
this is my home


09-25-2013, 08:27 PM

The russet demon had slipped away from the pack meeting after the battle, after greeting her niece, not enjoying the gathering of unfamiliar wolves in her home. The pale angel who had come to fight the new alpha had been intriguing and if not for Vi's decision to remain with these lands until she died she might have followed him. But instead she had watched and then departed without a word, deciding that maybe a one on one meeting might be for the best... She had left for a few days, returning to the den she had shared with her brother when they had fist come to these lands and slithering into its depths. The pungent herbs he had hung from the ceiling of roots were enough to mask her scent unless someone knew where to find her or was actively seeking her out. Blood red fur wasn't exactly unnoticeable in the darkness... Especially as the sun began to set even in the depths of her den her pelt seemed to gather up the sunshine and illuminate the darkness around her. Sometimes she wished she had taken more after the goddess with her jet black pelt. More like Kylar, the black male only had a few silver markings. Though her pelt did have it's other uses...

The sun was slipping slowly beneath the horizon of the mountainside, the high altitude of her home causing the sunsets to come early and for dusk to last longer. It was beautiful here, despite her hatred of the thin air and trek up the mountain she did love this place and had considered it her home for a long time. No matter the ruler she had stuck around, through Nnoitra, Kaien, Desdemona, Newt, Morphine.... So many had come and gone that it seemed nothing except for the mountain was set in stone here. So she had remained for the land, for her family. Kylar had long since left after Secret's death, Vixe off to Glaciem, Rune was almost as loyal as her to their home but she knew he had his own path to walk and she understood that. Maia she had seen briefly at the pack meeting but what the young woman was up to Vi had no idea. It was her life, Vi felt responsible for her due to blood ties but beyond that she found the child too much like her mother to be anything but a problem. Not that she would ever say that out loud to her...

She would let things settle in the pack, letting a few days slip by until there was more activity, new wolves and every so often she scented the male who had claimed these lands at the boarders. Red demoness waited until the light was just a smear against the horizon before slipping out of the dark hole she had confined herself to. Her pelt smelt strongly of sweet grass, sage, cedar and tobacco as they were the four herbs that no matter what Kylar had always had. He always said that they healed the mind rather then the body. Whether it was true or not she didn't know but the scents had always been comforting, a deep earthy musk that she actually didn't mind carrying with her. Dirt though was a different story. She shook herself, trying to get the dust and dirt from her pelt as best as she could but found that the right side of her body was flatter and dirtier as that was the side she had been sleeping on most of the time.

She could be nothing less then perfect before she would allow another wolf to see her.

It was an hour before she had groomed herself to the point where red and white pelt was pristine, sleek and laying against her body in the same way on both sides. Golden orbs would study herself before she stood, shoulders rolling before she set off towards the boarder, head lowering as eyes darted to and fro to make sure her passage went unnoticed. She didn't want her den discovered so she made her way towards the edge of the mountain and then circled back towards the centre where it seemed everyone called their pack meetings. She had her little plan in mind with various options of how to achieve it but one way or another she would achieve it. Slender crown would tip back as she approached the meeting area, a solemn howl echoing forth and calling for the new king. The man who dared call her home his lands would have some explaining to do. And for that reason she wouldn't sit, no she would stand like the queen she knew she was. Tail was lowered, parallel to her back half in a show of dominance and half to balance herself should this come to a fight. Her though was lifted, chin tipped down so golden eyes could watch him approach and her chin could cover her throat. Paws were slightly splayed for balance but still she stood to show the curve of her body. This wasn't her first time playing this game...



5 Years
Extra large
09-27-2013, 03:40 AM

It had been a few days since the maiming from the Ice King. Since then he had gathered a few new members and from what he could tell they were settling in nicely, something of which he was glad. The newest had been spared to horror of watching their king willingly get mauled, but the scars that he now bore told the story that he wasn't always keen on retelling. The punctures to the bridge of his muzzle had begun to heal, the broken skin crusting over and slowly turning a light shade of pink as it began to knit itself together. Unfortunately his nose and ear were a different story. The velvety skin of his nose would never heal properly, the marks of Isardis' fangs permanently etched into the ebony flesh. The base of his left ear was gone forever, the remaining skin beginning to knit around the edges of the crusted, jagged wound. He didn't mind his new scars. He would wear them with pride. He had done the right thing in the end, even if it had cost him some of his hide. One day Isardis would realize his mistake...or maybe he wouldn't and he would continue to be the idiotic bastard that he'd always been. There was always wishful thinking.

The cobalt King would lie atop his perch, ebony forepaws dangling over the edge of the rock, icy gaze intent on the darkening sky. Tortuga was quiet, peaceful, that is, until the summoning howl of an intruder emerged from the heart of his kingdom. How could a rogue get past his borders? Immediately the titan would rise to his paws, descending the ledge without hesitation, powerful limbs pulling his towards the caller, hackles bristling with unease. Whoever this way had a nerve to cross into his territory and then summon him. Icy gaze would fall across the lithe russet figure of a woman he had never seen before, immediately noticing her slight fighting stance. Clearly she wasn't here just for a friendly chat. The scarred King would approach her, plume curled high over his haunches in a clear display of dominance. He wasn't usually one to enforce his status, but when someone showed up in his kingdom looking like they were ready to pick a fight, he wasn't about to be the spitting image of politeness that was typical for him.

The titan would come to a halt a good distance away, hackles bristling, his good ear folding back against his skull, muscles tensed beneath his cobalt hide. Trespassing isn't a good way to introduce yourself. Lyrics would be a low, warning rumble, alerting the woman that if it was a fight she was here for, then perhaps it was one she would get, if he saw it fit. Taurig was a warrior, but that didn't mean that he enjoyed fighting, though he wasn't opposed to it either if he saw it necessary. This woman was an intruder as far as he was concerned and if she was here to cause trouble, then he would be more than happy to escort her out with his fangs.

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09-27-2013, 08:37 PM

There were very few things that she would ever wait for and this really wasn't one of them, yet she stood there for what seemed like ages doing what she hated most. Vi had never been known for her patience, she could feign it when needed but she hated life when she had to. She could feel the impatience rising, though the wait was really not long at all, causing a waves and nerves and irritation to crash over her. Muscles began to tense and release almost methodically, tail flicking in the agitated manor of a cat at her heels. In her mind the time between her howl and the kings approach stretched for hours when in fact it was only minutes before he arrives. Eccentricities ceased upon the slightest sound of movement, ears tipping forwards and flitting to face the direction of his approach in an almost curious manor. He was a big man, almost as big as her brother but not quite, who looked like he had seen his fair share of battles. Though from the scene she had witnessed at the claiming of her home he hadn't really seemed like he had known what he was doing... She wouldn't judge him for that though, not quite yet. Can't let one little fight sway her opinion of him completely. Though those scars... Her eyes would sweep over them in passing. God, she would have rather died then to be scarred like that but hey, he could pull it off.

He was ready for a fight, hackles up in an attempt to intimidate her and make himself look bigger though hers remained smoothed to her spine. Really, she didn't want to muss her fur all for show so she wouldn't. Instead she remained relatively calm considering her current state of mind, eyes on the male but slightly averted to show she wasn't being completely aggressive. His words though, made her smile, a slight chuckle rolling up her throat. "Funny I've been saying that for years ever since the first time Tortuga changed paws..." Her words were soft, half spoken to herself before she cleared her throat and smiled a little less evilly at the male. Her head tipped and she allowed her gaze to travel up and down his frame before she would speak again. "Dear I'm not here to fight. My name is Viridiana, or Vi for short. Former beta of Tortuga. I have some questions and possibly some requests if you would care to indulge me...?" It was a question but the female was impatient and didn't wait for his response, instead motioning with a paw to the lands. "This is my home. Two, almost three years I've been a part of this pack... I've been here almost since the founding, through the eruption and the move and then have remained through ever single leader.... And I've been loyal to every one except one particular female..." She tipped her head at this and frowned. That was pretty good odds if she did say so herself....

Her attention was turned back to the male and slowly she sat, ready to leap back up if he happened to even twitch a muscle. "But I suppose I shouldn't bore the new king with my story... Just a question then. What are your plans with this pack?" She had more questions, more answers that she wanted but this was the biggest. If he wanted something similar to what Desdemona wanted then they might have issues, they might have a fight in the future though she had a feeling that he would be fighting Rune rather then herself. But those little back alley plans could be kept to herself for now. For now she would wait for his answer, sitting a bit awkwardly with her hips switched to one side to heels of her hind legs were pressed firmly against the ground. Front paws remained splayed so she could lift herself as quickly as possible from a seated position should he decide to attack. But in all honesty she had no desire to fight him, no desire to hurt this man at this current point in time in a battle she could possibly end up being scarred in...



5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 01:18 AM

The king had no intention of fighting. It had just been a couple of days since he had started healing from the wounds inflicted by the Ice King and he wasn't looking forward to getting anymore decorations across his cobalt pelt, but if this russet woman was here to cause him and his members trouble, then she would regret ever summoning him.

It seemed that his words amused her, a smile tracing her ruby lips as a chuckle would roll up her throat to bubble from her lips along with her words. Funny I've been saying that for years ever since the first time Tortuga changed paws... What game was she trying to play with him? He was aware that Tortuga had had past rulers. Newt, the most recent one, was here as his beta, so if she was here to chide him about his pack then she was a bit too late and if that was all that she was here for, then she could leave right then and there. He wouldn't have his time wasted. But she wasn't done. Not by a long shot it seemed. Her head would tip and her golden gaze would travel across the length of his body before she spoke again, introducing herself as Viridiana, or Vi for short, claiming herself to have been Tortuga's beta once upon a time. He didn't doubt her. She had probably been the Beta at some point in time, but clearly that time was over since he was in charge now. She had some questions she wanted to throw at him as well as some requests, but before he could even have the chance to deny her, she would continue on.

This is my home. Two, almost three years I've been a part of this pack... I've been here almost since the founding, through the eruption and the move and then have remained through ever single leader.... And I've been loyal to every one except one particular female...But I suppose I shouldn't bore the new king with my story... Just a question then. What are your plans with this pack? This was her home, she'd been here since the beginning. She was extremely loyal. But that didn't mean that she could be trusted. She wanted to know what his plans were for Tortuga. Why? Was she interested in joining? Build it back up, turn it into a thriving pack and one of the most respected ones in Alacritis. Would his wary answered, his hackles having slightly flatten against his spine, though his frame remained rather rigid, not trusting of the red woman, even though she'd stated that she wasn't here to fight.

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