
I thought of angels choking on their halos



10-11-2014, 04:25 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2014, 04:25 PM by Sevan.)

The female's chocolate brown paws carried her across, to a land she had never seen, her head tilting as she sighed. What the hell had been released here while she was gone, and, as much as she hated to ask it, was her sister, Meinx, okay? Her fur bristling at the thought of something, she turned her head. Her blue eyes caught a small animal following her, a coyote pup. She growled at it, and it pulled away from her, but didn't move away from her, staying there until she moved away. The creature could not swim, and Sevan smirked as she realized that the creature wouldn't bother her until she got off the island, if she ever did. The female moved into the water, the stuff pulling at her paws. She paused for a moment, plunging into the water, her massive paws carrying her over to the island after a few moments of struggling. Her wet body pulled itself onto the island, and Sevan looked back once. Her blue eyes seemed to glow through the mist already settling around her. Then, without another moment, she was swallowed by the mist.


10-11-2014, 05:24 PM

There wasn't much to do in his life anymore. Sure, being a hunter that almost everyone admired did sound like something to be proud of, but even a skilled hunter has his days. With Titania always running off to explore her imagination or meet up with her friends, the brute felt like he needed some alone time. In fact, his cousin was probably with Caeto right now, enjoying herself with all the spunk and excitement. The man was best to enjoy his freedom too.

He hadn't known how long he had travelled for...or even how far. It was a long bank of shimmering pure sand that caught his attention. This had not been here before. For now he would let his paws take him along the sandbank, walking for about a mile until he had reached a land that he certainly had not be expecting. He had found himself far from home, in another continent. He wasn't going to waste this opportunity. He might as well spend the next month exploring this new continent. He didn't care.

Shallow waters lapped against his night black paws, and the large male would turn his head to the ocean. Cyan eyes could see clouds of delicate and heavy mist not far out from land. An island, perhaps? Was it worth having a looking at?

The massive creature would plunge into the waters, his legs and paws padding him to the island. It was a short distance away, and he soon pulled himself onto the shore. Many scents of death and fear entwined with his, wrapping his body in fog and mist. There was another faint smell and it was the scent of another. He would follow this scent before the mist tore it away.

He carried himself inland, his optics squinting to see through the white air. There were strange abandoned structures, built by what he assumed was an advanced race. Amongst the buildings and fog his eyes would lay upon a bold brown wolf, simply wandering in this lost empire.

"And what might you be doing here?" A deep and powerful masculine voice would inquire as he silently approached the other soul. The brute hold a dominant and muscular stance with the lifeless eerie winds ruffling his fur. His tone was sharp and cold, like that of a snake's.




10-12-2014, 01:53 PM
{I'm so sorry for such a long post.}

The female's blue eyes narrowed as she flopped on the soft sand, closing her eyes, for a moment. With her siblings gone somewhere, and her father losing his mind over Virgil, Sevan didn't have much to do just yet. There was not anything she could do, because some male had probably became pissed off and challenged her father to a death match already. As she glanced at the buildings, she hesitated, her mercury and blue gaze narrowing as she expected some monster to lunge out. Sevan shook away the thought; she wasn't a pup anymore. Monsters didn't exist. Well, not the monsters pups thought of, anyways. It was silent here, and peaceful. That was fine, because no packs would ever know of this place. They wouldn't bother her about staying here, and the pack she decided to join could be told of this place.

Sevan had almost fallen asleep when a voice interrupted her, a deep, cold voice. Her chocolate and light brown head whipped around, her eyes meeting that of a male's, a black wolf with cyan eyes. For a moment, Sevan had to to think about a clever response to him. She hadn't used a clever response to a male in so long; finally, with a small smile, Sevan got to her paws, her stripe-resembling fur relaxing as she walked around the male in a circle. "Now, is that any way to treat a lady who just wanted some time to herself?" Her fake voice, although soft and charming, held a bit of sarcasm, hinting at her true nature. She walked around him again, attempting to brush her tail against his chin, before finally sitting down. She sighed and tilted her head, using her actual voice.

"Fine. If you must know what I'm doing all the way out here, I wanted to see what had happened. I only came back today, and this place looks like hell. I wanted to be alone. But I guess that's not going to happen, is it?" She hesitated, her eyes narrowing again, and she paused, her voice a low grumble, one side of her jaw tilting upwards in a smile. "But since I, may I ask what you're doing out here? It seems that you didn't expect, or want, me to be here."

It was best that this male know the almost innocent, weak, fake side of her, not the warrior that she could prove herself to be. After all, not all males loved the fact that a female could beat him in a fight, simply because of the fact that she would refuse to give up. The scars of many battles decorated her while she had been gone, the bite of a fox over one eye, and the smallest rip in one ear, and of course many other scars, all hidden, like the bite mark. She tilted her head again, her blue gaze narrowed, attempting to lock in the best way to win the fight, if this came to blows. Maybe, just maybe, a swift, heavy bite or strike to the leg would bring him down If that happened, then a bite to the snout may help things, if she managed to dig her fangs deep enough to scar. Then that male would always remember the day he was beat by a female, one that seemed so innocent. Shaking away the thoughts again, because there was no fight yet, Sevan waited for the male to answer, hoping he wouldn't ask her name before he told his.

With a low, almost irritated, growl, Sevan turned her gaze to where the coyote pup was waiting, the creature's gaze wide as Sevan bared her fangs. That did it, the pup running with its tail between its legs, probably living to try and follow her again. If it tried to follow her like she was its mother, she would kill it. Unless she couldn't......Something inside her wanted to raise it. She turned her head back to the male.


10-13-2014, 03:18 AM

She seemed like a dainty girl at first, speaking and lecturing him with that posh ladylike voice he couldn't stand. Yup, he didn't know how to treat women, he couldn't even handle his own sister. She walked around him, an exotic chocolate tail brushing under his chin. His eyes would roll. That's just what he needed right now, women thinking they were manipulating a man into their grasp.

But she sat down like any ordinary girl would do, with a normal voice. She had explained why she was here and she had planned the day for herself. With a smile she would soon ask what he was doing in this soulless place. Her finishing statement caught his silent attention. He didn't expect or want company? Perhaps that could be re-worded. He just didn't expect to find anyone in such an area. The man did not mind being around this lady and in fact his presence did not seem to be unwanted. Though if the damsel grew bored of him, he could simply leave the island and find other lands to walk upon.

"I was just taking a break from my usual routine, as any loner would. I didn't expect to find another continent along my travels." Rich and intense words would flow from his throat, replying to the woman's question. He lifted his broad shoulders in a shrug before sitting down beside her.

The hunter had not noticed the coyote pup not far from the woman, but she seemed to be occupied with it. He would examine the creature with heartless eyes, showing no compassion for the young child. She let a growl, her fangs bared and it left the pup whimpering and scampering away. It was a weak and pathetic thing, just like the mother who raised it. He would soon turn his attention to the female, his orbs meeting her ice blue stare.
