
maybe we should make a movie



5 Years
10-11-2014, 07:01 PM

She had a pack to reside in, finally. Katja was in her rightful place, as queen of her own pack and ruling over those who had decided to accept her as their queen. A smart decision, for they would be the rulers of this land in no time at all. It would be glorious, their mighty reign over this heathen realm. Here, in the moonlight caressed estuary, it was lovely. With the sickle shaped lunar face high in the sky, a few clouds scuttling over the navy expanse overhead, it simply made the stars that much brighter. She was briefly reminded of a night similar to this, with a lover made of the sunset who took her in the field of ash. The night had been a little like this, though the moon was full and hanging high in the midnight sky. Her breath had left her in the faintest trickle of mist that night, it had been deliciously cool. The birds chirped idly, conveying news between one another as she meandered silently through the lovely scenery. The viking princess was not one to frequent places simply to admire the flora and the fauna, but some nights she found herself restless and seeking a beauty such as this. She skirted about some marsh grasses, their gentle fingers caressing her flanks fondly.
Massive paws plunged into the cooling water of the estuary, mud beneath the surface sliding between her toes with each step. However, it was silent and peaceful here. Quite nice indeed. A shadowed shape came into view, a tree standing guard over a small spit of land in the midst of all this swampland. How nice. She made her way toward, pace still not going anywhere above a wander. Her breath escaped her mocha hued nostrils in thick billows of mist, shrouding the broad planes of her face from sight. Here, there was a definite bite to the air as she strode through the water. It was refreshing, it assured her that she wouldn't have to worry about falling asleep on her feet sometime soon. Steel chords of muscle pulled her banded forelimbs forward, up onto the edge of the tiny island. The rest of her hulking form was neatly pulled onto the grassy island, and she let out a long breath. There was a pleasant view of the estuary here, and she felt like it might be nice to sit and stay a while. Haunches fell to the terra, graceful and quiet. With the same fluid ease, her elbows bent and deposited her forelimbs onto the cool grass underfoot.
Cornflower blue optics scanned over the landscape she could see, wondering if she might find someone to join her this night. For once, she wasn't feeling bitter, anxious. Relaxation oozed from her pores, and she was enjoying her night away from Yfir so far. But it could always go wrong, she had no illusions about that. A slow blink of her lids pressed her long lashes against her cheekbones, and they settled for remaining half open while she observed the nighttime movements of the world around her.

Thanks to Chrono for making this sexier than Captain America art for me!


10-11-2014, 07:25 PM


Ever since he found this place a while back it had become one of his favorite haunts. However, this was the first time he had been here late at night and not already asleep so the silence surprised him. Of course the birds had to sleep at some point, he figured, but compared to how loud they were during the day it was almost unsettling how quiet it was. His huge paws carried him toward the willow tree in the center of marsh, the shallow water swirling around his golden feet. He wasn't in any hurry nor had any particular interest in keeping his presence secret so he moved along at a casual, relaxed pace, letting the water swish and bubble gently around his. He thought he might be alone as usual, but the closer he got to the willow the sooner he caught the strong scent of a stranger that had beat him to his favorite spot. His eyes, glowing vibrant green in the moonlight, searched the shore of the small island of sorts till they finally found the form of a fea in the distance.

A small grin touched his muzzle. He hadn't been expecting company, but he certainly wouldn't turn it down. Turning his path slightly, he moved toward her while he took in her brightly colored form, noting that she wasn't terribly far from his own size which was something to be said when compared to his massive form. It was a nice change of pace considering he usually dwarfed anyone he met. "Well, hello," he called as he got closer, a charming smile stretching across muzzle. He pulled himself up onto the shore, shaking off each of his paws before padding closer and coming to a halt a few feet away. "Would you mind if I bothered you for a little company? I've found that cold nights like this are much better with someone to share them with."



5 Years
10-11-2014, 09:52 PM

The form of a titan made itself known, a massive male that bore similar colouring to her own. Save for the intriguing play of slate blue upon his flanks and back. He greeted her smoothly, the timbre of his voice and the tinge of his scent telling her that he was not quite mature yet, and would not be as much fun as he could one day be. "Good evening, darling." She purred, the timbre of her voice a muted chorus of thunder as she spoke. Powerful neck muscles would twitch, great crown dipping in a polite nod of greeting to the male. She would have to keep an eye out for him in the future. He had promise as more than an able bodied warrior. He stepped onto the island, shaking out each paw individually before he came any closer. How considerate of him. Her cerulean gaze followed his movements, assessed what kind of a threat he might be. She wasn't in the mood to deal with a young lad itching for a fight, though any other time it would only prove to be a form of entertainment for her.
He was quite a gentleman, it appeared. He inquired as to whether or not she would mind company, all for her own comfort with the situation as it seemed. How kind of him. She smiled, the faintest amused chuckle trailing from her onyx lips. "Not at all, ashen prince." She hummed, lifting one massive paw to gesture to the spot beside her. Some company might be nice, even if from just a youth such as this. "It is a beautiful night tonight, don't you think?" Rumbling lyrics would inquire softly, one brow raising as she directed a curious look toward the boy. It was simply idle conversation, but she didn't really need to say anything else, did she?



10-11-2014, 10:41 PM


He might be young, but much like his sister he was already quite in touch with his more mature side. The nearly two-year old already had his eye out for beautiful women such as this lovely lady he had found near the willow he often called home. A pleased smile found its way onto his face as she accepted his request. He settled onto his stomach beside her, crossing his forepaws neatly in front of him. "Quite beautiful," he replied, a small smirk playing on his lips as he added, "Not as beautiful as yourself, of course." Her golden coat glowed in the moonlight much like his own, but her blue gaze stood out against her main color in a way he was sure his green gaze couldn't. She also had a striking marking around her left eye, catching his attention and keeping his gaze on hers.

A bird song made his ear twitch and he glanced away breifly to gaze out into the surrounding trees to listen before looking back at the golden girl. "The bird songs are beautiful during the day. They're one of the reasons I come out here so often." He paused with a smile when he realized he hadn't introduced himself. "Oh, how rude of me. Sitting here babbling without introducing myself. I'm Niketas. It's nice to meet you."



5 Years
10-13-2014, 12:58 PM

The male settled himself beside her, close enough that she could feel the heat of his body. For once, that was quite possibly all she would be knowing of this male and his body. The dainty gesture of crossing his forepaws was something she was not used to, neither was it something she might expect from a brute such as this. However, there was no point in making any comments on the ladylike movement. His vocals met the air again, a comment made on the dark beauty of the night they were observing. She smirked at his next words, the broad planes of her face played upon by the wry twist of her lips. "How sweet." She purred, the smirk becoming a grin as she let out a quiet chuckle. In the darkness, the rumbling sound of mirth could be mistaken for distant thunder. The birds agreed so briefly, on a melody to sing, and it rang out through the crisp night for just a few moments. The ashen prince went on to talk about the harmonies of the birds drawing him here during the day, and how lovely they were.
His introduction came smoothly, he must not have known she had no need for names. She never did, for while they were nice at times, they weren't always necessary. Nevertheless, her great head would dip politely to the male, her grin ever present. "A pleasure, Niketas." She hummed, gaze falling upon his features. "I am Sigyn, of the pack Yfir." She purred, her own vocals quiet and lilting. She took great pride in her status in said pack, and rather enjoyed announcing that her queen was the lovely Katja. Absently, tail tip would flick, banded forelimbs adjusting themselves so they were comfortably splayed apart, if a little haphazardly so. "So, ashen prince, what brings you out here on such a lovely night?" She inquired, raising a brow in his direction. It was not a night for listening to songbirds, so there must be another reason, right?
