
songs for the deaf


09-24-2013, 06:53 PM

Cold, cold, cold. ?Oh poopy doopy!? the heathen screeched. He?d gotten stuck out in this darned cold stuff again. He let out a soft, whistling cry of distress as he waddled through the snow. The cold had leaked through his patchy pelt, and it was most displeasing. Wide blue eyes furiously search the choked and pale landscape, watching as tiny flakes of snow drifted this way and that in an endless dance. At first, it was always fun. He could jump in it, and dig in it, and it was so soft and fluffy. But then he would realize that he was beginning to get wet, and that it was just too chilly. And then the wet would make him even more cold, and he would evacuate the area to try and find warmer ground. Often he got stuck in the white wasteland.

Another screech of displeasure rang from his parting jaws ? an unidentifiable noise unless one saw the culprit. He trudged a little while longer, with his short twig legs thrusting through the snow, until he spotted something new. A shape in the distance, not far away. Something interesting. The imp?s haunted stare lit up, and he paused, perking for a moment while white specks fluttered down to pepper his ebony back. And then he jolted forward, hurrying towards the metal goliath. When he neared it, he had to pause again, tipping his masked skull back to glance over the whole of it. It towered over him, casting a dim shadow beneath the midday sun that stretched forward and enveloped the little hellion. It was huge. Was it a beast? It didn?t smell quite alive. He wanted to investigate more. Proceeding, the wolf would begin to skirt around it in attempt to find a way in.



09-24-2013, 07:17 PM

She stared out the odd hole in the wall. The hole was covered by clear material, it was not ice. It was odd. Human. She stared out the window in content. Her body hummed with joy, she just mated with Ozz, or as far as mating could go between two females. It was glorious in every way. She missed the girly that was suppose to be by her side and the little demon that captured her mind. Yellow orbs swept across the blanket of pristine snow when she was a horrible intruder coming her way. It stopped before its paws carried it closer, and faster. The daemon let forth a rippling growl as she moved from her perch and exited the main room on top of the deck. The cream paws carried the mahogany behemoth down the deck and her pads met the cold now that covered the ice. She saw it approach and the scent was male. Oh, so now a male makes his way to her? She tilted her head and grunted in his direction. "Who is it that visits the daemon of the north?" Her words slithered from her mouth in a dark manner as she eyed the male.


Table by Pann, Image by Jolee


09-24-2013, 07:38 PM

He heard the growl first, and was surprised. The creature jumped a little, halting to stand with his tail erect and his head cocked to the side, his tattered left ear attempting to stretch as tall as the right one could. He stared with wide and empty eyes towards the metal giant. Had it just growled? He felt slightly alarmed at first, and then more excited. The imp?s tail wagged slightly, mischievously pleased. He stepped forward a pace, the snow crunching satisfyingly underfoot. And then suddenly there was another wolf, or something like that. The little monster jumped again slightly, perking once more curiously. He grinned broadly when he observed the skull. Was it her real face? Was she a real wolf? How cool! He felt that he?d rather chew on it, or give it a name instead. It looked like a Jimmy to him? He cocked his head when she spoke. Her voice was ominous, but he was oblivious. The demon of the north? The fiend glanced towards the hulking metal construct. ?This is the demon of the north?? he piped, mildly excited as he jutted his nose in its direction. How cool! It had a name! ?Is it alive?? It didn?t seem to be breathing, but maybe it was alive anyways. Or maybe it just had a name.



09-24-2013, 08:15 PM

She watched the creature as his body came into view. He was quick and erratic. His raven fur was battered and marred to hell like hers. She instantly enjoyed this man. Her head tilted as he spoke. His nose pointed to the construct before he looked back to her. She laughed gently and decided to go along with the boy. "Yes, and it is my home." She smirked and looked back to him. Her yellow orbs were full of excitment and darkness. Her body ached for fun. Though, another question was let forth and she laughed again. "No, not that I know of. I have lived within its depths for a very long time now and it has never shown signs of life. Wanna look?" She invited the man inside her home. Her skulled frame was harsh, yet inviting. She looked horribly evil, though he did saw well. The woman let a tongue slither across her cold lips quickly.


Table by Pann, Image by Jolee


09-24-2013, 09:45 PM

His muzzle tipped up and down a few times as he ran his ghostly stare all along the hull of the thing. It was so big! The imp looked back towards the skull donning wolf to drink in her explanation. So it was! He liked that, though it was a bit of a mouthful. Leaning ears swiveled excitedly as she told how she lived in it, and invited him in. ?Oh yes, yes! Caesar would love to look. Does the demon have food in it?? he squeaked, his eyes lighting as a messy and broad grin plastered itself to his face, flashing crooked teeth. His tail swished behind him furiously, and he bent his front downward a little in a faintly childish way, excited. ?Does it have intestines? Does Skull Lady live in the intestines?? Any beast surely had intestines. If this one had any, they were certainly big, and the fiend felt that that would be an ideal place to live if you had to live in a giant creature. He couldn?t wait to see.



09-28-2013, 01:00 PM

They padded up the iron behemoth. They were to much alike. They bodys were tattered and used. Their minds were odd and scattered. She loved this man because he was like her. They walked in a suo up the deck of the human made creature. He asked a question. Did she have food? She had some leftover Deer thigh from yesterday. She nodded and let forth dark vocals, "Yes, yes it does. Would you like some?" Just a few feet away from the main den (the steering room on the top of the deck.) It was covered in dried blood. Bones were everywhere including Wolf bones. Skins covered he floor, which was Ozz's doing. In the very center was a pile of Wolf fur and black wool where she slept. A thigh of Deer was in the very right corner. Though, he asked her another lovely question. She replied with a sick smile, "It has caverns within it, like intestines. I plan on building a Kingdom out of this beast." She laughed before entering the main den. She pointed with her nose at the meat within the corner. "There is some meat, feast my darling." She did not mind sharing with a man of such oddity.


Table by Pann, Image by Jolee