
Charmed, I'm Sure


09-28-2013, 05:45 PM

The Sentinel would lurk along the outskirts of the Kingdom, watching vigilantly to ensure that the borders were not threatened. Gideon had been released and the girl taken in, and Sendoa was certain that Valhalla would want their precious heir back at all costs. She was not a foolish woman. It was only a matter of time before the plains pack stormed their borders - or worse. At times she wondered if Taurig had it right, and that all of this was foolishness - but somehow she couldn't fully adapt to that point of view. Somehow, one way or another, she had been indoctrinated to believe her brother's way of thinking wasn't horrible - just slightly unjustified. An ear twitched as the rustling of fallen leaves broke the silence of her thoughts - bringing her back to reality, to life. The limp in her leg was all but gone now, though the scar on her left armpit would forever remain. Due to her dark steely complexion, it wasn't very noticeable - though anyone could see it if they truly looked.

Tongue swiped across her lips as she curled her head toward the source of the sound, finding it to be a lone hare scampering about looking for food. The poor pitiful creature was no doubt preparing for winter, though it wouldn't have to worry long about that. The Sentinel's bodice sprang into motion, pounding away the mere yards between she and the rabbit until they were no more. With steady jaws she would clamp down on the creature's spine, severing it with one fatal bite. The rabbit went limp and hung from her powerful incisors. With haste she would drop it to the earth and proceed to tear apart the cadaver - intent upon eating at least part of it and then donating the rest to a worthy cause.


Talon I


4 Years
09-29-2013, 09:27 PM

With surprising ease the lanky juvenile would traverse across the vast expanse of territory that was no his home, his bright silver gaze sweeping across the lands before him. One step after another, he awkwardly hopped forth, seeming rather stable for only having three paws. Though his movements seemed strange and foreign to most wolves, he was not as slow as some would assume ... but he would never be a skilled hunter. Instead, he thrived mainly off fish and small rodents. Perhaps more food might put some meat on his bones, but alas he maintained his underfed appearance and size that made him seem far younger than he was.

The faint sound of scampering paws reached his perked ears, accompanied by the faint stench of blood. He knew he ought to be more social -- less shy and unsure of himself. Euphrosyne had told him that. Still, he couldn't help but me reminded painfully of just what leaving his familiar home had done to him last time. His family had abandoned him -- plain and simple. With a nearly inaudible whine, he pushed himself onward, searching for the search of the sound.

It wasn't surprising that he felt immediate regret sink in as soon as he saw the massive black-furred woman. She was beautiful, but terrifying at the same time; his throat tightened and he paused in his steps, as though fearful she might chase him off. Isardis was rather intimidating to him, and this lady was no exception. He'd seen her before, but didn't even know her name. Looking rather pathetic, his tail unconsciously curled between his legs, he crept forward a bit to see what she was doing. A slain rabbit laid at her feet, and she was beginning to tear the meat from its bones. He did not want her kill, would never even dream of suggesting such a thing. Despite the dull ache in his belly. Knowing his presence would not go unnoticed, he crept forward a bit more.

"Hi, ma'am," his small voice came forth hesitant, muzzle dipping to the ground in respect. Talon was submissive, utterly lacking a dominant bone in his body; he would grovel at her feet if she desired. Finding himself content here, with his best friend around, he was unwilling to risk losing his home.

And -- truthfully -- half the wolves here scared the hell out of him, probably with good reason.


10-01-2013, 11:38 AM

The sweet metallic taste of blood was like nothing she could ever imagine, especially since it had been a little while since she'd enjoyed the flavor of it. Fish had been a staple lately, though it was uncertain why she had chosen them over glorious red meat. Still, as she feasted upon the hare she knew that she would not finish it all - she hadn't been that hungry to begin with. His scent awakened her senses as she tilted an ear in the direction of him, not bothering to look up because - in truth - it mattered not who it was. She was highly ranked, and even on the off chance that it was the King or Duchess it was unlikely they would linger long.

His voice split the air identifying him as an unknown male, but a polite one. With a twist of her head she would recoil from her stooped position over the kill and rise to her full and substantial height. Tail flickered behind her in a flash of dominance as she realized that this was a mere boy. A juvenile by Glaciem's classifications - and a gimp one at that. The boy had only three legs, after all. "Hello," she would murmur, amused by his submissive posture and fearful nature. "What is your name, boy?" It was something of a demand, but laced in a more pleasant tone. Curiosity brimmed in her emerald eyes as she watched him.


Talon I


4 Years
10-01-2013, 01:15 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2013, 02:38 PM by Talon I.)

Even without Sendoa standing to her full height, Talon remained ever-so-slightly crouched, tail tucked tightly against his belly. He had been the runt of his litter, and it appeared he had never quite grown out of that. Although he was nearly a year and a half old, his size was very much of a child still. Slowly he turned to face her a bit better, not wanting to seem disrespectful for not looking her in the eye. His movements were jumpy as he hopped to the side, and he looked rather pathetic standing there with his ears flattened against his skull -- albeit adorably so, to some.

As fierce and scary as Isardis was, he expected nothing less from the other high-ranked wolves here. And his judgement was proving to be spot on so far. But she greeted him, and while he remained largely hesitant, his expression brightened tenfold ... to a gentle smile, playing at the corners of his lips. "I'm Talon," he offered gently. He had no family name, but he was mostly glad for this -- it was painful to remember the wolves that no longer wanted him. "I came here with Euphrosyne. I-if you've met her."


10-04-2013, 07:10 PM

To think that her proud, persnickety brother would ever let such a feeble, youthful creature into Glaciem was beyond her, but then again.. a three legged child could certainly do wonders to bolster anyone's pride. That must be it, she assumed as she looked the boy over. There wasn't much else he could be good for, unless he had a knack for hunting or healing. An ear would crinkle as he offered his name, simplistic in nature 'Talon'. She would nod as he went on. He had come with a woman, Euphrosyne. Well, that made more sense. Perhaps Isardis had accepted him as part of a package to get the woman into his harem. Yes, that sounded about right. "I haven't," she would mention because she had indeed never met the woman he spoke of. Was she youthful too? Isardis certainly had a taste for young girls. Her lip curled up slightly at the thought. She wasn't exactly jealous of the attention he gave his personal harlots, she was only irked that so little of it was given to her. Though perhaps it wasn't all his fault. She hadn't exactly been seeking him out daily. "I'm the Sentinel of Glaciem, Sendoa Armada." Last name was uttered with pride, linked directly to the King's - why else would she bother mentioning it? Nose would drop to the kill, no longer interested in it. She nudged it in one swift motion toward him. "Here, eat." That was an order he ought not refuse. "You look like you might blow away if caught by a strong enough wind." A feeble, sickly thing would not bode well for Glaciem's reputation.


Talon I


4 Years
10-05-2013, 06:42 AM

He didn't fit in here, and he was all too aware of this. Isardis had accepted him -- albeit not totally willingly -- but he hadn't been surprised. He was useless, oh so useless, and as the boy grew older he was beginning to realize he would be a subordinate to the wolves here and never and equal. He was broken physically, and emotionally, and he was oh so sensitive for a boy his age. It was obvious even as he stood there, his limbs quivering slightly, hid eyes wide with insecurity and slight apprehension. His tail remained tucked beneath his belly -- a picture of utter submissive.

"I am h-honored to meet you, miss Sendoa," he said honestly, corners of his lips curling into a small but meek smile. The juvenile watched with awe as she nudged her kill towards him, and he would hop awkwardly a few steps closer to is, hesitant as though he were certain she would jump out and bite him if he got too close. "Thank you, so much!" He was grateful, and his grin grew substantially more. He knew he was small, but he'd been mostly subsiding on fish and tiny rodents he managed to catch. He would never be a warrior, nor a hunter -- and he didn't have much interest in healing. He stifled a sigh, not wanting to seem ungrateful, before he began to nibble at what was left of the hare.

A moment of silence followed as he swallowed the meat, eating as though he hadn't in some time. though not wanting to seem too greedily. But he did look up again, eying Sendoa cautiously. "C-can I ask you a question, miss?"


10-08-2013, 09:43 PM

She watched as he awkwardly hopped toward the kill, tentatively looking it over as if this were some sort of trick. Ah, that would be amusing, wouldn't it. But alas, there was no trickery involved, she merely wanted the child to eat before he quite literally blew away. He thanked her respectfully and began to nibble on the kill. Sendoa watched idly, hoping it might add some much-needed fat to his girth. "You're welcome," she would respond without much sentiment. It was nothing, really, she'd merely offered him her scraps. He then asked if he could ask her something, to which she would nod and respond. "Go ahead," she prompted him. There was nothing wrong with asking a question, though that didn't mean she would give him an answer - or an honest one at that. Curiously she wondered what he might ask, allowing her chin to fall upon her front paws - still stained with crimson after her kill and subsequent meal. Ah, did she love the taste and appearance of blood - it was arousing and intoxicating.


Talon I


4 Years
10-10-2013, 09:39 AM

He was rightfully intimidated, and it was very obvious he felt this way judging by how thankful he was for the small bit of food. Nervously he gnawed at the bones of the hare, stripping them of the little meat that remained. Talon also knew he was rather small -- even despite his increased effort at hunting, which mostly just included small rodents and fish.

A short moment of silence followed as he licked his lips, considering how he would phrase his thoughts. Though a bit scary, Sendoa seemed to be decent enough... anyone who offered him food couldn't that bad, right? "I-I've just been thinking," he started, his voice quivering slightly as he sought to remain calm and collected rather than pathetic and weak. "About what I could do to help out in the pack. To.. impress Isardis." The male was even more intimidating then Sendoa, and he was beginning to wonder if he wouldn't be welcome in Glaciem for long if he was useless. "I was thinking I could be a good spy..." It sounded a bit silly, and immediately he regretted bringing it up; but who would expect the small, gimpy boy to up to no good? He'd heard rumors of a conflict with another pack, but hadn't caught on to the specifics. "Or.. help with newborn children.." Or both? There seemed to be many pregnant women these days, and though he didn't know much about healing or fighting, or even hunting, he was compassionate and tender and could certainly care for young ones with some basic knowledge of herbs.


10-16-2013, 09:34 PM

She watched him with mild amusement, intrigued that he seemed so grateful for a mere scrap of food. It was nothing to her, so much so that she'd given it to a stranger. And yet it seemed he thought it to be a great feast - something to be treasured. She supposed that had something to do with his size, but she imagined it was a testament to his feelings toward her. This was good, he was intimidated. Intimidation meant fear and respect - two things she strove for as a Sentinel. The boy spoke what his question - starting off with a stuttering phrase. It seemed he wanted to impress Isardis, a lofty goal indeed. She herself didn't know how she managed to go about it, it just.. happened.

He mentioned he might be a good spy. Certainly a child such as he had an innocent enough appearance. Perhaps spying was not beyond his reach. Though his next idea seemed to hit a bit closer to the mark. Children. Isardis had impregnated more women than she could count lately - and though it sickened her - she knew that he would need good wolves to watch them. Talon looked hardly strong enough to harm even a child, and so she had faith that he would be a suitable caretaker. "Isardis has had a rather... fertile few seasons lately. I'm sure he would not turn down anyone willing to help care for his spawn." Yes, she would refer to them as spawn. And though they were all nieces and nephews of hers she would not yet view them as such - not until they proved of some worth to her personally. "Remember this, Talon. Few know what impresses Isardis, but I will be the first to tell you that he rewards loyalty and effort." These two things built affection deep within the King's heart, even if he didn't want to admit it.


Talon I


4 Years
10-21-2013, 05:22 AM

Talon knew how small he was here. He was grateful for being welcomed in the pack, knowing how utterly useless he was -- or so he felt. Part of him had known Isardis had let him join just to satiate Euphrosyne's needs, but thinking of it like that made his heart clench painfully in his chest. He'd been abandoned by his parents, his siblings ... he didn't expect anyone to stick around, but when they did, he was oh so grateful.

Sendoa agreed that he might make a good caretaker for children. A slight smile turned the corners of his lips, a pleased but still hesitant expression crossing his lips. "I should talk to him then, yes?" the lanky boy suggested, smile growing as she spoke more. She told him that loyalty and effort would be rewarded. He could offer both of those things! If it made the leader of Glaciem like him, he would strive constantly to please him. "Thank you, miss," he thanked her, truly grateful; his tail wagged gently behind him as he moved to gnaw gently on what remained of the rabbit again. "I like it here, you know. It's better than being alone." His admission came suddenly as he peered up at her, thoughtful, yet still a bit guarded, as though unsure if she would continue being pleasant with him.