to see the world.




5 Years
11-03-2013, 04:00 PM

"It's fine. Please don't do it again," The response brought a small smile to Novella's lips a little amused by it. She certainly didn't plan on doing it again, hadn't even intended upon it the first time around but she gave a nod of her head all the same. "OK, I won't." Of course it was a ridiculous thing to promise given that she had just accidentally made her jump only moments before hand, though she could promise it wasn't something she would ever intentionally do to her niece.

Whilst her words had seemed somewhat confident then, the young girl faltered slightly as Novella requested to come along. That was probably something that would please a parent, hesitance to travel anywhere with a stranger, though the fact she had left the pack lands on her own probably wouldn't be too much of a comfort. An introduction was most certainly required, Novella after all didn't actually know the pup's name though it was clearly evident that Fal'Dara had no idea at all who she was.

The introduction was all that was needed. The younger girl's expression suddenly brightened and her answer swiftly followed. "Well alright then, please do come!" It was a good answer in Novella's mind, glad to have the opportunity to look out for her niece as well as spend some time with her. "Great!" She smiled happily. "So what is your name then?"



Extra small
11-03-2013, 05:26 PM

She had set her sights on new things now that the formalities were out of the way. Regardless of how her day had transpired she had met the goblin girl and had successfully usurped the impending awkwardness to turn her sights to something far more intriguing. This was the path before her and this was the life she was wanting to see. the rolling green grass-oh how happy it made her. Novella gave her the assurance that she would be fine, and it was quite honestly all that Fal'dara needed to display confidence. she, however, did not move with confidence as it was not something that was enamored well by her. She was delicate and would never be a warrior--no she would be the princess that everyone went to war over;that they needed so desperately to protect. Fragile.

It took no more time than she had begun walking that Novella asked her a question...what kind of aunt didn't know her name? Curiosity ebbed at her mind and she waited a moment before letting the words embrace her mother's sister, "Fal'dara," she didn't need to tell her that she belonged to Ludicael or that her last name was destruction because she already knew all that. Though, it was arguable to admit that, perhaps, she should have told her that her favorite color was pink or that her favorite sound was running water. It was all different depending on the creature--and Fal'dara didn't really know any etiquette to supplement the situation. What she had given the other was enough and it would have to last. Though--she did have one question, "What's the prettiest thing in the world?" she wanted desperately to see it.




5 Years
11-06-2013, 04:50 PM

Novella herself had been incredibly eager to explore not all that long ago. She certainly wouldn't suggest that her niece travel as far as she had, in fact just the surrounding areas of Ludicael and back again was more than enough. Selfishly she didn't want to lose her Fal'Dara when she had only just met her though mostly, although Novella too had once argued against it, Fal'Dara simply wasn't old enough to leave just yet. She understood it now at least, though knew full well it was a difficult concept for a pup to grasp.

Perhaps there was no need to worry about Fal'Dara wanting to wander too far away, though Novella had no idea how confident the girl actually was. At that age, she had far more confidence than she ought to have, even now she didn't realise how much her antics and adventures had probably and likely still continued to trouble her parents. Whilst she was beginning to understand the importance of looking after younger wolves, a lesson strangely that was partially taught through caring for her elder brother as well, she probably wouldn't understand everything until the day she had pups of her own, should it ever come along. For now such a thought certainly hadn't crossed her mind though she so far had taken quite the liking to her nieces and nephew.

Of course it seemed rather ridiculous really not to know her niece's name, though Fal'Dara of course hadn't know her aunt's if they wished to delve into a petty argument. Neither had met though, it was in some ways understandable that the introduction was needed, though fortunately it wasn't an issue that arose, the young girl simply answered with her name and they were left to continue with their little adventure.

"What's the prettiest thing in the world?" The question took Novella by surprise. For starters she had never considered what could be the prettiest thing in the world, just eager on exploring rather than actually admiring the beauty it had to offer. Some things certainly had been wonderful sights, but even now found she couldn't think of even an example to answer the question. "I'm not sure." She replied truthfully after a moment. She supposed it depended on the individual to some extent. She had been called pretty before, in fact even by Fal'Dara's sister Lakota and yet she probably wouldn't describe herself with that word. "Shall we see if we can find something pretty now?" To find the prettiest thing in the world would probably take a fair amount of time, for now perhaps something pretty would have to do.